Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

First Obama freed gay people, now he has freed the children of immigrants.

Obama is the Democrats Lincoln.
My hispanic friends of Mexican, Cuban and Puerto Rican backgrounds vote Republican, they don't like illegals like some ass licking white shithead such as you.

Oh, many Ron Paul supporters that were going to skip the election now will vote for Romney because of today.

Many white voters that stupidly voted for Obamination are fed up with his bullshit especially today.

Guess who just secured 50.5 million Latino votes?

Go home Romney. It's over.
"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally." - Ronald Reagan
Black people with more morals vote Republican.

Black people that are educated vote Republican.

Black people that want to be rewarded for their actions, not their skin color, vote Republican.

You are clearly none of the above.

Well being that I'm mixed race, know and am related to plenty of intelligent, professional, and moral Black people, I know that your assertion is FALSE and laughable.
Federal Judge from Idaho=Democrat
Attorney from New Jersey=Democrat
Insurance Executive from New York=Democrat
Business Owner=Democrat
Police Officer:Democrat
That's just off of the top of my head from my relatives.So once again you are WRONG.

LOL, yeah :eusa_whistle:

Yeah, I know that doesn't fit into that little paradigm of yours and the assumptions you may or may not have about certain people. The fact is, is that they have a vehement dislike for some people in the republican party.
Open-Borders is something all Big Government Globalists agree on. And the Big Government Globalists currently run both Parties. Lots of money & votes in keeping our Borders wide open. Our current leaders are traitors to our Nation.

our borders are not wide open, try again.

Oh yes they are Reverend Moonglow !

Sof I fgo to the border I can come and go without interference? I don't have to go through a check at the border or a declaration of intentions? When did thid start, cause the last time I went to Mexico I was search coming and going. if that is an open border than you must be Dolly Madison the ex presidents wife.
My hispanic friends of Mexican, Cuban and Puerto Rican backgrounds vote Republican, they don't like illegals like some ass licking white shithead such as you.

Oh, many Ron Paul supporters that were going to skip the election now will vote for Romney because of today.

Many white voters that stupidly voted for Obamination are fed up with his bullshit especially today.

Guess who just secured 50.5 million Latino votes?

Go home Romney. It's over.

Did you take a survey or something?
"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally." - Ronald Reagan

considering that the application for legal status in the US is over 1200 hundred dollars, this is going to be a financial reward in the long run along with all the taxes from the workers.
As a Romney supporter, I'd like to thank the idiot for taking a broom and swatting a hornet's net today.

Many voters on the right have fallen asleep with the Obamacare and Porkulus crap off the national radar for ahwile, but today the idiot woke them up with his dumbass move.

Oh, many black people today are staying home on election day.....
As a Romney supporter, I'd like to thank the idiot for taking a broom and swatting a hornet's net today.

Many voters on the right have fallen asleep with the Obamacare and Porkulus crap off the national radar for ahwile, but today the idiot woke them up with his dumbass move.

Oh, many black people today are staying home on election day.....

Rubio Working on GOP Version of DREAM Act to Let Younger Illegal Aliens Stay Legally In U.S.

(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) says he is working to craft an alternative version of the DREAM Act that would allow younger illegal aliens who came to the United States "through no fault of their own" to stay here legally and, if they wished, get in line to become a citizen.

notice that Obama used his plan and beat the repubs to the elecion punch. mario is a fav for Romney's VP
Dumbfuck, Rubio isn't our POTUS nominee and now won't be our VPOTUS nominee either.

As a Romney supporter, I'd like to thank the idiot for taking a broom and swatting a hornet's net today.

Many voters on the right have fallen asleep with the Obamacare and Porkulus crap off the national radar for ahwile, but today the idiot woke them up with his dumbass move.

Oh, many black people today are staying home on election day.....

Rubio Working on GOP Version of DREAM Act to Let Younger Illegal Aliens Stay Legally In U.S.

(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) says he is working to craft an alternative version of the DREAM Act that would allow younger illegal aliens who came to the United States "through no fault of their own" to stay here legally and, if they wished, get in line to become a citizen.

notice that Obama used his plan and beat the repubs to the elecion punch. mario is a fav for Romney's VP
damn he's good at that. the repubs busy themselves with so much hate and ignorance they can't see how the games afoot.
Obama just threw a major trump card on Romney.

The Independents were bleeding from Obama's camp....now I think they'll be gushing away from Obama.
I would rather have the majority of indepenents behind Romney than just couple more percentage points of a group that was going to vote for Obama, anyways.
No more than a political ploy in an election year from a president who is rapidly becoming a flip flopper.......oh, flip flopper has now morphed into "evolving" (code word) with the libs. :D
'The policy change, described to The Associated Press by two senior administration officials, will affect as many as 800,000 immigrants who have lived in fear of deportation. It also bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act'

Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young | The Daily Caller

I am beginning to hate this would-be asshole tinhat dictator.

He tried to convince us that this is best for our country. It's only best for his re-election and you know damn well these people will vote. I am tired of this ass talking down to us as if we're all full of the koolaid. He seems to think that congress is a real bother when it comes to doing what he wants. He prefers to ignore elected representatives and do as he pleases. It's all about him, you know.
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damn he's good at that. the repubs busy themselves with so much hate and ignorance they can't see how the games afoot.

yep, it's all a game for you people. whether it's good or bad makes no difference as long as you can PLAY a game
I'm still voting for Obama over Romney for sure, but I disagree with him strongly here. Seems like he is just pandering to latino voters.

Illegal aliens are just that - illegal. To reward people for violating the foundation of any nation and entering and living illegally is foolish. Not my tax dollars, no sir.
So Obama spits on our laws yet they will still vote for him.

this is why we have the Government that we have that is walking all over us..
Obama just threw a major trump card on Romney.

The Independents were bleeding from Obama's camp....now I think they'll be gushing away from Obama.
I would rather have the majority of indepenents behind Romney than just couple more percentage points of a group that was going to vote for Obama, anyways.
No more than a political ploy in an election year from a president who is rapidly becoming a flip flopper.......oh, flip flopper has now morphed into "evolving" (code word) with the libs. :D

soo when a repub flip flops it's okay?

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