Obama Calls for Amendment Limiting Free-Speech Rights

So, you're in favor (not surprised) preventing a company from airing commercials endorsing a candidate? No editorials etc,,, books....... you get my drift

It's trying to prevent LIES from being spread (under the guise of free speech) and influencing dolts (like you) into voting against your own best interests.
The Founding Fathers wanted to limit corporations and never consider them persons, for the very reason that we see today...Government overly influenced by corporate interest....

Yeah because corporations were such a huge problem in the 18th century. Idiot.
The Dutch East India Company raised havoc in the new world. Nobody was more powerful

Nobody was more powerful? Really? I seem to remember that the British forced them to give up New Amsterdam - which became New York.

The Founding Fathers wanted to limit corporations and never consider them persons, for the very reason that we see today...Government overly influenced by corporate interest....

Yeah because corporations were such a huge problem in the 18th century. Idiot.
The Dutch East India Company raised havoc in the new world. Nobody was more powerful

Tell me goofball, how did it influence elections in 18th Century England.
"President Barack Obama endorsed a constitutional amendment that would restrict the free-speech rights of political activist groups by overturning the Supreme Court decision in the landmark Citizens United v FEC case that granted First Amendment rights to corporations."

Good. Money isn't speech, and corporations aren't people. Not all that difficult to understand if you think about it, which you don't.

I wonder when we will get a president that overturns the killing of babies in the womb.
"President Barack Obama endorsed a constitutional amendment that would restrict the free-speech rights of political activist groups by overturning the Supreme Court decision in the landmark Citizens United v FEC case that granted First Amendment rights to corporations."

Good. Money isn't speech, and corporations aren't people. Not all that difficult to understand if you think about it, which you don't.

I wonder when we will get a president that overturns the killing of babies in the womb.
You do realize the abortion rate has been decreasing thanks to birth control and legal abortion? Making abortion illegal would just cause unsafe back room abortions to spike and would be another example of conservative idiocy.
"President Barack Obama endorsed a constitutional amendment that would restrict the free-speech rights of political activist groups by overturning the Supreme Court decision in the landmark Citizens United v FEC case that granted First Amendment rights to corporations."

Good. Money isn't speech, and corporations aren't people. Not all that difficult to understand if you think about it, which you don't.

I wonder when we will get a president that overturns the killing of babies in the womb.
You do realize the abortion rate has been decreasing thanks to birth control and legal abortion? Making abortion illegal would just cause unsafe back room abortions to spike and would be another example of conservative idiocy.

Wait what? The abortion rate is decreasing due to abortions?
Liberals are such fucking hypocrites. They are all for freedom of speech, including shouting down yours, as long as it agrees with them. They have NO problem with unions airing a common voice, including public sector unions we pay for and have zero control over. Why should a group of private citizens not be able to pool their resources and fund a message that disagrees with the leftists? That's exactly why tyrants in history come from the left, their greater good becomes freedom's death.
So Obama recommended something stupid that will never happen, sounds like a typical day for him.
"President Barack Obama endorsed a constitutional amendment that would restrict the free-speech rights of political activist groups by overturning the Supreme Court decision in the landmark Citizens United v FEC case that granted First Amendment rights to corporations."

Good. Money isn't speech, and corporations aren't people. Not all that difficult to understand if you think about it, which you don't.

So, you're in favor (not surprised) preventing a company from airing commercials endorsing a candidate? No editorials etc,,, books....... you get my drift

Scary stuff

If you are this ignorant of an issue, you should have studied it prior to posting this nonsense...
This something our ancestors fully understood as industrialization turned our nation into a plutocracy. The plutocrats hired "private" police forces to protect their kingdoms. Daily deaths of workers was common.

Citizens United undid one hundred years of campaign finance laws...

"The first thing to understand is the difference between the natural person and the fictitious person called a corporation. They differ in the purpose for which they are created, in the strength which they possess, and in the restraints under which they act. Man is the handiwork of God and was placed upon earth to carry out a Divine purpose; the corporation is the handiwork of man and created to carry out a money-making policy. There is comparatively little difference in the strength of men; a corporation may be one hundred, one thousand, or even one million times stronger than the average man. Man acts under the restraints of conscience, and is influenced also by a belief in a future life. A corporation has no soul and cares nothing about the hereafter."
—William Jennings Bryan, 1912 Ohio Constitutional Convention
don't know why this would surprise anyone. If it can hurt us, squash us and our freedoms Obama is all for it. take our 2nd Amendment for an example

and then to see your own fellow country men and women agree with him when it limits or squash's our FREEDOMS, that's just as scary and should send chills through us.
"President Barack Obama endorsed a constitutional amendment that would restrict the free-speech rights of political activist groups by overturning the Supreme Court decision in the landmark Citizens United v FEC case that granted First Amendment rights to corporations."

Good. Money isn't speech, and corporations aren't people. Not all that difficult to understand if you think about it, which you don't.

So, you're in favor (not surprised) preventing a company from airing commercials endorsing a candidate? No editorials etc,,, books....... you get my drift

Scary stuff

If you are this ignorant of an issue, you should have studied it prior to posting this nonsense...

You have anything to offer?

Didn't think so

Speak up while you still can

Funny that RWs were lining up in the Kim Davis threads, all but calling for an end to the First Amendment.

You can't have it both ways.

The Founding Fathers wanted to limit corporations and never consider them persons, for the very reason that we see today...Government overly influenced by corporate interest....

Yeah because corporations were such a huge problem in the 18th century. Idiot.

You really believe money and wealth shaping politics is something new?

Just like now, its has always been about the rich taking from the poor. Its just that now, the GOP is openly stealing elections to benefit the few at the top.
What about the Muslim who refused to serve alchohol on the plane. If she isn't fired for it then the lady who refused to marry gays shouldn't be fired either. BTW they both should be fired not jailed.
So, I guess he would include unions, and super pacs such as his own was, as well? Not likely.
Quit messing with the Constitution, period.
That is just a speculation you are making with absolutely no support for it's accuracy or truth other than your fantasy and mission to mislead and misinform.
Right. Fantasy land is where you must reside. Not once, ever, have I heard Obama, or any Dem elected officials state they want the unions to quit supporting them, because it should be illegal, as they have with Citizen's United. Try again.
I don't really care what Obama and the Democrats want. I have no problems with Unions and others being restricted the same way corporations and billionaires should be restricted.

That is fine and admirable, but that isn't what Obama wants to do. And that is what this thread is about.


Actually, that's exactly what Obama is trying to do. Unions are governed by the same campaign finance laws as corporations and other PACs.
Liberals are such fucking hypocrites. They are all for freedom of speech, including shouting down yours, as long as it agrees with them. They have NO problem with unions airing a common voice, including public sector unions we pay for and have zero control over. Why should a group of private citizens not be able to pool their resources and fund a message that disagrees with the leftists? That's exactly why tyrants in history come from the left, their greater good becomes freedom's death.

THis isn't what anyone is talking about here. we are talking about Rich people creating front groups in order to spread propaganda.

This is what the whole fake IRS Scandal was about, groups calling themselves "Social Welfare Groups" while doing political work and keeping their donors a secret.

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