Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
So Obama has begun bombing Iraq. How do you feel about it? Do you support it?
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Better than nothing, maybe. Is he reacting to polls or trying to protect Christians in Iraq? Nothing makes sense in this administration.
Better than nothing, maybe. Is he reacting to polls or trying to protect Christians in Iraq? Nothing makes sense in this administration.

Nothing in Iraq makes sense either. So we bomb ISIS? Then what? Iran grows even more powerful and influential in Iraq? Is that what we really want? It really is a Catch 22 scenario for Americans. It's very sad.
Better than nothing, maybe. Is he reacting to polls or trying to protect Christians in Iraq? Nothing makes sense in this administration.

Nothing in Iraq makes sense either. So we bomb ISIS? Then what? Iran grows even more powerful and influential in Iraq? Is that what we really want? It really is a Catch 22 scenario for Americans. It's very sad.

I don't think I've met a Ron Pauler who bought into the propaganda against Iran. You are a Paul supporter, aren't you?

Additionally, you seem to be suggesting that the US should refrain from bombing ISIS so ISIS can act as a check on Iranian influence. I'm curious as to why you think letting a terror group roam free is a good idea.

It will lead to the downing of an aircraft which will give the bastards their pretense for ramping up another war.

Yeah, and the 'beheading children' stories are just so far-fetched over-the-top. Preposterous War Propaganda for sure. They really will say or do anything to get us involved in more wars. Probably got those 'Rape Rooms' and are stealing little babies from incubators too.

Oh well, the Sheeple will believe anything i guess...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR4cgeJJPqg]?Kuwaiti baby incubator lies - YouTube[/ame]
What happened to "you can't fight an ideology with bombs?" "He's only making more terrorists?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yU0JuE1jTk]Give Peace A Chance (1969) - Official Video - YouTube[/ame]
Even "normal" terrorists don't like ISIS. The Kurds were definitely allies. Muslims need to wake up and put down these people in their own faith or stand judged with the terrorists. Enough is enough.
Absolutely, as long as we are protecting those folks on the mountain or supporting our allies the Kurds from ISIS. I'd like to see a coalition of neighboring states take action against ISIS as well, perhaps we could supply air cover for their troops.
No, I don't support it. Mainly because he won't do it right. He'll make a show of it, but he'll leave ISIS basically intact and barely scratched.

They need to be destroyed and he won't do that so it's a complete waste of time, money, and lives.
Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.
Better than nothing, maybe. Is he reacting to polls or trying to protect Christians in Iraq? Nothing makes sense in this administration.

Nothing in Iraq makes sense either. So we bomb ISIS? Then what? Iran grows even more powerful and influential in Iraq? Is that what we really want? It really is a Catch 22 scenario for Americans. It's very sad.

I don't think I've met a Ron Pauler who bought into the propaganda against Iran. You are a Paul supporter, aren't you?

Additionally, you seem to be suggesting that the US should refrain from bombing ISIS so ISIS can act as a check on Iranian influence. I'm curious as to why you think letting a terror group roam free is a good idea.

We should GTHO. We've done enough damage over there. More meddling isn't the answer. It will only lead to more war. Iraq must become what Iraq will be. Our time there is up. Time to let it go.
Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.

'Beheading Babies' is absolutely preposterous War Propaganda. It's not happening. Just like 'stealing little babies from incubators' never happened.
Assad is attacking ISIS yet Obama still wants to fund some obscure and ever changing "rebel" force to overthrow Assad ? I'm gonna need a new scorebook pretty soon here to decide which team we're on.
Keep in mind that the administration used more firepower to take out a US citizen (and his son and his son's friend) than the two bombs we dropped so far in Iraq.

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