Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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I support the military action taken by the President over the past day against IS forces. But it is long overdue. The situation in Iraq would not be so dire if President Obama had left a force of military advisors in Iraq after the 2011 withdrawal date as well as drones and combat aircraft to monitor the situation daily and quickly respond to and destroy new threats to the Iraqi military as soon as they arose.

Nuria Al Maliki was calling for US military strikes over a year ago. So much time has been lost in which action taken could have saved lives and prevented IS from taking control of nearly 1/3 of Iraq. The Yezidi's would not be starving in the Mountains right now if President Obama had properly set up a military advisory and support mission after 2011 in Iraq. PRESIDENT OBAMA IS FINALLY RESPONDING TO THE CRISES HIS INACTION AND FAILURE OF PREPERATION CAUSED!

It's a token symbolic gesture to score political points. If you're gonna hit somebody hit em so they don't get up ever again. A few airstrikes isn't going to cut it in this sense. I'm not for half-assing war. Gonna go to war go to war, don't nibble around the edges.
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[ame=http://youtu.be/6QMzDWUGctk]Black Hawk Down - Avenged Sevenfold - M.I.A. (Unofficial Video) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://youtu.be/x7S-vp3rci8]Both Sides of the Gun - YouTube[/ame]
Better than nothing, maybe. Is he reacting to polls or trying to protect Christians in Iraq? Nothing makes sense in this administration.

Nothing in Iraq makes sense either. So we bomb ISIS? Then what? Iran grows even more powerful and influential in Iraq? Is that what we really want? It really is a Catch 22 scenario for Americans. It's very sad.

Obama's total withdrawal from Iraq, combined with the crises that IS has is causing the Iraqi military and government is the reason Iran has been able to increase its influence in Iraq. Had Obama kept the US military in Iraq and prevented what IS has done the past two months from happening, Iranian influence in Iraq today would be much smaller.

Iraq has turned more and more to Iran because OBAMA essentially abandon Iraq after 2011!
Exactly what I thought, you're making shit up, again. SOP for you (Lib-o-Pauli).

Like i said, you won't care regardless. You're just a programmed Obamabot at this point. It is what it is.

Your opinions have no effect on my sympathies for civilians caught up in Iraqi Civil War.

So, why do you feel it necessary to lie about causalities so soon after the first two bombs were dropped?

In a civil war, civilians are going to get caught up in the war. They live there. It has been true in every civil war ever fought.

From what I read, we blew up a piece of artillery and the truck pulling it. Anyone with a report to the contrary, please post it here.

As a side note, any idea how civil wars start? I think it results from years of people telling lies about a perceived "other side". Can we keep that crap to a minimum here? Both sides.
Yes, but don't just drop some bombs, ISIS must be totally destroyed.

That will take time, and Shi'ia effort! Of course I support bombing, the Yazidi people and remaining Christians are being slaughtered.
Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.

Well, the price it cost to drive that lovely car in your avatar will go up as well the cost of the food that you shove in your mouth every day will go up as well if Iraq falls apart. We live in a world dependent on Oil and refined petroleum products. Whether its Plastic, food containers, footballs, soccer balls, or the gasoline that goes in your car or in the trucks that transport the food to the store where you buy the food, everyone is effected when the supply of Petroleum is cut for whatever the reason!

You should care because you love your life in this industrial society where you continue to engage in daily activities that are dependent on the global market price of crude oil, which is heavily impacted by the crude oil supplied by Iraq.
I don't get why people support this. Killing people because people were killed won't solve anything.

It's a "True Lies" mentality.

"Have you ever killed anyone?"

"Ya but they were all bad." :)

I wouldn't be able to kill anyone, unless it was to protect my children but that's a worst case scenario. I wouldn't kill someone because they killed people and "he-said she-said" bull crap.
Nothing in Iraq makes sense either. So we bomb ISIS? Then what? Iran grows even more powerful and influential in Iraq? Is that what we really want? It really is a Catch 22 scenario for Americans. It's very sad.

I don't think I've met a Ron Pauler who bought into the propaganda against Iran. You are a Paul supporter, aren't you?

Additionally, you seem to be suggesting that the US should refrain from bombing ISIS so ISIS can act as a check on Iranian influence. I'm curious as to why you think letting a terror group roam free is a good idea.

We should GTHO. We've done enough damage over there. More meddling isn't the answer. It will only lead to more war. Iraq must become what Iraq will be. Our time there is up. Time to let it go.

You can't let go of countries and regions of the world that impact your daily life in this industrial society that you love.
Better than nothing, maybe. Is he reacting to polls or trying to protect Christians in Iraq? Nothing makes sense in this administration.

Nothing in Iraq makes sense either. So we bomb ISIS? Then what? Iran grows even more powerful and influential in Iraq? Is that what we really want? It really is a Catch 22 scenario for Americans. It's very sad.

Obama's total withdrawal from Iraq, combined with the crises that IS has is causing the Iraqi military and government is the reason Iran has been able to increase its influence in Iraq. Had Obama kept the US military in Iraq and prevented what IS has done the past two months from happening, Iranian influence in Iraq today would be much smaller.

Iraq has turned more and more to Iran because OBAMA essentially abandon Iraq after 2011!

Except it was President Bush who signed the agreement withdrawing our troops completely by 2012. He really had no choice because the Iraqis were not budging on the immunity issue. Since the occupation government gave way to the new Shiite dominated Iraq government, Iran (Majority Shiite) has gained considerable influence. Had the Iraqi given in on the immunity issue President Obama would have left troops on the ground.
Nothing in Iraq makes sense either. So we bomb ISIS? Then what? Iran grows even more powerful and influential in Iraq? Is that what we really want? It really is a Catch 22 scenario for Americans. It's very sad.

Are you Iran-phobic?
I don't get why people support this. Killing people because people were killed won't solve anything.

It stopped Hitler and that was solved.
So you would rather let killers multiply so that they can kill more and wipe out millions?
That's like saying just leave Hitler alone because he killed millions and wanted to rule the world, just like these people want to do.
The only way to stop killers and world terrorists is to kill them, not let them get larger.

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