Obama care:190% Increase in premiums - Without - 20% REDUCTION!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
First Obamacare will increase premiums... see below..

The survey, fielded by the American Action Forum and made available to POLITICO, found that if the law’s insurance rules were in force,
the premium for a relatively bare-bones policy for a 27-year-old male nonsmoker on the individual market would be nearly 190 percent higher.
Read more: ACA premium sticker shock could fuel foes - Brett Norman - POLITICO.com

So if we didn't have Obamacare AND instead had REAL Tort reform of the $850 billion a year in "defensive medicine" as the experts declare, i.e. physicians!!!
Premiums could drop by 20 to 30% rather then INCREASE NOW under Obamacare by 190%!!!!

Here is how...
1) Assume Defensive Medicine is at 34% of the $2.5 trillion health care expense or $850 billion a year! See below.
2 Assume this can be reduced to 10% ... this would mean $600 BILLION a year in savings mean reducing CLAIMS to insurance/Medicare.
3) So... IF according to the 10-k financials of health care insurance companies 80% of their premiums are paid out in claims..
This would mean if the insurance companies had no longer $600 billion in additional claims..
So now insurance companies pass 50% of these savings on or $300 billion.
So if the average premium for an employer today to cover a single employee is $8,000.
And 80% is paid out in claims.. that means $6,000 paid in claims..would reduce the premium by almost $2,000 per family health insurance premium.

All by attacking the number one cost driver "DEFENSIVE MEDICINE" out of fear of lawsuits!
In a recent Gallup survey, physicians attributed 34 percent of overall healthcare costs to defensive medicine and 21 percent of their practice to be defensive in nature. Specifically, they estimated that 35 percent of diagnostic tests, 29 percent of lab tests, 19 percent of hospitalizations, 14 percent of prescriptions, and 8 percent of surgeries were performed to avoid lawsuits.

Liability reform has been estimated to result in anywhere from a 5 percent to a 34 percent reduction in medical expenditures by reducing defensive medicine practices, with estimates of savings from $54 billion to $650 billion.

Medical loss -claims 80% of premiums

Source Medical expenditures as % of premiums:
Medical-loss ratios for 2005 (Source: Company 10-K, year-end filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission):
Medical-loss ratios of largest for-profit insurers | Physicians for a National Health Program

MLR company
76.9% - Aetna
82.3% - Cigna
83.9% - Health Net
83.2% - Humana
78.6% - UnitedHealth Group
The Average is 80%..

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Why isn't this in the healthcare forum?

Because the left has politicized health care just like they have everything from the slaughter of children to condoms.

Ohhhhh, it was "the left" that made abortion and contraception political issues????

too funny

Sandra Fluke was put up by what conservative again? Conservatives are leading the charge for weapons bans in the wake of Sandy Cove?

And no, it isn't that funny. Why do you folks have to politicize every tragedy? Remember the disgusting, vile event that Paul Wellstone's memorial became?
Just think of what the most inexpensive aspect of health-care will be after 2014. Two-Dollars a minute to have the priviledge to sit on a waiting room chair. Then they will charge you to speak to the receptionist, use the restroom, and u may even get charged for every time you say "I".
Why isn't this in the healthcare forum?

Primarily I would imagine that Obamacare WAS POLITICIZED from the beginning!
How else do you explain that it was passed by ONLY 6 votes and then I am confident that it would NOT have passed IF the TRUTH regarding how many truly "uninsured" there were instead of the bogus phony 50 million!
The Census tells us 10 million of uninsured are NOT CITIZENS!
Do you think these 6 Yes votes would have voted if they knew..
14 million on Medicaid.. counted as "uninsured"...
In 2003, a BlueCross BlueShield Association study estimated that about 14 million of the uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP
The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million

But the real disgusting total lie is that 18 million of the "uninsured" DON'T WANT to be because they are under 34, make over $50k and spend on health services OUT OF THEIR OWN pocket an average of less then $1,000 so why have employer health insurance?

That left 8 million truly uninsured THAT if Obama were not a lawyer AND he and congress received in 2008 over $300 million in donations..
There would be some tort reform that would attack the number one cost driver PER Doctors... FEAR of lawsuits that cost $850 billion a year!
A tax for example on Lawyers $250 billion a year of 10% would pay the premiums for those totally 8 million "uninsured" that need it!
The biggest problem is Obama WANTS single payer health insurance to hell with the consequences!
To prove that what are the consequences if we have a single payer?

1,300 health insurance companies will stop selling or go out of business.
These companies have 400,000+ employees.. will become unemployed at 300/week 99 weeks means $12 billion unemployment benefits.
These companies pay $100 billion in Federal/state/local and possibly in some of our posters towns property taxes... which mean they won't pay.. your taxes go up!

Since Obama HAS never run a business he doesn't understand the concept of "profit" so he thinks they are evil, money grubbing profiiteers needing to be dismantled!

You'd think though as a consumer of TAX revenue he would at least understand he is killing the golden goose that lays the eggs!
Arn't you glad they passed it. I can't wait till I do my taxes next year. Gonna be wonderful paying a fine and still not being covered. Or does Obama think simply by making it law, I can now afford 8000 Dollars a year out of pocket?

I would say this quote applies to Obama but he has told us.. HE WANTS SINGLE PAYER cause that's the cool european supposedly thing to do! But here is what it really means.."Unintended Consequence"..
"intervention in a complex system invariably creates unanticipated and often undesirable outcomes."
Unintended consequences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So let's see what your local hospital overcharges Medicare and Medicare pays because of this stupid unintended consequences......
"In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) that if a hospital takes
Medicare,they have to regardless of an individual's ability to pay provide stabilizing treatment for patients..."

AS A RESULT you tell me what city you live in and I'll show you how much OVERCHARGING of Medicare because of EMTALA!
For example...
In 2009 the University Community Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 2,110 claims for CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged: $2,635 which is what was billed by the hospital to Medicare...
But the hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $43 a mark up 6,127.91%
Think of it!! The hospital charges everyone 6,000% markup so they can recover the unreimbursed expenses of providing that treatment!

So is it any wonder that hospitals HAVE to PAD and PASS these exorbitant prices!

So again.. Law of Unintended Consequences of Obamacare WILL destroy healthcare!
Obama care:190% Increase in premiums - Without - 20% REDUCTION!!

Right. Because premiums have been going down without health care reform...oh wait...they've increased to the pint of being unaffordable to people shopping on the private market.

Major fail op, major fail.
Why isn't this in the healthcare forum?

Because the left has politicized health care just like they have everything from the slaughter of children to condoms.

Ohhhhh, it was "the left" that made abortion and contraception political issues????

too funny

Yes.....once crazy Sandra Fluke and that idiot girl who talked about sleeping with obama as her "first time" took to the airwaves, it really showed the true colors of libs.
Really? My health insurance rates have stayed unchanged for the last two years....hhhmmm
OP- more fear mongering Pub propaganda, for dupes only.

You DO know employer based won't change, Medicaid for under 140% of poverty, subsidies up to 4x poverty line, right?
Its only going to get better........like amtrak, the postal service, fannie mae , social insecurity and medicare.......where costs never matter. Lol
Obama care:190% Increase in premiums - Without - 20% REDUCTION!!

Right. Because premiums have been going down without health care reform...oh wait...they've increased to the pint of being unaffordable to people shopping on the private market.

Major fail op, major fail.

Do you love lawyers, are you a lawyer? Why do you IGNORE the $850 billion gorilla in the room?
ALL caused by as the Doctors are telling YOU FEAR OF LAWSUITS!!!
This fear means doing several duplicate tests. Making sure they are right with specialists, etc...

ALL because idiots LIKE YOU protect these ambulance chasers that file lawsuits, (96%) settled out of court and all that does is
add costs to health care... AGAIN $850 billion!

Of course, this cost is reflected in higher health insurance premiums, which may add up to $2,000 per year to a family’s premium.

Read more: RUBIN: A remedy for medical liability reform - Washington Times
Really? My health insurance rates have stayed unchanged for the last two years....hhhmmm

THAT's BECAUSE OBAMACARE doesn't kick in till this YEAR!!
HERE read what the people who calculate health insurance premiums (I know this is a big word.."actuaries" have said will occur in the next 5 years!!!
A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

Take the time like I did download from the Society of Actuaries SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs

But of course that means NOTHING to you because you are ONLY interested in YOUR premiums!

Well tell that to the nearly 7.8 million people whose hours have been reduced because their employers CAN'T AFFORD Obamacare!!!

Meanwhile, the ranks of part-time workers due to business conditions or because they can't find full-time work, trending lower in the past few years, rose by 212,000 to 7.8 million.
Retail Workweek Hits 3-Year Low As Firms Evade ObamaCare Mandate - Investors.com

So if the hours of the above 7.8 million part time workers declined from 30.7 to 30.1 in Jan13 that means
.6 of hour less worked by 7.8 million or a loss of 243,360,000 hours a year!

Employers/employees pay 15.3% of their wages in Payroll taxes for SS/Medicare.

At 15.3% of the $13.91 / hour wage that is $2.12 per hour in payroll taxes.

243,360,000 less hours worked because of employers NOT wanting full time employees so as NOT to be penalized by Obamacare means:

Obamacare is COSTING THE FEDERAL Government in revenue: $517,926,053 every year!

BUT of course YOU don't care cause YOUR PREMIUMS haven't gone up!
GEEZ... how myopic! Big word again!!!

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