Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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Maybe ISIS is intentionally trying to sucker the U.S. back into Iraq. Maybe Putin is orchestrating this to help take the focus off him trying to rebuild the old Soviet Union. It's the ultimate game of chess.

Putin is orchestrating the US funding, training, and equipping terrorists to fight Syria, which Putin himself said that he won't allow to become "another Libya," i.e. another country the US has regime-changed via bombing their government and arming foreign-based terror groups against the regime.

Is this what you actually believe?
It was left to Obama to negotiate a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government to allow a small force of US troops in country. Bush would have played hardball and got a deal. Obama was in such a hurry to keep his campaign promise he didn't even try.

We were told to leave. We were evicted. What don't you understand?

Wrong again, but don't let your far left propaganda stand in the way of what is really happening.

Actually, you're the one in error. In Oct of 2011, the US discussions regarding a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) fell apart. With no SOFA, Iraq effectively kicked all US forces out of out of Iraq by a date no later than Dec 31, 2011, the end date of the Bush and Co. 2008 SOFA. No CINC would put US force at the whim of laws of a foreign Nation; not Bush & not Obama.

Article excerpt:
"But ending the U.S. troop presence in Iraq was an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis, and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki appears to have been unwilling to take the political risk of extending it. While he was inclined to see a small number of American soldiers stay behind to continue mentoring Iraqi forces, the likes of Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, on whose support Maliki's ruling coalition depends, were having none of it. Even the Obama Administration's plan to keep some 3,000 trainers behind failed because the Iraqis were unwilling to grant them the legal immunity from local prosecution that is common to SOF agreements in most countries where U.S. forces are based."

Iraq?s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence | TIME.com
So, what? We should use your dumbass logic - stand by and wait for ISIS to come to a town near you? You had better wake the hell up. Either destroy these clowns and be done with it or do nothing and let them attack us in the near future.


And they are readying themselves for war with US.

Jesus. Wake the fuck up you moron.....

I'm sorry you're such a coward. It must be very miserable and scary for you. Drugs can help.

I give up. This clown is the biggest dumbass on the planet. He's going back on ignore. What a fucking idiot....

Here is a novel idea:

Stay out of Iraq and let the Iraqi people fight it out between themselves. .... :cool:

Yeah, but the defense industry can't make any money that way or combat-test their weapons.

Oh my, yes. The Defense industry is causing all this Islamic terrorism. Gee, I should have known that, huh.

Indeed. It's always the United States fault with these fools.....every trouble in the world is OUR fault....or George Bush's fault.....or hell, Richard Nixon's fault....or surely Ronald Reagan's fault......or George Washington's fault......or King George's fault....Or Ragnar Lothbrook's fault.....ANYONE but the terrorists.....
Here is a novel idea:

Stay out of Iraq and let the Iraqi people fight it out between themselves. .... :cool:

Yeah, but the defense industry can't make any money that way or combat-test their weapons.

Oh my, yes. The Defense industry is causing all this Islamic terrorism. Gee, I should have known that, huh.

Yeah, sparky, but we're the ones starting to drop more bombs...again...

Defense companies and gun manufacturers are dancing in the streets.
We were told to leave. We were evicted. What don't you understand?

Wrong again, but don't let your far left propaganda stand in the way of what is really happening.

Actually, you're the one in error. In Oct of 2011, the US discussions regarding a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) fell apart. With no SOFA, Iraq effectively kicked all US forces out of out of Iraq by a date no later than Dec 31, 2011, the end date of the Bush and Co. 2008 SOFA. No CINC would put US force at the whim of laws of a foreign Nation; not Bush & not Obama.

Article excerpt:
"But ending the U.S. troop presence in Iraq was an overwhelmingly popular demand among Iraqis, and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki appears to have been unwilling to take the political risk of extending it. While he was inclined to see a small number of American soldiers stay behind to continue mentoring Iraqi forces, the likes of Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, on whose support Maliki's ruling coalition depends, were having none of it. Even the Obama Administration's plan to keep some 3,000 trainers behind failed because the Iraqis were unwilling to grant them the legal immunity from local prosecution that is common to SOF agreements in most countries where U.S. forces are based."

Iraq?s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence | TIME.com

And once again the far left reaches into the far left blog o sphere with their propaganda to show they will believe anything the far left posts without question or hesitation.
If you are a conservative you were FOR Bush bombing Iraq but against Obama bombing Iraq.

If you are a liberal you were against Bush bombing Iraq but for Obama bombing Iraq.

That's all you need to know!
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As I understand it, the primary reason Obama is doing this is because American personnel are in danger.

I see. Why don't we just get them the fuck out of there then? Helicopters, anyone?

They can just hang one of those clock signs on the door that says, "back when you get your shit together".

This is what happens when we run around the world blowing up shit. It destabilizes places. It makes things worse. We give a guy a gun one day and we're fitting him for a noose the next, and then we wonder why his friends give us the stink eye.

We just don't fucking learn.

Why are you righties such cowards? And don't tell me you ain't a fucking rightie. You cowards are being sucked right in just like your puppet masters want. More big money for the defense industry.

This is exactly the kind of shit that Ike warned us about.

So, what? We should use your dumbass logic - stand by and wait for ISIS to come to a town near you? You had better wake the hell up. Either destroy these clowns and be done with it or do nothing and let them attack us in the near future.


And they are readying themselves for war with US.

Jesus. Wake the fuck up you moron.....

I'm sorry you're such a coward. It must be very miserable and scary for you. Drugs can help.

An expression of personal experience?
Oh ... and to answer the OP's question.

We - have - enough - problems - right - here - in - America - to - fix - before - we - concern - ourselves - with - the - problems - of - the - rest - of - the - world. Our - attention - is - on - Iraq - when - it - should - be - on - our - southern - border!!!!!!!

Our nation is swirling down the frigging tubes while we worry about some dust pile in the Mideast. If we're so damned concerned about retaining our oil "rights" then perhaps we should start drilling right here in the good, ol' US of A. We have plenty and Americans are in dire need of GOOD, FULL TIME JOBS. When oh when is common sense going to prevail?????
As with W...I support the idea. The execution....not so much.

I always knew you were fooled by Dubya. Over 4500 of America's finest died as a result of the 'idea' that Dubya should rid the world of Saddam Hussein for hiding WMD from UN inspectors in 2003.

Obama's idea is to not send America's finest to die and be wounded on Iraq soil as your idiot Bush did. There is nothing wrong with Obama's execution.
As with W...I support the idea. The execution....not so much.

I always knew you were fooled by Dubya. Over 4500 of America's finest died as a result of the 'idea' that Dubya should rid the world of Saddam Hussein for hiding WMD from UN inspectors in 2003.

Obama's idea is to not send America's finest to die and be wounded on Iraq soil as your idiot Bush did. There is nothing wrong with Obama's execution.

And the far left propaganda rolls on without question or hesitation.
If you are a conservative you were FOR Bush bombing Iraq but against Obama bombing Iraq.

If you are a liberal you were against Bush bombing Iraq but for Obama bombing Iraq.

That's all you need to know!

Look at the poll results, they are fairly mixed.
As with W...I support the idea. The execution....not so much.

I always knew you were fooled by Dubya. Over 4500 of America's finest died as a result of the 'idea' that Dubya should rid the world of Saddam Hussein for hiding WMD from UN inspectors in 2003.

Obama's idea is to not send America's finest to die and be wounded on Iraq soil as your idiot Bush did. There is nothing wrong with Obama's execution.

The hard part has been taken care of. Now we'll see how good Obama is with a mop.

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