Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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Time is a far left blog site, just like the NYTimes, Washington Post, etc.

If you choose to ignore that fact, then that goes to show how far left you really are.


#44 Time Warner $23,312,053 Democrats 73%

Yep many of these sites are far left, even if the far left refuses to admit it.

LMAO! Have you met Jack? Hell no, YOU DON"T KNOW JACK!

Time, Inc. the news publisher which is responsible for the article I referenced has been around since 1923:


#3671 Time, Inc. $17,705

Time Warner isn't the magazine publisher, Time, Inc. is. Now do ya think those stains will come out?

I wish these NaziCons would give us a list of the credible sources they use.

I can: Fox, Rush, Beck, Heritage, Bartbreit, Levin, etc etc- bought off demagogues racists, and liars. Luckily only about 20% of the country and on their way out...:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
LMAO! Have you met Jack? Hell no, YOU DON"T KNOW JACK!

Time, Inc. the news publisher which is responsible for the article I referenced has been around since 1923:


#3671 Time, Inc. $17,705

Time Warner isn't the magazine publisher, Time, Inc. is. Now do ya think those stains will come out?

I wish these NaziCons would give us a list of the credible sources they use.

I wish lying leftist trash would stop supporting Islamic terrorists who behead children.

WTF are you talking about, brainwashed hater chump? Ay caramba. The Democratic Party is recognized as Center-Right around the real world. You have fallen off the flat Earth:cuckoo:
I wish these NaziCons would give us a list of the credible sources they use.

I wish lying leftist trash would stop supporting Islamic terrorists who behead children.

WTF are you talking about, brainwashed hater chump? Ay caramba. The Democratic Party is recognized as Center-Right around the real world. You have fallen off the flat Earth:cuckoo:

I wasn't talking to you. Liekhota. Now go shove it, punk.
Obama has been commander in chief for over 5 years. Obama is responsible. [/QUOTE

Obama is responsible for what exactly and why?

Unbelievable. He allowed this. After all America did and sacrificed, Obama made a speech back in 2011 about what a great achievement iraq was and then he walked away against the advice of his generals.

What other choice did he have when a sovereign democracy told him to get the fuck out?
Unbelievable. He allowed this. After all America did and sacrificed, Obama made a speech back in 2011 about what a great achievement iraq was and then he walked away against the advice of his generals.

What other choice did he have when a sovereign democracy told him to get the fuck out?

America fixed it with our treasure. That's why we set the rules. The generals knew that and Obama didn't do it because he had an election coming up. Obama is totally responsible. In his 2011 speech he said America would ensure Iraq success. Another failure.
Time is a far left blog site, just like the NYTimes, Washington Post, etc.

If you choose to ignore that fact, then that goes to show how far left you really are.


#44 Time Warner $23,312,053 Democrats 73%

Yep many of these sites are far left, even if the far left refuses to admit it.

LMAO! Have you met Jack? Hell no, YOU DON"T KNOW JACK!

Time, Inc. the news publisher which is responsible for the article I referenced has been around since 1923:


#3671 Time, Inc. $17,705

Time Warner isn't the magazine publisher, Time, Inc. is. Now do ya think those stains will come out?

I wish these NaziCons would give us a list of the credible sources they use.

It seems to be a prevalent condition of those of either political extreme from my vantage. I really enjoy poking holes in what they believe passes for reason, logic and facts and a proper argument employing the three legs of that stool.

It seems the national minority of the far right is overly represented on this board relative to others I have frequented. I guess that all good too!

Toksa ake waunkte!
To deny the truth of it is to declare your adherence to the dogma of your faction's propaganda over historical fact! Being more than 90 years old TIME is far from a source of the "far left blog o sphere" as you claim. Evidently, you'd contest the fang marks of the rattlesnake that bit you in the ass as false while you paled, weakened and your eyes lost vision!

Whatever. The FACT of the matter is that Obama could have told What the fuck his name is to go eat shit. That asshole in the white house claims that we are a "nation of laws" while he REFUSES to enforce laws he doesn't "care for". So much for that line of bullshit.
Lay on your back, pound your heels on the floor and hold your breath! Why do you always write like a spoiled 10 year old screaming for his own spoiled way. Pathetic behavior!

Same damned thing with the SOFA. He could have told him "We TOOK" this country. We'll leave when we're damned well ready, so sit your ass down and shut the hell up" Or, as we told the Germans and the Japanese after WWII - We will leave when WE are ready.
Obviously, your avatar of that AF Major or Lt Col is not of you! Someone with that background would understand the absolute necessity for a SOFA AFTER sovereignty of the host Nation was returned with establishment of a new government as with, Germany, Japan and, yes, Iraq too. Get thee informed!

No, as expected, he pussed out and pulled the troops. Now, all the blood that was lost in that war was for nothing. It probably means nothing to you - but it means a hell of a lot to those thousands of families who lost Sons or Daughters or Husbands and Fathers. We are right back to where we started - but in this case, Iraq is being turned into an Islamic Terrorist state with designs on destroying YOU and ME. Good job.
The senseless blood sacrifice is on Bush 43's hands for not listening to Bush 41 and his admonition to not get involved in Iraq's civil war back in 1991. After May 1, 2001 and "Mission Accomplished" how did that go for the US to date? There was no reason to create another undefined Vietnam like war in the ME, or our entanglement in the growing conflict that ensued following the fall of the Hussein regime devolving into the predictable civil war.

And don't you fucking dare have the gall to tell this combat veteran that the blood of our fallen probably means nothing to me. I've been there and done that you sorry excuse for an asshole!! Watch what the fuck you're talking about before you let your ass overload your mouth, dipstick!


Hmmm...I'm not exactly sure who the dipshit is that doesn't know how to use the quote function, so if it wasn't you - I apologize in advance. If, on the other hand, I will tell you this - Kiss my Black ass.

I don't give a fuck for your opinion and it means less than nothing to me. Now, as to the gentleman in the photo - that was my Father (then A Lt Col) who went on to become a Brigadier.

YOU a "combat" Veteran? Where and When? Me? 25th Infantry, January 1967 through November 1968 - Ashau Valley, Quan Tri and Le Won. 11B, 97B. Retired form the Army in 1986 as a CW4. Fuck you very much Rambo.

My Brother? US Marines - 3 tours Retired in 1987 as a Master Gunnery Sergeant.

You don't like my views - again - Kiss my Black ass.

Oh, and I just told you that you don't care Rambo. Don't like it? Tough shit .....You're are as full of shit as the other REMFs that inhabit this board.
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I support this bombing because doing nothing will make things worse. We saw what ISIS did in Syria, and now they're doing in what would be Kurdistan. Doing nothing means that they get to spread. After Syria and Iraq would be Jordan and Lebanon.

In the end, the people of the Middle East will have to wipe out ISIS, but if we can help to slow ISIS, that's something we can do to help those people.

Iraq asked for our help and our help is not being mistaken as an excuse to invade them, so I'm okay with this one. ISIS deserves to be killed dead.
So Obama has begun bombing Iraq. How do you feel about it? Do you support it?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgunE4MBDaE]VIDEO OF U.S. MILITARY F/A-18 HORNET STRIKES IN IRAQ, AUG. 8 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR8jI_cerss]VIDEO OF U.S. MILITARY F/A-18 HORNET STRIKES IN IRAQ, AUG. 8 - YouTube[/ame]
Unbelievable. He allowed this. After all America did and sacrificed, Obama made a speech back in 2011 about what a great achievement iraq was and then he walked away against the advice of his generals.

First off 'allowing' a tragedy to happen is not being 'responsible' for a tragedy to happen. So do you withdraw your previous rediculous rightwing talking point?

But now 'allowing' something to happen requires there to be a realistic means avaiable to President Obama to have prevented the dire situation in Iraq from happening.

I don't see a relationship to the first seven years of sacrifice in lives and resources that America made to have any bearing on your argument that Obama 'allowed' IS terrorists to over-run Sunni parts of Iraq the past two months. So what about the sacrifice. The sacrifice was wrong and it did not achieve its secondary goal to force under the barrel of American guns a viable democracy and self sustaining security apparatus on three distinct and separate groups of Iraqis The Kurds, the Shiites, and the Sunnis. Twenty five percent of. US trained million man Army stripped off their uniforms and dropped their weapons when confronted by an advance of maybe 5,000 fighters. That's at least 100,000 trained soldiers running from 5,000 terrorists in two major cities in Sunni Iraq and you have the indecency to suggest that Obama should have anticipated that excess in cowardice by part if Iraq's army and 'allowed' it to happen.

You are an Obama hating ditto-head because I heard Rush Limbaugh make exactly the same point yesterday and replayed those words by Obama out of context about the great achievement our troops made in Iraq.

When are you going to think for yourself instead of simply repeating what Rush is spewing on hate talk radio three hours each work day,

How could Obama have prevented IS terrorists from over running parts of Sunni inhabited Iraq since Bush declared Iraq to be ready to protect itself by 2012 and all US troops had to be gone by then. Read the SOFA and troop withdrawal that Bush left
the US bound to with regard to combat troops in Iraq after 2011.
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Obama needs to step it up, Congress needs to call a special session.
Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, AND a world depression (and 5 years of mindless obstruction, phony crises, and zombie hater dupes)...Obama and Dems are the world's hope for recovery, democracy, and civility. In that order. Out of the way, perfectly disastrous a-holes and ugly American chumps!!

Destroying all terrorist organisations in the Middle East leads to stability.
ISIS is only a part of the very large Sunni resistance. The Civil War will get much worse and last for many many years

What is your source for their being a 'large' Sunni resistance. Why Would non-IS Sunnis be committing genocide against Yazidis? Why would anti-Maliki Sunnis support IS terrorists driving toward the Kurdish major city of Irbil?

You continue to express arguments that make absolutely no sense.

The above last sentence is truly the pot calling the kettle black.
Obama needs to step it up, Congress needs to call a special session.

Step what up? Becoming Maliki's Air Force? Obama's going about it as right as right can be so far,

My view is that All Sunni governments in the region need to step it up in confronting and destroying the IS terrorist threat.

When Obama haters start blaming terrorists for what they do instead of blaming Obama perhaps the Sunni world will start an aggressive campaign to destroy IS for once and for all. As Egypt has done against the Muslim

And forget about this bullshit neocon dread of Iran. Iran and the Saudis should jointly be assisting in a global response to this collection of despicable killers and thieves.

Too much unilateral stepping it up by the US military actions alone will not destroy this threat.

And Obama should be credited for getting all the CW out of Syria by June so at least IS terrorist could not get their terrorist hands on that deadly arsenal.
America fixed it with our treasure. That's why we set the rules.

Fixed what? Bush decided to drive the Sunnis out of power in Iraq and hand power over to the Shiites by military force. Nether Bush nor Obama nor the most brilliant US generals could 'fix' the broken relationship between Sunni and Shiite within Iraq that arose from the 2003 invasion to find stockpiles of Chem/Bio
Weapons that were not there.

To fix what Bush broke - Sunnis would have to have been restored to power and Bush did not decide to do that.

What rules did we set? You need to clarify that one for sure.
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