Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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I didn't support bush when he got the U.S. involved in Iraq, and I don't support Obama getting us sucked back in. That region needs to determine its own destiny, for good or ill, and it really is none of our concern.

Even though it has been established that the massive displacement, war crimes, eviction of religious minorities, etc. are all being caused by an entity funded, trained, equipped, and possibly created by the US? Do you doubt those claims, or do you simply believe that even though the US has gone out of its way to create a new wave of problems, it has no obligation to fix them?
All of the agreements were passed by the Iraqi Parliament before President Obama took office. The Iraqis wanted us out.

Iraqi Government to UN: 'Don't Extend Mandate for Bush's Occupation' | Alternet'

There are factions in the Iraqi government that foolishly wanted the United States to leave, but their was a way to stay longer and Obama failed to do it. The Bush administration never signed anything that would not have given the United States troops imunity in 2008. The Sunni Arabs, from where most of the anti-US insurgency was formed, WANTED THE UNITED STATES to stay!

Yes, Bush did sign an agreement in 2008, but agreements can be renegotiated. The Obama administration was in the process of doing that. But it dropped the ball, and that has created the crises that the United States finds itself in today.

Regardless of what factions or groups wanted, the fact remains, that had US troops remained in Iraq in support of the Iraqi military, the advances that IS made back in June to today would never of happened.

Obama dropped the ball on Iraq. Iraq was NOT READY to stand on its own without US military, economic and diplomatic support that we had been providing. The Pre-mature withdrawal of the US military and other US organizations and diplomats 2.5 years ago created the current crises!

If anyone can be blamed for the current crisis it is al-Maliki for his persecution of the Sunnis since our troops left.

Are you drawing on a specific source for your claims of his persecution of Sunnis? Can you provide me with a link to one that you believe adequately represents that claim?
I'm not very certain why we are doing any of this or how bombing helps our interests or values.

If we have a good reason and good objectives, I don't have a problem with it, I just find it very difficult to see what they are. Seems to be no matter who we attack and who we help, we are somehow still losing out in the end.

I believe that this is another false flag to get the US to re-invade Iraq, invade Syria to "continue fighting them evil turrists hiding in Syria," and throw out Bashar al-Assad. Given that he's "an evil dictator who killed his own people" and there still aren't crowds rallying for his overthrow in the West, it seems to me that the regimes of the US, UK, and France will only be able to justify an invasion of Syria to their electorate if there are more allegations manufactured and more suggesting footage taken. That's largely how they operated in Libya.
Again why are we bombing Iraq again if Obama himself said "There are no American military solutions to the problems in Iraq". If the President has no faith in what we are doing, why are we wasting our time and money doing it?
Again why are we bombing Iraq again if Obama himself said "There are no American military solutions to the problems in Iraq". If the President has no faith in what we are doing, why are we wasting our time and money doing it?

Oil and pipelines
I didn't support bush when he got the U.S. involved in Iraq, and I don't support Obama getting us sucked back in. That region needs to determine its own destiny, for good or ill, and it really is none of our concern.

Even though it has been established that the massive displacement, war crimes, eviction of religious minorities, etc. are all being caused by an entity funded, trained, equipped, and possibly created by the US? Do you doubt those claims, or do you simply believe that even though the US has gone out of its way to create a new wave of problems, it has no obligation to fix them?

Even IF that's true, it's still no reason to get involved again. The first time was a mistake, and this time is likewise.
Not only do I support it but I called for it months ago. Libs were against it then and called me dumb. I wonder if they now offer that label to Obama. I see some of them voted that they "now" support it.
I support this.
What the fuck took him so long?

Planning and waiting for ISIS en masse, like the convoy just taken out. They were widely spread out until the last couple of days.

Meanwhile, ISIS is hoding hundred of Yazidi women captive for use by their troops. Some will be married off, some.............................

Iraq official: Militants hold 100s of Yazidi women

To bad Obama dropped the ball and now that Obama has lied, people have to die..
I didn't support bush when he got the U.S. involved in Iraq, and I don't support Obama getting us sucked back in. That region needs to determine its own destiny, for good or ill, and it really is none of our concern.

Even though it has been established that the massive displacement, war crimes, eviction of religious minorities, etc. are all being caused by an entity funded, trained, equipped, and possibly created by the US? Do you doubt those claims, or do you simply believe that even though the US has gone out of its way to create a new wave of problems, it has no obligation to fix them?

Even IF that's true, it's still no reason to get involved again. The first time was a mistake, and this time is likewise.

The only mistake would be to ignore this problem.
I support this.
What the fuck took him so long?

Planning and waiting for ISIS en masse, like the convoy just taken out. They were widely spread out until the last couple of days.

Meanwhile, ISIS is hoding hundred of Yazidi women captive for use by their troops. Some will be married off, some.............................

Iraq official: Militants hold 100s of Yazidi women


ISIS was congregated together WITH all of OUR military equipment MONTHS ago in the desert.
I didn't support bush when he got the U.S. involved in Iraq, and I don't support Obama getting us sucked back in. That region needs to determine its own destiny, for good or ill, and it really is none of our concern.

Even though it has been established that the massive displacement, war crimes, eviction of religious minorities, etc. are all being caused by an entity funded, trained, equipped, and possibly created by the US? Do you doubt those claims, or do you simply believe that even though the US has gone out of its way to create a new wave of problems, it has no obligation to fix them?

Even IF that's true, it's still no reason to get involved again. The first time was a mistake, and this time is likewise.

So you believe that US policy should be to refuse to fix problems we create after we decide creating the problem was a mistake?

To put it in real-world terms: Suppose that in the immediate aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, BP had said, "Gee, we really should've taken that whole safety precaution thing more seriously. Oh well. You guys clean it up, we're getting out of that region." Would they have been justified in washing their hands of the matter, without aiding in its cleanup, and moving on?
No, I don't support it. Mainly because he won't do it right. He'll make a show of it, but he'll leave ISIS basically intact and barely scratched.

They need to be destroyed and he won't do that so it's a complete waste of time, money, and lives.

The finest military in the world with a wealth of experience in using targeted bombings to kill terrorists has just been insulted by a what? A pred fan suffering from Obama DERANGEMENT Syndrome. Why are you insulting the military? Wtf?

Killing terrorists is a waste of time you say? How's that. Didn't you support all the Bush wars against terrorism? Aren't we still at war with terrorism? Why yes we are.

So how is killing terrorists a waste of time, money and lives?
Not only do I support it but I called for it months ago. Libs were against it then and called me dumb. I wonder if they now offer that label to Obama. I see some of them voted that they "now" support it.

Murked, I respect you, and will point until now they were never en masse, we just took out a convoy. This is the time, two rounds of strikes.......more to follow. They had to gather close together to take Baghdad.
So you believe that US policy should be to refuse to fix problems we create after we decide creating the problem was a mistake?

We do not owe them shit. Remember they are the ones that kicked us out. That was their decision now they have to live with it.
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