Obama, clinton, Haley, GOP vomits hate Trump. Thats why i support him.


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009
And there is nothing anyone can say or do that is going to change my mind. If Trump isnt the nominee i will do anything i legally can to defeat every GOP candidate.
Someone here said something to the effect of "is trumps lunacy really any worse than the corruption, lies, deceit, theft etc we have had for years?"
Im not voting for Trump, but that is a DAMN good point.
least gaggy, that works for me. at least as a nation and electorate we can get our collective idealistic heads out of the clouds, and down to business. for this i blame the democrats.
I don't really want Trump as POTUS, but I could tolerate him. I can not tolerate a democrook or a RINO like Jeb. I am excited about the prospect of a Ted Cruz ticket. I think he is the one who will do the most to roll back obozo's regressive policies.


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