Obama compares Iraq to Viet Nam

Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?

Same reason we are in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc.


Make work?

Korea is a unique circumstance...

There were no factions of German and Japanese populations eager, or able, to conquer Yokohama or Munich....
And we still kept troops there. Actually there were. They were called the USSR. Thats why we kept troops in those place. Because if you withdraw you create a power vacuum and someone comes to fill it. Something Commander Clueless Obungles doesn't get.
As for the comparisons, they are apt. Tet was a disasterous defeat for the North Vietnamese and virtually wiped out the Vietcong. Had we followed up the advantage the North would have sued for peace. But the left in this countr declared it was a defeat and we blew the opportunity.
In Iraq we had a stable democracy that had staged two free and fair elections. Had we done what Obozo's own commanders recommended and left troops there it would still be that way. But Nobama managed to lose the peace and now has sent ground troops back in.

What were our vital interests in invading Vietnam in the first place?

List them.

We were trying to stop the advance of communism. Now due to liberal leadership, communism is here in America and coming down out of Washington. Libs are right, no need to fight over there anymore. This fight is coming here.... and hopefully sooner than later


And why was stopping 'communism' in 10,000 miles around the world in a third world country vital to our interests?

List them.
We had Iraq won...then Obungles fumbled it away, we could have won Vietnam but politics prevented it, the two common denominators? Democrat CINCs

Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?

Germany, Japan ring a bell? You're dismissed

As I said.....make work....

There were obvious issues with trying to re-integrate millions of US servicemen into the domestic labor force.....

For an illustration, see what happened after WW1......in your case, just remember what you saw....
Was the word salad of a post supposed to present some kind of argument or point? Because the point seems to be you dont have a fucking clue what you're babbling about.

Bonus Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?

Same reason we are in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc.


Make work?

Korea is a unique circumstance...

There were no factions of German and Japanese populations eager, or able, to conquer Yokohama or Munich....
And we still kept troops there. Actually there were. They were called the USSR. Thats why we kept troops in those place. Because if you withdraw you create a power vacuum and someone comes to fill it. Something Commander Clueless Obungles doesn't get.
As for the comparisons, they are apt. Tet was a disasterous defeat for the North Vietnamese and virtually wiped out the Vietcong. Had we followed up the advantage the North would have sued for peace. But the left in this countr declared it was a defeat and we blew the opportunity.
In Iraq we had a stable democracy that had staged two free and fair elections. Had we done what Obozo's own commanders recommended and left troops there it would still be that way. But Nobama managed to lose the peace and now has sent ground troops back in.

What were our vital interests in invading Vietnam in the first place?

List them.
Contain the spread of communism
Protect the lives of vulnerable people.

You dont give a shit about either one, of course.

Neither of those were a vital interest. Got anything else?
We had Iraq won...then Obungles fumbled it away, we could have won Vietnam but politics prevented it, the two common denominators? Democrat CINCs

Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?

Germany, Japan ring a bell? You're dismissed

As I said.....make work....

There were obvious issues with trying to re-integrate millions of US servicemen into the domestic labor force.....

For an illustration, see what happened after WW1......in your case, just remember what you saw....
Was the word salad of a post supposed to present some kind of argument or point? Because the point seems to be you dont have a fucking clue what you're babbling about.

Bonus Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia? LOL
Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?

Germany, Japan ring a bell? You're dismissed

As I said.....make work....

There were obvious issues with trying to re-integrate millions of US servicemen into the domestic labor force.....

For an illustration, see what happened after WW1......in your case, just remember what you saw....
Was the word salad of a post supposed to present some kind of argument or point? Because the point seems to be you dont have a fucking clue what you're babbling about.

Bonus Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia? LOL

What's not factual in the link?
Same reason we are in Japan, Germany, Korea, etc.


Make work?

Korea is a unique circumstance...

There were no factions of German and Japanese populations eager, or able, to conquer Yokohama or Munich....
And we still kept troops there. Actually there were. They were called the USSR. Thats why we kept troops in those place. Because if you withdraw you create a power vacuum and someone comes to fill it. Something Commander Clueless Obungles doesn't get.
As for the comparisons, they are apt. Tet was a disasterous defeat for the North Vietnamese and virtually wiped out the Vietcong. Had we followed up the advantage the North would have sued for peace. But the left in this countr declared it was a defeat and we blew the opportunity.
In Iraq we had a stable democracy that had staged two free and fair elections. Had we done what Obozo's own commanders recommended and left troops there it would still be that way. But Nobama managed to lose the peace and now has sent ground troops back in.

What were our vital interests in invading Vietnam in the first place?

List them.

We were trying to stop the advance of communism. Now due to liberal leadership, communism is here in America and coming down out of Washington. Libs are right, no need to fight over there anymore. This fight is coming here.... and hopefully sooner than later


And why was stopping 'communism' in 10,000 miles around the world in a third world country vital to our interests?

List them.

Read more slowly

If you stop it over there, it doesn't get here. Since we failed to do that, communism is here. Obama case in point

We had Iraq won...then Obungles fumbled it away, we could have won Vietnam but politics prevented it, the two common denominators? Democrat CINCs

Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?
Why are we still in Germany, Japan, Korea....etc?

Because of special interests that want our tax money.

Nope, we left troops to prevent anyone taking advantage of the power vacuum
Germany, Japan ring a bell? You're dismissed

As I said.....make work....

There were obvious issues with trying to re-integrate millions of US servicemen into the domestic labor force.....

For an illustration, see what happened after WW1......in your case, just remember what you saw....
Was the word salad of a post supposed to present some kind of argument or point? Because the point seems to be you dont have a fucking clue what you're babbling about.

Bonus Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia? LOL

What's not factual in the link?
The fact that you think an open source is automatically credible as long as it forwards an agenda is what is funny. Especially since you think the burden should shift to the skeptic using a credible source. You guys are a hoot.
We had Iraq won...then Obungles fumbled it away, we could have won Vietnam but politics prevented it, the two common denominators? Democrat CINCs

Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?
Why are we still in Germany, Japan, Korea....etc?

Because of special interests that want our tax money.

Nope, we left troops to prevent anyone taking advantage of the power vacuum

Where's the power vaccuum in Europe now if we leave? Can't Europe fill it?
Make work?

Korea is a unique circumstance...

There were no factions of German and Japanese populations eager, or able, to conquer Yokohama or Munich....
And we still kept troops there. Actually there were. They were called the USSR. Thats why we kept troops in those place. Because if you withdraw you create a power vacuum and someone comes to fill it. Something Commander Clueless Obungles doesn't get.
As for the comparisons, they are apt. Tet was a disasterous defeat for the North Vietnamese and virtually wiped out the Vietcong. Had we followed up the advantage the North would have sued for peace. But the left in this countr declared it was a defeat and we blew the opportunity.
In Iraq we had a stable democracy that had staged two free and fair elections. Had we done what Obozo's own commanders recommended and left troops there it would still be that way. But Nobama managed to lose the peace and now has sent ground troops back in.

What were our vital interests in invading Vietnam in the first place?

List them.

We were trying to stop the advance of communism. Now due to liberal leadership, communism is here in America and coming down out of Washington. Libs are right, no need to fight over there anymore. This fight is coming here.... and hopefully sooner than later


And why was stopping 'communism' in 10,000 miles around the world in a third world country vital to our interests?

List them.

Read more slowly

If you stop it over there, it doesn't get here. Since we failed to do that, communism is here. Obama case in point


We were in danger of being invaded by North Vietnam if they reunited with South Vietnam?

You're today's dumbest poster.
We had Iraq won...then Obungles fumbled it away, we could have won Vietnam but politics prevented it, the two common denominators? Democrat CINCs

Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?
Why are we still in Germany, Japan, Korea....etc?

Because of special interests that want our tax money.

Nope, we left troops to prevent anyone taking advantage of the power vacuum
He didn't know because of the power vacuum in his head.
We had Iraq won...then Obungles fumbled it away, we could have won Vietnam but politics prevented it, the two common denominators? Democrat CINCs

Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?
Why are we still in Germany, Japan, Korea....etc?

Because of special interests that want our tax money.

Nope, we left troops to prevent anyone taking advantage of the power vacuum

Where's the power vaccuum in Europe now if we leave? Can't Europe fill it?
Europe has traditionally spent little on military, using the bulk of its' resources for social services. Sorta like the left here.
The comparison is apt.

Bush upended the ME, our defeat in Indochina did nothing of the sort in SE Asia.

Europe is fully capable of protecting itself.

Japan and South Korea still need the American shield.

I see that today, your boyfriend Obama, will be giving aid and comfort to ten more enemies of America by releasing them from GITMO. LINK


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Islamic terrorist activities begin in our southern Border States or cities like New York City?
As I said.....make work....

There were obvious issues with trying to re-integrate millions of US servicemen into the domestic labor force.....

For an illustration, see what happened after WW1......in your case, just remember what you saw....
Was the word salad of a post supposed to present some kind of argument or point? Because the point seems to be you dont have a fucking clue what you're babbling about.

Bonus Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia? LOL

What's not factual in the link?
The fact that you think an open source is automatically credible as long as it forwards an agenda is what is funny. Especially since you think the burden should shift to the skeptic using a credible source. You guys are a hoot.

Here are the footnotes, bibliography, and links supporting the above article on the Bonus Army

  1. Press of Kentucky 1987) pp. 218-219. ISBN 978-0-8131-0957-2 (paper)
  2. ^ "'Take Job in the Forest or Go Home' Is Alternative Given to Bonus Boys", Middlesboro (KY) Daily News, May 17, 1933, p1; "Bonus Marchers Weaken; Accept Jobs in Ax Corps", Milwaukee Journal, May 20, 1933, p1
  3. ^ U.S. Constitution, Article I. Section 8. Clause 17)
  4. ^ The practice derived from British legislation passed in the 1592-93 session of Parliament that provided medical care and maintenance for disabled veterans and bonuses for serving soldiers. Similar legislation for disabled veterans only was later progressively passed by English North American colonies beginning with Virginia in 1624. In August 1776, Congress adopted the first National pension law providing half pay for life for disabled veterans. Considerable pressure was applied to expand benefits to match the British system for serving soldiers and sailors but had little support from the colonial government until mass desertions at Valley Forge which threatened the existence of the Continental Army led George Washington to become a strong advocate. Congress progressively passed legislation from 1788 covering pensions and bonuses, eventually extending eligibility to widows in 1836. Before World War I, the soldiers' military service bonus (adjusted for rank) was land and money — a Continental Army private received 100 acres (40 ha) and $80.00 (2012: $2,105) at war's end, while a Maj. Gen. received 1,100 acres (450 ha). In 1855, Congress increased the land-grant minimum to 160 acres (65 ha), and reduced the eligibility requirements to fourteen days of military service, or one battle; moreover, the bonus also applied to veterans of any Indian war. The provision of land eventually became a major political issue, particularly in Tennessee where almost 40% of arable land had been given to veterans as part of their bonus. By 1860, 73,500,000 acres (29,700,000 ha) had been issued and lack of available arable land led to its abandonment and replacement with a cash system.
  5. ^ a b David Greenberg, Calvin Coolidge (NY: Henry Holt, 2006), 78-9
  6. ^ Dickson and Allen, 29
  7. ^ Dickson and Allen, 37-8
  8. ^ Dickson and Allen, 34
  9. ^ Stephen R. Ortiz, "The 'New Deal' for Veterans: The Economy Act, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Origins of the New Deal," Journal of Military History, vol. 70 (2006), 434-5
  10. ^ Glass, Andrew (2009). "House passes bonus bill for WWI veterans, June 15, 1932". POLITICO. Retrieved 2013-12-20.
  11. ^ New York Times: "Veteran dies of wounds," August 2, 1932, accessed August 30, 2011
  12. ^ a b c d TIME: "Heroes: Battle of Washington," August 8, 1932, accessed August 30, 2011: "Last week William Hushka's Bonus for $528 suddenly became payable in full when a police bullet drilled him dead in the worst public disorder the capital has known in years."
  13. ^ Mentioned in "The March of the Bonus Army" video, running 30 min. Retrieved from answer.com 2011-2-4.
  14. ^ "Bonus Army Spectacle, U.S. Capital, 1932: What Really Happened", Section VI. Two Shootings at Glassford Campfrom Suburban Emergency Management Project (SEMP), Biot Report #635: July 18, 2009. Retrieved 2011-2-8
  15. ^ Bonus Expeditionary Force Martyrs Hushka & Carlson (1932), DC Labor Map, retrieved 2011-2-8
  16. ^ Dickson and Allen, 182-3
  17. ^ Dickson and Allen, 170-4, 180
  18. ^ Wukovits, John F. (2006). Eisenhower. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 43. ISBN 0-230-61394-2. Retrieved 15 June2011.
  19. ^ D'Este, Carlo (2002). Eisenhower: A Soldier's Life. New York: Henry Holt & Co. p. 223. ISBN 0-8050-5687-4. Retrieved 15 June 2011.
  20. ^ Hirshson, Stanley P. General Patton. Harper Collins Publishers 2002. New York, New York.
  21. ^ Internet Movie Database: Gabriel Over the White House (1933), accessed December 15, 2010
  22. ^ a b c Blanche Wiesen Cook, Eleanor Roosevelt (NY: Viking, 1999), vol. 2, 44-6
  23. ^ New York Times: "Governor Lays Plans for Trip," October 17, 1932, accessed December 18, 2010
  24. ^ H.W. Brands, Traitor to his Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt(NY: Doubleday, 2008), 391
  25. ^ New York Times: "Bonus Bill Becomes Law", January 28, 1936, accessed December 20, 2010
  26. ^ New York Times: "House Swiftly Overrides Bonus Veto by Roosevelt", January 25, 1936, accessed September 3, 2011
  27. ^ New York Times: "Bonus Bill Becomes Law", January 28, 1936, accessed September 3, 2011

  • Burner, David. (1979). Herbert Hoover: A Public Life. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. ISBN 0-394-46134-7.
  • Daniels, Roger. (1971). The Bonus March: An Episode of the Great Depression. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing.ISBN 0837151740
  • Dickson, Paul, and Thomas B. Allen. (2004). The Bonus Army: An American Epic. New York: Walker and Company. ISBN 0-8027-1440-4.
  • Dickson, Paul, and Thomas B. Allen. "Marching On History," in Smithsonian, February 2003
  • James, D. Clayton. (1970). The Years of MacArthur, Volume I, 1880-1941. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. OCLC 36211265
  • Lisio, Donald J. (1974). The President and Protest: Hoover, Conspiracy, and the Bonus Riot. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press. ISBN 082620158X
  • Smith, Richard Norton. (1984). An Uncommon Man: The Triumph of Herbert Hoover. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-671-46034-X.
  • Liebovich, Louis W. (1994). Bylines in Despair: Herbert Hoover, the Great Depression, and the U.S. News Media ISBN 0-275-94843-9
  • Bennett, Michael J. (1999). When Dreams Come True: The GI Bill and the Making of Modern America ISBN 1-57488-218-X
  • Perret, Geoffrey (1996). "MacArthur and the Marchers" in MHQ: the Quarterly Journal of Military History. Vol 8, No 2 American Historical Publication, Inc
Further readingEdit

  • Morrow, Felix. (1932). The Bonus March. International Pamphlets No. 31. New York: International Publishers.OCLC 12546840
  • Ortiz, Stephen R. 2006. "Rethinking the Bonus March: Federal Bonus Policy, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Origins of a Protest Movement". Journal of Policy History. 18, no. 3: 275-303.
  • Rawl, Michael J. (2006). Anacostia Flats. Baltimore: Publish America. ISBN 978-1-413-79778-7.
  • Smith, Gene. (1970). The Shattered Dream: Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression. New York: William Morrow and Company. OCLC 76078
External linksEdit


Your dismissal of wikipedia is just your way of admitting you can't or won't try to refute the material.
Iraq was won, then Obama switched sides

Iraqnam was so "won" that the Iraqnamese wanted us out....

Bush's big mistake was leaving the deal openended for his successor to make his own arrangements with the Iraqis. Nobody knew that Obama would side with Islamic Jihad, withdraw all US troops and hand Iraq, Syria and Libya over to his brothers in Jihad
Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?
Why are we still in Germany, Japan, Korea....etc?

Because of special interests that want our tax money.

Nope, we left troops to prevent anyone taking advantage of the power vacuum

Where's the power vaccuum in Europe now if we leave? Can't Europe fill it?
Europe has traditionally spent little on military, using the bulk of its' resources for social services. Sorta like the left here.

Which is exactly why we shouldn't be there in any capacity that they could muster themselves.
We had Iraq won...then Obungles fumbled it away, we could have won Vietnam but politics prevented it, the two common denominators? Democrat CINCs

Had it won?

So why would we have needed to stay 10 years after "Mission Accomplished"?
Why are we still in Germany, Japan, Korea....etc?

That's been a good question for 50 years...

From 1939 to 1945 US armed forces grew from 350,000 to more than 12 million....

From Nov 1943 to Nov 1945, US non farm payrolls SHRANK from roughly 43 to 39 million......

That's the math....

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