Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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I have tried to support Obama for years, but his inability to lead, incompetent administration, terrible diplomacy, broken promises, and now we have this. There is no exit strategy. Nobody ever won a war by bombing, short of dropping thermonuclear bombs. What the hell does he think he is going to do, kill every active and future terrorist?

I've had it with the SOB. The Middle East sectarian warfare is going on forever. It is like trying to convince Israel and Palestine to hold hands and make up. A pox on all their houses!
Nothing in Iraq makes sense either. So we bomb ISIS? Then what? Iran grows even more powerful and influential in Iraq? Is that what we really want? It really is a Catch 22 scenario for Americans. It's very sad.

I don't think I've met a Ron Pauler who bought into the propaganda against Iran. You are a Paul supporter, aren't you?

Additionally, you seem to be suggesting that the US should refrain from bombing ISIS so ISIS can act as a check on Iranian influence. I'm curious as to why you think letting a terror group roam free is a good idea.

We should GTHO. We've done enough damage over there. More meddling isn't the answer. It will only lead to more war. Iraq must become what Iraq will be. Our time there is up. Time to let it go.

We have poisoned the well over there by creating ISIS and other terror groups, as well as installing and supporting dictators. The very least we could do is remove the poison, lest we wind up drinking it ourselves.
Assad is attacking ISIS yet Obama still wants to fund some obscure and ever changing "rebel" force to overthrow Assad ? I'm gonna need a new scorebook pretty soon here to decide which team we're on.

The sad results of endless meddling. We're still funding & arming some very nasty characters in Syria. You would think they would have learned from their ISIS Frankenstein. But they haven't. It's so tragic.
Too little, too late.

Too little, too late. What's the plan? Is there some idea of how to restore stability or is this throwing a couple of bombs and hoping that will fix everything?

The hallmark of obama's regime is that he doesn't think ahead and takes no advice from someone who does. In fact, obama's done worse. He has systematically decapitated our military removing all vestige of intelligence.

obama's method of fighting is to send out pink slips to our own military.
Reports are now trickling out, these bombings have killed civilians. Some were children.
No, I do not support the bombing. I do not support any sort of action in Iraq. How much can you? For over 11 years of warfare we spent a lot of money and a lot of our guys were killed. And what is the result? The situation has not become better
Too little, too late.

Too little, too late. What's the plan? Is there some idea of how to restore stability or is this throwing a couple of bombs and hoping that will fix everything?

The hallmark of obama's regime is that he doesn't think ahead and takes no advice from someone who does. In fact, obama's done worse. He has systematically decapitated our military removing all vestige of intelligence.

obama's method of fighting is to send out pink slips to our own military.

Be careful, you are starting to make Obama look good to me all over again....
Reports are now trickling out, these bombings have killed civilians. Some were children.

Are you making shit up about what you hope happens again?


I doubt you would care. You're an All-In Obamabot. You only claim to care about the children when it's convenient. If these bombs have killed children, i doubt you will care. You've been rebooted and have your new programming. It's... GO TEAM OBOMBA!!!
Reports are now trickling out, these bombings have killed civilians. Some were children.

Are you making shit up about what you hope happens again?


I doubt you would care. You're an All-In Obamabot. You only claim to care about the children when it's convenient. If these bombs have killed children, i doubt you will care. You've been rebooted and have your new programming. It's... GO TEAM OBOMBA!!!

Exactly what I thought, you're making shit up, again. SOP for you (Lib-o-Pauli).
So this seems to be the strategy: Bomb ISIS if they approach humanitiarian efforts in Northern Iraq. The desired outcome is aid reaching the Kurds. Not sure how you determine when that mission is over.
Are you making shit up about what you hope happens again?


I doubt you would care. You're an All-In Obamabot. You only claim to care about the children when it's convenient. If these bombs have killed children, i doubt you will care. You've been rebooted and have your new programming. It's... GO TEAM OBOMBA!!!

Exactly what I thought, you're making shit up, again. SOP for you (Lib-o-Pauli).

Like i said, you won't care regardless. You're just a programmed Obamabot at this point. It is what it is.
So this seems to be the strategy: Bomb ISIS if they approach humanitiarian efforts in Northern Iraq. The desired outcome is aid reaching the Kurds. Not sure how you determine when that mission is over.

It'll calm down a bit in the near future. ISIS has already won to an extent. They'll probably pull back a bit and secure their gains. So it will seem like the mission was accomplished. But make no mistake, the Sunnis aren't going away. They will continue fighting. ISIS is only a part of the very large Sunni resistance. The Civil War will get much worse and last for many many years. It's time for us to GTHO. Nothing more to be gained there.
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I doubt you would care. You're an All-In Obamabot. You only claim to care about the children when it's convenient. If these bombs have killed children, i doubt you will care. You've been rebooted and have your new programming. It's... GO TEAM OBOMBA!!!

Exactly what I thought, you're making shit up, again. SOP for you (Lib-o-Pauli).

Like i said, you won't care regardless. You're just a programmed Obamabot at this point. It is what it is.

Your opinions have no effect on my sympathies for civilians caught up in Iraqi Civil War.

So, why do you feel it necessary to lie about causalities so soon after the first two bombs were dropped?

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