Obama bring solar to Walmart, Ikea etc. Horrors...

so why DID the Gipper remove solar panels from the WH then? :eusa_think: Aesthetics? :doubt: He did it to score cheap political points w/ his base.
No, they were largely symbolic and given Carter's track record on energy, a joke.

Solar-energy system installed at White House ? History.com This Day in History ? 6/20/1979
In 1986, President Reagan had the solar panels removed and put into a federal storage facility in Virginia, stating that the energy crisis that had affected both foreign and domestic policy during Carter's term would not be a factor during his own. Both the environmental organization Greenpeace and a college in Maine asked to have the solar panels after they were taken down. As an October 2004 Associated Press article reported, Greenpeace's request for the panels, which they wanted to use in a homeless shelter, was ultimately rejected, and in 1992, the conservation-minded Unity College of Maine installed them to use for the generation of hot water in the student dining hall. Former President Carter sent a congratulatory note to the college saying he was glad the panels would be of some use.

By 2004, the solar panels had worn out. Unity College kept one of the panels for "historical significance," donated another panel to the Smithsonian Institute and offered the rest for sale.

LOL "largely symbolic" but wearing an American Flag pin isn't, and those who don't aren't patriots. I really do believe the Neo Fascists suffer from a mental disorder.
I'm conservative by nature and am no fan of our President, but I do believe solar energy in itself is beneficial to our society, and that fellow conservatives should support this as well.

The point is that conservatives do not oppose more efficient means of energy, that's the slander of the left they use as tools to get whatever they want. Throwing money at projects for the sake of doing them and the image it provides is not fiscally conservative.

The notion is that conservatives (or Republicans more often than not) simply love wasting energy for shits and giggles.

First of all, many are making the common mistake of broadbrushing groups. It's not "the point is that conservatives...," or "that's the slander of the Left..." No, not at all. The point of some conservatives is to ____. The slander of some on the Left is _____. It is better to always, always qualify your statements. Not meaning to nitpick; it's just partisan how some people don't acknowledge that there are different individuals in each conceivable group.

I think some politicians, of either side, love to squander our money with the dumbest of ideas. And I also believe that there are more on the Right than on the Left who are very wealthy, snotty, wasteful, greedy, inconsiderate of the poor, and intensely dislike much to do with scientific progress. When I read back through the centuries, it seems more often to be the traditionalists that oppose certain kinds of "progress."

In my view solar energy itself is worthwhile. I may be wrong, but I think much of it comes to proportion. A certain amount of panel energizes a small device. A larger panel energies a larger device. Put on some grand scale, I could see that scientific potential benefiting our society immensely. On a parallel issue, space travel, I see how some on the right are fighting aggressively against it in spite of how it must be done for the sake of our surviving human race. We read how these asteroids keep coming by and missing. Even if they miss a hundred times, that doesn't mean it can't happen.

the vast majority do support it. we just want it to be done sensibly

Part of me thinks that much of the opposition to our President's designs on solar energy has to do with him not being a republican. Sometimes we must put our differences behind us and compromise in order to reach our goals.
No....forget the partisan crap. It is being FORCED without thinking of the consequences...fallout much like ObamaCare.

Much of this discussion has been mired by partisan politics and enmity. I do still watch FOX News from time to time, but I'm neither stupid nor blind to see how they, at every turn, searched for ways to damage and destroy the idea of Obamacare. I wish more people would think for themselves, instead of members of the Right and Left taking their marching orders in stride. If we didn't have these political and dishonest forces at battle all the time we might just be able to get things done. I talked with a young man the other week, about solar energy, and he told me he was against it because Sean Hannity said so. His mind was made up, yet I doubt he took the time and energy necessary to obtain a real understanding of the potential of solar energy.
LOL "largely symbolic" but wearing an American Flag pin isn't, and those who don't aren't patriots. I really do believe the Neo Fascists suffer from a mental disorder.
Flag pins? When did I comment on that?

I remember the Carter years and the very long gas lines, among other things. You see no irony in people frustrated to tears waiting hours on end on special days while Jimmy sports solar panels on the White House to save America?
LOL "largely symbolic" but wearing an American Flag pin isn't, and those who don't aren't patriots. I really do believe the Neo Fascists suffer from a mental disorder.
Flag pins? When did I comment on that?

I remember the Carter years and the very long gas lines, among other things. You see no irony in people frustrated to tears waiting hours on end on special days while Jimmy sports solar panels on the White House to save America?
And they still aren't efficient.
so why DID the Gipper remove solar panels from the WH then? :eusa_think: Aesthetics? :doubt: He did it to score cheap political points w/ his base.
No, they were largely symbolic and given Carter's track record on energy, a joke.

Solar-energy system installed at White House ? History.com This Day in History ? 6/20/1979
In 1986, President Reagan had the solar panels removed and put into a federal storage facility in Virginia, stating that the energy crisis that had affected both foreign and domestic policy during Carter's term would not be a factor during his own. Both the environmental organization Greenpeace and a college in Maine asked to have the solar panels after they were taken down. As an October 2004 Associated Press article reported, Greenpeace's request for the panels, which they wanted to use in a homeless shelter, was ultimately rejected, and in 1992, the conservation-minded Unity College of Maine installed them to use for the generation of hot water in the student dining hall. Former President Carter sent a congratulatory note to the college saying he was glad the panels would be of some use.

By 2004, the solar panels had worn out. Unity College kept one of the panels for "historical significance," donated another panel to the Smithsonian Institute and offered the rest for sale.

LOL "largely symbolic" but wearing an American Flag pin isn't, and those who don't aren't patriots. I really do believe the Neo Fascists suffer from a mental disorder.
More deflection/distraction from FlySnatcher...
Part of me thinks that much of the opposition to our President's designs on solar energy has to do with him not being a republican. Sometimes we must put our differences behind us and compromise in order to reach our goals.
No, it's the spending of billions of our dollars on wet dreams when we are in a financial crisis.

Some of what you consider wet dreams might actually not. Do you think we should wait with any further progress until we're out of a financial crisis? Ten years from now? Twenty?

WE better than any country on the planet have addressed those issues and handle it better than anyone else. Methinks you are resorting to scare tactics. Want to point fingers at billowing black smoke? Try China, India...other emerging economies that are surpassing us.

I don't buy that argument.

They aren't scare tactics. I don't do scare tactics. Ask anyone here who's familiar with me. Instead of wrongly dismissing my other post as mere scare tactics, I would appreciate it if you talked with me further about my concern for the planet.

Their actions don't escape me, T. America can do better, and with further progression in the science of solar energy our race will benefit.
Solar power is great. But do any of you lefties have any idea how much fossil fuel is consumed to make solar panels? Do you have any idea how much they cost and how long the break-even period is for the average home?

Do you realize that they only work when the sun is out? Do you realize that they do nothing at night or on a cloudy day?

I have a solar water heater, I live in the south where we have a lot of sunny days. I cycle the heated water into an insulated storage tank to keep it hot for several hours. It works, I built it myself. It probably saves me $20/month. Not a big deal but it was fun building it. You can buy a kit with the necessary sensors and a small pump on line. The rest is just basic plumbing.

As I said, solar is great. But lets not get carried away and think it will replace fossil fuels in the foreseeable future.

and for you libs, how about that solar panel farm in california that was never built because it might disturb a family of lizards? i.e. libs don't live in reality.
And of course we have wind power...but they have a tendency to chop up birds...and the elites that want them, want them anywhere but in their neighborhoods.

Large solar farms burning up Birds also. And the cost far out weighs the benefits....
Utility-scale solar plants have come under fire for their costs–Ivanpah costs about four times as much as a conventional natural gas-fired plant but will produce far less electricity—and also for the amount of land they require.

That makes for expensive power.
Experts have estimated that electricity from giant solar projects will cost at least twice as much as electricity from conventional sources. But neither the utilities that have contracted to buy the power nor state regulators have disclosed what the price will be, only that it will be passed on to electricity customers.

In response to BrightSource's blueprint for its second big solar farm in Riverside County, near Joshua Tree National Park, biologists working for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service told state regulators that they were concerned that heat produced by the project could kill golden eagles and other protected species.

The agency also is investigating the deaths of birds, possibly from colliding with structures, found at two other, unrelated solar farms. One of those projects relies on solar panels and the other one uses mirrored troughs. Biologists think some birds may have mistaken the vast shimmering solar arrays at all three installations for a lake and become trapped on the ground after landing.

The $2.2 Billion Bird-Scorching Solar Project - WSJ.com
so why DID the Gipper remove solar panels from the WH then? :eusa_think: Aesthetics? :doubt: He did it to score cheap political points w/ his base.
No, they were largely symbolic and given Carter's track record on energy, a joke.

Solar-energy system installed at White House ? History.com This Day in History ? 6/20/1979
In 1986, President Reagan had the solar panels removed and put into a federal storage facility in Virginia, stating that the energy crisis that had affected both foreign and domestic policy during Carter's term would not be a factor during his own. Both the environmental organization Greenpeace and a college in Maine asked to have the solar panels after they were taken down. As an October 2004 Associated Press article reported, Greenpeace's request for the panels, which they wanted to use in a homeless shelter, was ultimately rejected, and in 1992, the conservation-minded Unity College of Maine installed them to use for the generation of hot water in the student dining hall. Former President Carter sent a congratulatory note to the college saying he was glad the panels would be of some use.

By 2004, the solar panels had worn out. Unity College kept one of the panels for "historical significance," donated another panel to the Smithsonian Institute and offered the rest for sale.

LOL "largely symbolic" but wearing an American Flag pin isn't, and those who don't aren't patriots. I really do believe the Neo Fascists suffer from a mental disorder.

^ that

in this case, its ODS :tinfoil:
No, they were largely symbolic and given Carter's track record on energy, a joke.

Solar-energy system installed at White House ? History.com This Day in History ? 6/20/1979
In 1986, President Reagan had the solar panels removed and put into a federal storage facility in Virginia, stating that the energy crisis that had affected both foreign and domestic policy during Carter's term would not be a factor during his own. Both the environmental organization Greenpeace and a college in Maine asked to have the solar panels after they were taken down. As an October 2004 Associated Press article reported, Greenpeace's request for the panels, which they wanted to use in a homeless shelter, was ultimately rejected, and in 1992, the conservation-minded Unity College of Maine installed them to use for the generation of hot water in the student dining hall. Former President Carter sent a congratulatory note to the college saying he was glad the panels would be of some use.

By 2004, the solar panels had worn out. Unity College kept one of the panels for "historical significance," donated another panel to the Smithsonian Institute and offered the rest for sale.

LOL "largely symbolic" but wearing an American Flag pin isn't, and those who don't aren't patriots. I really do believe the Neo Fascists suffer from a mental disorder.
More deflection/distraction from FlySnatcher...

So says the Neo Fascist. One can easily identified that kind, they use pejoratives in nearly every post and most, such as the moron who calls me "FlySnatcher" are vulgar concrete thinkers, if they actually do think, which is debatable.
Part of me thinks that much of the opposition to our President's designs on solar energy has to do with him not being a republican. Sometimes we must put our differences behind us and compromise in order to reach our goals.
No, it's the spending of billions of our dollars on wet dreams when we are in a financial crisis.

Some of what you consider wet dreams might actually not. Do you think we should wait with any further progress until we're out of a financial crisis? Ten years from now? Twenty?
It should be left up to the private sector. I could see tax breaks on the development but throwing public money down a Solyndra hole isn't going to get us anywhere.

As technology increases these products will be made available because people want to make money selling them. And that's a good thing. Gasahol is another good example, it's raised food prices and made our cars less efficient. That's big government leading the way. Symbolism over substance. Let the market and the people pave the way into the future, not government and its' pork projects.
like someone said, we have PEE wee HERMAN as President...I see him as a snake oil salesman and a snake all rolled into one

the man is as big a joke but damn dangerous to us and our lively hoods, FREEDOMS from an over bearing and intrusive Government

gawd cult worship of this man gives me the creeps and makes my skin crawl
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Sorta vague info there. Sounds like he's still campaigning. I wonder when he will become a president? Pretty cool though that BO goes to WallyWorld, I'll bet he picked up a little something for the missus.

for as much as libtards hate Walmart

it is amuzing watching them spin it into something nice


Robert Reich Rips White House ‘Numbskull’ Who Arranged Obama Walmart Speech

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich ripped into the White House on Friday for the decision to allow President Barack Obama to hold a press event at a Walmart. Calling the staffer at the White House who planned the event a “numbskull,” Reich wondered how it was possible for the president’s staff to essentially endorse Walmart in spite of what he said was their unfair compensation practices.

“What numbskull in the White House arranged this?” an incensed Reich wrote on his Facebook page on Thursday. He went on to lambaste the company over its carbon emissions and it’s labor practices.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to The T For This Useful Post:
Iceweasel (Today), jon_berzerk (Today)

Just as I thought. :eusa_doh: The above three could care less about the viability of weaning ourselves off of our addiction to carbon fuels & their associated GHG's. They're more interested in :up: scoring cheap political points by exhibiting glee in ANYTHING that might even give the mere APPEARANCE of casting our proud African American Democratic two-term President in a bad light :cool: Am I surprised? :doubt:
like someone said, we have PEE wee HERMAN as President

the man is as big a joke but damn dangerous to us and our lively hoods, FREEDOMS from an over bearing and intrusive Government

gawd cult worship of this man gives me the creeps and makes my skin crawl

And what does that have to do with the content of the OP, which is about solar energy?
for as much as libtards hate Walmart

it is amuzing watching them spin it into something nice


Robert Reich Rips White House ‘Numbskull’ Who Arranged Obama Walmart Speech

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to The T For This Useful Post:
Iceweasel (Today), jon_berzerk (Today)

Just as I thought. :eusa_doh: The above three could care less about the viability of weaning ourselves off of our addiction to carbon fuels & their associated GHG's. They're more interested in :up: scoring cheap political points by exhibiting glee in ANYTHING that might even give the mere APPEARANCE of casting our proud African American Democratic two-term President in a bad light :cool: Am I surprised? :doubt:

Yes, indeed. Our proud African American 2-term president who won with 52.87% of the vote in 2008 and 51.01% of the vote in 2012, the first 2-termer to get over 51% since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956.

Yes, some people are so butthurt, that even over an issue as easy to work with as solar energy, they want to demonize that black man.

Gee, I wonder why they want to demonize that black man?

[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION]
LOL "largely symbolic" but wearing an American Flag pin isn't, and those who don't aren't patriots. I really do believe the Neo Fascists suffer from a mental disorder.
Flag pins? When did I comment on that?

I remember the Carter years and the very long gas lines, among other things. You see no irony in people frustrated to tears waiting hours on end on special days while Jimmy sports solar panels on the White House to save America?

I too remember very long gas lines, but to blame Carter even by inference is ridiculous as well as partisan dishonesty. Carter putting on a sweater and putting solar panels on the WH roof were examples of leadership, a result of OPEC's action which created the energy crisis.

I'm pleased that you acknowledged the flag pin hysteria was nothing more than another manufactured media attack by Murdoch/Limbaugh and the Neo Fascists on President Obama. Do you also agree the entire "he's an arab", he's a Muslim, he was born in Kenya" was manufactured bullshit too?
I should make a bumper sticker that says "Obama goes to Walmart" and watch the Priuses fly off the road.



Obama is reaching out to the vast number of Walmart employees to pick up votes for the party of Democrats, in November. It's all political.

"The Wal-Mart commitment is a significant commitment, and that's one of the reasons the president is going to be there," said Dan Utech, special assistant to Obama for energy and climate change.

In his speech, Obama praised Wal-Mart's record on clean energy, and that other companies are following suit.

"We know that if we do, it's going to save us ultimately money and create jobs over the long term," Obama said. "That's what Wal-Mart understands, and Wal-Mart is pretty good at counting its pennies."

Obama's choice of Wal-Mart draws fire
LOL "largely symbolic" but wearing an American Flag pin isn't, and those who don't aren't patriots. I really do believe the Neo Fascists suffer from a mental disorder.
Flag pins? When did I comment on that?

I remember the Carter years and the very long gas lines, among other things. You see no irony in people frustrated to tears waiting hours on end on special days while Jimmy sports solar panels on the White House to save America?

I too remember very long gas lines, but to blame Carter even by inference is ridiculous as well as partisan dishonesty. Carter putting on a sweater and putting solar panels on the WH roof were examples of leadership, a result of OPEC's action which created the energy crisis.

I'm pleased that you acknowledged the flag pin hysteria was nothing more than another manufactured media attack by Murdoch/Limbaugh and the Neo Fascists on President Obama. Do you also agree the entire "he's an arab", he's a Muslim, he was born in Kenya" was manufactured bullshit too?
I didn't discuss any flag pin. You hear or see things that aren't there. (which explains a lot)

Jimmy Carter on Energy & Oil
Some in Washington want to punish oil companies through so-called "windfall taxes." They forget their history. Jimmy Carter tried a similar approach back in the 1970s, with the predictable result that domestic production fell and our reliance on foreign oil grew. For a lot of reasons, American oil production has already declined from 9.2 million barrels a day in 1973 to 5 million barrels a day in 2007. A basic rule of economics is that if you want less of something, just tax it more.
Source: Leadership and Crisis, by Bobby Jindal, p.210 , Nov 15, 2010

Carter claimed to the press that he was saving energy by having solar panels installed on the roof of the White House to heat hot water. "It would not generate enough hot water to run the dishwasher in the staff mess," a White House staffperson says. "It was a fiasco. The staff mess had to go out and buy new equipment to keep the water hot enough. That blew any savings."
Source: In the President`s Secret Service, by Ron Kessler, p. 75-76 , Jun 29, 2009
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I should make a bumper sticker that says "Obama goes to Walmart" and watch the Priuses fly off the road.



Obama is reaching out to the vast number of Walmart employees to pick up votes for the party of Democrats, in November. It's all political.

"The Wal-Mart commitment is a significant commitment, and that's one of the reasons the president is going to be there," said Dan Utech, special assistant to Obama for energy and climate change.

In his speech, Obama praised Wal-Mart's record on clean energy, and that other companies are following suit.

"We know that if we do, it's going to save us ultimately money and create jobs over the long term," Obama said. "That's what Wal-Mart understands, and Wal-Mart is pretty good at counting its pennies."

Obama's choice of Wal-Mart draws fire
Was there any doubt?

Robert Reich weighed in as well:

Robert Reich Rips White House ‘Numbskull’ Who Arranged Obama Walmart Speech
Solar power is great. But do any of you lefties have any idea how much fossil fuel is consumed to make solar panels? Do you have any idea how much they cost and how long the break-even period is for the average home?

Do you realize that they only work when the sun is out? Do you realize that they do nothing at night or on a cloudy day?

I have a solar water heater, I live in the south where we have a lot of sunny days. I cycle the heated water into an insulated storage tank to keep it hot for several hours. It works, I built it myself. It probably saves me $20/month. Not a big deal but it was fun building it. You can buy a kit with the necessary sensors and a small pump on line. The rest is just basic plumbing.

As I said, solar is great. But lets not get carried away and think it will replace fossil fuels in the foreseeable future.

and for you libs, how about that solar panel farm in california that was never built because it might disturb a family of lizards? i.e. libs don't live in reality.

Why does solar energy have to replace fossil fuels? Why cant it supplement it? If you can get 10% savings with solar, you are still saving 10%. Or you can save 10% with a more efficient home, you are still saving 10%

We still get to drill, baby, drill....just not as much
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