Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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And once again the far left reaches into the far left blog o sphere with their propaganda to show they will believe anything the far left posts without question or hesitation.

To deny the truth of it is to declare your adherence to the dogma of your faction's propaganda over historical fact! Being more than 90 years old TIME is far from a source of the "far left blog o sphere" as you claim. Evidently, you'd contest the fang marks of the rattlesnake that bit you in the ass as false while you paled, weakened and your eyes lost vision!

Whatever. The FACT of the matter is that Obama could have told What the fuck his name is to go eat shit. That asshole in the white house claims that we are a "nation of laws" while he REFUSES to enforce laws he doesn't "care for". So much for that line of bullshit.
Lay on your back, pound your heels on the floor and hold your breath! Why do you always write like a spoiled 10 year old screaming for his own spoiled way. Pathetic behavior!

Same damned thing with the SOFA. He could have told him "We TOOK" this country. We'll leave when we're damned well ready, so sit your ass down and shut the hell up" Or, as we told the Germans and the Japanese after WWII - We will leave when WE are ready.
Obviously, your avatar of that AF Major or Lt Col is not of you! Someone with that background would understand the absolute necessity for a SOFA AFTER sovereignty of the host Nation was returned with establishment of a new government as with, Germany, Japan and, yes, Iraq too. Get thee informed!

No, as expected, he pussed out and pulled the troops. Now, all the blood that was lost in that war was for nothing. It probably means nothing to you - but it means a hell of a lot to those thousands of families who lost Sons or Daughters or Husbands and Fathers. We are right back to where we started - but in this case, Iraq is being turned into an Islamic Terrorist state with designs on destroying YOU and ME. Good job.
The senseless blood sacrifice is on Bush 43's hands for not listening to Bush 41 and his admonition to not get involved in Iraq's civil war back in 1991. After May 1, 2001 and "Mission Accomplished" how did that go for the US to date? There was no reason to create another undefined Vietnam like war in the ME, or our entanglement in the growing conflict that ensued following the fall of the Hussein regime devolving into the predictable civil war.

And don't you fucking dare have the gall to tell this combat veteran that the blood of our fallen probably means nothing to me. I've been there and done that you sorry excuse for an asshole!! Watch what the fuck you're talking about before you let your ass overload your mouth, dipstick!

I support President Obama and The Troops liberating Iraq. Why the fuck was that such a hard concept for the Left to comprehend in 2003?

The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not authorized by Congress to 'liberate' Iraq. It was authorized to enforce relevant UNSC Resolutions with regard to Iraq's disarmament agreement after Iraq's surrender after losing the First Gulf War.

So you had it wrong in 2003.

But more importantly in 2003 there was no genocide going on in Iraq as there is right now. And there was no threat to the US or to the region with 200 UN inspectors on the ground in Iraq finding no WMD and receiving cooperation from the government of Iraq.

The left on Iraq 2003 had it right to oppose it. I see no reason to oppose the actions being taken by Obama right now. There is no similarity to military action in Iraq 2014 compared to what the idiot lying Bush did with ground troops in 2003.
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I support President Obama and The Troops liberating Iraq. Why the fuck was that such a hard concept for the Left to comprehend in 2003?

The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not authorized by Congress to 'liberate' Iraq. It was authorized to enforce relevant UNSC Resolutions with regard to Iraq's disarmament agreement after Iraq's surrender after losing the First Gulf War.

So you had it wrong in 2003.

But more importantly in 2003 there was no genocide going on in Iraq as there is right now. And there was no threat to the US or to the region with 200 UN inspectors on the ground in Iraq finding no WMD and receiving cooperation from the government of Iraq.

The left on Iraq 2003 had it right to oppose it. I see no reason to oppose the actions being taken by Obama right now. There is no similarity to military action in Iraq 2014 compared to what the idiot lying Bush did with ground troops in 2003.

Getting rid of Saddam was also part of the mission.
Why are we getting involved?

The mission seems to be two-fold.

1. To safeguard US soldiers and diplomats. When ISIS first began taking territory in Iraq, the Obama administration sent several hundred military advisers to assist the Iraqi government. Some of those advisers are stationed in a city called Erbil, which is also home to a US consulate. ISIS is now within striking distance of Erbil, and President Obama said that if fighters advance on the city, they’ll be targeted.

2. To protect vulnerable populations. The main lines of conflict in Iraq pit Shi’ite against Sunni, but several vulnerable minority groups have been caught in the fighting. Among them are the Yazidi, many of whom live in and around the town of Sinjar. When ISIS moved into Sinjar in recent days, tens of thousands of Yazidis fled to a nearby mountain for safety. And now they’re trapped on that mountain, without food or water, as hostile ISIS forces wait below. At the request of the Iraqi government, the US has begun making airdrops of food and water. And to help break the siege and create an escape route for those trapped Yazidi, the President has also authorized airstrikes in support of Iraqi military efforts.

Why is US dropping bombs on ISIS in Iraq? - World - The Boston Globe
How long will the Yazidi have to stay on the mountain? In a month we will see CNN videos of thousands of them living in tents and squalor because BOBO will never actually do what is needed ie to get rid of the fucking ISIS vermin laying in wait below.
Within two weeks we will watch CNN video of US 'advisors' and staff being helicoptered from roof tops in Irbil while ISIS snipers try to kill them.

If the bombing clears an escape route for the trapped Yazdis their wait on the mountain won't be long. But,that operation is secondary to the protection of US soldiers and the US consulate in Erbil. Obama doesn't want another Benghazi!
Getting rid of Saddam was also part of the mission.

There had to be a threat to our national security and 'enforce relevent UNSC reolutions' for Bush to use military force against Iraq according the the AUMF of October 2002.

The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not authorized by Congress to 'liberate' Iraq or to 'get rid of Saddam'. It was authorized to enforce relevant UNSC Resolutions with regard to Iraq's disarmament agreement after Iraq's surrender after losing the First Gulf War.

Iraq was no threat in March 2003 and Bush was not enforcing UNSC resolutions to disarm Iraq of WMD when he started a war to get rid of Saddam Hussein.
Iraq is a clusterfuck created by the Bush family:

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a green light from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time.

Even though it has been established that the massive displacement, war crimes, eviction of religious minorities, etc. are all being caused by an entity funded, trained, equipped, and possibly created by the US? Do you doubt those claims, or do you simply believe that even though the US has gone out of its way to create a new wave of problems, it has no obligation to fix them?

Even IF that's true, it's still no reason to get involved again. The first time was a mistake, and this time is likewise.

The only mistake would be to ignore this problem.

It's deja vu all over again!

I guess some people never learn
How long will the Yazidi have to stay on the mountain? In a month we will see CNN videos of thousands of them living in tents and squalor because BOBO will never actually do what is needed ie to get rid of the fucking ISIS vermin laying in wait below.
Within two weeks we will watch CNN video of US 'advisors' and staff being helicoptered from roof tops in Irbil while ISIS snipers try to kill them.

Maybe we should bring the Afghan Army and Police into Mosul to show the Kurds and Iraqis how its done:

239 Insurgents Killed in Nangarhar and Kandahar. Written by Shakila Abrahimkhil
Thursday, 07 August 2014 18:16

Two separate Afghan forces operations carried out in Kandahar and Nangarhar provinces this week in response to recent Taliban offensives left 239 militants dead.

Local officials in Kandahar have said that, in an operation in Zharai district, 170 Taliban members were killed and five others wounded.

Meanwhile, in a separate operation in Nangarhar, 69 anti-government militants were killed. Security officials have attributed at least part of the damage inflicted on their enemy to help from NATO air-strikes.

239 Insurgents Killed in Nangarhar and Kandahar
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And once again the far left reaches into the far left blog o sphere with their propaganda to show they will believe anything the far left posts without question or hesitation.

To deny the truth of it is to declare your adherence to the dogma of your faction's propaganda over historical fact! Being more than 90 years old TIME is far from a source of the "far left blog o sphere" as you claim. Evidently, you'd contest the fang marks of the rattlesnake that bit you in the ass as false while you paled, weakened and your eyes lost vision!

Time is a far left blog site, just like the NYTimes, Washington Post, etc.

If you choose to ignore that fact, then that goes to show how far left you really are.


#44 Time Warner $23,312,053 Democrats 73%

Yep many of these sites are far left, even if the far left refuses to admit it.

LMAO! Have you met Jack? Hell no, YOU DON"T KNOW JACK!

Time, Inc. the news publisher which is responsible for the article I referenced has been around since 1923:


#3671 Time, Inc. $17,705

Time Warner isn't the magazine publisher, Time, Inc. is. Now do ya think those stains will come out?
To deny the truth of it is to declare your adherence to the dogma of your faction's propaganda over historical fact! Being more than 90 years old TIME is far from a source of the "far left blog o sphere" as you claim. Evidently, you'd contest the fang marks of the rattlesnake that bit you in the ass as false while you paled, weakened and your eyes lost vision!

Time is a far left blog site, just like the NYTimes, Washington Post, etc.

If you choose to ignore that fact, then that goes to show how far left you really are.


#44 Time Warner $23,312,053 Democrats 73%

Yep many of these sites are far left, even if the far left refuses to admit it.

LMAO! Have you met Jack? Hell no, YOU DON"T KNOW JACK!

Time, Inc. the news publisher which is responsible for the article I referenced has been around since 1923:


#3671 Time, Inc. $17,705

Time Warner isn't the magazine publisher, Time, Inc. is. Now do ya think those stains will come out?

I wish these NaziCons would give us a list of the credible sources they use.
Time is a far left blog site, just like the NYTimes, Washington Post, etc.

If you choose to ignore that fact, then that goes to show how far left you really are.


#44 Time Warner $23,312,053 Democrats 73%

Yep many of these sites are far left, even if the far left refuses to admit it.

LMAO! Have you met Jack? Hell no, YOU DON"T KNOW JACK!

Time, Inc. the news publisher which is responsible for the article I referenced has been around since 1923:


#3671 Time, Inc. $17,705

Time Warner isn't the magazine publisher, Time, Inc. is. Now do ya think those stains will come out?

I wish these NaziCons would give us a list of the credible sources they use.

I wish lying leftist trash would stop supporting Islamic terrorists who behead children.
Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, AND a world depression (and 5 years of mindless obstruction, phony crises, and zombie hater dupes)...Obama and Dems are the world's hope for recovery, democracy, and civility. In that order. Out of the way, perfectly disastrous a-holes and ugly American chumps!!

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