Obama Attacked His Own Scientists to Push Manmade Gorebal Warming Myth


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
One look at the mansions Obama has purchased tells you he does not believe his own bullshit.

The Obama administration engaged in a calculated effort to dismantle an Energy Department program so it could focus on meeting the goals of the president’s climate change agenda, even going as far as to fire scientists that disobeyed strict orders not to talk to members of Congress, according to a Tuesday report issued by the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.

The report showed the administration even attacked one of its own Energy Department scientists who stepped out of line with strict orders to deny lawmakers with information on a nuclear radiation program that it was seeking to scuttle to pursue its global warming programs more aggressively.

“Instead of working to understand the value of the [radiation program] for emergency situations, [Energy Department] management engaged in a campaign to terminate research programs that could divert funds from the President’s Climate Action Plan,” the House committee’s report said. “Management and senior DOE employees privately discussed congressional support for the [radiation program] and its nexus to regulatory limits yet still maintained their agenda to close the program.”

The report concluded that the Energy Department’s actions are a reflection of an “institutional problem that must be corrected by overhauling its management practices with respect to its relationship with the Congress,” it read.

House probe: Obama attacked own scientists to advance climate agenda
So, the Executive Branch and the agencies under its purview shouldn't - in your view - have the ability to set their own policy or punish employees for disobeying direct orders? Got it.
So, the Executive Branch and the agencies under its purview shouldn't - in your view - have the ability to set their own policy or punish employees for disobeying direct orders? Got it.

Doesn't sound like you are so pragmatic re: the trump administration and the agencies under its purview. Typical liberal double standard...
So, the Executive Branch and the agencies under its purview shouldn't - in your view - have the ability to set their own policy or punish employees for disobeying direct orders? Got it.
Figures you like preventing scientists from talking to the representatives of the American people.
Your agenda requires lies and misinformation. Americans know it, and that is one of many reasons Trump is moving into the White House in a few days.
The business of the legislative branch is legislation. The operation of the agencies of the Executive Branch is the purview of the Executive Branch. That the two branches might have different agendas and each work to get theirs accomplished is a normal function of governance. No one told anyone to lie.
The business of the legislative branch is legislation. The operation of the agencies of the Executive Branch is the purview of the Executive Branch. That the two branches might have different agendas and each work to get theirs accomplished is a normal function of governance. No one told anyone to lie.
By destroying careers to keep people silent is very Marxist of you and shows you have only one thing to fear - the truth.
If my boss tells me not to do something and I go ahead and do it, it will result in a punishment. If it were serious enough - such as causing the reallocation of a few million dollars where my bosses didn't want it to go - I'd get canned. So would you.

And characterizing that as Marxist is very ignorant of you.
If my boss tells me not to do something and I go ahead and do it, it will result in a punishment. If it were serious enough - such as causing the reallocation of a few million dollars where my bosses didn't want it to go - I'd get canned. So would you.

And characterizing that as Marxist is very ignorant of you.
How Marxist of the Gorebal Warmers to destroy the careers of any scientist who dares to talk to citizens of America.

You stooges fear truth, that is self evident.
If my boss tells me not to do something and I go ahead and do it, it will result in a punishment. If it were serious enough - such as causing the reallocation of a few million dollars where my bosses didn't want it to go - I'd get canned. So would you.

And characterizing that as Marxist is very ignorant of you.
And when your boss orders you to not talk to your Congressman you stooges will comply.
We frequently receive direction about what can and cannot be told to the press or the public. Comes from dealing with classified information. But I suppose you believe I should have the right to substitute my own personal judgement about what the public does and doesn't need to know. Right?
We frequently receive direction about what can and cannot be told to the press or the public. Comes from dealing with classified information. But I suppose you believe I should have the right to substitute my own personal judgement about what the public does and doesn't need to know. Right?
Yes, we agree. The science behind the manmade global warming myth must remain a secret in order to survive.

What a dufus, thinking science must be secretive while telling Americans they must change their life styles.
The mandate of the EPA was tailored to Obama's agenda. It went in certain directions despite science rather than because of it.

When Trump prunes back the EPA it will be seen as political even though it is necessary to get rid of the antiscience bullshit.
In what anti-science bullshit do you believe the EPA has been indulging?
Story doesn't surprise me at all.......and thank God we only have about 40 days left to have to deal with this fake shit we've been dealing with for 8 long years!:rock::rock::party:
So, the Executive Branch and the agencies under its purview shouldn't - in your view - have the ability to set their own policy or punish employees for disobeying direct orders? Got it.
That's it!!! AGW is an order. You disagree. You get fucked. You must like this approach to 'science.'
The business of the legislative branch is legislation. The operation of the agencies of the Executive Branch is the purview of the Executive Branch. That the two branches might have different agendas and each work to get theirs accomplished is a normal function of governance. No one told anyone to lie.
By destroying careers to keep people silent is very Marxist of you and shows you have only one thing to fear - the truth.

Actually, that's Stalinist.
We frequently receive direction about what can and cannot be told to the press or the public. Comes from dealing with classified information. But I suppose you believe I should have the right to substitute my own personal judgement about what the public does and doesn't need to know. Right?

What "classified" information does the IPCC and EPA deal with?
If my boss tells me not to do something and I go ahead and do it, it will result in a punishment. If it were serious enough - such as causing the reallocation of a few million dollars where my bosses didn't want it to go - I'd get canned. So would you.

And characterizing that as Marxist is very ignorant of you.

You are correct. It's not Marxist. It's Stalinist. But you already knew that. And approve.
And if you'd have read the article -- which no denier did, since they believe they only need to know what their Stalinist masters tell them -- the DoE tried to censor science, and Obama stopped it.

"[Energy Department] management engaged in a campaign to terminate research programs that could divert funds from the President’s Climate Action Plan"

People with the science on their side don't need to censor it. Deniers always try to censor science, like they tried to do there. 'Nuff said.

This will be where the the denier Stalinists sputter and scream after getting caught red-handed proudly supporting Stalinism. Without exception, every denier here is Stalinist to their core, in every aspect of their being.

(Many of them don't just want science censored. They literally want scientists killed, along with anyone else opposing TheParty. Yes, it has gotten that bad, to the point that I'm getting personal death threats on this board now. The right-wing brownshirts are getting bold.)
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So, the Executive Branch and the agencies under its purview shouldn't - in your view - have the ability to set their own policy or punish employees for disobeying direct orders? Got it.
"The Obama administration engaged in a calculated effort to dismantle an Energy Department program so it could focus on meeting the goals of the president's climate change agenda, even going as far as to fire scientists that disobeyed strict orders not to talk to members of Congress, according to a Tuesday report issued by the House Science, Space and Technology Committee...."

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