Obama Calls For Free Speech Crackdown: We Must “Detoxify” From “Scourge of Disinformation”

Can you form sentenses [sic] and prsent [sic] an actual coherant [sic] argument?

Look at the illiterate retard, trying to cast aspersions at someone else who is far more literate and intelligent than itself!

Who said the Left are fascists?
Anyone care to bet we never hear the call for government censorship of speech when a Republican moves into the White House with a Supermajority behind him/her in 25?

Former President Barack Obama did not miss the opportunity at the 2022 Copenhagen Democracy Summit to call for more censorship, asserting we must “detoxify our discourse.”

The liar of the year said this. Amazing.
Only those for which I have serious doubts that it qualifies as truly human. Criminals, perverts, certain kinds of crazies, and so on.
So you’re not on board with the trans bullshit. Criminals, perverts and crazies at least know if they are male or female. Yet you choose to call someone who disagrees with you an itself. That doesn’t seem very woke of you.

Are you calling trans people not human?
Bullshit! Censorship is when an individual piece of literature or art is forbidden or altered for political, religious or cultural reasons

That is different then limiting or forbidding speech that is clearly lies or misinformation and that is a threat to public safety. You know , like yellg fire in a theater.

There is no difference at fucking all. Speech is included in art and literature, despite your attempts otherwise.

Saying an election was stolen is not an immediate threat, the fire in a theater thing is because people would panic and crush each other.

People saying something you don't agree with isn't lying, isn't "violence", and isn't under your or government's control.
You are another on who has to fall back on an appeal to hypocrisy logical fallacy because you are unable to actually argue against what Obama is saying
Wake up Dumbass. I don't give a rip what the lying asswipe Barry Hussein has to say about anything. He has zero credibility so I don't waste time "arguing" what he says.

"Freedom of speech" doesn't mean you get to lie with impunity. There are all kinds of laws against lying in public, starting with "You can't scream 'fire' in a crowded theatre", nor can you call your neighbour a "pedophile" without proof. If you lie to someone to get money from them, that's "fraud", if you lie to the IRS, that's "tax fraud".

Republicans are now whining that they're being banned in violation of their "freedom of speech" rights, when in fact, the only right that's being impugned is their perceived right to lie with impunity.
"Freedom of speech" doesn't mean you get to lie with impunity.

Yes, it does. Otherwise you would be serving a life sentence.
The article doesn't hardly use a full sentence as a quote.

The article was brought to you by people who want to be able to lie to you with impunity because they think you're too stupid to know the difference. Schmucks!

Happy Friday!

Where are those quotes?

Lawsuits are handling the situation. Your lies will be met with lawsuits like Alex Jones.
How do you feel about the people behind the Russia Hoax getting away free and clear. I guess going after Nicholas Sandman was a mistake. Hell, the left has been doing this since Richard Jewell. If lying was 'not censored, but regulated?' then all the leftist news networks would be off the air. Remember that Ahat Harry Reid saying an opponent didn't pay his taxes, even though he did. Nothing happened to him but an attaboy from the leftists.
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Who said the Left are fascists?
Anyone care to bet we never hear the call for government censorship of speech when a Republican moves into the White House with a Supermajority behind him/her in 25?
I'll take that bet. How much are we wagering?
I agree, misinformation is rampant.

Masks work, the experimental gene therapy shot stops COVID, inflation is transitory, gas is high because of Putin, the baby food shortage was unavoidable, gun control laws would have stopped shootings, the Hunter Biden laptop is a Russian plant, Tulsi Gabbard is a Syrian spy, Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian spy, Ivermecton is only used on horses, Trump and Putin stole 2016, there was not fraud in 2020, the HillaryCliinton dossier on Trump is real…

….it goes on and on and on

We need to crack down on lying fucktards like Adam Schiffty.
Ole Schiffty lies so blatantly he should be in the dictionary under the term liar.
Why do you want to keep repeating these proven lies? To raise funds from your supporters???? That's fraud, and should be punishable with jail time.
You believe everything CNN tells you don't you. I bet you and Joy Behar are buddies.

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