Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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Nor am I.

well you might wanna think about it because that's how ISIS is funding itself

ISIS has emptied every bank & museum of every town they have overrun. It is estimated that the have BILLIONS in cash & valuables. Oil is not their target, it is simply at risk of being under their control. Having said that they have PLENTY OF CASH on hand to procure anything they need without the oil.

So will Iran and Russia sell them what they need to continue their Jihad across the middle east until they can raise their flag at the white house?
So this seems to be the strategy: Bomb ISIS if they approach humanitiarian efforts in Northern Iraq. The desired outcome is aid reaching the Kurds. Not sure how you determine when that mission is over.

It'll calm down a bit in the near future. ISIS has already won to an extent. They'll probably pull back a bit and secure their gains. So it will seem like the mission was accomplished. But make no mistake, the Sunnis aren't going away. They will continue fighting. ISIS is only a part of the very large Sunni resistance. The Civil War will get much worse and last for many many years. It's time for us to GTHO. Nothing more to be gained there.

I just care about the Christians. If we have to fight another Crusade, then so be it. The rag heads have been asking for it.
well you might wanna think about it because that's how ISIS is funding itself

ISIS has emptied every bank & museum of every town they have overrun. It is estimated that the have BILLIONS in cash & valuables. Oil is not their target, it is simply at risk of being under their control. Having said that they have PLENTY OF CASH on hand to procure anything they need without the oil.

And they will soon have more advanced munitions.

Dear they ALREADY HAVE THEM. They have most of the equipment we left for the Iraqi army. Tanks, choppers, rockets, infantry weapons, TONS of ammo. A good portion of what we gave Iraq was supposed to goto the Kurds but Malaki parked it all in several cities that fell to ISIS. They are killing our allies WITH OUR WEAPONS
So Obama has begun bombing Iraq. How do you feel about it? Do you support it?

Depends if it is a sustained bombing effort that can really damage and degrade ISIS yes if it's just surgical pin prick strikes that are nothing more than an annoyance to ISIS then no.

We will not know until we continue strikes, but ISIS is now taking captives of course.
Let's see here...

On one hand, another country is in the middle of a civil war.

On the other hand, US intervention in that country's affairs by taking out their leader who held that country relatively stable for the inhabitants is the major cause in the creation of these factions', which were held in check before their "liberation" leading to their involvement in a civil war around 10 years ago and again today.

ISIS is essentially the former combined factions lumped together and coined Al Qaeda in Iraq by the former Administration. They were effectively driven out of Iraq during the "surge" after things had gone far south after "Mission Accomplished" during the "rebuilding" of the country. Now they've returned.

What should the US do? One school of thought is, we broke, we gotta fix it. Another is we've done enough damage, let the ME deal with its own problems. Between those two extremes are variations on those two themes.

The way I see it, further US involvement in the ME would simply exacerbate the problem and aid ISIS recruitment; Bin Laden's 1998 fatwa still burns in the minds of many radicalized Sunni's. One good option I see is a coalition of ME Nations such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, et al, to coordinate efforts to rid the region of all the factions with Qubtism at their heart. The idea of a Caliphate rising from ISIS should be more than enough to motivate them. Now is the time for Islam to put up or shut up.

The idea of the US as part of that coalition would be absurdly counterproductive given the subject of the WIF fatwa which lead to 9/11.

Just one man's opinion, and worth about 2 cents!

Yet another one that is controlled by the far left propaganda and allows it to trump reality.

You're foolish to have made that statement. I've faced that reality in another era and have had decades for consideration, so I'm coming from a position of experience. Are you? You might want to reconsider.
well you might wanna think about it because that's how ISIS is funding itself

ISIS has emptied every bank & museum of every town they have overrun. It is estimated that the have BILLIONS in cash & valuables. Oil is not their target, it is simply at risk of being under their control. Having said that they have PLENTY OF CASH on hand to procure anything they need without the oil.

So will Iran and Russia sell them what they need to continue their Jihad across the middle east until they can raise their flag at the white house?

Raise their flag? Lol, when cows fly.

Cause major death & destruction in western countries & possibly the US? Highly probable
There needs to be an all out attack using air assets and spec ops.

Only an idiot would turn down the opportunity to kill hundreds of terrorists while protecting innocent people.
well you might wanna think about it because that's how ISIS is funding itself

ISIS has emptied every bank & museum of every town they have overrun. It is estimated that the have BILLIONS in cash & valuables. Oil is not their target, it is simply at risk of being under their control. Having said that they have PLENTY OF CASH on hand to procure anything they need without the oil.

So will Iran and Russia sell them what they need to continue their Jihad across the middle east until they can raise their flag at the white house?

Iran? Iran is terrified of ISIS, they think the US and Israel created/fund them.
Nothing in Iraq makes sense either. So we bomb ISIS? Then what? Iran grows even more powerful and influential in Iraq? Is that what we really want? It really is a Catch 22 scenario for Americans. It's very sad.

Obama's total withdrawal from Iraq, combined with the crises that IS has is causing the Iraqi military and government is the reason Iran has been able to increase its influence in Iraq. Had Obama kept the US military in Iraq and prevented what IS has done the past two months from happening, Iranian influence in Iraq today would be much smaller.

Iraq has turned more and more to Iran because OBAMA essentially abandon Iraq after 2011!

Except it was President Bush who signed the agreement withdrawing our troops completely by 2012. He really had no choice because the Iraqis were not budging on the immunity issue. Since the occupation government gave way to the new Shiite dominated Iraq government, Iran (Majority Shiite) has gained considerable influence. Had the Iraqi given in on the immunity issue President Obama would have left troops on the ground.

It was left to Obama to negotiate a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government to allow a small force of US troops in country. Bush would have played hardball and got a deal. Obama was in such a hurry to keep his campaign promise he didn't even try.
ISIS has emptied every bank & museum of every town they have overrun. It is estimated that the have BILLIONS in cash & valuables. Oil is not their target, it is simply at risk of being under their control. Having said that they have PLENTY OF CASH on hand to procure anything they need without the oil.

So will Iran and Russia sell them what they need to continue their Jihad across the middle east until they can raise their flag at the white house?

Iran? Iran is terrified of ISIS, they think the US and Israel created/fund them.

Seriously? Did you get your far left propaganda wires crossed?

Why Iran Believes the Militant Group ISIS Is an American Plot
ISIS Is an American Plot to Destabilize the Region, says Iran - TIME

And that is from a far left source...

So which far left blogs sites are you going to believe?
Obama's total withdrawal from Iraq, combined with the crises that IS has is causing the Iraqi military and government is the reason Iran has been able to increase its influence in Iraq. Had Obama kept the US military in Iraq and prevented what IS has done the past two months from happening, Iranian influence in Iraq today would be much smaller.

Iraq has turned more and more to Iran because OBAMA essentially abandon Iraq after 2011!

Except it was President Bush who signed the agreement withdrawing our troops completely by 2012. He really had no choice because the Iraqis were not budging on the immunity issue. Since the occupation government gave way to the new Shiite dominated Iraq government, Iran (Majority Shiite) has gained considerable influence. Had the Iraqi given in on the immunity issue President Obama would have left troops on the ground.

It was left to Obama to negotiate a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government to allow a small force of US troops in country. Bush would have played hardball and got a deal. Obama was in such a hurry to keep his campaign promise he didn't even try.

We were told to leave. We were evicted. What don't you understand?
Obama's total withdrawal from Iraq, combined with the crises that IS has is causing the Iraqi military and government is the reason Iran has been able to increase its influence in Iraq. Had Obama kept the US military in Iraq and prevented what IS has done the past two months from happening, Iranian influence in Iraq today would be much smaller.

Iraq has turned more and more to Iran because OBAMA essentially abandon Iraq after 2011!

Except it was President Bush who signed the agreement withdrawing our troops completely by 2012. He really had no choice because the Iraqis were not budging on the immunity issue. Since the occupation government gave way to the new Shiite dominated Iraq government, Iran (Majority Shiite) has gained considerable influence. Had the Iraqi given in on the immunity issue President Obama would have left troops on the ground.

It was left to Obama to negotiate a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government to allow a small force of US troops in country. Bush would have played hardball and got a deal. Obama was in such a hurry to keep his campaign promise he didn't even try.

While true that is all water under the bridge at this point. As I've said over & over what's done is done and all that matters is what we do moving forward. ISIS, nor any other enemy of America, gives a rats ass who did what as they hack their way through the population we've left in the dust. Bush mismanaged the war terribly, Obama followed suit. Blame game is irrelevant to all but the history books.
Except it was President Bush who signed the agreement withdrawing our troops completely by 2012. He really had no choice because the Iraqis were not budging on the immunity issue. Since the occupation government gave way to the new Shiite dominated Iraq government, Iran (Majority Shiite) has gained considerable influence. Had the Iraqi given in on the immunity issue President Obama would have left troops on the ground.

It was left to Obama to negotiate a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government to allow a small force of US troops in country. Bush would have played hardball and got a deal. Obama was in such a hurry to keep his campaign promise he didn't even try.

We were told to leave. We were evicted. What don't you understand?

Wrong again, but don't let your far left propaganda stand in the way of what is really happening.
Except it was President Bush who signed the agreement withdrawing our troops completely by 2012. He really had no choice because the Iraqis were not budging on the immunity issue. Since the occupation government gave way to the new Shiite dominated Iraq government, Iran (Majority Shiite) has gained considerable influence. Had the Iraqi given in on the immunity issue President Obama would have left troops on the ground.

It was left to Obama to negotiate a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government to allow a small force of US troops in country. Bush would have played hardball and got a deal. Obama was in such a hurry to keep his campaign promise he didn't even try.

We were told to leave. We were evicted. What don't you understand?

You're kidding, right?

Damn - I tell YOU to leave on a daily basis and you refuse, yet you are holding on to the notion that we were "told to leave" and "we were evicted"?

Pardner, you are out of your mind.....seek professional help immediately.
Here is a novel idea:

Stay out of Iraq and let the Iraqi people fight it out between themselves. .... :cool:

I am puzzled as to how you can hold such a position, given that the US caused Iraq to have the problem with ISIS that it currently does.

Do you advocate the funding, training, and arming of Islamic terrorists by foreign entities with the express purpose that said terrorists kill other Muslims? Do you not believe that the creators of a mess have the obligation to clean it up?

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