Obama: "Close GITMO Or I De-Fund The US Military!"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama Threatens Veto on Defense Bill over Spending, Gitmo

As the Associated Press notes, the defense policy bill “is one of the few bipartisan measures in Congress that has readily become law for more than a half-century,” but President Obama is threatening to veto this one, with Senate Democrats standing behind him.

President Obama is also concerned that the bill will make it more difficult to shut down the U.S. military facility in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Buried in the middle of a Wall Street Journal story on the matter is what could be the more significant reason for the President’s veto threat: “Obama also is upset about provisions in the bill that would make it harder for him to transfer suspected terror detainees out of the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as part of his plan to close it before he leaves office.” His failure to deliver on that promise has long been a sore point with his far-Left constituency, especially after his outreach to the Castro regime.

Obama has continuously, quietly, been emptying GITMO - releasing terrorists caught on the battle field - as part of a Presidential promise, one of a very few he ever intended to keep and one only a very few Americans (liberals) ever WANTED him to keep!

One of the biggest Obama stories consisted of how he PAID terrorists for the release of Army Deserter Bo Bergdahl and also released the 'Taliban 5', the 5 worst terrorists we were holding, falsely (LYING) declaring they were part of this deal. In reality, Obama would never be able to release the '5' like he was doing with the others because they were too 'high profile', so he needed another reason. Enter the Bergdahl swap.

Obama claimed he was negotiating with terrorists because America doesn't leave a man behind (try telling that to the 4 who died in Benghazi), but the only reason he gave a damn about Begdahl was because it gave him an excuse to release the '5'! With them gone he is now free to continue to release the rest of the prisoners in GITMO.

As the article says, his failure to keep his promise and his time in office drawing near, his FAR-LEFT base is unhappy, something Obama wants to change. So, to appease them, Obama has rallied the Liberals and intends to hold the US Military (and the defense of our nation) until he gets his way - the ability to finish emptying out GITMO by releasing known terrorists and closing the prison (at which point he will probably order the US-held military base be turned over to Cuba).

“I wish I could say it surprised me that President Obama might – for the sake of unrelated partisan games – actually contemplate vetoing a bipartisan defense bill that contains the level of funding authorization he asked for. I’m calling on him not to, especially in times like these,” said Majority Leader
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

-- Of course, McConnell is a complete Obama arse-kisser who has been giving Obama whatever he wants, so Conservatives should expect no REAL opposition from McConnell on this.

"Let’s see if the media portrays them as “obstructionists”, as they so often describe Republicans who refuse to go along with spending plans. For bonus points, the media can try explaining to the American people that a big part of the reason for this obstruction is Obama’s eagerness to close Guantanamo Bay."
The Republicans need to tread carefully. There will be a big backlash, if they put the nation in jeopardy by bankrupting the military. Didn't they learn anything when their attempt to close down the government flopped?!?!
For some reason, the idea of taking a detainee and putting him in a US prison makes some rubes shit their pants in their sleep.

"They have magic powers!"
Dumb,,,,Defund military if they don't pass a real budget.

Don't threaten that over a goddamn prison that holds bad people. What a dumb fucker Obama is....I swear if we had a decent president there wouldn't be a tea party extreme that can shut the goverment down.

Obama does stupid shit like Gitmo and whine about how evil people are on the otherside instead of working together...Sadly, we're probably going to have a huge shutdown and cuts in all of our science, r&d and infrastructure funding because of this idiocy.
Dumb,,,,Defund military if they don't pass a real budget.

Don't threaten that over a goddamn prison that holds bad people. What a dumb fucker Obama is....I swear if we had a decent president there wouldn't be a tea party extreme that can shut the goverment down.

Obama does stupid shit like Gitmo and whine about how evil people are on the otherside instead of working together...Sadly, we're probably going to have a huge shutdown and cuts in all of our science, r&d and infrastructure funding because of this idiocy.

Not to worry. The House Speaker and Senate Majority leader will capitulate once again to grant Obama's wishes.
QUOTE="g5000, post: 12497042, member: 34052"]For some reason, the idea of taking a detainee and putting him in a US prison makes some rubes shit their pants in their sleep.

"They have magic powers!"[/QUOTE]

I like how Liberals never can call a terrorist a terrorist. You, for example, refer to terrorists captured in the field of battle - many of whom have been released before due to Liberal whining about unfair incarceration and have then been recaptured while trying to kill American soldiers - as 'detainees'.

The Obama administration, for example, ordered the word 'terrorist' NOT to be used and instead wanted them called "enemy combatants". This was not good enough for CAIR and far-left Obama supporters...so they began to be called by the DOJ “persons whom the president has the authority to detain”.

They’ve completely jettisoned the phrase”—enemy combatant—“which is a symbolic improvement,” Joanne Mariner, the director of Human Rights Watch’s terrorism and counterterrorism program, told us. “It admits that this doesn’t fit the traditional paradigm,” she said, but the filing still leans on wartime legal constructs to justify detentions that extend, without judicial review, until after fighting ends.:
Why Obama’s New Definition of Terrorists Is a Lot Like the Old One


Obama goes on to further complicate the 'traditional paradigm' with the use of his own personal Drone Assassination Program', a program in which he has his own personal drones, personally controls the 'Hit List', and - according to the WH in the past - is the only one who has the authority to approve an assassination / strike.

This completely goes against his simultaneous declaration / insistence that these 'persons whom the president has the authority to detain' have the right to 'Due Process'....which is why they should be moved out of GITMO and into US prisons....UNLESS Obama decides to assassinate them with his own Drone Program...or UNLESS he decides to simply release them on his own.

I guess it is a confusing process to Obama...what to do with a prison filled with people who have been arrested for perpetrating crimes of 'WORKPLACE VIOLENCE'?! :rolleyes:

This is a campaign promise Republicans are constantly hitting him over the head with, even though they are responsible, through legislation for keeping that abominable place open.

It's a blight. It's anti-American and it should be shut down.
The Republicans need to tread carefully. There will be a big backlash, if they put the nation in jeopardy by bankrupting the military. Didn't they learn anything when their attempt to close down the government flopped?!?!
But you HATE the military. You want the military destroyed.
You don't know a thing about me, but this isn't even about me. It's about how the Republicans are willing to put the country in danger in an attempt get their way. Try and distract us all you want with Hillary's "problems", but you won't be able to hide the right's venal self-interest from the country for a whole year until the election.
The Republicans need to tread carefully. There will be a big backlash, if they put the nation in jeopardy by bankrupting the military. Didn't they learn anything when their attempt to close down the government flopped?!?!
But you HATE the military. You want the military destroyed.
You don't know a thing about me, but this isn't even about me. It's about how the Republicans are willing to put the country in danger in an attempt get their way. Try and distract us all you want with Hillary's "problems", but you won't be able to hide the right's venal self-interest from the country for a whole year until the election.

Oh I do know a lot about you from reading your posts. It is the Conservatives who support a strong military -- not you Lefties.
Obama Threatens Veto on Defense Bill over Spending, Gitmo

As the Associated Press notes, the defense policy bill “is one of the few bipartisan measures in Congress that has readily become law for more than a half-century,” but President Obama is threatening to veto this one, with Senate Democrats standing behind him.

President Obama is also concerned that the bill will make it more difficult to shut down the U.S. military facility in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Buried in the middle of a Wall Street Journal story on the matter is what could be the more significant reason for the President’s veto threat: “Obama also is upset about provisions in the bill that would make it harder for him to transfer suspected terror detainees out of the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as part of his plan to close it before he leaves office.” His failure to deliver on that promise has long been a sore point with his far-Left constituency, especially after his outreach to the Castro regime.

Obama has continuously, quietly, been emptying GITMO - releasing terrorists caught on the battle field - as part of a Presidential promise, one of a very few he ever intended to keep and one only a very few Americans (liberals) ever WANTED him to keep!

One of the biggest Obama stories consisted of how he PAID terrorists for the release of Army Deserter Bo Bergdahl and also released the 'Taliban 5', the 5 worst terrorists we were holding, falsely (LYING) declaring they were part of this deal. In reality, Obama would never be able to release the '5' like he was doing with the others because they were too 'high profile', so he needed another reason. Enter the Bergdahl swap.

Obama claimed he was negotiating with terrorists because America doesn't leave a man behind (try telling that to the 4 who died in Benghazi), but the only reason he gave a damn about Begdahl was because it gave him an excuse to release the '5'! With them gone he is now free to continue to release the rest of the prisoners in GITMO.

As the article says, his failure to keep his promise and his time in office drawing near, his FAR-LEFT base is unhappy, something Obama wants to change. So, to appease them, Obama has rallied the Liberals and intends to hold the US Military (and the defense of our nation) until he gets his way - the ability to finish emptying out GITMO by releasing known terrorists and closing the prison (at which point he will probably order the US-held military base be turned over to Cuba).

“I wish I could say it surprised me that President Obama might – for the sake of unrelated partisan games – actually contemplate vetoing a bipartisan defense bill that contains the level of funding authorization he asked for. I’m calling on him not to, especially in times like these,” said Majority Leader
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

-- Of course, McConnell is a complete Obama arse-kisser who has been giving Obama whatever he wants, so Conservatives should expect no REAL opposition from McConnell on this.

"Let’s see if the media portrays them as “obstructionists”, as they so often describe Republicans who refuse to go along with spending plans. For bonus points, the media can try explaining to the American people that a big part of the reason for this obstruction is Obama’s eagerness to close Guantanamo Bay."

Wasn't JFK the last President to take on the Military Industrial Complex? ;)
Oh I do know a lot about you from reading your posts. It is the Conservatives who support a strong military -- not you Lefties.
Then why are they trying to defund the military? I know they're trying to pin it on Obama, but history should tell them that that kind of strategy usually blows up in their faces. Fun to watch, though! :laugh2:
Wasn't JFK the last President to take on the Military Industrial Complex? ;)

He was the last Democratic President who believed that America 'would bear any burden, make any sacrifice, to stand with those who seek/sought freedom' and who had the balls to back that up.

JFK was probably 'face-palming' in Heaven as Obama was cowardly backing down from his 'Red Line' then declaring it was not HIS 'red Line' but the ENTIRE WORLD's 'Red Line'.
Obama Threatens Veto on Defense Bill over Spending, Gitmo

As the Associated Press notes, the defense policy bill “is one of the few bipartisan measures in Congress that has readily become law for more than a half-century,” but President Obama is threatening to veto this one, with Senate Democrats standing behind him.

President Obama is also concerned that the bill will make it more difficult to shut down the U.S. military facility in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Buried in the middle of a Wall Street Journal story on the matter is what could be the more significant reason for the President’s veto threat: “Obama also is upset about provisions in the bill that would make it harder for him to transfer suspected terror detainees out of the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as part of his plan to close it before he leaves office.” His failure to deliver on that promise has long been a sore point with his far-Left constituency, especially after his outreach to the Castro regime.

Obama has continuously, quietly, been emptying GITMO - releasing terrorists caught on the battle field - as part of a Presidential promise, one of a very few he ever intended to keep and one only a very few Americans (liberals) ever WANTED him to keep!

One of the biggest Obama stories consisted of how he PAID terrorists for the release of Army Deserter Bo Bergdahl and also released the 'Taliban 5', the 5 worst terrorists we were holding, falsely (LYING) declaring they were part of this deal. In reality, Obama would never be able to release the '5' like he was doing with the others because they were too 'high profile', so he needed another reason. Enter the Bergdahl swap.

Obama claimed he was negotiating with terrorists because America doesn't leave a man behind (try telling that to the 4 who died in Benghazi), but the only reason he gave a damn about Begdahl was because it gave him an excuse to release the '5'! With them gone he is now free to continue to release the rest of the prisoners in GITMO.

As the article says, his failure to keep his promise and his time in office drawing near, his FAR-LEFT base is unhappy, something Obama wants to change. So, to appease them, Obama has rallied the Liberals and intends to hold the US Military (and the defense of our nation) until he gets his way - the ability to finish emptying out GITMO by releasing known terrorists and closing the prison (at which point he will probably order the US-held military base be turned over to Cuba).

“I wish I could say it surprised me that President Obama might – for the sake of unrelated partisan games – actually contemplate vetoing a bipartisan defense bill that contains the level of funding authorization he asked for. I’m calling on him not to, especially in times like these,” said Majority Leader

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
-- Of course, McConnell is a complete Obama arse-kisser who has been giving Obama whatever he wants, so Conservatives should expect no REAL opposition from McConnell on this.

"Let’s see if the media portrays them as “obstructionists”, as they so often describe Republicans who refuse to go along with spending plans. For bonus points, the media can try explaining to the American people that a big part of the reason for this obstruction is Obama’s eagerness to close Guantanamo Bay."
I fucking dare him.
Dumb,,,,Defund military if they don't pass a real budget.

Don't threaten that over a goddamn prison that holds bad people. What a dumb fucker Obama is....I swear if we had a decent president there wouldn't be a tea party extreme that can shut the goverment down.

Obama does stupid shit like Gitmo and whine about how evil people are on the otherside instead of working together...Sadly, we're probably going to have a huge shutdown and cuts in all of our science, r&d and infrastructure funding because of this idiocy.

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