Obama blows up the bridge: Absolutly spot on but then most of us have been calling


Really nice Guy
Mar 21, 2011
obama one of the most divisive small mind idiots this nation has ever made the mistake of electing.

I'll say it again the main job of our President is to bring our nation together not drive wedges into it for the sake of petty partisan politics

Obama blows up the bridge
Posted: April 14, 2011
6:28 pm Eastern

© 2011

"Rather than building bridges, he's poisoning wells," said Rep. Paul Ryan, after listening to Barack Obama's scathing attack on his deficit-reduction plan as a shredding of America's social contract with the elderly and poor.

Ryan is right. Yet, with Obama's partisan savagery, virtually calling the GOP plan immoral, we have clarity.

There will be no grand bipartisan bargain on taxes and spending.

The two parties on Capitol Hill and the president will not be coming together to solve the gravest financial and fiscal crisis America has faced since the Great Depression. Between them today is a high wall and a deep ditch.

The heart of the Ryan plan is to turn Medicaid into block grants to the states, so each can decide for itself how best to use the funds, and to convert Medicare into a program where the U.S. government would provide citizens with the funds and freedom to chose whatever health insurance they wished to buy.

Obama denounced both.

But if the Republican Medicare and Medicaid proposals are dead on arrival in Harry Reid's Senate and Obama's White House, Obama's plan to raise taxes is equally lifeless.

Who's getting richer under the Obama regime? Find out in "Obamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses"
Edited for length and copyright

Read more: Obama blows up the bridge Obama blows up the bridge
And he will win a second term in 2012. People like the Teabaggers and Ryan gaurentee it.
The Ryan whine. God, the last time I heard the pseudo-conservatives whine like that was when President Clinton was in office.
When Americans begin to understand the cost of Ryan's plan to them personally, the backlash is going to be overwhelming. 2012 may well turn into a landslide election for the Democrats.

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