Obama bring solar to Walmart, Ikea etc. Horrors...

Solar power is great. But do any of you lefties have any idea how much fossil fuel is consumed to make solar panels? Do you have any idea how much they cost and how long the break-even period is for the average home?

Do you realize that they only work when the sun is out? Do you realize that they do nothing at night or on a cloudy day?

I have a solar water heater, I live in the south where we have a lot of sunny days. I cycle the heated water into an insulated storage tank to keep it hot for several hours. It works, I built it myself. It probably saves me $20/month. Not a big deal but it was fun building it. You can buy a kit with the necessary sensors and a small pump on line. The rest is just basic plumbing.

As I said, solar is great. But lets not get carried away and think it will replace fossil fuels in the foreseeable future.

and for you libs, how about that solar panel farm in california that was never built because it might disturb a family of lizards? i.e. libs don't live in reality.

Why does solar energy have to replace fossil fuels? Why cant it supplement it? If you can get 10% savings with solar, you are still saving 10%. Of you can save 10% with a more efficient home, you are still saving 10%

We still get to drill, baby, drill....just not as much

That was the idea to begin with. President Obama said quite clearly, an "all of the above" stategy for energy independence. Only, the Right wants to be deaf about that.
Solar power is great. But do any of you lefties have any idea how much fossil fuel is consumed to make solar panels? Do you have any idea how much they cost and how long the break-even period is for the average home?

Do you realize that they only work when the sun is out? Do you realize that they do nothing at night or on a cloudy day?

I have a solar water heater, I live in the south where we have a lot of sunny days. I cycle the heated water into an insulated storage tank to keep it hot for several hours. It works, I built it myself. It probably saves me $20/month. Not a big deal but it was fun building it. You can buy a kit with the necessary sensors and a small pump on line. The rest is just basic plumbing.

As I said, solar is great. But lets not get carried away and think it will replace fossil fuels in the foreseeable future.

and for you libs, how about that solar panel farm in california that was never built because it might disturb a family of lizards? i.e. libs don't live in reality.

Why does solar energy have to replace fossil fuels? Why cant it supplement it? If you can get 10% savings with solar, you are still saving 10%. Of you can save 10% with a more efficient home, you are still saving 10%

We still get to drill, baby, drill....just not as much

That was the idea to begin with. President Obama said quite clearly, an "all of the above" stategy for energy independence. Only, the Right wants to be deaf about that.

Wrong, why has obama blocked the Keystone pipeline? why have no new drilling permits been allowed in the gulf? why are we not fracking for oil where we know it exists on govt land?

obama said all-of-the-above, but like most things he says, it was a lie. The dumb asshole thinks that we can power the entire country on solar panels and windmills.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to The T For This Useful Post:
Iceweasel (Today), jon_berzerk (Today)

Just as I thought. :eusa_doh: The above three could care less about the viability of weaning ourselves off of our addiction to carbon fuels & their associated GHG's. They're more interested in :up: scoring cheap political points by exhibiting glee in ANYTHING that might even give the mere APPEARANCE of casting our proud African American Democratic two-term President in a bad light :cool: Am I surprised? :doubt:

Yes, indeed. Our proud African American 2-term president who won with 52.87% of the vote in 2008 and 51.01% of the vote in 2012, the first 2-termer to get over 51% since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956.

Yes, some people are so butthurt, that even over an issue as easy to work with as solar energy, they want to demonize that black man.

Gee, I wonder why they want to demonize that black man?

[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION]

because his marxist collectivist ideas are contrary to the basic principles of this great country. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM BEING HALF BLACK. NOTE----HALF.
Just as I thought. :eusa_doh: The above three could care less about the viability of weaning ourselves off of our addiction to carbon fuels & their associated GHG's. They're more interested in :up: scoring cheap political points by exhibiting glee in ANYTHING that might even give the mere APPEARANCE of casting our proud African American Democratic two-term President in a bad light :cool: Am I surprised? :doubt:

Yes, indeed. Our proud African American 2-term president who won with 52.87% of the vote in 2008 and 51.01% of the vote in 2012, the first 2-termer to get over 51% since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956.

Yes, some people are so butthurt, that even over an issue as easy to work with as solar energy, they want to demonize that black man.

Gee, I wonder why they want to demonize that black man?

[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION]

because his marxist collectivist ideas are contrary to the basic principles of this great country. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM BEING HALF BLACK. NOTE----HALF.

I put him ignore because crap like that
remember how he was suppose to be so, non partisan
Solar power is great. But do any of you lefties have any idea how much fossil fuel is consumed to make solar panels? Do you have any idea how much they cost and how long the break-even period is for the average home?

Do you realize that they only work when the sun is out? Do you realize that they do nothing at night or on a cloudy day?

I have a solar water heater, I live in the south where we have a lot of sunny days. I cycle the heated water into an insulated storage tank to keep it hot for several hours. It works, I built it myself. It probably saves me $20/month. Not a big deal but it was fun building it. You can buy a kit with the necessary sensors and a small pump on line. The rest is just basic plumbing.

As I said, solar is great. But lets not get carried away and think it will replace fossil fuels in the foreseeable future.

and for you libs, how about that solar panel farm in california that was never built because it might disturb a family of lizards? i.e. libs don't live in reality.

Why does solar energy have to replace fossil fuels? Why cant it supplement it? If you can get 10% savings with solar, you are still saving 10%. Or you can save 10% with a more efficient home, you are still saving 10%

We still get to drill, baby, drill....just not as much

we agree, but your president does not. That's the issue. The US could be a net exporter of energy, but face it, obama does not like it when the US makes money selling something to the rest of the world. in obamaland, the US is evil and must be punished for its past successes-------------oh, and for slavery too.
Why does solar energy have to replace fossil fuels? Why cant it supplement it? If you can get 10% savings with solar, you are still saving 10%. Of you can save 10% with a more efficient home, you are still saving 10%

We still get to drill, baby, drill....just not as much

That was the idea to begin with. President Obama said quite clearly, an "all of the above" stategy for energy independence. Only, the Right wants to be deaf about that.

Wrong, why has obama blocked the Keystone pipeline? why have no new drilling permits been allowed in the gulf? why are we not fracking for oil where we know it exists on govt land?

obama said all-of-the-above, but like most things he says, it was a lie. The dumb asshole thinks that we can power the entire country on solar panels and windmills.

And pour taxpayer dollars [stimulus/a.k.a. porkulus] into failed ventures like Solyndra... and then go on to tell us it wasn't enough and why they failed...guess they weren't quite shovel ready...:eusa_whistle:
That was the idea to begin with. President Obama said quite clearly, an "all of the above" stategy for energy independence. Only, the Right wants to be deaf about that.

Wrong, why has obama blocked the Keystone pipeline? why have no new drilling permits been allowed in the gulf? why are we not fracking for oil where we know it exists on govt land?

obama said all-of-the-above, but like most things he says, it was a lie. The dumb asshole thinks that we can power the entire country on solar panels and windmills.

And pour taxpayer dollars [stimulus/a.k.a. porkulus] into failed ventures like Solyndra... and then go on to tell us it wasn't enough and why they failed...guess they weren't quite shovel ready...:eusa_whistle:

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when the facts destroy their positions?
Good for Ronnie. And here's to the next Republican president who will fire up the John Deere and plow under Michelle's garden, freeing the house boys of the burdens of keeping it ready for an occasional photo op.
Why does solar energy have to replace fossil fuels? Why cant it supplement it? If you can get 10% savings with solar, you are still saving 10%. Of you can save 10% with a more efficient home, you are still saving 10%

We still get to drill, baby, drill....just not as much

That was the idea to begin with. President Obama said quite clearly, an "all of the above" stategy for energy independence. Only, the Right wants to be deaf about that.

Wrong, why has obama blocked the Keystone pipeline? why have no new drilling permits been allowed in the gulf? why are we not fracking for oil where we know it exists on govt land?

obama said all-of-the-above, but like most things he says, it was a lie. The dumb asshole thinks that we can power the entire country on solar panels and windmills.

All-of-the-above does not mean that every single new energy project is right, esp. when we are already drilling like crazy for oil, and fracking too.

And there is a reason why the Government, under Teddy Roosevelt (R) set aside a lot of land: conservation of our environment.
Wrong, why has obama blocked the Keystone pipeline? why have no new drilling permits been allowed in the gulf? why are we not fracking for oil where we know it exists on govt land?

obama said all-of-the-above, but like most things he says, it was a lie. The dumb asshole thinks that we can power the entire country on solar panels and windmills.

And pour taxpayer dollars [stimulus/a.k.a. porkulus] into failed ventures like Solyndra... and then go on to tell us it wasn't enough and why they failed...guess they weren't quite shovel ready...:eusa_whistle:

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when the facts destroy their positions?

No. We are busy and have things to do like work and are not on every second. You ought to try it.
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Wrong, why has obama blocked the Keystone pipeline? why have no new drilling permits been allowed in the gulf? why are we not fracking for oil where we know it exists on govt land?

obama said all-of-the-above, but like most things he says, it was a lie. The dumb asshole thinks that we can power the entire country on solar panels and windmills.

And pour taxpayer dollars [stimulus/a.k.a. porkulus] into failed ventures like Solyndra... and then go on to tell us it wasn't enough and why they failed...guess they weren't quite shovel ready...:eusa_whistle:

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when the facts destroy their positions?
Uh-huh...leave to lick their wounds and come back with more lies and deception they get from their masters.
Please, Republicans, explain how Obama is a "Marxist" if the richest 1% of the population have made 95% of the financial gains during the economic "recovery". In what way has Obama tried to "redistribute" the wealth? So far in Obama's 6 years in office, how much money has Obama taken from the haves and given to the have-nots? How has Obama tried to implement "Marxism"? Obamacare? There isn't a single-payer system. Everyone pays for their health insurance. That's capitalism. Forced capitalism, granted, but certainly not "socialism".

Which of Obama's policies are "Marxist"?

And how does reducing greenhouse gas emissions equal "socialism"? Would allowing private oil companies to destroy hundreds of acres of our national forests to increase their already record-breaking profits somehow magically make the price of oil drop? How much will the Keystone XL pipeline lower domestic fuel prices so that struggling workers can save more money each month trying to get to their low-wage service jobs because all of our factories have been moved to China and India by the rich .01% job creators? What makes Conservative think that private oil companies care about the People? The Heritage Foundation claimed that upon completion, the Keystone XL pipeline will generate about $5b in property taxes for the states over the next 100 years that the pipeline is expected to be used. $5b divided by 100 years across several states equals LESS THAN JACK SHIT for the People of the United States, but it means even more record-breaking profits for private oil companies who use Conservative dupes to lower corporate taxes. Why do you Conservatives fight for oil companies when oil companies don't fight for you?

Better than solar panels is the light of the sun for growing biomass. The most abundant source of biomass fuel on Earth, Cannabis Sativa, is currently illegal and has been since the late 1930s (despite saving America during the 1940s) because if industrial Cannabis is legalized again, Cannabis Sativa will be able to provide the majority of the world's transportation fuel and electricity without fossil fuels, replacing OPEC and major oil companies.

Cannabis also makes cost-effective, carbon-neutral building materials, as well as safe, effective natural medicine for numerous ailments ranging from migraines to cancer, and hemp seed is one of the most nutritious natural food sources on Earth.

Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
UConn Biofuel Consortium
Effect of harvest date on combustion related fuel properties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) - Fuel - Tom 102, Numer Complete (2012) - Biblioteka Nauki - Yadda
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute
Feasibility of Industrial Hemp Production in the United States Pacific Northwest, SB681
Industrial Hemp - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Consultation Document on the Review of the Industrial Hemp Framework
Growing Industrial Hemp in Ontario


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Making the first-ever presidential stop at a Wal-Mart on Friday, President Obama urged U.S. businesses to join his administration’s efforts to improve energy efficiency -- arguing that "there are cost-effective ways to tackle climate change and create jobs at the same time."

Climate change is already affecting all of U.S., report says
Climate change is already affecting all of U.S., report says
Kathleen Hennessey, Neela Banerjee
Speaking from the middle of a solar-powered big-box store here, with a backdrop of glitter-encrusted flip-flops and cotton sun dresses, Obama announced a series of executive actions and partnerships with private companies to curb carbon emissions. He touted Wal-Mart’s new goal of doubling the number of solar projects at its stores in the U.S. and Puerto Rico over the next six years.

Though Obama has faced opposition to his environmental agenda in Congress, the president said he would continue to advance his initiatives through the power of his pen and by leaning on private companies for help.

In recent months, he said, he'd been dialing up U.S. businesses and asking them to commit to using more renewable energy. The White House announced Friday that 10 had agreed, including Yahoo, Google, Apple, Ikea, Kaiser Permanente, Clif Bar, Viridity Energy, Bonipak farms and Taylor Farms.

“Together, the commitments we are announcing today prove that there are cost-effective ways to tackle climate change and create jobs at the same time,” Obama said before a crowd of supporters and Wal-Mart employees. “So often when we hear about how we’re going to deal with this really serious issue, people say we can’t afford to do it. It won’t be good for the economy.”

“It will be good for the economy long-term,” the president said emphatically, “and if we don’t, that will be bad for the economy.”

President Obama, in California stop, makes push for energy efficiency*-*Los Angeles Times

Though Obama has faced opposition to his environmental agenda in Congress, the president said he would continue to advance his initiatives through the power of his pen and by leaning on private companies for help.

nice, he's going to bully biz into wasting money and passing the cost onto us.

here's a clue; If installing solar worked, wal mart would have done it years ago
Making the first-ever presidential stop at a Wal-Mart on Friday, President Obama urged U.S. businesses to join his administration’s efforts to improve energy efficiency -- arguing that "there are cost-effective ways to tackle climate change and create jobs at the same time."

Climate change is already affecting all of U.S., report says
Climate change is already affecting all of U.S., report says
Kathleen Hennessey, Neela Banerjee
Speaking from the middle of a solar-powered big-box store here, with a backdrop of glitter-encrusted flip-flops and cotton sun dresses, Obama announced a series of executive actions and partnerships with private companies to curb carbon emissions. He touted Wal-Mart’s new goal of doubling the number of solar projects at its stores in the U.S. and Puerto Rico over the next six years.

Though Obama has faced opposition to his environmental agenda in Congress, the president said he would continue to advance his initiatives through the power of his pen and by leaning on private companies for help.

In recent months, he said, he'd been dialing up U.S. businesses and asking them to commit to using more renewable energy. The White House announced Friday that 10 had agreed, including Yahoo, Google, Apple, Ikea, Kaiser Permanente, Clif Bar, Viridity Energy, Bonipak farms and Taylor Farms.

“Together, the commitments we are announcing today prove that there are cost-effective ways to tackle climate change and create jobs at the same time,” Obama said before a crowd of supporters and Wal-Mart employees. “So often when we hear about how we’re going to deal with this really serious issue, people say we can’t afford to do it. It won’t be good for the economy.”

“It will be good for the economy long-term,” the president said emphatically, “and if we don’t, that will be bad for the economy.”

President Obama, in California stop, makes push for energy efficiency*-*Los Angeles Times

Though Obama has faced opposition to his environmental agenda in Congress, the president said he would continue to advance his initiatives through the power of his pen and by leaning on private companies for help.

nice, he's going to bully biz into wasting money and passing the cost onto us.

here's a clue; If installing solar worked, wal mart would have done it years ago
And a plethora of others. It just isn't economically feasible.
I personally don't care what party happens to like Solar , Wind, Nuclear, Clean Coal, Natural Gas, etc. The point here is that deciding what energy source a party happens to like over another sells this nation short and more so the American people. It says to Americans we don't have the ability to develop our own sources of domestic energy and as such we should go offshore to nations who can hold us hostage and beg for their energy sources, personally I find this as selling Americans short and having no faith in the American people. Here's a little something from Wal-Mart.

COLUMBUS, Ohio – March 4, 2013 – Walmart today announced that it has worked with SolarCity to install solar panels on 12 Walmart stores and Sam’s Clubs throughout Ohio. The solar panel installations will add approximately 6,000,000 kWh of generation production – enough energy to power more than 820 homes – and are expected to supply approximately 5-20 percent of each store’s overall electricity use.

“Solar power makes sense for Walmart, and it makes sense for Ohio,” said David Ozment, Walmart Senior Director of Energy. “We are committed to increasing the use of renewable energy resources, including solar panels, at our stores in Ohio and throughout the country.
Walmart Corporate - Walmart expands solar installations to Ohio

Here's a little something about SolarCity,

SolarCity was founded in July 2006 by brothers Peter and Lyndon Rive,[4] based on a suggestion for a solar company concept from their cousin, Elon Musk who is the Chairman and helped start the company. SolarCity has been the leading provider of residential solar power in California since 2007, its first full year of operation, according to the database kept by the California Solar Initiative[5] and was the number one residential solar installer in the U.S. in 2011, according to Greentech Media Research.[6] In 2013, Solar Power World magazine listed SolarCity as the No. 2 overall solar installation company in the U.S

For those of you who don't know, Elon Musk is the same guy who started SpaceX and that company is about our only hope of sending Americans back into space. The bottom line here regardless of what party happens to like the energy source, we as Americans need to press upon them that domestic energy and domestic production as well as domestic research in energy means good paying AMERICAN jobs, and as such they need to stop using our energy sources as political footballs , and trust that the people of this nation are smart enough to develop domestic energy sources and at the same time be good stewards of the environment.
Solar power is great. But do any of you lefties have any idea how much fossil fuel is consumed to make solar panels? Do you have any idea how much they cost and how long the break-even period is for the average home?

Do you realize that they only work when the sun is out? Do you realize that they do nothing at night or on a cloudy day?

I have a solar water heater, I live in the south where we have a lot of sunny days. I cycle the heated water into an insulated storage tank to keep it hot for several hours. It works, I built it myself. It probably saves me $20/month. Not a big deal but it was fun building it. You can buy a kit with the necessary sensors and a small pump on line. The rest is just basic plumbing.

As I said, solar is great. But lets not get carried away and think it will replace fossil fuels in the foreseeable future.

and for you libs, how about that solar panel farm in california that was never built because it might disturb a family of lizards? i.e. libs don't live in reality.

Why does solar energy have to replace fossil fuels? Why cant it supplement it? If you can get 10% savings with solar, you are still saving 10%. Of you can save 10% with a more efficient home, you are still saving 10%

We still get to drill, baby, drill....just not as much

That was the idea to begin with. President Obama said quite clearly, an "all of the above" stategy for energy independence. Only, the Right wants to be deaf about that.

Possibly because the emanations from Mr. Obama's mouth are every bit as valuable and reliable as the emanations from his other end.
That was the idea to begin with. President Obama said quite clearly, an "all of the above" stategy for energy independence. Only, the Right wants to be deaf about that.

Wrong, why has obama blocked the Keystone pipeline? why have no new drilling permits been allowed in the gulf? why are we not fracking for oil where we know it exists on govt land?

obama said all-of-the-above, but like most things he says, it was a lie. The dumb asshole thinks that we can power the entire country on solar panels and windmills.

All-of-the-above does not mean that every single new energy project is right, esp. when we are already drilling like crazy for oil, and fracking too.

And there is a reason why the Government, under Teddy Roosevelt (R) set aside a lot of land: conservation of our environment.

Because politicians are often jackasses?
Making the first-ever presidential stop at a Wal-Mart on Friday, President Obama urged U.S. businesses to join his administration’s efforts to improve energy efficiency -- arguing that "there are cost-effective ways to tackle climate change and create jobs at the same time."

Climate change is already affecting all of U.S., report says
Climate change is already affecting all of U.S., report says
Kathleen Hennessey, Neela Banerjee
Speaking from the middle of a solar-powered big-box store here, with a backdrop of glitter-encrusted flip-flops and cotton sun dresses, Obama announced a series of executive actions and partnerships with private companies to curb carbon emissions. He touted Wal-Mart’s new goal of doubling the number of solar projects at its stores in the U.S. and Puerto Rico over the next six years.

Though Obama has faced opposition to his environmental agenda in Congress, the president said he would continue to advance his initiatives through the power of his pen and by leaning on private companies for help.

In recent months, he said, he'd been dialing up U.S. businesses and asking them to commit to using more renewable energy. The White House announced Friday that 10 had agreed, including Yahoo, Google, Apple, Ikea, Kaiser Permanente, Clif Bar, Viridity Energy, Bonipak farms and Taylor Farms.

“Together, the commitments we are announcing today prove that there are cost-effective ways to tackle climate change and create jobs at the same time,” Obama said before a crowd of supporters and Wal-Mart employees. “So often when we hear about how we’re going to deal with this really serious issue, people say we can’t afford to do it. It won’t be good for the economy.”

“It will be good for the economy long-term,” the president said emphatically, “and if we don’t, that will be bad for the economy.”

President Obama, in California stop, makes push for energy efficiency*-*Los Angeles Times

Though Obama has faced opposition to his environmental agenda in Congress, the president said he would continue to advance his initiatives through the power of his pen and by leaning on private companies for help.

nice, he's going to bully biz into wasting money and passing the cost onto us.

here's a clue; If installing solar worked, wal mart would have done it years ago
And a plethora of others. It just isn't economically feasible.

Well, it depends on where you are, actually. Here in southern Arizona, where the weather is virtually always clear and bright and sunny, a lot of businesses choose to install solar panels - with absolutely no encouragement/coercion from any government entity - because it really is cost-effective for them. Our local electric company has a program where they will rent your roof; essentially, they pay you a stipend every month to allow them to put solar panels on your roof and feed the resulting power into the local grid.

That being said, you're still going to need some sort of supplement for when the sun isn't shining, because even in the summer, when the sun doesn't go down until around 9 pm, we do still have nighttime. And solar power is still completely ridiculous for places like Seattle, where it rains so damned much you practically mildew.
Though Obama has faced opposition to his environmental agenda in Congress, the president said he would continue to advance his initiatives through the power of his pen and by leaning on private companies for help.

nice, he's going to bully biz into wasting money and passing the cost onto us.

here's a clue; If installing solar worked, wal mart would have done it years ago
And a plethora of others. It just isn't economically feasible.

Well, it depends on where you are, actually. Here in southern Arizona, where the weather is virtually always clear and bright and sunny, a lot of businesses choose to install solar panels - with absolutely no encouragement/coercion from any government entity - because it really is cost-effective for them. Our local electric company has a program where they will rent your roof; essentially, they pay you a stipend every month to allow them to put solar panels on your roof and feed the resulting power into the local grid.

That being said, you're still going to need some sort of supplement for when the sun isn't shining, because even in the summer, when the sun doesn't go down until around 9 pm, we do still have nighttime. And solar power is still completely ridiculous for places like Seattle, where it rains so damned much you practically mildew.

Accepted. Sensible. I just don't like the heavy-handed government forcing it.
And a plethora of others. It just isn't economically feasible.

Well, it depends on where you are, actually. Here in southern Arizona, where the weather is virtually always clear and bright and sunny, a lot of businesses choose to install solar panels - with absolutely no encouragement/coercion from any government entity - because it really is cost-effective for them. Our local electric company has a program where they will rent your roof; essentially, they pay you a stipend every month to allow them to put solar panels on your roof and feed the resulting power into the local grid.

That being said, you're still going to need some sort of supplement for when the sun isn't shining, because even in the summer, when the sun doesn't go down until around 9 pm, we do still have nighttime. And solar power is still completely ridiculous for places like Seattle, where it rains so damned much you practically mildew.

Accepted. Sensible. I just don't like the heavy-handed government forcing it.

thats what the libs don't get. when these things become economically viable the free market will be all over them. the govt will only screw it up and delay the process.

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