Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

So Obama spits on our laws yet they will still vote for him.

this is why we have the Government that we have that is walking all over us..

spit, funny thing is it is called reform, repubs backed the plan also, it was their plan to begin with.
Rubio was working on this already, has demcoratic co-sponsors too...Obama back doored him, credit where its due, politically? smart move.
whammo another 'evolution'....

But I do miss the " imperial " presidency of george bush though.....:rolleyes:
I'm still voting for Obama over Romney for sure, but I disagree with him strongly here. Seems like he is just pandering to latino voters.

Illegal aliens are just that - illegal. To reward people for violating the foundation of any nation and entering and living illegally is foolish. Not my tax dollars, no sir.

then u must support the Native Americans that were forced from their homes for the Europeans and anglo Americans?
Open-Borders is something all Big Government Globalists agree on. And the Big Government Globalists currently run both Parties. Lots of money & votes in keeping our Borders wide open. Our current leaders are traitors to our Nation.

our borders are not wide open, try again.

we have about 12-15 million people living here illegaly,, you try again asswipe.

I've heard it's over 20 million and that doesn't include all the anchor babies. If they can count them, they know where they are. Yet, they claim it's impossible to find all and deport them. Recently, Obama claimed that they were all heading back to Mexico on their own because of the economy, but looks like yet another lie.
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Obama just threw a major trump card on Romney.

The Independents were bleeding from Obama's camp....now I think they'll be gushing away from Obama.
I would rather have the majority of indepenents behind Romney than just couple more percentage points of a group that was going to vote for Obama, anyways.
No more than a political ploy in an election year from a president who is rapidly becoming a flip flopper.......oh, flip flopper has now morphed into "evolving" (code word) with the libs. :D

soo when a repub flip flops it's okay?

The libs always called a republican a flip flopper. But you call a fellow lib, one who is "evolving". Just an observation on my part that it hasn't gone unoticed
The Independents were bleeding from Obama's camp....now I think they'll be gushing away from Obama.
I would rather have the majority of indepenents behind Romney than just couple more percentage points of a group that was going to vote for Obama, anyways.
No more than a political ploy in an election year from a president who is rapidly becoming a flip flopper.......oh, flip flopper has now morphed into "evolving" (code word) with the libs. :D

soo when a repub flip flops it's okay?

The libs always called a republican a flip flopper. But you call a fellow lib, one who is "evolving". Just an observation on my part that it hasn't gone unoticed

No it hasn't gone unoticed...just infuriatingly IGNORED by certain Statists on thes boards that think that Obama's shit doesn't stink.

With the stroke of a pen, Obama legally took 800,000 jobs away from Americans and gave them to children of illegal aliens.

I am not sure Romney would have done anything different.

There’s no longer any deterrence of illegal immigration, only incentives. Today Obama destroyed my children’s future. I am a Native American that will not be voting for Obama this time. This is a slap in the face of my grand children and all American children who are struggling to get an education and get a job. Obama just made it harder. Literacy is the lowest and unemployment is the highest among Native Americans.

How did he come up with the 800,000 number? Did he just pick a number out of a hat?
Obama lied today after the signed the bill when he said “our” children go to school with these kids and play with them and this is the right thing to do. His children don’t. There are no illegal aliens in his neighborhood and none going to school with his children.

Why did he do this today and not three years ago? Because it would not have had the same effect as it have today because we are only four months away from the election and this was he ace in the hole and he needed it.

With the stroke of a pen, Obama legally took 800,000 jobs away from Americans and gave them to children of illegal aliens.

I am not sure Romney would have done anything different.

There’s no longer any deterrence of illegal immigration, only incentives. Today Obama destroyed my children’s future. I am a Native American that will not be voting for Obama this time. This is a slap in the face of my grand children and all American children who are struggling to get an education and get a job. Obama just made it harder. Literacy is the lowest and unemployment is the highest among Native Americans.

How did he come up with the 800,000 number? Did he just pick a number out of a hat?
Obama lied today after the signed the bill when he said “our” children go to school with these kids and play with them and this is the right thing to do. His children don’t. There are no illegal aliens in his neighborhood and none going to school with his children.

Why did he do this today and not three years ago? Because it would not have had the same effect as it have today because we are only four months away from the election and this was his ace in the hole and he played it when he needed it.

Does this mean they will now quality for Medicaid, food stamps, etc.?
Lil I cant believe you posted that. I have to agree with you. It's not good to do what he did. I dont know if Romney would, Bush tried it and conservatives like me kicked his ass for it. Entitlements are gonna go up through the roof, but they promise us they wont...LOLOLOLOL

With the stroke of a pen, Obama legally took 800,000 jobs away from Americans and gave them to children of illegal aliens.

I am not sure Romney would have done anything different.

There’s no longer any deterrence of illegal immigration, only incentives. Today Obama destroyed my children’s future. I am a Native American that will not be voting for Obama this time. This is a slap in the face of my grand children and all American children who are struggling to get an education and get a job. Obama just made it harder. Literacy is the lowest and unemployment is the highest among Native Americans.

How did he come up with the 800,000 number? Did he just pick a number out of a hat?
Obama lied today after the signed the bill when he said “our” children go to school with these kids and play with them and this is the right thing to do. His children don’t. There are no illegal aliens in his neighborhood and none going to school with his children.

Why did he do this today and not three years ago? Because it would not have had the same effect as it have today because we are only four months away from the election and this was his ace in the hole and he played it when he needed it.

Does this mean they will now quality for Medicaid, food stamps, etc.?
And of course you can back up that claim by showing an 800,000 increase in claims for unemployment benefits today!!! :eusa_liar:
50 million Latino voters.

Romney just lost the election.

You can keep dreaming that they are ALL for amnesty..but you need something after that horrible let down of the Walker prediction..You sure you want to try this again?
The Independents were bleeding from Obama's camp....now I think they'll be gushing away from Obama.
I would rather have the majority of indepenents behind Romney than just couple more percentage points of a group that was going to vote for Obama, anyways.
No more than a political ploy in an election year from a president who is rapidly becoming a flip flopper.......oh, flip flopper has now morphed into "evolving" (code word) with the libs. :D

soo when a repub flip flops it's okay?

The libs always called a republican a flip flopper. But you call a fellow lib, one who is "evolving". Just an observation on my part that it hasn't gone unoticed

like when Romney stated that he supported abortion but through the years he evolved and decided it was wrong?
My wife's family are all Mexican and 2nd - 4th generation American. While they're divided on anmnesty (about 1/4 are against it), 100% of them feel that children who were brought here shouldn't be held culpable for the acts of their parents.
By limiting it to this one segment, Obama has definiteyl gained favor with Latinos and those of us who simple humanity ahead of political ideology.
I refer back to the girl in the news who was brought here at 3 by illegal parents, got straight A's, graduated Valedictorian and is off to college for an engineering degree. She knows no one in Mexico and what could be a great American citizen would have her life ruined if she were deported.
But I'm sure those who put politics ahead of common sense will find a way for that to make sense to them.

Allow me to counter with another true story that will illustrate the absuridity of that statement...

Watching one of those "48 Hour Mystery" type of shows (don't recall which one) and it's a cold case file. A high school girl is raped and brutally murdered in the early 70's while closing the store she was working at. Years go buy, and nobody can crack this case. One strange piece of evidence is this very oddly shapped "foam" that is lying near the body. Nobody can figure out what it is, where it came from, or why it is there. It doesn't match any material in the store and they can't match it to the victim, so they just assume it has something to do with the unsub. To make a long story short, the case heats up and they end up on the door step of the chief of a fire department (I want to say in Phoenix, but not certain). Inside, while talking to their suspect, one of the detectives notices that his boots have a "foam" hanging out of them. It seems this guy would take the toes on one foot, and kick off the heel of his boots with the other foot. Over time, this would wear down the boots and the inner padding would start to come out.

The man was found guilty and sent to prison. But by your logic, because he had turned his life around and become chief of the fire department, he should be absolved of all crimes and sent on his marry way.

The entire "it's not the child's fault" argument is so assinine. Guess what, it's not MY fault either! It's also not the fault of the people who are LEGALLY standing in line. I don't give a good gosh damn that it's "not the child's fault". It's her parents fault, she entered the country illegally with them, she should have her ass sent back with them. If she's such a bright and talented person, she'll have no problem being a success in Mexico and then she can apply - LEGALLY - for citizenship here. Stop with the "not their fault" bullshit. You're punishing those waiting in line to gain citizenship legally, and it sure as hell isn't their fault!

LOL! THAT'S your counter? An episode of Cold Case???
So did the guys' PARENTS kill those people?
Oh wait. No, that wasn't the case.
So don't address the point I brought up.

This girl didn't kill ayone.
As a matter of fact, technically, she was the victim of a kidnapping as it was illegal by Mexican law for her parents to take her with her.
Straight A Student.
Never took an American job.
Future engineer.
Where is the probalem here?

I suppose next, you'll tell about about an episode of 24?

It directly addresses the entire point - you just can't accept the reality. Just like becoming Fire Chief didn't absolve this jerk of his crime, being a "straight A" student does not absolve this girl from the fact that she is here in this country ILLEGALLY. You're success post crime does not absolve you from the crime.

Now come on, give us more of that really insightful "it's not so-n-so's fault" nonsense. That's a GREAT argument - should hold up REALLY well in a court of law.

You can cite her "accomplishments" all you want - it doesn't change the fact that she is an ILLEGAL alien. That is "what the problem is". Any more than the fire chiefs accomplishments didn't change the fact that he was a murderer.
As a Romney supporter, I'd like to thank the idiot for taking a broom and swatting a hornet's net today.

Many voters on the right have fallen asleep with the Obamacare and Porkulus crap off the national radar for ahwile, but today the idiot woke them up with his dumbass move.

Oh, many black people today are staying home on election day.....

Rubio Working on GOP Version of DREAM Act to Let Younger Illegal Aliens Stay Legally In U.S.

(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) says he is working to craft an alternative version of the DREAM Act that would allow younger illegal aliens who came to the United States "through no fault of their own" to stay here legally and, if they wished, get in line to become a citizen.

notice that Obama used his plan and beat the repubs to the elecion punch. mario is a fav for Romney's VP

The big difference between what Rubio has proposed and what Obama did is adherence to U.S. law. Obama has basically decided that he and he alone should be able to decide what laws to enforce. He has blatantly disregarded U.S. immigration laws in order to try to pander to Hispanics. Rubio has been working within the law, Obama is not. As Obama himself said back in September, He does NOT have the authority to change immigration law without Congress. This will backfire just like his other desperate ploys to raise his poll ratings.
If by drugs you mean pot I'll do a jig of joy and then smoke a bowl to celebrate.

Because pot's not a drug. Not like coke and heroin.

Or have your grandkids not told you that?

Yeah - it gets you high but it's "not a drug". Thank you for illustrating A.) you're a stoner B.) you're a fucking idiot and C.) you have the rationale of an inbred hound with down syndrome

It finally makes sense why your a liberal. Now go smoke your pot and let the grown ups discuss sound policy son...

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