Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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From the Kurds perspective this is long overdue. You help the Americans in two Iraq wars. You are rewarded with a major role in the new government. No wait, you get squat.

Then you return to your homeland and get attacked by ISIS. Americans come to your aid. No wait, and wait. People are worried about what a terrorist thinks about the US? What about people who aid us?
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Your name suits you perfectly.. you're as blind as a fucking baseball bat.

I've got an idea for you. Why don't you kindly blow it out your ass! Are you saying the Iraqi Parliament didn't vote in Nov 2008 on the SOFA Bush Signed shortly thereafter?

Or perhaps you're disputing the fact that it was Iraq that asked the UNSC not to extend the mandate for the Occupation, forcing President Bushes hand on the SOFA?

What about 2011 when Obama made his deal with Iraq?

Never happened.
From the Kurds perspective this is long overdue. You help the Americans in two Iraq wars. You are rewarded with a major role in the new government. No wait, you get squat.

Then you return to your homeland and get attacked by ISIS. Americans come to your aid. No wait, and wait. People are worried about what a terrorist thinks about the US? What about people who aid us?

You have a point from that perspective. They've been screwed around while being used by the US for all these years.

Now they are dying for those lies.
Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.

Well, the price it cost to drive that lovely car in your avatar will go up as well the cost of the food that you shove in your mouth every day will go up as well if Iraq falls apart. We live in a world dependent on Oil and refined petroleum products. Whether its Plastic, food containers, footballs, soccer balls, or the gasoline that goes in your car or in the trucks that transport the food to the store where you buy the food, everyone is effected when the supply of Petroleum is cut for whatever the reason!

You should care because you love your life in this industrial society where you continue to engage in daily activities that are dependent on the global market price of crude oil, which is heavily impacted by the crude oil supplied by Iraq.
God you're an idiot.
The entire world could stop buying a dimes worth of oil from Iraq and never notice a difference.
But you go ahead and keep living in your fantasy world.
U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports
From the Kurds perspective this is long overdue. You help the Americans in two Iraq wars. You are rewarded with a major role in the new government. No wait, you get squat.

Then you return to your homeland and get attacked by ISIS. Americans come to your aid. No wait, and wait. People are worried about what a terrorist thinks about the US? What about people who aid us?

You have a point from that perspective. They've been screwed around while being used by the US for all these years.

Now they are dying for those lies.

It's almost as if the US government was using those people as puppets to accomplish their own secretive goals.

How lucky that nothing like that could ever happen here at home.

So Obama has begun bombing Iraq. How do you feel about it? Do you support it?

Yet another international crime by yet another militaristic President.

Explain how it is a crime. Whose laws are governing this situation? Specifically, which law of theirs does it violate?

We are attacking another sovereign country who did not attack us and are not a threat to us.

It violates the US Constitution which grants only the power to use the military for "defense."
Obama's total withdrawal from Iraq, combined with the crises that IS has is causing the Iraqi military and government is the reason Iran has been able to increase its influence in Iraq. Had Obama kept the US military in Iraq and prevented what IS has done the past two months from happening, Iranian influence in Iraq today would be much smaller.

Iraq has turned more and more to Iran because OBAMA essentially abandon Iraq after 2011!

Except it was President Bush who signed the agreement withdrawing our troops completely by 2012.

Had the Iraqi given in on the immunity issue President Obama would have left troops on the ground.

Great observations! You forgot a few small details, though: The US never completely withdrew from Iraq, never intended to completely withdraw from Iraq, and it has been the US government's intent to re-invade Iraq since before the PR stunt of withdrawing earlier.


The Embassy of the United States of America in Baghdad is the diplomatic mission of United States of America in the Republic of Iraq. At 104 acres (42 ha), it is the largest and most expensive embassy in the world, and is nearly as large as Vatican City.

The embassy is a permanent structure which has provided a new base for the 5,500 Americans currently living and working in Baghdad. During construction, the US government kept many aspects of the project under wraps, with many details released only in a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee report.[8] Apart from the 1,000 regular employees, up to 3,000 additional staff members have been hired, including security personnel.

With construction beginning in mid-2005, the original target completion date was September 2007. "A week after submitting his FY2006 budget to Congress, the President sent Congress an FY2005 emergency supplemental funding request. Included in the supplemental is more than $1.3 billion for the embassy in Iraq ..." An emergency supplemental appropriation (H.R. 1268/P.L. 109-13), which included $592 million for embassy construction, was signed into law on May 11, 2005. According to the Department of State, this funding was all that was needed for construction of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.[9] However, Walter Pincus of the Washington Post found that the new embassy had cost more than $700 million by 2012,[10] and Business Insider reported in 2013 that the cost of the embassy had surpassed $750 million.[11] The Obama administration requested more than $100 million for a "massive" upgrade to the embassy compound in 2012.[12]

Oh, and there's also the matter of the garrison at the "embassy," which at nearly the same size of the Vatican, is more of an enclave or military base than an "embassy," especially when you consider that diplomatic workers are in the minority there.

June 16, 2014: "Obama announces 275 troops to deploy to Iraq for embassy security in Baghdad"

June 30, 2014: "Latest deployment adds 300 troops, including 100 whom administration had pre-positioned outside Iraq on standby"

July 1, 2014: "The U.S. military has deployed a further 200 troops to reinforce security in Baghdad, it was disclosed Monday. U.S. Department of Defense said a detachment of helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles, known as drones, would bolster the U.S. military presence."

And this isn't a recent thing, either. We've been sending troops in since we officially "pulled out" (except for the massive military base masquerading as an embassy).
September 24, 2012: "Iraq and the United States are negotiating an agreement that could result in the return of small units of American soldiers to Iraq on training missions. At the request of the Iraqi government, according to General Caslen, a unit of Army Special Operations soldiers was recently deployed to Iraq to advise on counterterrorism and help with intelligence."

The US currently has thousands of mercenaries at our embassy/military base in addition to the hundreds of troops there, and roving bands of more soldiers going on "training missions" at various places in Iraq, on top of the Special Ops unit the Iraqi government formally authorized.

The Iraqi government never wanted us out, the US government never wanted out, and we never were out. Don't buy into big media spectacles; the war in Iraq never ended.

The logical extension of all of these facts is a bit more ominous and less palatable for the average person. The US purposefully staged a tactical retreat in order to leave Shi'a Iraq vulnerable for take over by the US's own American-funded, American-supplied, American-trained Sunni Muslim militants.

The Spice must flow........opps that was on Arrakis, I meant Oil, the oil must flow......
Yet another international crime by yet another militaristic President.

Explain how it is a crime. Whose laws are governing this situation? Specifically, which law of theirs does it violate?

We are attacking another sovereign country

Are we? Would you call the Islamic State a sovereign country?

who did not attack us and are not a threat to us.

Except for the whole "We'll raise our flag at the White House" thing, right? Their attacks on countries like Iraq and threats against Saudi Arabia, both of whom we have at least some level of diplomatic relations with, are irrelevant, aren't they?

It violates the US Constitution which grants only the power to use the military for "defense."

Can you cite the section of the US Constitution you're drawing that quote from?
Why should we even bother if Obama himself said: "There are no American military solutions to the problems in Iraq".
Why are we getting involved?

The mission seems to be two-fold.

1. To safeguard US soldiers and diplomats. When ISIS first began taking territory in Iraq, the Obama administration sent several hundred military advisers to assist the Iraqi government. Some of those advisers are stationed in a city called Erbil, which is also home to a US consulate. ISIS is now within striking distance of Erbil, and President Obama said that if fighters advance on the city, they’ll be targeted.

2. To protect vulnerable populations. The main lines of conflict in Iraq pit Shi’ite against Sunni, but several vulnerable minority groups have been caught in the fighting. Among them are the Yazidi, many of whom live in and around the town of Sinjar. When ISIS moved into Sinjar in recent days, tens of thousands of Yazidis fled to a nearby mountain for safety. And now they’re trapped on that mountain, without food or water, as hostile ISIS forces wait below. At the request of the Iraqi government, the US has begun making airdrops of food and water. And to help break the siege and create an escape route for those trapped Yazidi, the President has also authorized airstrikes in support of Iraqi military efforts.

Why is US dropping bombs on ISIS in Iraq? - World - The Boston Globe
We're dropping bombs on them in Iraq, because dropping bombs on them in the US gets messy.
Too little, too late.

Too little, too late. What's the plan? Is there some idea of how to restore stability or is this throwing a couple of bombs and hoping that will fix everything?

The hallmark of obama's regime is that he doesn't think ahead and takes no advice from someone who does. In fact, obama's done worse. He has systematically decapitated our military removing all vestige of intelligence.

obama's method of fighting is to send out pink slips to our own military.

What we have now, in the Middle East, is the very predictable result of the 'Make it up as we go along' foreign policy of the Obama administration. It is reactive rather than pro active, and always leaves us playing catch up as the world moves on.

First, one has to establish a desired foreign policy goal for that part of the world. Then, one has to have a set of plans designed to obtain that goal, and finally one has to work according to that plan, and/or modify it as conditions change. Apparently, none of this has been done.

Yes, I support the bombing of ISIS, but if that is all Obama is willing to do, it is a waste of our time and money. We don't need American boots on the ground, but we do need someone's boots on the ground to defeat this terrorist army.

It will lead to the downing of an aircraft which will give the bastards their pretense for ramping up another war.
Not necessarily. Limited engagements and surgical strikes rarely lead to war. The US has engaged in hundreds of military actions and very few have lead to a major war. I doubt that the US under Obama or any other president is going to make that mistake again.
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Explain how it is a crime. Whose laws are governing this situation? Specifically, which law of theirs does it violate?

We are attacking another sovereign country

Are we? Would you call the Islamic State a sovereign country?

How does being Islamic make it not sovereign? This is irrelevant to my point anyway, it's not the United States, call it what you want.

who did not attack us and are not a threat to us.

Except for the whole "We'll raise our flag at the White House" thing, right? Their attacks on countries like Iraq and threats against Saudi Arabia, both of whom we have at least some level of diplomatic relations with, are irrelevant, aren't they?

Words are not attacking us and Iraq and Saudi Arabia are not the United States

It violates the US Constitution which grants only the power to use the military for "defense."

Can you cite the section of the US Constitution you're drawing that quote from?


"provide for the common Defence."

In case you don't know, the Constitution is an enumerated document. So by the 10th amendment, any power not granted to the federal government is prohibited to it.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Defending Saudia Arabia and Iraq and going after people who talk and don't threaten us is not defense, and is therefore prohibited.
Well, so Barry actually has a pair of balls (excuse me, grape nuts). Good for him. Now that he has authorized air strikes - let's see what happens.

Have to hand it to the Chicago Thug - I didn't think the coward had it in him. OK, from now on, your Delta Tau name is....."Grape Nuts". :D
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Why are we getting involved?

The mission seems to be two-fold.

1. To safeguard US soldiers and diplomats. When ISIS first began taking territory in Iraq, the Obama administration sent several hundred military advisers to assist the Iraqi government. Some of those advisers are stationed in a city called Erbil, which is also home to a US consulate. ISIS is now within striking distance of Erbil, and President Obama said that if fighters advance on the city, they’ll be targeted.

2. To protect vulnerable populations. The main lines of conflict in Iraq pit Shi’ite against Sunni, but several vulnerable minority groups have been caught in the fighting. Among them are the Yazidi, many of whom live in and around the town of Sinjar. When ISIS moved into Sinjar in recent days, tens of thousands of Yazidis fled to a nearby mountain for safety. And now they’re trapped on that mountain, without food or water, as hostile ISIS forces wait below. At the request of the Iraqi government, the US has begun making airdrops of food and water. And to help break the siege and create an escape route for those trapped Yazidi, the President has also authorized airstrikes in support of Iraqi military efforts.

Why is US dropping bombs on ISIS in Iraq? - World - The Boston Globe
How long will the Yazidi have to stay on the mountain? In a month we will see CNN videos of thousands of them living in tents and squalor because BOBO will never actually do what is needed ie to get rid of the fucking ISIS vermin laying in wait below.
Within two weeks we will watch CNN video of US 'advisors' and staff being helicoptered from roof tops in Irbil while ISIS snipers try to kill them.

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