OBAMA: Auto Industry Bailout Saved 1 Million Jobs

We're not discussing ObamaCare you dim bulb.

You brought up the military. It is covered in the Constitution, although you either have never read it or do not grok it if you have.

Really? Then what did Trollman mean by 'nanny state'?
I mean exactly what you advocate: All your life decisions...healthcare, what you get paid...being decided for you by the government.

And I love Clockwork Orange!
Heinlein, dumbass. :lol:
Are all of you going to tell me that there hasn't been 'entitlement creep' in the military?
You don't think the men and women serving our nation deserve what they get?

Also, there seems to be some question here. Did you or did you not serve?
so, synthaholic thinks people serving in the military are the equivalent of welfare recipients.

What a sick puppy.
someone who is kept warm at night by the socialism of the military should not be so quick to condemn it.

you fucking imbecile...people join the military to protect stupid asswipes as you. And it isn't socialism...it's called rule of law in the military...

discipline so that the soldiers, sailors, airman, marines, coast guardsmen, merchant marines...do their duty so they don't get their asses shot off...an d this republic isn't taken over by creeps that you seem to support.

To protect sorry asswipes as you. Discipline in regard to the military is not socialism...where the fuck did you get that?

You must be a young pup that doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

And did i add fuck off? :evil:

^ this!!!
The discussion is ALWAYS about what the Democrats are doing.

What are the Republican proposals.

Oh wait, we've already heard them:

Corporate tax breaks



The same two tired proposals. What got us into this mess. Trust me, they won't get us out.

If Republicans have any "NEW" ideas, well, America is waiting.

We're ALL ears.
The discussion is ALWAYS about what the Democrats are doing.

What are the Republican proposals.

Oh wait, we've already heard them:

Corporate tax breaks



The same two tired proposals. What got us into this mess. Trust me, they won't get us out.

If Republicans have any "NEW" ideas, well, America is waiting.

We're ALL ears.
Proposals have been made. But you've been told none have, and like a good little sheep, you believe it.

Note: Pointing to your own programming is proof of nothing but that you've been programmed.
Are all of you going to tell me that there hasn't been 'entitlement creep' in the military?
You don't think the men and women serving our nation deserve what they get?

Ahh, but that's a different argument. I'm saying that the Constitution does not provide the many, many perks that military personnel get. It has been bestowed upon them by Congress, in search of votes in some cases.

You say that wearing the uniform entitles you to all that free/cheap stuff. Why? Presumably because you feel you are paying for it with your service. But you're already getting a paycheck for your service. So why shouldn't I be able to get services like cheap healthcare from my government if I'm paying taxes? You're paying in service, I'm paying in money.

I would prefer they raise your pay, and you have to start paying for all your freebies/cheapies, like heath insurance/medical. Start participating in the capitalism that you profess to love on internet talky boards, and refuse the socialism that is being rammed down your throat!

Also, there seems to be some question here. Did you or did you not serve?

DoD, not active service. Not that it's any of your damn business. :)
Are all of you going to tell me that there hasn't been 'entitlement creep' in the military?
You don't think the men and women serving our nation deserve what they get?

Ahh, but that's a different argument. I'm saying that the Constitution does not provide the many, many perks that military personnel get. It has been bestowed upon them by Congress, in search of votes in some cases.
The Constitution doesn't describe the ranks structure of the military, either. Does that make it invalid?

You're really not very good at this.
You say that wearing the uniform entitles you to all that free/cheap stuff. Why? Presumably because you feel you are paying for it with your service. But you're already getting a paycheck for your service. So why shouldn't I be able to get services like cheap healthcare from my government if I'm paying taxes? You're paying in service, I'm paying in money.
I'd have no problem with that...if the Constitution mandated the government be involved in healthcare.
I would prefer they raise your pay, and you have to start paying for all your freebies/cheapies, like heath insurance/medical. Start participating in the capitalism that you profess to love on internet talky boards, and refuse the socialism that is being rammed down your throat!
Again, it's not socialism, but I understand that's the only card you have to play here.

I'd have no problem with a pay raise to cover my bennies and letting me obtain them on my own. Might be tough for combat troops on the battlefield to find a provider though, don't you think?

But you seem to be arguing both sides, here. First, you say you want cheap healthcare from the government, then you say people should buy their own.

Do you really know what you want? Have you given this any thought at all? Sure doesn't look like.
Also, there seems to be some question here. Did you or did you not serve?

DoD, not active service. Not that it's any of your damn business. :)
If you served as a civilian, thank you. One team, one fight.

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