Obama: Channeling His Inner Antiochus

How did Israel earn the right to be an American dependent?
Israel is both an important strategic ally and an economic ally...Plus, without our involvement in WW II, millions more Jews would have been summarily exterminated.
Ok.....Now go ahead and spew your hate for Jews.....

If I'm anti-Semitic for criticizing Israel then you're a racist for criticizing Obama.

Got it?
How did Israel earn the right to be an American dependent?
Israel is both an important strategic ally and an economic ally...Plus, without our involvement in WW II, millions more Jews would have been summarily exterminated.
Ok.....Now go ahead and spew your hate for Jews.....

Important strategic ally? For what? For sending troops to help us in Afghanistan? For using its military in the Iraq War? For its hundreds of airstrikes against ISIS?

Israel never helps us.
While the Prevaricator-in-Chief claims expertise in the Constitution....facts not in evidence....one wonders why he doesn't claim the same expertise in a certain sort of history....ancient, in this case.

I have in mind his policies that emulate those of Antiochus Epiphanes.

1. "Antiochus IV Epiphanes... God Manifest";[1]c. 215 BC – 164 BC) was a Hellenistic Greek king of the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC until his death in 164 BC.[2][3][4]He was a son of King Antiochus III the Great. ... Notable events during the reign of Antiochus IV include his near-conquest of Egypt, his persecution of the Jews of Judea and Samaria, and the rebellion of the Jewish Maccabees."
Antiochus IV Epiphanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "According to the authors of the Books of Maccabees, while Antiochus was busy in Egypt, a rumor spread that he had been killed. InJudea, the deposed High Priest Jason gathered a force of 1,000 soldiers and made a surprise attack on the city of Jerusalem. Menelaus, the High Priest appointed by Antiochus, was forced to flee Jerusalem during a riot. King Antiochus returned from Egypt in 167 BC, enraged by his defeat; he attacked Jerusalem and restored Menelaus, then executed many Jews.[12]

When these happenings were reported to the king, he thought that Judea was in revolt. Raging like a wild animal, he set out from Egypt and took Jerusalem by storm. He ordered his soldiers to cut down without mercy those whom they met and to slay those who took refuge in their houses. There was a massacre of young and old, a killing of women and children, a slaughter of virgins and infants. In the space of three days, eighty thousand were lost, forty thousand meeting a violent death, and the same number being sold into slavery.
2 Maccabees5:11–14
Antiochus IV Epiphanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. " The modern descendants of ancient Judah are the Jews. Their nation is known as Israel to the world.

President Obama said on December 9, “Earlier today, we had an excellent meeting where we reaffirmed the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel.” President Rivlin said this about Mr. Obama: “The president expressed both his concern and his uncompromising commitment to Israel.” Those are beautiful words,WOEFULLY FALSE. Anybody who looks at the facts of what America’s president has done to Israel knows that he has done the exact opposite.

That is Antiochus—and it is satanic! There is no truth in the devil(John 8:44)." What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

Callin' it like it is!
The ENTIRE PREMISE of "your" OP is based upon the slanted, biased theological musings and political motivations of a far right evangelical political/quasi religious organization, the Worldwide Church of God based in Edmond, by God and hallelujah, Oklahoma. Trying to base a comparison, such as it is, with their political leanings and dogma mixed with their special brand of religious mysticism to come to the conclusions they formulated is certainly idiotic foundational claptrap for any comparison.

Your last line says "you're" calling it like it is. Well that is a LIE! Chica, "your" whole comparison is based on that idiotic article put out by the Church of God in the Philadelphia Trumpet. NONE of it are "your" thoughts. You banked on no one reading it and sliding it through as "yours". "Your" total contribution is 17 words by my count. BTW, taking credit for the entire thought of that article, as "you" definitely did when "you" wrote these first 11 of your 17 words, "I have in mind his policies that emulate those of Antiochus Epiphanes" is called PLAGIARISM.

Beyond the facts that "you" lied and plagiarized, the OP is an EPIC FAIL and to state that "you" are a failed and dishonest human being would be redundant!!!!

I love it when you drop by.

As is well documented....most especially by your failed attempts to prove otherwise.....I never lie.

And....you prove that I am, equally, always correct and accurate.....
You show that by being unable to find even a single untrue,inaccurate, incorrect statement in any of my posts.

Don't, ever change.

BTW....your comprehension is as faulty as your facility with language....
"NONE of it are "your" thoughts."
Everything .....every single thing....in my posts represents my thoughts.

Next word for you to consult a dictionary for is 'plagiarize.'
I never do.
Only you Leftists plagiarize....you quote the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, and CAIR....and never give credit.
The premise for the comparison was in the article but you took credit for it. That is plagiarism, Chica. The entire thought behind the OP came from that evangelical rag the Philadelphia Trumpet and you wrote it was yours saying, "I have in mind his policies that emulate those of Antiochus Epiphanes." The thought came from the article, not your mind, you damnable liar. That is clearly LYING, Chica. And you know what I said I'd do when you said, "I never lie", you damn liar!


You even lie about never lying, Chica! You don't have an honest bone in your body!

In your post #436 above [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 44 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ], you cited this quote from http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol29_No2_Rehnquist.pdf.
"[Liberal judicial activism] seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own,
quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s problems."

But you didn't faithfully reproduce the quote which actually read:
"The brief writer’s version seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own, quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s problems."

The underlined portions in both quotes above display the difference. In the original, in blue font, the author was speaking about the case brief's written by LAWYERS. But that didn't jive with your desired narrative so you edited, read that as LIED, it to shift the subject from LAWYERS to JUDGES, with your bracketed "Liberal judicial activism". That is changing truth to falsehood or in common English, LYING! You altered Rehnquist's entire meaning and intent to play the alter quote into your game by LYING. That is not only lying, but truly despicable dishonesty and conduct.

I understand why you didn't respond to my post #441 [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 45 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ] which disclosed this same dishonest conduct. I would have let it go until I read the post to which I'm responding [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 45 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum post #448 ] proclaiming that you "never lie". You are an utterly disgustingly flawed person. Oh and you can expect to see this post showing up each and every time you claim that you "never lie", LIAR!

'The premise for the comparison was in the article but you took credit for it. That is plagiarism,..."

No, it isn't.

Every quote is bracketed with quotation marks, and the link to the source is given.

Lesson for today:
  • to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
  • to use (another's production) without crediting the source
  • to commit literary theft
  • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source"
  • What is Plagiarism?

Now don't make me have to spank you again.

Here's plagiarism:
Only you Leftists plagiarize....you quote the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, and CAIR....and never give credit.

You lie, and I'll skewer you again.
Damn, you didn't even READ the bloody definition of plagiarism you posted you bloody IDIOT! Look at the first freakin' line you dolt! "to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own. Your own 11 words you wrote in the OP were;
I have in mind his policies that emulate those of Antiochus Epiphanes.
You claimed the comparison of Obama to Antiochus came from your mind, and you can't eek out any plausible deniability as you always try because your own 11 words put the lie to it, your recalcitrant liar! You know what's coming now so...


You even lie about never lying, Chica! You don't have an honest bone in your body!

In your post #436 above [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 44 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ], you cited this quote from http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol29_No2_Rehnquist.pdf.
"[Liberal judicial activism] seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own,
quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s problems."

But you didn't faithfully reproduce the quote which actually read:
"The brief writer’s version seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own, quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s problems."

The underlined portions in both quotes above display the difference. In the original, in blue font, the author was speaking about the case brief's written by LAWYERS. But that didn't jive with your desired narrative so you edited, read that as LIED, it to shift the subject from LAWYERS to JUDGES, with your bracketed "Liberal judicial activism". That is changing truth to falsehood or in common English, LYING! You altered Rehnquist's entire meaning and intent to play the alter quote into your game by LYING. That is not only lying, but truly despicable dishonesty and conduct.

I understand why you didn't respond to my post #441 [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 45 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ] which disclosed this same dishonest conduct. I would have let it go until I read the post to which I'm responding [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 45 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum post #448 ] proclaiming that you "never lie". You are an utterly disgustingly flawed person. Oh and you can expect to see this post showing up each and every time you claim that you "never lie", LIAR!
While the Prevaricator-in-Chief claims expertise in the Constitution....facts not in evidence....one wonders why he doesn't claim the same expertise in a certain sort of history....ancient, in this case.

I have in mind his policies that emulate those of Antiochus Epiphanes.

1. "Antiochus IV Epiphanes... God Manifest";[1]c. 215 BC – 164 BC) was a Hellenistic Greek king of the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC until his death in 164 BC.[2][3][4]He was a son of King Antiochus III the Great. ... Notable events during the reign of Antiochus IV include his near-conquest of Egypt, his persecution of the Jews of Judea and Samaria, and the rebellion of the Jewish Maccabees."
Antiochus IV Epiphanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "According to the authors of the Books of Maccabees, while Antiochus was busy in Egypt, a rumor spread that he had been killed. InJudea, the deposed High Priest Jason gathered a force of 1,000 soldiers and made a surprise attack on the city of Jerusalem. Menelaus, the High Priest appointed by Antiochus, was forced to flee Jerusalem during a riot. King Antiochus returned from Egypt in 167 BC, enraged by his defeat; he attacked Jerusalem and restored Menelaus, then executed many Jews.[12]

When these happenings were reported to the king, he thought that Judea was in revolt. Raging like a wild animal, he set out from Egypt and took Jerusalem by storm. He ordered his soldiers to cut down without mercy those whom they met and to slay those who took refuge in their houses. There was a massacre of young and old, a killing of women and children, a slaughter of virgins and infants. In the space of three days, eighty thousand were lost, forty thousand meeting a violent death, and the same number being sold into slavery.
2 Maccabees5:11–14
Antiochus IV Epiphanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. " The modern descendants of ancient Judah are the Jews. Their nation is known as Israel to the world.

President Obama said on December 9, “Earlier today, we had an excellent meeting where we reaffirmed the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel.” President Rivlin said this about Mr. Obama: “The president expressed both his concern and his uncompromising commitment to Israel.” Those are beautiful words,WOEFULLY FALSE. Anybody who looks at the facts of what America’s president has done to Israel knows that he has done the exact opposite.

That is Antiochus—and it is satanic! There is no truth in the devil(John 8:44)." What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

Callin' it like it is!
The ENTIRE PREMISE of "your" OP is based upon the slanted, biased theological musings and political motivations of a far right evangelical political/quasi religious organization, the Worldwide Church of God based in Edmond, by God and hallelujah, Oklahoma. Trying to base a comparison, such as it is, with their political leanings and dogma mixed with their special brand of religious mysticism to come to the conclusions they formulated is certainly idiotic foundational claptrap for any comparison.

Your last line says "you're" calling it like it is. Well that is a LIE! Chica, "your" whole comparison is based on that idiotic article put out by the Church of God in the Philadelphia Trumpet. NONE of it are "your" thoughts. You banked on no one reading it and sliding it through as "yours". "Your" total contribution is 17 words by my count. BTW, taking credit for the entire thought of that article, as "you" definitely did when "you" wrote these first 11 of your 17 words, "I have in mind his policies that emulate those of Antiochus Epiphanes" is called PLAGIARISM.

Beyond the facts that "you" lied and plagiarized, the OP is an EPIC FAIL and to state that "you" are a failed and dishonest human being would be redundant!!!!
Blah blah blah.....Please feel free to point out that which is not true
Obama has given more aid to Israel than Bush, unfortunately. We can't continue their aid. Israel regime should be standing trial for war crimes, as the steal more land and kill more Palestinians.

Its like Part 2 of the OT since those European Zionist encroached on Palestine, I am talking Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and Germans who came from kin who at one time may of practiced Judaism.

I actually think 100 years from now, the NT will be gone and the OT will have a Part II. It will be about how God's chosen people now were the victors of the whole earth, but due to scientific advances they no longer believed in God , but science, money and power and their slaves will say, So all this God stuff was a joke!

May I assume that the absence of any denial of this...

" "When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ....

The president also took the opportunity to voice “the need for the Israelis and Palestinians to find mechanisms in which to dialog and arrive at peace.”

Read that closely.

The president is saying the Israelis are equally at fault with the Palestinians, who useterroriststo blow up civilians—men, women and children. The president says they just need to get together and negotiate and compromise. That is another monstrous lie! It is obvious the Palestinians could have peaceTOMORROWif they wanted it. But theydon’t want peace—...." What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

....suggests that you are willing to agree that is is totally, 100% factual?
Is to whom you are responding.. LOL.....
BTW Penelpe is a popular name among Jewish people.
Therefore, it is possible our poster friend is a self hating Jew....

Odysseus liked the name, too.
How did Israel earn the right to be an American dependent?
Israel is both an important strategic ally and an economic ally...Plus, without our involvement in WW II, millions more Jews would have been summarily exterminated.
Ok.....Now go ahead and spew your hate for Jews.....

Important strategic ally? For what? For sending troops to help us in Afghanistan? For using its military in the Iraq War? For its hundreds of airstrikes against ISIS?

Israel never helps us.
Please. Your narrow mind is the equivalent of a dog's leash.
I guess your skipped the part of world geography and how it correlates to US interests abroad....
And i suppose you think Alaska has no strategic importance to the US either. So we should just rescind statehood....Gee, why don't we just tell our friends in Eastern Europe the same thing? After all, we give tons of foreign aid to those countries as well.
Referring to you as a non thinker would be an insult to non thinkers.
How did Israel earn the right to be an American dependent?
Israel is both an important strategic ally and an economic ally...Plus, without our involvement in WW II, millions more Jews would have been summarily exterminated.
Ok.....Now go ahead and spew your hate for Jews.....

If I'm anti-Semitic for criticizing Israel then you're a racist for criticizing Obama.

Got it?
There is a difference between criticism and criticizing based on a non controllable factor such as race. Unless you're some faker like that c*nt Rachel Dolezal, one cannot just wake up at 2 in the afternoon and decide to change their race.
You libs have deliberately blurred those lines in order to squash debate when said debate disagrees with Obama's policies and the methods by which he does his job.
Bugs the living shit out of you when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it, genius?
Obama has given more aid to Israel than Bush, unfortunately. We can't continue their aid. Israel regime should be standing trial for war crimes, as the steal more land and kill more Palestinians.

Its like Part 2 of the OT since those European Zionist encroached on Palestine, I am talking Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and Germans who came from kin who at one time may of practiced Judaism.

I actually think 100 years from now, the NT will be gone and the OT will have a Part II. It will be about how God's chosen people now were the victors of the whole earth, but due to scientific advances they no longer believed in God , but science, money and power and their slaves will say, So all this God stuff was a joke!
Reading your post I realized that is 90 seconds of my life, i will never get back.....
Number one, you have no facts to back up your nose buried in Obama's ass claim.
Next, learn how to punctuate and construct a sentence.
Next...Who is "we"?......
The OT? WTF?.....
"who at one time may of ( have) practiced Judaism." There. Fixed it for you.
So...Lets get this to point of understanding. it is your belief that through "scientific advances" religion or any belief in a Deity will be eliminated from the Human race?...
And your time table for this is?
look, here's a piece of advice for someone who like you is too stupid to realize how stupid they are....Choose another hobby.
Why not leave others guessing as to your level of stupidity, rather than expressing yourself and eliminating all doubt.
Tut tut.Don't touch that keyboard. Did I give you any indication this was a discussion? No response from you is required.
We're done.

Oh you want some proof: try reading a little bit:

Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think

While Democrats sometimes get a bad rap, let’s not forget that Republicans have a mixed record on standing with Israel, which continues to be top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing.

Israel continues to be the top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing, and for fiscal year 2016, the administration requested $3.1 billion in funding. The two nations also have begun preliminary talks on a long-term package that would provide up to $45 billion in security assistance grant aid through 2028. Early this year, Israel signed a contract with the United States for the purchase of 14 F-35 fighter jets, amounting to $3 billion.

Since Obama entered office, Israel has received more than $20.5 billion in foreign military financing. Unlike President George W. Bush, who rejected Israel’s request for bunker-buster bombs, Obama became the first president to approve the sale of these advanced weapons, and in the fall of 2012, the U.S. and Israel participated in Austere Challenge 12, the largest joint military exercise ever to be held between the two countries.

Under Obama, the U.S. and Israel have continued Juniper Cobra, a joint exercise that has been held every two years since 2001 to test our joint ability to respond to missile attacks and improve preparedness, as well as coordination between our armed forces.

Greg Rosenbaum

23.06.2015 15:12 Updated: 3:13 PM

Obama has a stronger record on Israel than you might have been led to think - Opinion

WE is the US and OT is the old testament. Are you an alien?

don't fix my writing, I repeat, the Zionist there are no more Jews than I am, and I'm not, since I do not practice Judaism.
Obama has given more aid to Israel than Bush, unfortunately. We can't continue their aid. Israel regime should be standing trial for war crimes, as the steal more land and kill more Palestinians.

Its like Part 2 of the OT since those European Zionist encroached on Palestine, I am talking Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and Germans who came from kin who at one time may of practiced Judaism.

I actually think 100 years from now, the NT will be gone and the OT will have a Part II. It will be about how God's chosen people now were the victors of the whole earth, but due to scientific advances they no longer believed in God , but science, money and power and their slaves will say, So all this God stuff was a joke!

May I assume that the absence of any denial of this...

" "When you look at the diplomatic insults and the hatred the Obama administration has poured on Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when you look at the pressure this administration has put on Israel to negotiate with people who use terrorism, and when you look at how openly it has enabled Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, ....

The president also took the opportunity to voice “the need for the Israelis and Palestinians to find mechanisms in which to dialog and arrive at peace.”

Read that closely.

The president is saying the Israelis are equally at fault with the Palestinians, who useterroriststo blow up civilians—men, women and children. The president says they just need to get together and negotiate and compromise. That is another monstrous lie! It is obvious the Palestinians could have peaceTOMORROWif they wanted it. But theydon’t want peace—...." What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

....suggests that you are willing to agree that is is totally, 100% factual?
Is to whom you are responding.. LOL.....
BTW Penelpe is a popular name among Jewish people.
Therefore, it is possible our poster friend is a self hating Jew....

First off I do not practice Judaism, never have, so that makes me a non jew, just like those in Israel that had to learn how to speak Hebrew, to say they are the ancient Hebrews in the OT,
and second of all
Jew is not a race.
While the Prevaricator-in-Chief claims expertise in the Constitution....facts not in evidence....one wonders why he doesn't claim the same expertise in a certain sort of history....ancient, in this case.

I have in mind his policies that emulate those of Antiochus Epiphanes.

1. "Antiochus IV Epiphanes... God Manifest";[1]c. 215 BC – 164 BC) was a Hellenistic Greek king of the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC until his death in 164 BC.[2][3][4]He was a son of King Antiochus III the Great. ... Notable events during the reign of Antiochus IV include his near-conquest of Egypt, his persecution of the Jews of Judea and Samaria, and the rebellion of the Jewish Maccabees."
Antiochus IV Epiphanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "According to the authors of the Books of Maccabees, while Antiochus was busy in Egypt, a rumor spread that he had been killed. InJudea, the deposed High Priest Jason gathered a force of 1,000 soldiers and made a surprise attack on the city of Jerusalem. Menelaus, the High Priest appointed by Antiochus, was forced to flee Jerusalem during a riot. King Antiochus returned from Egypt in 167 BC, enraged by his defeat; he attacked Jerusalem and restored Menelaus, then executed many Jews.[12]

When these happenings were reported to the king, he thought that Judea was in revolt. Raging like a wild animal, he set out from Egypt and took Jerusalem by storm. He ordered his soldiers to cut down without mercy those whom they met and to slay those who took refuge in their houses. There was a massacre of young and old, a killing of women and children, a slaughter of virgins and infants. In the space of three days, eighty thousand were lost, forty thousand meeting a violent death, and the same number being sold into slavery.
2 Maccabees5:11–14
Antiochus IV Epiphanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. " The modern descendants of ancient Judah are the Jews. Their nation is known as Israel to the world.

President Obama said on December 9, “Earlier today, we had an excellent meeting where we reaffirmed the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel.” President Rivlin said this about Mr. Obama: “The president expressed both his concern and his uncompromising commitment to Israel.” Those are beautiful words,WOEFULLY FALSE. Anybody who looks at the facts of what America’s president has done to Israel knows that he has done the exact opposite.

That is Antiochus—and it is satanic! There is no truth in the devil(John 8:44)." What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

Callin' it like it is!
Drive post from a non contributing whiny liberal.
Face it. You're a true believer. A follower. A disciple. Obama speaks and you reply "so sayeth the shepherd"...
20 years from now, you'll be lamenting the 'good old' days when this country was as close to becoming your wet dream of a socialist utopia as it will have ever gotten
While the Prevaricator-in-Chief claims expertise in the Constitution....facts not in evidence....one wonders why he doesn't claim the same expertise in a certain sort of history....ancient, in this case.

I have in mind his policies that emulate those of Antiochus Epiphanes.

1. "Antiochus IV Epiphanes... God Manifest";[1]c. 215 BC – 164 BC) was a Hellenistic Greek king of the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC until his death in 164 BC.[2][3][4]He was a son of King Antiochus III the Great. ... Notable events during the reign of Antiochus IV include his near-conquest of Egypt, his persecution of the Jews of Judea and Samaria, and the rebellion of the Jewish Maccabees."
Antiochus IV Epiphanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. "According to the authors of the Books of Maccabees, while Antiochus was busy in Egypt, a rumor spread that he had been killed. InJudea, the deposed High Priest Jason gathered a force of 1,000 soldiers and made a surprise attack on the city of Jerusalem. Menelaus, the High Priest appointed by Antiochus, was forced to flee Jerusalem during a riot. King Antiochus returned from Egypt in 167 BC, enraged by his defeat; he attacked Jerusalem and restored Menelaus, then executed many Jews.[12]

When these happenings were reported to the king, he thought that Judea was in revolt. Raging like a wild animal, he set out from Egypt and took Jerusalem by storm. He ordered his soldiers to cut down without mercy those whom they met and to slay those who took refuge in their houses. There was a massacre of young and old, a killing of women and children, a slaughter of virgins and infants. In the space of three days, eighty thousand were lost, forty thousand meeting a violent death, and the same number being sold into slavery.
2 Maccabees5:11–14
Antiochus IV Epiphanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. " The modern descendants of ancient Judah are the Jews. Their nation is known as Israel to the world.

President Obama said on December 9, “Earlier today, we had an excellent meeting where we reaffirmed the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel.” President Rivlin said this about Mr. Obama: “The president expressed both his concern and his uncompromising commitment to Israel.” Those are beautiful words,WOEFULLY FALSE. Anybody who looks at the facts of what America’s president has done to Israel knows that he has done the exact opposite.

That is Antiochus—and it is satanic! There is no truth in the devil(John 8:44)." What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

Callin' it like it is!
Drive post from a non contributing whiny liberal.
Face it. You're a true believer. A follower. A disciple. Obama speaks and you reply "so sayeth the shepherd"...
20 years from now, you'll be lamenting the 'good old' days when this country was as close to becoming your wet dream of a socialist utopia as it will have ever gotten

You may be one of the most articulate Liberals yet!
Obama has given more aid to Israel than Bush, unfortunately. We can't continue their aid. Israel regime should be standing trial for war crimes, as the steal more land and kill more Palestinians.

Its like Part 2 of the OT since those European Zionist encroached on Palestine, I am talking Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and Germans who came from kin who at one time may of practiced Judaism.

I actually think 100 years from now, the NT will be gone and the OT will have a Part II. It will be about how God's chosen people now were the victors of the whole earth, but due to scientific advances they no longer believed in God , but science, money and power and their slaves will say, So all this God stuff was a joke!
Reading your post I realized that is 90 seconds of my life, i will never get back.....
Number one, you have no facts to back up your nose buried in Obama's ass claim.
Next, learn how to punctuate and construct a sentence.
Next...Who is "we"?......
The OT? WTF?.....
"who at one time may of ( have) practiced Judaism." There. Fixed it for you.
So...Lets get this to point of understanding. it is your belief that through "scientific advances" religion or any belief in a Deity will be eliminated from the Human race?...
And your time table for this is?
look, here's a piece of advice for someone who like you is too stupid to realize how stupid they are....Choose another hobby.
Why not leave others guessing as to your level of stupidity, rather than expressing yourself and eliminating all doubt.
Tut tut.Don't touch that keyboard. Did I give you any indication this was a discussion? No response from you is required.
We're done.

Oh you want some proof: try reading a little bit:

Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think

While Democrats sometimes get a bad rap, let’s not forget that Republicans have a mixed record on standing with Israel, which continues to be top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing.

Israel continues to be the top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing, and for fiscal year 2016, the administration requested $3.1 billion in funding. The two nations also have begun preliminary talks on a long-term package that would provide up to $45 billion in security assistance grant aid through 2028. Early this year, Israel signed a contract with the United States for the purchase of 14 F-35 fighter jets, amounting to $3 billion.

Since Obama entered office, Israel has received more than $20.5 billion in foreign military financing. Unlike President George W. Bush, who rejected Israel’s request for bunker-buster bombs, Obama became the first president to approve the sale of these advanced weapons, and in the fall of 2012, the U.S. and Israel participated in Austere Challenge 12, the largest joint military exercise ever to be held between the two countries.

Under Obama, the U.S. and Israel have continued Juniper Cobra, a joint exercise that has been held every two years since 2001 to test our joint ability to respond to missile attacks and improve preparedness, as well as coordination between our armed forces.

Greg Rosenbaum

23.06.2015 15:12 Updated: 3:13 PM

Obama has a stronger record on Israel than you might have been led to think - Opinion

WE is the US and OT is the old testament. Are you an alien?

don't fix my writing, I repeat, the Zionist there are no more Jews than I am, and I'm not, since I do not practice Judaism.

Don't be silly.

Let's review....Obama, a proven liar by his words (winner of the 'Lie of the Year') and by his actions toward this tiny democracy in the Middle East....

These actions:

6. ".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran,the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far!Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

The Obama administration will send our military to fight alongsideIran,but it can’t get together with the Jews on much of anything!

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’sown nationoff the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

Is this cooperation with Iran good for the Jews?" What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

And....for the record:

"President Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets if they attacked Iranian nuclear facilities last year, claim sources
· President Obama is alleged to have thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014

· The U.S. threatened to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets and so Netanyahu aborted his plans to attack Iraq"
President Obama threatened to shoot Israeli jets

Obama....quite a friend to the tiny nation, huh?

Can't you hear Antiochus Epiphanes giving Barack Hussein Obama an 'atta-boy'!!!
Obama has given more aid to Israel than Bush, unfortunately. We can't continue their aid. Israel regime should be standing trial for war crimes, as the steal more land and kill more Palestinians.

Its like Part 2 of the OT since those European Zionist encroached on Palestine, I am talking Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and Germans who came from kin who at one time may of practiced Judaism.

I actually think 100 years from now, the NT will be gone and the OT will have a Part II. It will be about how God's chosen people now were the victors of the whole earth, but due to scientific advances they no longer believed in God , but science, money and power and their slaves will say, So all this God stuff was a joke!
Reading your post I realized that is 90 seconds of my life, i will never get back.....
Number one, you have no facts to back up your nose buried in Obama's ass claim.
Next, learn how to punctuate and construct a sentence.
Next...Who is "we"?......
The OT? WTF?.....
"who at one time may of ( have) practiced Judaism." There. Fixed it for you.
So...Lets get this to point of understanding. it is your belief that through "scientific advances" religion or any belief in a Deity will be eliminated from the Human race?...
And your time table for this is?
look, here's a piece of advice for someone who like you is too stupid to realize how stupid they are....Choose another hobby.
Why not leave others guessing as to your level of stupidity, rather than expressing yourself and eliminating all doubt.
Tut tut.Don't touch that keyboard. Did I give you any indication this was a discussion? No response from you is required.
We're done.

Oh you want some proof: try reading a little bit:

Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think

While Democrats sometimes get a bad rap, let’s not forget that Republicans have a mixed record on standing with Israel, which continues to be top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing.

Israel continues to be the top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing, and for fiscal year 2016, the administration requested $3.1 billion in funding. The two nations also have begun preliminary talks on a long-term package that would provide up to $45 billion in security assistance grant aid through 2028. Early this year, Israel signed a contract with the United States for the purchase of 14 F-35 fighter jets, amounting to $3 billion.

Since Obama entered office, Israel has received more than $20.5 billion in foreign military financing. Unlike President George W. Bush, who rejected Israel’s request for bunker-buster bombs, Obama became the first president to approve the sale of these advanced weapons, and in the fall of 2012, the U.S. and Israel participated in Austere Challenge 12, the largest joint military exercise ever to be held between the two countries.

Under Obama, the U.S. and Israel have continued Juniper Cobra, a joint exercise that has been held every two years since 2001 to test our joint ability to respond to missile attacks and improve preparedness, as well as coordination between our armed forces.

Greg Rosenbaum

23.06.2015 15:12 Updated: 3:13 PM

Obama has a stronger record on Israel than you might have been led to think - Opinion

WE is the US and OT is the old testament. Are you an alien?

don't fix my writing, I repeat, the Zionist there are no more Jews than I am, and I'm not, since I do not practice Judaism.

Don't be silly.

Let's review....Obama, a proven liar by his words (winner of the 'Lie of the Year') and by his actions toward this tiny democracy in the Middle East....

These actions:

6. ".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran,the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far!Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

The Obama administration will send our military to fight alongsideIran,but it can’t get together with the Jews on much of anything!

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’sown nationoff the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

Is this cooperation with Iran good for the Jews?" What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

And....for the record:

"President Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets if they attacked Iranian nuclear facilities last year, claim sources
· President Obama is alleged to have thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014

· The U.S. threatened to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets and so Netanyahu aborted his plans to attack Iraq"
President Obama threatened to shoot Israeli jets

Obama....quite a friend to the tiny nation, huh?

Can't you hear Antiochus Epiphanes giving Barack Hussein Obama an 'atta-boy'!!!

President Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets if they attacked Iranian nuclear facilities last year, claim sources
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Source would be nice for this article, but I don't blame Obama one bit, if he shot an Israel plane down on their way to attack Iran.

Also that is Iran's money, held for decades.

Now lets have a source for wiping Israel off the map from an Iranian source?
How did Israel earn the right to be an American dependent?
Israel is both an important strategic ally and an economic ally...Plus, without our involvement in WW II, millions more Jews would have been summarily exterminated.
Ok.....Now go ahead and spew your hate for Jews.....

If I'm anti-Semitic for criticizing Israel then you're a racist for criticizing Obama.

Got it?
There is a difference between criticism and criticizing based on a non controllable factor such as race. Unless you're some faker like that c*nt Rachel Dolezal, one cannot just wake up at 2 in the afternoon and decide to change their race.
You libs have deliberately blurred those lines in order to squash debate when said debate disagrees with Obama's policies and the methods by which he does his job.
Bugs the living shit out of you when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it, genius?

Israel is a nation, not a race, not a religion. You're the one playing the anti-semite card on people who don't agree with you on issues related to the nation of Israel.
Obama has given more aid to Israel than Bush, unfortunately.
According to the Right that HURTS Israel by making them DEPENDENTS.
The CON$ervative philosophy demands that ALL aid be cut off from Israel for their own good!!!!
Only you Leftists plagiarize....you quote the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, and CAIR....and never give credit.
You dummy! Do you ever think about how bloody stupid some the crap you write looks through the eyes of any reasonable person? If you had EVER found me plagiarizing ANYTHING you would have raised Holy Hobbs about it and broadcast it far and wide. You haven't so you didn't, you LIAR.

If what you said was true then you would have made every effort to find one or more of the sources you named or others and would have been drooling all over your keyboard to post it, you damn fool! Not everyone has your very low character and would stoop as low as you, Chica! Stop projecting your character faults onto others, you fraud!

And once again you LIED, Chica, so here it is yet again as a reminder to all that you, do indeed, lie!


You even lie about never lying, Chica! You don't have an honest bone in your body!

In your post #436 above [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 44 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ], you cited this quote from http://www.law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol29_No2_Rehnquist.pdf.
"[Liberal judicial activism] seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own,
quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s problems."

But you didn't faithfully reproduce the quote which actually read:
"The brief writer’s version seems instead to be based upon the proposition that federal judges, perhaps judges as a whole, have a role of their own, quite independent of popular will, to play in solving society’s problems."

The underlined portions in both quotes above display the difference. In the original, in blue font, the author was speaking about the case brief's written by LAWYERS. But that didn't jive with your desired narrative so you edited, read that as LIED, it to shift the subject from LAWYERS to JUDGES, with your bracketed "Liberal judicial activism". That is changing truth to falsehood or in common English, LYING! You altered Rehnquist's entire meaning and intent to play the alter quote into your game by LYING. That is not only lying, but truly despicable dishonesty and conduct.

I understand why you didn't respond to my post #441 [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 45 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ] which disclosed this same dishonest conduct. I would have let it go until I read the post to which I'm responding [ Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Page 45 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum post #448 ] proclaiming that you "never lie". You are an utterly disgustingly flawed person. Oh and you can expect to see this post showing up each and every time you claim that you "never lie", LIAR!
Obama has given more aid to Israel than Bush, unfortunately. We can't continue their aid. Israel regime should be standing trial for war crimes, as the steal more land and kill more Palestinians.

Its like Part 2 of the OT since those European Zionist encroached on Palestine, I am talking Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and Germans who came from kin who at one time may of practiced Judaism.

I actually think 100 years from now, the NT will be gone and the OT will have a Part II. It will be about how God's chosen people now were the victors of the whole earth, but due to scientific advances they no longer believed in God , but science, money and power and their slaves will say, So all this God stuff was a joke!
Reading your post I realized that is 90 seconds of my life, i will never get back.....
Number one, you have no facts to back up your nose buried in Obama's ass claim.
Next, learn how to punctuate and construct a sentence.
Next...Who is "we"?......
The OT? WTF?.....
"who at one time may of ( have) practiced Judaism." There. Fixed it for you.
So...Lets get this to point of understanding. it is your belief that through "scientific advances" religion or any belief in a Deity will be eliminated from the Human race?...
And your time table for this is?
look, here's a piece of advice for someone who like you is too stupid to realize how stupid they are....Choose another hobby.
Why not leave others guessing as to your level of stupidity, rather than expressing yourself and eliminating all doubt.
Tut tut.Don't touch that keyboard. Did I give you any indication this was a discussion? No response from you is required.
We're done.

Oh you want some proof: try reading a little bit:

Obama Has a Stronger Record on Israel Than You Might Have Been Led to Think

While Democrats sometimes get a bad rap, let’s not forget that Republicans have a mixed record on standing with Israel, which continues to be top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing.

Israel continues to be the top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing, and for fiscal year 2016, the administration requested $3.1 billion in funding. The two nations also have begun preliminary talks on a long-term package that would provide up to $45 billion in security assistance grant aid through 2028. Early this year, Israel signed a contract with the United States for the purchase of 14 F-35 fighter jets, amounting to $3 billion.

Since Obama entered office, Israel has received more than $20.5 billion in foreign military financing. Unlike President George W. Bush, who rejected Israel’s request for bunker-buster bombs, Obama became the first president to approve the sale of these advanced weapons, and in the fall of 2012, the U.S. and Israel participated in Austere Challenge 12, the largest joint military exercise ever to be held between the two countries.

Under Obama, the U.S. and Israel have continued Juniper Cobra, a joint exercise that has been held every two years since 2001 to test our joint ability to respond to missile attacks and improve preparedness, as well as coordination between our armed forces.

Greg Rosenbaum

23.06.2015 15:12 Updated: 3:13 PM

Obama has a stronger record on Israel than you might have been led to think - Opinion

WE is the US and OT is the old testament. Are you an alien?

don't fix my writing, I repeat, the Zionist there are no more Jews than I am, and I'm not, since I do not practice Judaism.

Don't be silly.

Let's review....Obama, a proven liar by his words (winner of the 'Lie of the Year') and by his actions toward this tiny democracy in the Middle East....

These actions:

6. ".... in ending economic sanctions as part of the [Iran] nuclear deal, the Obama administration just gave over $100 billion to Iran,the top terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far!Iran is famous for sponsoring some of the most violent terrorists on Earth, terrorists who continually attack Jews.

The Obama administration will send our military to fight alongsideIran,but it can’t get together with the Jews on much of anything!

Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map.

It supports Islamic terrorists who want to do the same.

And they want to wipe President Obama’sown nationoff the map as well!

They call America the “big Satan” and the Jewish state the “little Satan.”

Is this cooperation with Iran good for the Jews?" What Inspires President Obama's Relationship With Israel?

And....for the record:

"President Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets if they attacked Iranian nuclear facilities last year, claim sources
· President Obama is alleged to have thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014

· The U.S. threatened to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets and so Netanyahu aborted his plans to attack Iraq"
President Obama threatened to shoot Israeli jets

Obama....quite a friend to the tiny nation, huh?

Can't you hear Antiochus Epiphanes giving Barack Hussein Obama an 'atta-boy'!!!

President Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets if they attacked Iranian nuclear facilities last year, claim sources
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Source would be nice for this article, but I don't blame Obama one bit, if he shot an Israel plane down on their way to attack Iran.

Also that is Iran's money, held for decades.

Now lets have a source for wiping Israel off the map from an Iranian source?

"....I don't blame Obama one bit, if he shot an Israel plane down on their way to attack Iran."

Was your opinion the same in this case?

"1981: Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor
The Israelis have bombed a French-built nuclear plant near Iraq's capital, Baghdad, saying they believed it was designed to make nuclear weapons to destroy Israel.

It is the world's first air strike against a nuclear plant.

An undisclosed number of F-15 interceptors and F-16 fighter bombers destroyed the Osirak reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad, on the orders of Prime Minister Menachem Begin.

The army command said all the Israeli planes returned safely.

The 70-megawatt uranium-powered reactor was near completion but had not been stocked with nuclear fuel so there was no danger of a leak, according to sources in the French atomic industry."
BBC ON THIS DAY | 7 | 1981: Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor

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