Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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Not only do I support it but I called for it months ago. Libs were against it then and called me dumb. I wonder if they now offer that label to Obama. I see some of them voted that they "now" support it.

Murked, I respect you, and will point until now they were never en masse, we just took out a convoy. This is the time, two rounds of strikes.......more to follow. They had to gather close together to take Baghdad.

Sorry Peach but you are wrong. They were gathered in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the desert months ago. A very easy target with little to no innocents in harms way.
Not only do I support it but I called for it months ago. Libs were against it then and called me dumb. I wonder if they now offer that label to Obama. I see some of them voted that they "now" support it.

Murked, I respect you, and will point until now they were never en masse, we just took out a convoy. This is the time, two rounds of strikes.......more to follow. They had to gather close together to take Baghdad.

Sorry Peach but you are wrong. They were gathered in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the desert months ago. A very easy target with little to no innocents in harms way.

Obama (like Clinton) has many such opportunities in order to persevere the far left religion and propaganda.

The far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!
Not only do I support it but I called for it months ago. Libs were against it then and called me dumb. I wonder if they now offer that label to Obama. I see some of them voted that they "now" support it.

Murked, I respect you, and will point until now they were never en masse, we just took out a convoy. This is the time, two rounds of strikes.......more to follow. They had to gather close together to take Baghdad.

Sorry Peach but you are wrong. They were gathered in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the desert months ago. A very easy target with little to no innocents in harms way.

Then Obama was wrong not to order a strike, I am not going to bicker about how the war began, Bush_______ or Obama______. ISIS has taken hostage Yazidi women to be USED by ISIS troops, keep up the fight. You did not see me arguing against a strike then, I have taken these b------- seriously from their emergence.
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Remember all that oil we got from the first two Iraq wars?

I don't. ....

Yet we go in and back France in a real illegal war to protect France's flow of OIL from Libya.

Of course most of the contracts in Iraq went to China and a company formed by BP and China. America came out with 10% of the OIL contracts.

Yet another gar left talking point defeated by reality.

I believe we went into Libya for one reason & one reason only. Obama's ego
There are factions in the Iraqi government that foolishly wanted the United States to leave, but their was a way to stay longer and Obama failed to do it. The Bush administration never signed anything that would not have given the United States troops imunity in 2008. The Sunni Arabs, from where most of the anti-US insurgency was formed, WANTED THE UNITED STATES to stay!

Yes, Bush did sign an agreement in 2008, but agreements can be renegotiated. The Obama administration was in the process of doing that. But it dropped the ball, and that has created the crises that the United States finds itself in today.

Regardless of what factions or groups wanted, the fact remains, that had US troops remained in Iraq in support of the Iraqi military, the advances that IS made back in June to today would never of happened.

Obama dropped the ball on Iraq. Iraq was NOT READY to stand on its own without US military, economic and diplomatic support that we had been providing. The Pre-mature withdrawal of the US military and other US organizations and diplomats 2.5 years ago created the current crises!

If anyone can be blamed for the current crisis it is al-Maliki for his persecution of the Sunnis since our troops left.

Are you drawing on a specific source for your claims of his persecution of Sunnis? Can you provide me with a link to one that you believe adequately represents that claim?

There are multiple references to his actions since 2009. Here's a couple.


In Iraq, a Sunni revolt raises specter of civil war - The Washington Post
Murked, I respect you, and will point until now they were never en masse, we just took out a convoy. This is the time, two rounds of strikes.......more to follow. They had to gather close together to take Baghdad.

Sorry Peach but you are wrong. They were gathered in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the desert months ago. A very easy target with little to no innocents in harms way.

Then Obama was wrong not to order a strike, I am not going to bicker about how the war began, Bush_______ or Obama______. ISIS has taken hostage Yazidi women to be USED by ISIS troops, keep up the fight. You did not see me arguing against a strike then, I have taken these b------- seriously from their emergence.

I call BS to this post!

Typical far left mentality to not blame their far left leader for what is happening now.
No, I don't support it. Mainly because he won't do it right. He'll make a show of it, but he'll leave ISIS basically intact and barely scratched.

They need to be destroyed and he won't do that so it's a complete waste of time, money, and lives.

The finest military in the world with a wealth of experience in using targeted bombings to kill terrorists has just been insulted by a what? A pred fan suffering from Obama DERANGEMENT Syndrome. Why are you insulting the military? Wtf?

Killing terrorists is a waste of time you say? How's that. Didn't you support all the Bush wars against terrorism? Aren't we still at war with terrorism? Why yes we are.

So how is killing terrorists a waste of time, money and lives?

Bush this, Obama that, is useless. Hundreds of Yazidi women are being held captive.
If anyone can be blamed for the current crisis it is al-Maliki for his persecution of the Sunnis since our troops left.

Are you drawing on a specific source for your claims of his persecution of Sunnis? Can you provide me with a link to one that you believe adequately represents that claim?

There are multiple references to his actions since 2009. Here's a couple.


In Iraq, a Sunni revolt raises specter of civil war - The Washington Post

To far left blog sources that do NOT back up your far left claims..
No, I don't support it. Mainly because he won't do it right. He'll make a show of it, but he'll leave ISIS basically intact and barely scratched.

They need to be destroyed and he won't do that so it's a complete waste of time, money, and lives.

The finest military in the world with a wealth of experience in using targeted bombings to kill terrorists has just been insulted by a what? A pred fan suffering from Obama DERANGEMENT Syndrome. Why are you insulting the military? Wtf?

Killing terrorists is a waste of time you say? How's that. Didn't you support all the Bush wars against terrorism? Aren't we still at war with terrorism? Why yes we are.

So how is killing terrorists a waste of time, money and lives?

Bush this, Obama that, is useless. Hundreds of Yazidi women are being held captive.

I guess you can try the same method we used in Africa.

And here we thought He was going to start an entirely new war but, no, He just reheats an old one.

Here's the unfortunate reality of this "Terrorist" bullshit - and it isn't pretty. We Can NOT go back into Iraq. However, (and here's the nasty part) we COULD do what is right for our country (and the rest of the civilized world).

Either we make a huge statement NOW - or we eventually fight these assholes in America. This much I know for sure.

It is time to wipe these jerk offs off the face of the earth. Blow this ISIS organization to hell. Go all out. Kill EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. EVERY ONE. If that means saturation bombing of every square inch of Iraq, so be it.

This sends a message to every other jerk water bunch of assholes out there - that we are NOT going to tolerate it any longer. It will NOT stop terrorism, but it will put a HUGE dent in their will to fight for several years to come.

If we have to bomb their asses twenty four hours a day until they are dead - do it. Missile strikes, air strikes, whatever the hell it takes. DECIMATE THEM.

This is what MUST be done - or prepare for war in America at some point.
No, I don't support it. Mainly because he won't do it right. He'll make a show of it, but he'll leave ISIS basically intact and barely scratched.

They need to be destroyed and he won't do that so it's a complete waste of time, money, and lives.

The finest military in the world with a wealth of experience in using targeted bombings to kill terrorists has just been insulted by a what? A pred fan suffering from Obama DERANGEMENT Syndrome. Why are you insulting the military? Wtf?

Killing terrorists is a waste of time you say? How's that. Didn't you support all the Bush wars against terrorism? Aren't we still at war with terrorism? Why yes we are.

So how is killing terrorists a waste of time, money and lives?

Bush this, Obama that, is useless. Hundreds of Yazidi women are being held captive.

Didn't seem to matter when it was 300 African girls. Why is this different?
The finest military in the world with a wealth of experience in using targeted bombings to kill terrorists has just been insulted by a what? A pred fan suffering from Obama DERANGEMENT Syndrome. Why are you insulting the military? Wtf?

Killing terrorists is a waste of time you say? How's that. Didn't you support all the Bush wars against terrorism? Aren't we still at war with terrorism? Why yes we are.

So how is killing terrorists a waste of time, money and lives?

Bush this, Obama that, is useless. Hundreds of Yazidi women are being held captive.

Didn't seem to matter when it was 300 African girls. Why is this different?

ISIS has stepped up the slaughter of Yazidis, Christians, and "apostates", and is circling Baghdad, vows to be in Washington, DC.
Are you drawing on a specific source for your claims of his persecution of Sunnis? Can you provide me with a link to one that you believe adequately represents that claim?

There are multiple references to his actions since 2009. Here's a couple.


In Iraq, a Sunni revolt raises specter of civil war - The Washington Post

To far left blog sources that do NOT back up your far left claims..

Typical lies of a Rabid Rightie. Are you saying Maliki has treated the Sunnis fairly?
Not only do I support it but I called for it months ago. Libs were against it then and called me dumb. I wonder if they now offer that label to Obama. I see some of them voted that they "now" support it.

(Oh I'm a gramps too, Grey Power!) Not all Libs called you dumb. As long as the U.S. has assets in the region there's always the possibility defensive action will have to be taken. From the info I've seen so far that's what this was. And if there was a possibility to destroy ISIS with bombing I'd support that too, but there isn't.
The finest military in the world with a wealth of experience in using targeted bombings to kill terrorists has just been insulted by a what? A pred fan suffering from Obama DERANGEMENT Syndrome. Why are you insulting the military? Wtf?

Killing terrorists is a waste of time you say? How's that. Didn't you support all the Bush wars against terrorism? Aren't we still at war with terrorism? Why yes we are.

So how is killing terrorists a waste of time, money and lives?

Bush this, Obama that, is useless. Hundreds of Yazidi women are being held captive.

Didn't seem to matter when it was 300 African girls. Why is this different?

Th Islamist nutjobs are on the move. Conquering cities and villages, murdering people, raping women we should have bombed these idiots long before they got this far. it's in the interest of this country to drive back these hoards. We help the Kurds and the Iraqi government forces from the air
The problem is much bigger than Iraq. This isn't the 1940's anymore. Borders & oceans are no longer a deterrent. Regardless of Obama's motive this is LONG OVER DUE
Iraqi army has war helicopters, war planes and battle tanks..

ISIS does not have planes and battle tanks

Yes they do. And they were made in America. You need to get up to speed on current events.
Yes, I support it.

I'm not much of an Obumble fan, but I support the airstrikes in northern Iraq, and believe that it was the right thing to do.

If it keeps those murdering ISIS bastards from beheading and crucifying and using firing squads on all those women and children in the hills up there, then, yeah, go for it.

God protect the US military service people involved in all that.

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