Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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If anyone can be blamed for the current crisis it is al-Maliki for his persecution of the Sunnis since our troops left.

Are you drawing on a specific source for your claims of his persecution of Sunnis? Can you provide me with a link to one that you believe adequately represents that claim?

There are multiple references to his actions since 2009. Here's a couple.


In Iraq, a Sunni revolt raises specter of civil war - The Washington Post

Thank you. While I am not a fan of al-Maliki, I am a fan of the truth, and it appears that your links undermine your claims rather than supporting them.

The authoritarian tendencies of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki of Iraq are well known. But the arrest of more than 600 Iraqis whom the government describes as suspected former members of Saddam Hussein’s Baath Party and army is particularly cynical and reckless.

He arrested members of the banned Baath Party. The Baath Party's current leader, Ibrahim al-Nouri (who was Saddam's Vice President), declared war on ISIS recently due to their inhumane treatment of Christians. Additionally, ISIS is a Sunni extremist organization. Arresting members of the party that went on to fight a Sunni extremist organization hardly seems like it would damaging al-Maliki's street cred.

In Iraq, a Sunni revolt raises specter of civil war - The Washington Post
In the western Iraqi province of Anbar, Sunnis are in open revolt against the Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Militants affiliated with al-Qaeda have taken advantage of the turmoil to raise their flag over areas from which they had been driven out by American troops, including the powerfully symbolic city of Fallujah, where U.S. forces fought their bloodiest battle since the Vietnam War.

On Monday, Maliki urged the people of Fallujah to expel al-Qaeda-*affiliated militants to avert a full-on attack, echoing calls made by U.S. forces a decade ago when they warned residents to leave the city or suffer the consequences.

Here, al-Maliki fights the Sunni organization al-Qaeda, or a splinter group affiliated with them.

I just don't see how these articles prove that al-Maliki is guilty of "persecution of the Sunnis since our troops left."
Bush this, Obama that, is useless. Hundreds of Yazidi women are being held captive.

Didn't seem to matter when it was 300 African girls. Why is this different?

Th Islamist nutjobs are on the move. Conquering cities and villages, murdering people, raping women we should have bombed these idiots long before they got this far. it's in the interest of this country to drive back these hoards. We help the Kurds and the Iraqi government forces from the air

Yes! And save the "____ did_____" crapola for after ISIS is weakened to a shell; I do not believe wwe eliminate them, though I would be 100% behind it, if any Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Tea Party supporter has a plan.
Yes, I support it.

I'm not much of an Obumble fan, but I support the airstrikes in northern Iraq, and believe that it was the right thing to do.

If it keeps those murdering ISIS bastards from beheading and crucifying and using firing squads on all those women and children in the hills up there, then, yeah, go for it.

God protect the US military service people involved in all that.

Yes, and hope we can take out enough to weaken these b-------.
The finest military in the world with a wealth of experience in using targeted bombings to kill terrorists has just been insulted by a what? A pred fan suffering from Obama DERANGEMENT Syndrome. Why are you insulting the military? Wtf?

Killing terrorists is a waste of time you say? How's that. Didn't you support all the Bush wars against terrorism? Aren't we still at war with terrorism? Why yes we are.

So how is killing terrorists a waste of time, money and lives?

Bush this, Obama that, is useless. Hundreds of Yazidi women are being held captive.

Didn't seem to matter when it was 300 African girls. Why is this different?

It's also pretty dirty that he waited for Congress to go on Recess. These types of interventions are very sketchy at best. It should have been debated in our Congress. But then again, we all know the Dear Leader isn't big on the Constitution. So it's not surprising.

doorstep right now. Isis cares even less about Congresses summer vacation schedule than you think Obama does.
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Bush this, Obama that, is useless. Hundreds of Yazidi women are being held captive.

Didn't seem to matter when it was 300 African girls. Why is this different?

Th Islamist nutjobs are on the move. Conquering cities and villages, murdering people, raping women we should have bombed these idiots long before they got this far. it's in the interest of this country to drive back these hoards. We help the Kurds and the Iraqi government forces from the air

It wasn't a serious question
So you believe that US policy should be to refuse to fix problems we create after we decide creating the problem was a mistake?

We do not owe them shit. Remember they are the ones that kicked us out. That was their decision now they have to live with it.

Alright, let's go with your version of events. Let's say that Iraq did "kick out" the US, and that there was absolutely no support at all for a US withdrawal from Iraq among US citizens.

But then the US fans the flames on a terror group--via funding, training, and equipping them--that goes on to capture vast amounts of territory in Iraq, commit war crimes in Iraq, capture cement factories, natural gas plants, and oil fields in Iraq, and rob millions of dollars from banks in Iraq.

And now it's Iraq's fault for "kicking us out" in the first place. If only they hadn't "kicked us out," they wouldn't have to deal with all of this.

You make it sound like the US deliberately created a violent terror group to spite Iraq for not wanting to be our girlfriend, or some other petty, juvenile nonsense. Is that your view of the chain of events in Iraq? If not, what is?
In Iraq, a Sunni revolt raises specter of civil war - The Washington Post

In the western Iraqi province of Anbar, Sunnis are in open revolt against the Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
I just don't see how these articles prove that al-Maliki is guilty of "persecution of the Sunnis since our troops left."

What part of Shiite dominated government of Maliki is hard for you to understand?

What part of BlindBoo used al-Maliki fighting al-Qaeda as an example of him persecuting Sunnis is hard for you to understand? Do you believe that fighting a terrorist group claiming an affiliation with Sunni Islam is an act of persecution against all Sunni Muslims?
ami warned that oil production constitutes a significant source of revenue for ISIS, adding that the Islamist militant group is able to sell a barrel of crude oil for around 18 US dollars. Brent crude, a global benchmark, currently sells at around 107 US dollars.

Oil is transported from ISIS-held areas with the help of local and foreign brokers, Shami said.

Despite its recent advances in Iraq, ISIS has been unable to take control of oil resources comparable to those it holds in Syria, and its recent attempt to capture the key Baiji refinery was successfully deterred by Iraqi forces. But Iraq’s oil infrastructure is far from secure, and there are frequent reports that huge amounts of crude oil are being smuggled out of the country by militants
ISIS in control of 60 percent of Syrian oil: sources « ASHARQ AL-AWSAT
The problem is much bigger than Iraq. This isn't the 1940's anymore. Borders & oceans are no longer a deterrent. Regardless of Obama's motive this is LONG OVER DUE
Iraqi army has war helicopters, war planes and battle tanks..

ISIS does not have planes and battle tanks

As they capture Baghdad they will probably find some, let's wait & see......................no, let's fight, NOW.
So Obama has begun bombing Iraq. How do you feel about it? Do you support it?

I support surgical strikes on ISIS since apparently even Al Qaida finds them appalling.

He is not bombing Iraq. George Bush was responsible for "Shock and Awe", not Obama.

You're not going to see any of this bullshit below.
This is what Bush did because he's a dickless brainless wonderboy spoiled by Pappy and thinks the world is his toy.

Are you drawing on a specific source for your claims of his persecution of Sunnis? Can you provide me with a link to one that you believe adequately represents that claim?

There are multiple references to his actions since 2009. Here's a couple.


In Iraq, a Sunni revolt raises specter of civil war - The Washington Post

Thank you. While I am not a fan of al-Maliki, I am a fan of the truth, and it appears that your links undermine your claims rather than supporting them.

The authoritarian tendencies of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki of Iraq are well known. But the arrest of more than 600 Iraqis whom the government describes as suspected former members of Saddam Hussein’s Baath Party and army is particularly cynical and reckless.

He arrested members of the banned Baath Party. The Baath Party's current leader, Ibrahim al-Nouri (who was Saddam's Vice President), declared war on ISIS recently due to their inhumane treatment of Christians. Additionally, ISIS is a Sunni extremist organization. Arresting members of the party that went on to fight a Sunni extremist organization hardly seems like it would damaging al-Maliki's street cred.

In Iraq, a Sunni revolt raises specter of civil war - The Washington Post
In the western Iraqi province of Anbar, Sunnis are in open revolt against the Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Militants affiliated with al-Qaeda have taken advantage of the turmoil to raise their flag over areas from which they had been driven out by American troops, including the powerfully symbolic city of Fallujah, where U.S. forces fought their bloodiest battle since the Vietnam War.

On Monday, Maliki urged the people of Fallujah to expel al-Qaeda-*affiliated militants to avert a full-on attack, echoing calls made by U.S. forces a decade ago when they warned residents to leave the city or suffer the consequences.

Here, al-Maliki fights the Sunni organization al-Qaeda, or a splinter group affiliated with them.

I just don't see how these articles prove that al-Maliki is guilty of "persecution of the Sunnis since our troops left."

I never said it was proof. You asked for reference material. Those were articles about specific events and they did offer some historical perspective on how the Sunnis felt betrayed. Enough for you to begin your own search for the truth.

The PBS special "Losing Iraq" seems pretty good too.

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