Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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If you are a conservative you were FOR Bush bombing Iraq but against Obama bombing Iraq.

If you are a liberal you were against Bush bombing Iraq but for Obama bombing Iraq.

That's all you need to know!

Wrong. My problem with the boy king is that he is screwing around.

DESTROY Isis. Bomb their asses back into the stone age. Bomb every square inch of iraq and Syria if that is what it takes. Every time one of these assholes raises his head out from under the rubble - hit him with a hellfire missile.

We have GOT to adopt this policy or this crap will continue. We have a chance to stop (this threat) and make every other potential "martyr" understand that THIS is the price you pay. I promise you, if we hit Iraq with an around the clock bombing and missile attack against these assholes - the rest of these jerk offs will re-think their ambitions to head to Allah - at least for the forceable future.

If we let Isis walk this time - they will be planning an attack on US in the next 4 - 5 years and it will continue on and on for another generation. For once - let's have the United States ACT like the United States these terrorists believe that we are - take their asses OUT.

Yes, we let al Qaeda get a pass when we invaded Iraq, time to eliminate ISIS, or as get as to eliminating them as we can.

More far left propaganda not based on reality.
And once again the far left reaches into the far left blog o sphere with their propaganda to show they will believe anything the far left posts without question or hesitation.

To deny the truth of it is to declare your adherence to the dogma of your faction's propaganda over historical fact! Being more than 90 years old TIME is far from a source of the "far left blog o sphere" as you claim. Evidently, you'd contest the fang marks of the rattlesnake that bit you in the ass as false while you paled, weakened and your eyes lost vision!

Time is a far left blog site, just like the NYTimes, Washington Post, etc.

If you choose to ignore that fact, then that goes to show how far left you really are.


#44 Time Warner $23,312,053 Democrats 73%

Yep many of these sites are far left, even if the far left refuses to admit it.

Where do you get your trustworthy political news?
Obama has failed in Iraq. More American deaths in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Obama is a colossal glittering failure.
So Obama has begun bombing Iraq. How do you feel about it? Do you support it?

I support President Obama and The Troops liberating Iraq. Why the fuck was that such a hard concept for the Left to comprehend in 2003?
Obama has failed in Iraq. More American deaths in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Obama is a colossal glittering failure.

That's funny. Stupid, but funny.

1. Iraq is a sovereign nation that kicked us out. It had that right.

2. Bush didn't put much effort into Afghanistan. Obama did.
If you are a conservative you were FOR Bush bombing Iraq but against Obama bombing Iraq.

If you are a liberal you were against Bush bombing Iraq but for Obama bombing Iraq.

That's all you need to know!

Wrong. My problem with the boy king is that he is screwing around.

DESTROY Isis. Bomb their asses back into the stone age. Bomb every square inch of iraq and Syria if that is what it takes. Every time one of these assholes raises his head out from under the rubble - hit him with a hellfire missile.

We have GOT to adopt this policy or this crap will continue. We have a chance to stop (this threat) and make every other potential "martyr" understand that THIS is the price you pay. I promise you, if we hit Iraq with an around the clock bombing and missile attack against these assholes - the rest of these jerk offs will re-think their ambitions to head to Allah - at least for the forceable future.

If we let Isis walk this time - they will be planning an attack on US in the next 4 - 5 years and it will continue on and on for another generation. For once - let's have the United States ACT like the United States these terrorists believe that we are - take their asses OUT.

Negotiate what?

He could begin by apologizing for stacking his government and military with fellow Shiite tribesmen to the exclusion of Sunnis - and promise to change that.

Civilized people change things with elections. Why do you support a terrorist gang that beheads children?

And places the severed heads on sticks as warnings.
I was convinced by these two leading Democrats. They disagreed with you as well.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

I am not fooled by your lie by ommission. Do you see those three dots (...) at the end of the Kerry statement you are half citing:

"So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."

Why did you quote Kerry only on half of his statement?

So post the rest of what Kerry said after those three dots and then tell me you agree with him.

Will you do that or run?

Also Sen Clinton was correct in October 2002 to vote yes to authorize force if necessary because at that time there were no UN inspectors in Iraq and Saddam Hussein was openly in violation of international law.

I agree with her vote and speech in October 2002 and condemn Bush's March 2003 decision to force an end to those succeeding inspections and start a war.
To deny the truth of it is to declare your adherence to the dogma of your faction's propaganda over historical fact! Being more than 90 years old TIME is far from a source of the "far left blog o sphere" as you claim. Evidently, you'd contest the fang marks of the rattlesnake that bit you in the ass as false while you paled, weakened and your eyes lost vision!

Time is a far left blog site, just like the NYTimes, Washington Post, etc.

If you choose to ignore that fact, then that goes to show how far left you really are.


#44 Time Warner $23,312,053 Democrats 73%

Yep many of these sites are far left, even if the far left refuses to admit it.

Where do you get your trustworthy political news?

Far left and trustworthy? Hummm... And the far left shows that they are more dangerous than ISIS.

It comes from many sources and not just one. It is all over the political spectrum and the truth must lie somewhere in the middle. As there is no 100% unbiased source out there.

Then again as the far left continues to demonstrate they believe their sources without question or hesitation. Thus to them there is no "trustworthy political news" other than what they tell it is.
I was convinced by these two leading Democrats. They disagreed with you as well.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

I am not fooled by your lie by ommission. Do you see those three dots (...) at the end of the Kerry statement you are half citing:

"So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."

Why did you quote Kerry only on half of his statement?

So post the rest of what Kerry said after those three dots and then tell me you agree with him.

Will you do that or run?

Also Sen Clinton was correct in October 2002 to vote yes to authorize force if necessary because at that time there were no UN inspectors in Iraq and Saddam Hussein was openly in violation of international law.

I agree with her vote and speech in October 2002 and condemn Bush's March 2003 decision to force an end to those succeeding inspections and start a war.

Proving that the far left lies!

Then again to the far left the history of Iraq did not start until 2003..
If you are a conservative you were FOR Bush bombing Iraq but against Obama bombing Iraq.

If you are a liberal you were against Bush bombing Iraq but for Obama bombing Iraq.

That's all you need to know!

Wrong. My problem with the boy king is that he is screwing around.

DESTROY Isis. Bomb their asses back into the stone age. Bomb every square inch of iraq and Syria if that is what it takes. Every time one of these assholes raises his head out from under the rubble - hit him with a hellfire missile.

We have GOT to adopt this policy or this crap will continue. We have a chance to stop (this threat) and make every other potential "martyr" understand that THIS is the price you pay. I promise you, if we hit Iraq with an around the clock bombing and missile attack against these assholes - the rest of these jerk offs will re-think their ambitions to head to Allah - at least for the forceable future.

If we let Isis walk this time - they will be planning an attack on US in the next 4 - 5 years and it will continue on and on for another generation. For once - let's have the United States ACT like the United States these terrorists believe that we are - take their asses OUT.

He could begin by apologizing for stacking his government and military with fellow Shiite tribesmen to the exclusion of Sunnis - and promise to change that.

Civilized people change things with elections. Why do you support a terrorist gang that beheads children?

And places the severed heads on sticks as warnings.

You righties are easily baited - even without credible proof. Even if true, that is the Iraqi government's problem.

Now, Iraq is claiming that hundreds of women have been kidnapped.

Iraqi Official: Hundreds Of Yazidi Women Held Captive By Islamic State
Wrong. My problem with the boy king is that he is screwing around.

DESTROY Isis. Bomb their asses back into the stone age. Bomb every square inch of iraq and Syria if that is what it takes. Every time one of these assholes raises his head out from under the rubble - hit him with a hellfire missile.

We have GOT to adopt this policy or this crap will continue. We have a chance to stop (this threat) and make every other potential "martyr" understand that THIS is the price you pay. I promise you, if we hit Iraq with an around the clock bombing and missile attack against these assholes - the rest of these jerk offs will re-think their ambitions to head to Allah - at least for the forceable future.

If we let Isis walk this time - they will be planning an attack on US in the next 4 - 5 years and it will continue on and on for another generation. For once - let's have the United States ACT like the United States these terrorists believe that we are - take their asses OUT.

Civilized people change things with elections. Why do you support a terrorist gang that beheads children?

And places the severed heads on sticks as warnings.

You righties are easily baited - even without credible proof. Even if true, that is the Iraqi government's problem.

It is funny to watch the far left call another far left poster a "rightie"...
Everything is fine. The obum just left for vacation.
The the Nation is, indeed, vouchsafed. All is well. Sleep easy. Obumble's golf score will improve. God Save the Republic.
So Obama has begun bombing Iraq. How do you feel about it? Do you support it?

I support President Obama and The Troops liberating Iraq. Why the fuck was that such a hard concept for the Left to comprehend in 2003?

Wrong. My problem with the boy king is that he is screwing around.

DESTROY Isis. Bomb their asses back into the stone age. Bomb every square inch of iraq and Syria if that is what it takes. Every time one of these assholes raises his head out from under the rubble - hit him with a hellfire missile.

We have GOT to adopt this policy or this crap will continue. We have a chance to stop (this threat) and make every other potential "martyr" understand that THIS is the price you pay. I promise you, if we hit Iraq with an around the clock bombing and missile attack against these assholes - the rest of these jerk offs will re-think their ambitions to head to Allah - at least for the forceable future.

If we let Isis walk this time - they will be planning an attack on US in the next 4 - 5 years and it will continue on and on for another generation. For once - let's have the United States ACT like the United States these terrorists believe that we are - take their asses OUT.

Civilized people change things with elections. Why do you support a terrorist gang that beheads children?

And places the severed heads on sticks as warnings.

You righties are easily baited - even without credible proof. Even if true, that is the Iraqi government's problem.

Now, Iraq is claiming that hundreds of women have been kidnapped.

Iraqi Official: Hundreds Of Yazidi Women Held Captive By Islamic State

If it is true, why would you have the Iraqi president apologize to evil scum that beheads children? What the hell is wrong with you?
Obama has failed in Iraq. More American deaths in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Obama is a colossal glittering failure.
With one or two exceptions, men who have never served a day in uniform usually do not make good wartime leaders.

At least FDR put-in time in the Navy Department during WWI, to learn the trade, so to speak.
So Obama has begun bombing Iraq. How do you feel about it? Do you support it?

I support President Obama and The Troops liberating Iraq. Why the fuck was that such a hard concept for the Left to comprehend in 2003?

And places the severed heads on sticks as warnings.

You righties are easily baited - even without credible proof. Even if true, that is the Iraqi government's problem.

Now, Iraq is claiming that hundreds of women have been kidnapped.

Iraqi Official: Hundreds Of Yazidi Women Held Captive By Islamic State

If it is true, why would you have the Iraqi president apologize to evil scum that beheads children? What the hell is wrong with you?

You are apparently very naive about the Arab world. That's pretty much the way all those tribes do business - including Maliki. Why do you think ISIS is so pissed off?

WARNING/GRAPHIC: Coalition Appeal to UN - Geneva International Centre for Justice Urgent Appeals
I support President Obama and The Troops liberating Iraq. Why the fuck was that such a hard concept for the Left to comprehend in 2003?

You righties are easily baited - even without credible proof. Even if true, that is the Iraqi government's problem.

Now, Iraq is claiming that hundreds of women have been kidnapped.

Iraqi Official: Hundreds Of Yazidi Women Held Captive By Islamic State

If it is true, why would you have the Iraqi president apologize to evil scum that beheads children? What the hell is wrong with you?

You are apparently very naive about the Arab world. That's pretty much the way all those tribes do business - including Maliki. Why do you think ISIS is so pissed off?

WARNING/GRAPHIC: Coalition Appeal to UN - Geneva International Centre for Justice Urgent Appeals

So the Iraqi president beheads children too so it doesn't matter. You're very sick, Liekhota.
ISIS is only a part of the very large Sunni resistance. The Civil War will get much worse and last for many many years

What is your source for their being a 'large' Sunni resistance. Why Would non-IS Sunnis be committing genocide against Yazidis? Why would anti-Maliki Sunnis support IS terrorists driving toward the Kurdish major city of Irbil?

You continue to express arguments that make absolutely no sense.
ISIS is only a part of the very large Sunni resistance. The Civil War will get much worse and last for many many years

What is your source for their being a 'large' Sunni resistance. Why Would non-IS Sunnis be committing genocide against Yazidis? Why would anti-Maliki Sunnis support IS terrorists driving toward the Kurdish major city of Irbil?

You continue to express arguments that make absolutely no sense.

The irony of those comments!

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