Obama complains ABOUT WHAT HE DID as a Senator!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The President responded saying
“with respect to Mr. Romney's advisers, I'd suggest you go talk to Mr. Romney about his advisers.
I would point out that we have one president at a time and one administration at a time.
And I think traditionally, the notion has been that America's political differences end at the water's edge.
Did Romney advisor violate water

HEY OBAMA ..... Where was the "water's edge" when you said these comments that
actually helped terrorists kill US TROOPS!
Music to the ears of terrorists who planted bombs in schools,killing kids while killing our troops! Very encouraging!

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Can't you hear Osama repeating it? Osama urging on more suicides, bombings
killings because an American Congressman called them KILLERS!!!

"American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night,
terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Kerry (D) calling our troops "TERRORISTS"!

Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Obama calling our military planners as methodically bombing and killing civilians.. who gains fro these encouraging words????

OBAMA Where was the "WATER's EDGE" when and your traitor buddies said the above?
I am sure Franco would not be able to understand how this is another Obama lie.
I am sure Franco would not be able to understand how this is another Obama lie.

Not at all sure what you meant here because there are NO LIES being told by Obama!
He's just a hypocrite as a Senator he had NO WATER's EDGE restrictions on providing the terrorists encouragement to kill US troops when he said "killing civilians..air-raiding villages"!

No water's edge there!

But when he is in the same position...he WHINES about criticism at the "WATER's EDGE!!

HE is nothing more then a phony /hypocrite!
Where does Obama get off telling anyone what they should do and how they should act..

Please get this thug out of the white house..

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