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obama caves again

The Amish don't operate businesses that serve the general public. The Catholics can opt out, but their businesses should follow the same rules that every other business must follow.

You're kidding right? Half the roofing jobs in this county are done by Amish. They sell eggs, bread and cakes from their homes too. Oh, and then there's furniture.
Are they non-profits getting underwritten by the government?

Somehow I doubt it.

And you are thinking of Shaker furniture, lol.

You keep moving the goalposts and eventually you are going to score.

By the way, can you point to the part of the mandate that specifies that groups who take government money are the only ones that are subject to it?
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You're kidding right? Half the roofing jobs in this county are done by Amish. They sell eggs, bread and cakes from their homes too. Oh, and then there's furniture.
Are they non-profits getting underwritten by the government?

Somehow I doubt it.

And you are thinking of Shaker furniture, lol.

You keep moving the goalposts and eventually you are going to score.

By the way, can you point to the part of the mandate that specifies that groups who take government money are the only ones that are subject to it?
snopes.com: Health Insurance Exemptions
Doesn't really matter what they call it, they are obligated to put back any profit into the business or they lose their non-profit status. So claiming they donated a gazillion dollars is pretty meaningless if they are required to do it, especially since they are getting over 60% of their funding from the government....and paying their secular staff big salaries.

It would be interesting to see exactly how many of the poor they help that they don't get reimbursed for from Medicaid or some other local tax fund.
Dude...I don't know where you get this crap, but common sense ought to tell you NOT TO REPEAT IT!

25% of ALL HOSPITALS in this country are Catholic. And nearly 70% of all hospitals in this country are non-profit!

Let's see, the fed contributes about 45-46 billion dollars TOTAL to all religious affiliated hospitals. A sample study of some 136, non-profit, non-catholic hospitals showed they had an an operating revenue of 312.6 BILLION dollars in 2010. 45 billion does NOT even comprise 60% of their operational revenue...little on if you throw in the 1,600 or so catholic hospitals.

Oh, and by the way. Catholic hospitals, the Amish and all these organizations pay taxes on profits!

When the 42 facilities that comprise Catholic Healthcare West post a 2.8 billion dollar revenue report...that is BEFORE they pay 250 million or so in interest and taxes.

When the Amish family farm next to my mother-in-law raises and sales 10 acres of vegetables at corner stands...they pay taxes on any revenue above the threshold for filing...just like any other business or individual. Same with the Amish cabinet maker down the road from me.

The RELIGIOUS, charitable activities like homeless shelters, income derived from donations to the church and the like are the tax exempt funds!

Now if we want to argue about whether or not we should be giving tax dollars or tax exempt status to ANY organization...I'll go for that.

This country was founded on EQUAL...not fair!

Equal rights, equal protections under the law...EQUAL!

A FLAT 6 or 8% tax, no exemptions, no exceptions and no deductions for ANYONE or ANYTHING is EQUAL!


If you earn a dollar in this country or from this country...you pay 6 cents in taxes and do away with ALL other forms of federal taxes as they are ALL punitive in nature and UNCONSTITUTIONAL in total!

And I'm not talking about some dumb ass point of sales tax. THAT is also punitive and unconstitutional in nature since punishes those who MUST use certain goods or services to live. It's why there hasn't been a national sales tax already. Even dumb ass congressmen know it won't stand constitutional muster.

Holy CRAP...I just went off the rails on this thread. LOL

But this is one of my pet peeves. The income tax is and was unconstitutional and the 16th amendment passed to make legal was illegally passed by crooked politicians...here in my home state of Kentucky. But since it's here...Let's use it to return our tax code to the founding principle of EQUALITY!

Ok, rant off! ;~)
Are they non-profits getting underwritten by the government?

Somehow I doubt it.

And you are thinking of Shaker furniture, lol.

You keep moving the goalposts and eventually you are going to score.

By the way, can you point to the part of the mandate that specifies that groups who take government money are the only ones that are subject to it?
snopes.com: Health Insurance Exemptions

I guess that means no.
Ahh, I was wondering how long it would take to get this golden oldie out.

Our accident rate isn't higher than any other industrialized country.

Death: Leading Causes of Death in Various Countries

Italy has just a high a car accident death rate and Japan has a higher suicide rate than we do...

Note the commas in between THREE concepts. It is a cummulative effect, not individual.

Point is, they are a very small part of the picture, and other countries are doing just as badly as we are on a per-capita basis.

Nope, we are doing badly because we don't do what the rest of the world does.

Now, I would like to see us have a system like Germany has. There is universal coverage, but they are administered by a combination of public and private plans that maximized choice and can be individually tailored. The Germans have had this system since 1888 and it's survived two world wars and the Nazis.

Most of us do not want to be Germany. We do not want the same system Germany has. We think the founders of this country did a great job, and LOVE the liberty and opportunity that is here. We do not want to be taxed sixty cents or more of every dollar. We want our gov't to be smaller and less intrusive, not the opposite. There is already a Germany, there is no need for a second one.
No, they have an illness and should be treated medically.

Come on, the rest of the world doesn't do this.

We lock up 2 million people. Germany only locks up 78,000. guess which country has higher crime rates?

The lock 'em up shit doesn't work.

People who use drugs do so voluntarily.

Let them deal with their own choices. I should not have to pay for the poor choices of others.

But the problem is, YOU ARE ALREADY PAYING FOR IT.

It costs a lot more to lock a drug offender up than it does to treat him medically. More to the point, locking him up doesn't solve the underlying problem. They still have addiction issues.

Cost of Treatment Vs. Incarceration | eHow.com

the only ones who benefit are the private companies in the Prison-Industrial Complex who profit off those fat government contracts benefiting off of prison labor or providing services to prisons.

Joe Taxpayer, he's left holding the bag.

So.... let's continue to pretend the drug addict has nothing to do with starting drugs (it is a medical problem). If that person never did illegal drugs, they are a lot less likely to get addicted. That doesn't fit your agenda, though. Why hold people responsible for their own actions?
Note the commas in between THREE concepts. It is a cummulative effect, not individual.

Point is, they are a very small part of the picture, and other countries are doing just as badly as we are on a per-capita basis.

Nope, we are doing badly because we don't do what the rest of the world does.

Now, I would like to see us have a system like Germany has. There is universal coverage, but they are administered by a combination of public and private plans that maximized choice and can be individually tailored. The Germans have had this system since 1888 and it's survived two world wars and the Nazis.

Most of us do not want to be Germany. We do not want the same system Germany has. We think the founders of this country did a great job, and LOVE the liberty and opportunity that is here. We do not want to be taxed sixty cents or more of every dollar. We want our gov't to be smaller and less intrusive, not the opposite. There is already a Germany, there is no need for a second one.

NO, I don't want to see us become Germany or any other nation. But if another nation is doing something right, we should at LEAST take a look at us.

Because what we are doing ain't working.
People who use drugs do so voluntarily.

Let them deal with their own choices. I should not have to pay for the poor choices of others.

But the problem is, YOU ARE ALREADY PAYING FOR IT.

It costs a lot more to lock a drug offender up than it does to treat him medically. More to the point, locking him up doesn't solve the underlying problem. They still have addiction issues.

Cost of Treatment Vs. Incarceration | eHow.com

the only ones who benefit are the private companies in the Prison-Industrial Complex who profit off those fat government contracts benefiting off of prison labor or providing services to prisons.

Joe Taxpayer, he's left holding the bag.

I'm for legalizing all drugs because what a person does to their own body is none of my business and the consequences are solely the individual's

Spoken as one that does not consider children (being abused, neglected, born addicted, sold for drugs).
Another dopey quibble.

That they allegedly didn't "succeed" in forcing people to do anything somehow removes the blot from their records as community activists who SOUGHT to impose shit on others?

Damn but you're dishonest.
Show ANY evidence that they forced anyone - or attempted to force anyone - to organize, Bushie.
That is NOT what you asked Synth. You ASKED what was wrong with organizing a community. That aside...HERE is your evidence!

Judge fines ACORN $5,000 for voter registration scheme - News - ReviewJournal.com

This is one of OVER 30 such cases involving your lord and master Hussein Obama's old community organizing group ACORN stemming from the 2008 presidential elections alone.

Now you can claim that ain't "forcing" a community to organize, but then THAT would be a LIE. Even the ATTEMPT to force representation on a community by cheating the system puts lie to the "when are you going to quit beating your wife" transparency of the original question.

Changing the question when you don't like the answer may work for you...but NOT for the truth!

Now YOU are up to speed!!!

1st Amendment , US Constitution, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

It does NOT say, the free mental or theoretical exercise thereof. I does NOT say, the free exercise in designated areas or buildings. And it does NOT say, the free exercise Except where government decides it's inconvenient or expedient to do so!

If a religion (a group of people with shared beliefs in a divinity) is "called" to start homeless shelters, build schools or hospitals...OR any other good works...that is a REAL Right as set forth in the Constitution, Congress nor anyone else has a right to interfere in any way...as long as that religion is not infringing on the ENUMERATED Rights of another CITIZEN of the United States of America!

This is a pretty damn simple concept folks and it is at the CORE of why our founders fought and died to deliver unto us this representative republic!

And before any jackwagon steps up and calls me a right wing religious zealot, bent on twisting the constitution to fit my ideology....I AM AN ATHEIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, maybe you can get away with that nonsense with Japan, but, umm, The Canadians live about four years longer on average than we do... And they eat the same fattening crap we do. Now why is that?

Oh, wait. Could it be that they don't have one out of six people without health insurance? Hmmmmmm?

File:Obesity country comparison - path.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And NEITHER DO WE have 1 out of 6 uninsured. What the FACTS are is that only between 25 and 30 million American CITIZENS are uninsured at any given point. It varies with the economy.

Now I don't know how strong your math skills are...but that is less than 10% or under 1 in 10...NOT 1 in 6!

THAT is just asinine!

And by the way, nearly 40% of the uninsured who ARE elgible for public assisted health care...DON'T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!

And here is some more facts for ya. Of those 30 million or so...20% are ILLEGAL ALIENS. And nearly 50% are people who either make more than 200% of national average for income and choose not to buy insurance OR are between 18 and 35, are OFFERED health insurance and choose not to participate.

So by the time you deduct ILLEGALS and voluntarily uninsured out, the REAL number of those who are uninsured is between 8 and 10 million. And they were almost to a person ALREADY eligible for health care under either Medicaid or Medicare. Some 18 million or so qualify as a matter of fact!

Universal health care is legislating OUT choice...NOT in!

Here is the thing. If the freakin' government wasn't spending TRILLIONS on getting into peoples choice, protecting illegals, legislating morality and regulating insurance...WE COULD AFFORD TO TAKE CARE OF THE UNINSURED...UNIVERSALLY!!!

This argument was WRONG when they passed Obamacare and it's wrong now!

Obamacare and these over reaching, unconstitutional inflictions forced upon Americans by progressives in BOTH parties using doctored numbers and half truths to convince the gullible have GOT to go!

Oh, so you want to legalize them? Okay.

So then what do you do with the addicts at that point? They are still a problem, they are still a drain on resources that have to be dealt with.

Are they? Or do you just buy into that because you buy into the talking points of the people who make money off of it?

Yes, unemployable people with addictions are a problem.

Because unlike you, most people will not let people just starve to death.

Which is probably okay with folks like you. "Let them die".

The GOP has good ideas, but the heartlessness is offputting to most civilized people.

When Bush called himself a "Compassionate Conservative", he was ridiculed.

And yet, the conservatives are more likely to give to charities than the libs. Conservatives are more likely to do "tough love" which actually encourages a person to change for the better, while the libs are more likely to make excuses for them and encourage them to become dependent on others.
Don't know that Obama caved on anything. But it sure sounds like Rethugs caved on the payroll tax cut. How did that happen?

Amazing ignorance on display concerning addiction. Why am I not surprised. Guess Rethugs never become addicted, unless the Doctor perscribed it. But then, you are not really addicted IF the drugs you take were perscribed by your doc.

Doubt if the drug addict Limpball got his first name because he was in a hurry to do something. Think it came about from the first "rush" of oxycotin.

Yes, the gov't (including the administration) have just ensured that LESS will go to fund Social Security. Wonder how the administration is planning on meeting those obligations (maybe he will mandate that no one over 65 receive expensive medical treatment)?
$100 Billion more to the debt! The result, SMALLER Social Security checks for current contributors! Unemployment benefit extentions for people out of work close to two years! Stop me when you're happy with one of the results.
Wonder what this President will do in a real crisis.
Making a decision to go after Bin Laden was a no brainer...Pa leeze.
What is he gonna do when Iran has a few nukes rolled out off the assembly line....

This will be interesting.

fetal position, "mommy"
Wonder what this President will do in a real crisis.
Making a decision to go after Bin Laden was a no brainer...Pa leeze.
What is he gonna do when Iran has a few nukes rolled out off the assembly line....

This will be interesting.

fetal position, "mommy"
Under his desk with his thumb in his mouth blaming it on Bush.
Point is, they are a very small part of the picture, and other countries are doing just as badly as we are on a per-capita basis.

Nope, we are doing badly because we don't do what the rest of the world does.

Now, I would like to see us have a system like Germany has. There is universal coverage, but they are administered by a combination of public and private plans that maximized choice and can be individually tailored. The Germans have had this system since 1888 and it's survived two world wars and the Nazis.

Most of us do not want to be Germany. We do not want the same system Germany has. We think the founders of this country did a great job, and LOVE the liberty and opportunity that is here. We do not want to be taxed sixty cents or more of every dollar. We want our gov't to be smaller and less intrusive, not the opposite. There is already a Germany, there is no need for a second one.

NO, I don't want to see us become Germany or any other nation. But if another nation is doing something right, we should at LEAST take a look at us.

Because what we are doing ain't working.

I agree. In the worldwide financial crisis beginning in late 2008, Germany, Europe's largest economy, implemented strict austerity measures, cut spending, and relaxed some regulation on private commerce. Upon pressure from some economists, they did pay out a very modest stimulus package (less than 1/6th related to GDP than ours) consisting of mostly tax cuts and infusion into a few social programs, but when no noticable results were produced, made no attempt to repeat that process.

As a result, Germany's employment has returned to pre 2008 levels with a stable 7.5 unemployment rate that most sensible Americans still feel is unacceptable, but which is normal for Germany. Germany retains its stellar AAA credit rating which allows it to manage the finances of their economy much more economically.

Compare that to the results America has received with obsvcene spending, no austerity measures of any kind, and still more pressure from the Administration to spend much more. Our credit rating is downgraded, the unemployment rate is coming down but so is the number of people employed indicating that a lot of folks have just given up and are no longer included in either figure. It really is smoke and mirrors when the Administration brags about how many jobs are created without reporting how many jobs were also lost.

Only 45.4% of Americans had jobs in 2010, the lowest rate since 1983 and down from a peak of 49.3% in 2000. Last year, just 66.8% of men had jobs, the lowest on record.
More Americans leaving the workforce - USATODAY.com

The Obama administration did inherit a deep recession in the wake of the housing bubble bursting but they have had absolutely no crisis of the level of a 9/11 or a Katrina to hamper recovery. We should be out of the recession and more people should be going back to work after more than three years. The fact that the Obama administration refuses to implement policy that would have encouraged that is inexcusable.

It is absolutely time for a new President and a new deal for America.
Pretty clear in the Sunday morning national broadcast of The Lutheran Hour, we are to support our brothers in the Catholic church. This isn't going to go away.
The stimulus slowed the recovery.

Ooooookay, if that's what you want to go with..

I think he's okay going with it since it is true. It is not the only factor that has slowed the economy but it certainly drove a lot of investors overseas in the uncertainty that it has created in America's economic stability and it was a very expensive bandaid applied to create false numbers while correcting almost none of the problems that put us in this situation in the first place.
The stimulus slowed the recovery.

Ooooookay, if that's what you want to go with..

I think he's okay going with it since it is true. It is not the only factor that has slowed the economy but it certainly drove a lot of investors overseas in the uncertainty that it has created in America's economic stability and it was a very expensive bandaid applied to create false numbers while correcting almost none of the problems that put us in this situation in the first place.

I think you can go around all day about whether the stimulus helped the economy or hindered growth.

And such arguments will be meaningless in November. Unemployment is heading down, has been for a while now.

Now, personally, I think that the fact that Obama inspired so little confidence should be a factor in November, but it won't be.

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