Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

It was Mexican Nationals who Killed Brian Terry. If any federal program is to blame it's the Drug War.

killed by guns that Holder gave to them. He sure loves Americans don't he? They said he died for his country and his country owes the family the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I feel sorry for Brian Terry's family.

Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

You're derailing bigtime on this one. The weapons found at the scenes of these awful massacres were weapons supplied by Holder and his gang. You really should rethink your vigorous defense of Holder & Obama on this one.
Your partisan-ship is showing.

Bush fired the attorneys in the middle of a term because they were not procecuting enough democrats. Clinton on the other hand replace all the attorneys at the begining of his terms. SOP.

Hundreds became thousands and before you know it Obama is arming the Cartels so his regime can empose strict gun controls on America! When in fact the cartels were well-armed long before the first gun walking scheme began this latest version let a little over a thousand weapons across the border.

All the deaths (home and abroad) in the war on Americans who use non government approved subsatnces, I blame on the supported of that war.

Wow... seven or so attorneys fired is comparable to the death of hundreds in Mexico and at least one ATF agent

Wow... just wow!

Wow, you just ignored why I posted that....just wow. Just in case it slipped by you,(which obviously it did) the post I was responding to questioned why the furror over Bush firing the attorneys v Clintons firing attorneys.
It was Mexican Nationals who Killed Brian Terry. If any federal program is to blame it's the Drug War.

killed by guns that Holder gave to them. He sure loves Americans don't he? They said he died for his country and his country owes the family the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I feel sorry for Brian Terry's family.

Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

Your lack of logic is stunning :eek:

Guess in a way... this guy is to blame for Terry's death?


I'd like to see all the drug war supporting nanny-statist stand up and say "And I helped"!

You know damn right well that the fervor and feigned outrage that the Democrat Party showed for every concocted supposed scandal, of which they fabricated almost weekly, during Bush's presidency would be at monumental levels had this occurred under a Republican president.

Clinton fired every single damn US attorney upon taking office, Bush fires seven and you are in some uproar.

Under Obama, under the leadership of his Justice Dept. the ATF allowed known criminals, meth addicts that we know of, to purchase thousands of assault weapons all of which the ATF video taped, and then allowed those guns to simply disappear only to reappear at the scene of murders all across Mexico and the US border.

People have died, and no one has been held responsible. Is that acceptable to you? It is so obvious that this administration is engaging in a cover up that you have to be willfully ignorant to think otherwise.

Eric Holder caught lying to Darrell Issa , commits Perjury - Operation Gun Runner Fast and Furious - YouTube

Your partisan-ship is showing.

Bush fired the attorneys in the middle of a term because they were not procecuting enough democrats. Clinton on the other hand replace all the attorneys at the begining of his terms. SOP.

Hundreds became thousands and before you know it Obama is arming the Cartels so his regime can empose strict gun controls on America! When in fact the cartels were well-armed long before the first gun walking scheme began this latest version let a little over a thousand weapons across the border.

All the deaths (home and abroad) in the war on Americans who use non government approved subsatnces, I blame on the supported of that war.

Stay focused here. This isn't conjecture or speculation, we know how many assault weapons were furnished to criminals.

I'm curious if you even know the very basics of this case, or if you simply disregarded it because you are so partisan that you refuse to listen to anything that disrupts your simplistic and sensitive world view.

How did the ATF furnish those weapons to criminals? Can you answer that one question?

BTW you are a hypocrite. Call me partisan, that's fine, but if you can't admit you are too then you are quite simply stupid.
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It was Mexican Nationals who Killed Brian Terry. If any federal program is to blame it's the Drug War.

killed by guns that Holder gave to them. He sure loves Americans don't he? They said he died for his country and his country owes the family the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I feel sorry for Brian Terry's family.

Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

And that is the crux of it all.

Americans scold Mexicans for their violent ways and inability to control the cartels. Meanwhile, we provide a steady stream of legal and illegal weapons as our passion for illegal drugs fuels the market
killed by guns that Holder gave to them. He sure loves Americans don't he? They said he died for his country and his country owes the family the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I feel sorry for Brian Terry's family.

Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

And that is the crux of it all.

Americans scold Mexicans for their violent ways and inability to control the cartels. Meanwhile, we provide a steady stream of legal and illegal weapons as our passion for illegal drugs fuels the market

Doesn't mean Obama & Holder should get a free pass on this terrible situation. They will have to be held accountable. Brian Terry and his Family deserve that much.
It was Mexican Nationals who Killed Brian Terry. If any federal program is to blame it's the Drug War.

killed by guns that Holder gave to them. He sure loves Americans don't he? They said he died for his country and his country owes the family the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I feel sorry for Brian Terry's family.

Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

So running guns telling the ATF its too catch cartel but actually it was to bring press to the fact these guns would be used in crime thus your Marxist pals cry for gun control laws. In my own words that's what its about. Not whatever your going on about
killed by guns that Holder gave to them. He sure loves Americans don't he? They said he died for his country and his country owes the family the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I feel sorry for Brian Terry's family.

Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

Your lack of logic is stunning :eek:

Guess in a way... this guy is to blame for Terry's death?


No, what I believe he is saying is Obama, the admitted enthusiastic drug user, is to blame. http://www.obamapedia.org/page/Barack+Obama's+Drug+Use
Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

And that is the crux of it all.

Americans scold Mexicans for their violent ways and inability to control the cartels. Meanwhile, we provide a steady stream of legal and illegal weapons as our passion for illegal drugs fuels the market

Doesn't mean Obama & Holder should get a free pass on this terrible situation. They will have to be held accountable. Brian Terry and his Family deserve that much.

Its better to derail the thread from the real issue... our leaders are lying to us and covering up criminal behavior.
killed by guns that Holder gave to them. He sure loves Americans don't he? They said he died for his country and his country owes the family the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I feel sorry for Brian Terry's family.

Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

And that is the crux of it all.

Americans scold Mexicans for their violent ways and inability to control the cartels. Meanwhile, we provide a steady stream of legal and illegal weapons as our passion for illegal drugs fuels the market

And that's ^ the pathetic spin of it.

For while it is undeniable that there is an undue appetite for illegal controlled substances, it is also true that the DoJ ran a fucking IMBECILE program that gave firepower to the violent Mexican cartels who then used some of those weapons to perform their hideous violence INCLUDING against our very front line defenders.

AG Holder SHOULD have the decency to resign immediately.
Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

And that is the crux of it all.

Americans scold Mexicans for their violent ways and inability to control the cartels. Meanwhile, we provide a steady stream of legal and illegal weapons as our passion for illegal drugs fuels the market

Doesn't mean Obama & Holder should get a free pass on this terrible situation. They will have to be held accountable. Brian Terry and his Family deserve that much.

They indeed deserve a cogent answer for his death. So far they meet a wall named Obama and Holder.
killed by guns that Holder gave to them. He sure loves Americans don't he? They said he died for his country and his country owes the family the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I feel sorry for Brian Terry's family.

Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

You're derailing bigtime on this one. The weapons found at the scenes of these awful massacres were weapons supplied by Holder and his gang. You really should rethink your vigorous defense of Holder & Obama on this one.

No I'm staying on point. There is no defense for gun walking. The entire reason for the violence is the war on Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances. That's the main reason Mr. Terry is dead. Not Holder. Not Obama. Not gun walking schemes. Issa is political hack trying his best to take down the Obama administration.
killed by guns that Holder gave to them. He sure loves Americans don't he? They said he died for his country and his country owes the family the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I feel sorry for Brian Terry's family.

Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

And that is the crux of it all.

Americans scold Mexicans for their violent ways and inability to control the cartels. Meanwhile, we provide a steady stream of legal and illegal weapons as our passion for illegal drugs fuels the market

This is incredible. Now the excuse is "they were going to buy guns anyway, what difference does it make if the ATF provided them with it".

This is progress though, at least now you can admit people have died.
Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

You're derailing bigtime on this one. The weapons found at the scenes of these awful massacres were weapons supplied by Holder and his gang. You really should rethink your vigorous defense of Holder & Obama on this one.

No I'm staying on point. There is no defense for gun walking. The entire reason for the violence is the war on Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances. That's the main reason Mr. Terry is dead. Not Holder. Not Obama. Not gun walking schemes. Issa is political hack trying his best to take down the Obama administration.

But Mr. Terry was KILLED with a gun PURCHASED and released by the US Government.

Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

And that is the crux of it all.

Americans scold Mexicans for their violent ways and inability to control the cartels. Meanwhile, we provide a steady stream of legal and illegal weapons as our passion for illegal drugs fuels the market

And that's ^ the pathetic spin of it.

For while it is undeniable that there is an undue appetite for illegal controlled substances, it is also true that the DoJ ran a fucking IMBECILE program that gave firepower to the violent Mexican cartels who then used some of those weapons to perform their hideous violence INCLUDING against our very front line defenders.

AG Holder SHOULD have the decency to resign immediately.

The cartels already had enough firepower and did not have to rely on small time gun walking schemes to arm themselves.

Yes I agree gun walking schemes are fucking stupid.
Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

Your lack of logic is stunning :eek:

Guess in a way... this guy is to blame for Terry's death?


No, what I believe he is saying is Obama, the admitted enthusiastic drug user, is to blame. Barack Obama's Drug Use - Obamapedia

Oh yeah... the Choom gang


Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

You're derailing bigtime on this one. The weapons found at the scenes of these awful massacres were weapons supplied by Holder and his gang. You really should rethink your vigorous defense of Holder & Obama on this one.

No I'm staying on point. There is no defense for gun walking. The entire reason for the violence is the war on Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances. That's the main reason Mr. Terry is dead. Not Holder. Not Obama. Not gun walking schemes. Issa is political hack trying his best to take down the Obama administration.

Okay, let's use your logic on this hypothetical.

The LAPD forces gun stores to sell weapons to felons and known criminals and they go out and sling dope and murder people with those weapons.

In your mind it is not the LAPD that did something wrong and should be held accountable, it is the drug policy of America that is to blame.

Again, you are deranged and are so baised and partisan that you can even say that someone needs to be held accountable for the criminal Operation Fast and Furious.

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