Obama Calls Marine Killings "Senseless"

They were senseless to me. If your goal is to convert people to your religion you don't go around killing people and expect them to suddenly like Islam, or whatever.

I agree. If that's your goal.

I think his goal was to kill Americans and that's just what he did.

He planned and carried out his attack. Nothing senseless about that. He had a motive.
The killings had no rational meaning or purpose. In order from them to be rational there would have to be legitimacy in a belief that our military forces are intentionally inflicting casualties on innocent muslims, and the killings were justifiable retaliation.

The operative word was "discernible," which obviously exceeds you mental capacity. As for your substituted term "rational," are you suggesting that Islamic terrorists are not rational? In that case, why on Earth would you support the Iranian nuclear agreement?
Yet you people want panic and direct action against the whole group for the act of one, you want a repeat of the Confederate flag fiasco....which makes you no better than those that wanted the flag taken down after 9 people were murdered by a non-Muslim....
And the spinners jump right in for the PC-protected religion.
Entertaining conspiracy theories is a sign of low intelligence.
Again! Thanks!
Welcome. Glad to have taught you something.
I already knew how you guys spin for the PC-protected religion. That was my point. Pay attention.

No one is spinning. We are mocking the conspiracy theory.
The killings had no rational meaning or purpose. In order from them to be rational there would have to be legitimacy in a belief that our military forces are intentionally inflicting casualties on innocent muslims, and the killings were justifiable retaliation.

The operative word was "discernible," which obviously exceeds you mental capacity. As for your substituted term "rational," are you suggesting that Islamic terrorists are not rational? In that case, why on Earth would you support the Iranian nuclear agreement?
The killings have no discernible intent beyond not being rational. Again I know Obama has fu ked u in the azz w/o lubricant, but you need not insult others because of that.
The killings have no meaning.
The killings make no sense.
The killings won't create converts.

All words of people who are completely clueless as to the motives of Muslim terrorists.
They make sense in a country controlled by Muslims, since people in the countries are used to being cowed and told what to do. They don't make sense in the USA.
They were senseless to me. If your goal is to convert people to your religion you don't go around killing people and expect them to suddenly like Islam, or whatever.

I agree. If that's your goal.

I think his goal was to kill Americans and that's just what he did.

He planned and carried out his attack. Nothing senseless about that. He had a motive.
I think his goal was suicide by cop, but time will tell.
And the spinners jump right in for the PC-protected religion.
Entertaining conspiracy theories is a sign of low intelligence.
Again! Thanks!
Welcome. Glad to have taught you something.
I already knew how you guys spin for the PC-protected religion. That was my point. Pay attention.


Where is it indicated that his religion had anything to do with his actions? Did the religion of the Charleston shooter have any bearing on his actions?

From all accounts this is about a depressed and messed up kid who decided to go out with "suicide by cop". You have evidence to the contrary do you?
They spin and deflect for a religion that treats gays and women like animals, that slaughters innocents and terrorizes millions.

All for political advantage. Pretty low.

Wait. You have something there, despite the OP's lack of rationality. Could the killings (and shooting at another site) be terrorism? Terrorism being violence used to effectuate a political change.
And the spinners jump right in for the PC-protected religion.
Entertaining conspiracy theories is a sign of low intelligence.
Again! Thanks!
Welcome. Glad to have taught you something.
I already knew how you guys spin for the PC-protected religion. That was my point. Pay attention.


Where is it indicated that his religion had anything to do with his actions? Did the religion of the Charleston shooter have any bearing on his actions?

From all accounts this is about a depressed and messed up kid who decided to go out with "suicide by cop". You have evidence to the contrary do you?
Yes the guy was suicidal and depressed, but I thought he left writings to the effect that his actions were motivated by anger at our actions in the ME. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
The killings have no meaning.
The killings make no sense.
The killings won't create converts.

All words of people who are completely clueless as to the motives of Muslim terrorists.
They are not clueless, they are pushing an agenda degrading themselves probably for some gain. There was a saying:
They would kill their parents to qualify for free orphans' dinner.
We've been under low level attack throughout this administration and they are planned and executed terrorist attacks, as the OP stated, and they are done with the blessings of our traitorous president. Anyone who can't see that doesn't WANT to see it.
How many of our citizens have been killed since 2008 due to crazy vs. domestic dispute vs road rage vs muslim terrorists vs accidental gun discharge vs heat stroke vs lightning strike vs drowning vs animal attack vs non-muslim terrorism?
The killings have no meaning.
The killings make no sense.
The killings won't create converts.

All words of people who are completely clueless as to the motives of Muslim terrorists.
They make sense in a country controlled by Muslims, since people in the countries are used to being cowed and told what to do. They don't make sense in the USA.
They make perfect sense. Their goal is to disrupt/terrorize Americans. All in the name of Allah.

There is NOTHING secret or complicated about their goals. They even make videos explicitly explaining their intent. How anyone can be confused is quite baffling
The killings have no meaning.
The killings make no sense.
The killings won't create converts.

All words of people who are completely clueless as to the motives of Muslim terrorists.
They make sense in a country controlled by Muslims, since people in the countries are used to being cowed and told what to do. They don't make sense in the USA.
They make perfect sense. Their goal is to disrupt/terrorize Americans. All in the name of Allah.

There is NOTHING secret or complicated about their goals. They even make videos explicitly explaining their intent. How anyone can be confused is quite baffling
Are you terrorized? I'm not. So they were senseless. But if you admit to being terrorized, as apparently the Governor of Florida has done, then they make a whole lot of sense.

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