Obama bows to Cuban dictator Raul Castro at memorial service

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Yesterday at Nelson Mandela's memorial service our pathetic Pres. Obama kowtowed to Fidel Castro's brother Raul who is the current dictator of Cuba.

I just hope and pray that Pres. Obama never meets Kim Jong-il the midget psycho leader of North Korea because he would get on his knees to greet his commie idol.

Is there any tin pot despot or tyrant that Obama won't bow and scrape to?? .... :evil:

Yeah, that seems to be the new thing with our Progressive controlled government...

Bowing and kissing up to communist..China, Cuba, etc

We should all get the warm fuzzies over this
I can remember the days when foreign leaders knew the President of the U.S. was a powerful person who deserved respect and wouldn't bow down to anyone.

Sadly, those days are gone and the occupant of the White House is viewed as a weakling that doesn't deserve an ounce of respect. .... :doubt:
Yesterday at Nelson Mandela's memorial service our pathetic Pres. Obama kowtowed to Fidel Castro's brother Raul who is the current dictator of Cuba.

I just hope and pray that Pres. Obama never meets Kim Jong-il the midget psycho leader of North Korea because he would get on his knees to greet his commie idol.

Is there any tin pot despot or tyrant that Obama won't bow and scrape to?? .... :evil:


No, he's too much of a New World Order dictator wannabe, to ever do something none-PC. It isn't in him not to want to be liked by really tough guys.
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I am just thankful that comrade Fidel Castro wasn't at the memorial service.

Because Pres. Obama would have prostrated himself flat on the ground in front him in total hero worship. ... :cool:
Actually I was a tad disappointed at the handshake.

Raul, afterall, had been expecting a french kiss.

Not on. He knew Moochelle was watching.
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Kim Jong-il is dead, and it looks more like he's leaning in to speak with him than bowing.
I guess it's ok to sacrifice human rights and liberty for the sake of a publicity handshake.
Wow, I'm always amused how the Right is STILL butthurt over Cuba 50 years later.
I wonder if Obama greeted the Cuban dictator Raul with the word "Comrade"? ... :cool:
He didn't bow...look again...Raul is like 3 feet tall.
Having said that - no doubt - Cuba's newspapers are filled with these photos showing how Raul has "U.S. support".
Just another amateur-hour move by this President.
Kim Jong-il is dead, and it looks more like he's leaning in to speak with him than bowing.

He can speak to him standing up....he doesn't have to bend over.

Obama grew up idolizing these assholes.......so it's no surprise. I think he wants to be just like them.
Again, maybe some day we'll stop acting like Cuba's Shitty Ex-Girlfriend and normalize relations...


"Castro... you communist bastard!!!"
Again, maybe some day we'll stop acting like Cuba's Shitty Ex-Girlfriend and normalize relations...


"Castro... you communist bastard!!!"

Kind of hard to rationalize that when we have a POTUS that thinks we are worse than Cuba. That's the only reason he wants to be their friends. Kind of makes his speeches on injustice and oppression seem hollow.

He gives a speech on the injustices and oppressive governments around the world then he sucks up to the leader of one.
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He didn't bow...look again...Raul is like 3 feet tall.
That's absurd........

I am 6' tall and have shaken hands with short people and only tilted my head down to look at them in the face.

Obama has clearly bent the upper part of his torso forward towards Raul.

That is clearly a 'bow' of submission. ... :cool:
Again, maybe some day we'll stop acting like Cuba's Shitty Ex-Girlfriend and normalize relations...

Kind of hard to rationalize that when we have a POTUS that thinks we are worse than Cuba. That's the only reason he wants to be their friends. Kind of makes his speeches on injustice and oppression seem hollow.

He gives a speech on the injustices and oppressive governments around the world then he sucks up to the leader of one.

The only thing the Cubans are guilty of is telling us to stick it.

We supported dictators who were FAR worse than Castro for years, because as Nixon said, "He might be a jerk, but he's our jerk!"

If South Africa is a great example of how sanctions can be used to force change, Cuba is a great example of how sanctions just take on a vindictive life of hteir own.

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