Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

you people are going to be sooooooo disapointed.

you have smeared partisan shit all over yourselves and the smell is about to hit the electorate
After investigation it was determined that there was no leak at all in the Plame matter. More, Plame at that time wasn't even entitled to confidentiality.

This is somewhat different. After all, hundreds of people died over obama's plan to disarm Americans. Is obama courting the latino vote? Like these hundreds of people who were murdered by obama's actions didn't have any friends or relatives or even anyone that cared that obama killed them?

obama counters by demanding a list of GOP donors.

holder should immediately be charged with perjury. Right now.

How many time you going to float that lie?

The Bush White House leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame after her husband, Joe Wilson, published a damaging 2003 New York Times op-ed questioning what President Bush had said about Saddam Hussein's supposed quest for weapons of mass destruction.

An investigation, conducted by Fitzgerald, found that along with Armitage two high-level administration officials had leaked the information: Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby subsequently was convicted and sentenced to prison for crimes related to the leak and subsequent cover-up. Bush later commuted Libby's sentence so he never spent any time in prison.

The investigation clearly showed that Plame was a covert operative whose cover was blown by senior Bush administration officials and the leak compromised national security.

According to Fitzgerald, after Wilson criticized President Bush's assertions about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, the White House engaged in a "concerted action" to "discredit, punish, or seek revenge against" Wilson. Libby leaked Plame's identity to a reporter as did Rove.

Fitzgerald also determined that Plame's status as a CIA official was classified. Furthermore, news reports have indicated that the CIA believed the damage caused by the leak "was serious enough to warrant an investigation" and that the subsequent disclosure of Plame's CIA front company likely put other agents' work at risk. And Fitzgerald stated that Plame's identity had been protected by the CIA "not just for the officer, but for the nation's security."

Oh how quickly leftists invoke Bush.

Deflect, blame, insult, wash, rinse, repeat.

Stay focused. Thousands of assault weapons were given to Mexican drug cartels that were used to murder civilians and at least one Border Patrol Agent. Not one person has been held responsible.

Under oath Holder as lied, or at least retracted, his statements six times and has refused to release documents that would reveal who the hell authorized this criminal operation.

Someone is going to be held responsible, and no it is not going to be Dubya.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSYHCB3hYrw]Issa to AG Holder: Who Is Responsible for Operation Fast & Furious? - YouTube[/ame]
Should be interesting watching how Liberal Media Outlets like CNN,NBC,NY Times, and NPR spin this one. Somehow i think DA BOOOOOOOOSH will make its way into their defense. What do you think?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SanZtWi5POk&feature=relmfu]Rep. Poe to Holder: How Many Mexican People Have Been Killed From Fast & Furious Gun Trafficking? - YouTube[/ame]
I feel vindicated today. From the very beginning Fast and Furious and the excuse that was given didn't make sense and seemed bizarre.

Why would the ATF force gun store along the border to sell thousands of assault weapons to known criminals and then have absolutely zero way of tracking them?

What was the ultimate goal?

I said this was going to be huge from the beginning. There has been no one held accountable for the death of Brain Terry and the countless, and possibly continuing deaths of Mexican civilians.

We know for a fact that Holder has lied or retracted statements at least six times since the beginning of this investigation.

What are they hiding?

I'd like to see all the drug war supporting nanny-statist stand up and say "And I helped"!
I feel vindicated today. From the very beginning Fast and Furious and the excuse that was given didn't make sense and seemed bizarre.

Why would the ATF force gun store along the border to sell thousands of assault weapons to known criminals and then have absolutely zero way of tracking them?

What was the ultimate goal?

I said this was going to be huge from the beginning. There has been no one held accountable for the death of Brain Terry and the countless, and possibly continuing deaths of Mexican civilians.

We know for a fact that Holder has lied or retracted statements at least six times since the beginning of this investigation.

What are they hiding?

I'd like to see all the drug war supporting nanny-statist stand up and say "And I helped"!

I understand that point you keep trying to make, but it has nothing to do with holding Obama & Holder accountable. It doesn't excuse or justify this awful situation.
After investigation it was determined that there was no leak at all in the Plame matter. More, Plame at that time wasn't even entitled to confidentiality.

This is somewhat different. After all, hundreds of people died over obama's plan to disarm Americans. Is obama courting the latino vote? Like these hundreds of people who were murdered by obama's actions didn't have any friends or relatives or even anyone that cared that obama killed them?

obama counters by demanding a list of GOP donors.

holder should immediately be charged with perjury. Right now.

How many time you going to float that lie?

The Bush White House leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame after her husband, Joe Wilson, published a damaging 2003 New York Times op-ed questioning what President Bush had said about Saddam Hussein's supposed quest for weapons of mass destruction.

An investigation, conducted by Fitzgerald, found that along with Armitage two high-level administration officials had leaked the information: Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby subsequently was convicted and sentenced to prison for crimes related to the leak and subsequent cover-up. Bush later commuted Libby's sentence so he never spent any time in prison.

The investigation clearly showed that Plame was a covert operative whose cover was blown by senior Bush administration officials and the leak compromised national security.

According to Fitzgerald, after Wilson criticized President Bush's assertions about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, the White House engaged in a "concerted action" to "discredit, punish, or seek revenge against" Wilson. Libby leaked Plame's identity to a reporter as did Rove.

Fitzgerald also determined that Plame's status as a CIA official was classified. Furthermore, news reports have indicated that the CIA believed the damage caused by the leak "was serious enough to warrant an investigation" and that the subsequent disclosure of Plame's CIA front company likely put other agents' work at risk. And Fitzgerald stated that Plame's identity had been protected by the CIA "not just for the officer, but for the nation's security."

Oh how quickly leftists invoke Bush.

Deflect, blame, insult, wash, rinse, repeat.

Stay focused. Thousands of assault weapons were given to Mexican drug cartels that were used to murder civilians and at least one Border Patrol Agent. Not one person has been held responsible.

Under oath Holder as lied, or at least retracted, his statements six times and has refused to release documents that would reveal who the hell authorized this criminal operation.

Someone is going to be held responsible, and no it is not going to be Dubya.

Psst all that was posted disproved your lie about the Plame leak.

Issa's witch hunt is nothing but political threater.
Wow...the left is spinning this thing and to be honest, the right is not debating the proper scenario.....the left is dictating the debate.

Simple thing here...

The US was furnishing arms to the enemy of an ally without the ally knowing it.
It came to a head when an American was killed with one of the weapons.

The AG swore he knew nothing about it. Said he was too busy to be aware of something so miniscule as furnishing an enemy of an ally with arms..while using the common border with that ally.

Likewise, the WH cliamned to know nothing about the operation as well.

GOPers in congress felt they were lying. Afterall....the WH NOR the AG was aware of an operation that involved the furnishing of arms to the enemy of an ally?

So the investigation changed its course....and now as about the AG lying under oath to congress...AND thus the American people......in an effort to protect who?

The administration?


Dont we want to know if the administration is lying to the people that elected him in?
How many time you going to float that lie?

The Bush White House leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame after her husband, Joe Wilson, published a damaging 2003 New York Times op-ed questioning what President Bush had said about Saddam Hussein's supposed quest for weapons of mass destruction.

An investigation, conducted by Fitzgerald, found that along with Armitage two high-level administration officials had leaked the information: Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby subsequently was convicted and sentenced to prison for crimes related to the leak and subsequent cover-up. Bush later commuted Libby's sentence so he never spent any time in prison.

The investigation clearly showed that Plame was a covert operative whose cover was blown by senior Bush administration officials and the leak compromised national security.

According to Fitzgerald, after Wilson criticized President Bush's assertions about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, the White House engaged in a "concerted action" to "discredit, punish, or seek revenge against" Wilson. Libby leaked Plame's identity to a reporter as did Rove.

Fitzgerald also determined that Plame's status as a CIA official was classified. Furthermore, news reports have indicated that the CIA believed the damage caused by the leak "was serious enough to warrant an investigation" and that the subsequent disclosure of Plame's CIA front company likely put other agents' work at risk. And Fitzgerald stated that Plame's identity had been protected by the CIA "not just for the officer, but for the nation's security."

Oh how quickly leftists invoke Bush.

Deflect, blame, insult, wash, rinse, repeat.

Stay focused. Thousands of assault weapons were given to Mexican drug cartels that were used to murder civilians and at least one Border Patrol Agent. Not one person has been held responsible.

Under oath Holder as lied, or at least retracted, his statements six times and has refused to release documents that would reveal who the hell authorized this criminal operation.

Someone is going to be held responsible, and no it is not going to be Dubya.

Psst all that was posted disproved your lie about the Plame leak.

Issa's witch hunt is nothing but political threater.

how is it a witch hunt?

Do you not want to know if the AG was lying when he claimed UBDER OATH he knew nothing about the operation?
How many time you going to float that lie?

The Bush White House leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame after her husband, Joe Wilson, published a damaging 2003 New York Times op-ed questioning what President Bush had said about Saddam Hussein's supposed quest for weapons of mass destruction.

An investigation, conducted by Fitzgerald, found that along with Armitage two high-level administration officials had leaked the information: Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby subsequently was convicted and sentenced to prison for crimes related to the leak and subsequent cover-up. Bush later commuted Libby's sentence so he never spent any time in prison.

The investigation clearly showed that Plame was a covert operative whose cover was blown by senior Bush administration officials and the leak compromised national security.

According to Fitzgerald, after Wilson criticized President Bush's assertions about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, the White House engaged in a "concerted action" to "discredit, punish, or seek revenge against" Wilson. Libby leaked Plame's identity to a reporter as did Rove.

Fitzgerald also determined that Plame's status as a CIA official was classified. Furthermore, news reports have indicated that the CIA believed the damage caused by the leak "was serious enough to warrant an investigation" and that the subsequent disclosure of Plame's CIA front company likely put other agents' work at risk. And Fitzgerald stated that Plame's identity had been protected by the CIA "not just for the officer, but for the nation's security."

Oh how quickly leftists invoke Bush.

Deflect, blame, insult, wash, rinse, repeat.

Stay focused. Thousands of assault weapons were given to Mexican drug cartels that were used to murder civilians and at least one Border Patrol Agent. Not one person has been held responsible.

Under oath Holder as lied, or at least retracted, his statements six times and has refused to release documents that would reveal who the hell authorized this criminal operation.

Someone is going to be held responsible, and no it is not going to be Dubya.

Psst all that was posted disproved your lie about the Plame leak.

Issa's witch hunt is nothing but political threater.

Looks like you went to a couple of left wing sites to get your talking points. This morning you were not saying anything til you got the facts.

So............tell us what are the facts they won't release?? Why has Obama invoked executive privilege? Please enlighten all of us.

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