Obama Conspirators Begin To Turn On Each Other...

aiding and abetting the enemy is treasonous.... not Treason itself, but still treasonous.... and the majority of Americans felt this about trump's disastrous press conference with putin in helsinky

Brennan has not used classified information in his opinion, simply what we've all seen and read in the news and press.

Besides, if Brennan is voicing his opinion from classified information that he knows and has seen himself....

then you all are saying that Trump is guilty as hell.... that there are classified facts that support Brennan's opinion. WOW!

Trump is simply being vindictive and abusing his power with punishment towards people who differ with him and with all the people who have viewed this classified information on Trump and the Russian investigation, trying to discredit them.
Why do you defend and support a traitor who helped cover up the abandoning of Americans in Benghazi?

Why do support and defend the traitor who stripped the heroes of Benghazi if THEIR security clearances but who birches and whines about his own being revoked?
Why do support and defend the traitor who has been caught TWICE now perjuring himself before Congress.

Only your butt-hurt hatred can explain why you prefer a traitor like Brennan and a proven felon like Hillary over the President considering that going on 3 years now Mueller and democrats have ZERO evidence to support their claims.
your republicans in the majority investigated Benghazi for 4 years plus with 9 separate investigations all lead by them....

your LIES don't cut it, Pinocchio!

There is procedure to remove security clearances, and a due process.... If Brennan released classified information on Trump and this is why he believes he is treasonous and also colluded with the Russians to interfere in our election and possibly conspired with them to defraud the United States as Brennan made some claims to such, then the process, would have determined such.... and he should be stripped of his clearance....


NOT this bull crap from this King with no clothes.... But Trump can't do that.... because he KNOWS Brennan did not release any classified info, and Trump knows he is doing this simply for HIMSELF..... which is an abuse of power.
1. The Benghazi investigations were not CRIMINAL investigations, dumbass.

2. Without going through every detail of what Hillary, Obama, and Brennan did...

So you think dragging the US into an In-Constitutional war to help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 American's was ok, that hiring Al Qaeda to protect Americans from Al Qaeda was ok, that leaving Americans to die when every other nation had pulled their people out was ok....?

Every time you try to spew bullshit I call you on it. You never learn...
link up some proof of your accusations PINOCCHIO!

Look through this thread, snowflake, or better yet click on my name and look at all the posts I have made today to see all of the threads that contain links I have posted today.

As opposed to the snowflakes like you who continue to challenge me while insulting me, calling me names, and giving opinion without ever posting one link, I post links, articles, evidence, and thanks to support what I say and what other experts say.
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

The work is already being done. "Good for Nothing" Sessions appointed a very competent prosecutor (john huber) and gave him a staff of 20 people in Utah to collate all of the Congressional hearing and DOJ Inspector General information to look at the bigger picture and potential indictments.

Sessions Names Prosecutor To Investigate FBI Misconduct Claims

Huber has been quietly working for 6 months now. And NOTHING can happen until Mueller wraps up the witch-hunt. Because if they started to show their hand and issue indictments NOW -- Mueller would never put his circus back on the train out of town..
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?

Trump's fans provide distractions from the truth just as Chris Wallace did on Sunday. Here is the truth.

I watched Chris Wallace Sunday on Fox News as I do every Sunday. It is becoming more and more apparent that Wallace is using subtlety and omission to promote his network's support of Trump.

Often times Wallace and his guests mentioned Brennan's statements concerning Trump. They discussed how critical Brennan comments were.

They failed to discuss one essential element to all this. Why did Brennan say what he said?

For example, Brennan made this statement. "Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???"

Wow! Powerful stuff. Wallace never touched on why Brennan made such an inflammatory accusation. He leaves his listeners, who are largely Trump fans, with the impression that Brennan is just a loose cannon who deserves losing his security clearance.

Brennan is no loose cannon. He is a dedicated intelligence operative who spent 25 years with CIA working his way up to CIA director. This is why Brennan said what he said.

At Helsinki, Trump rejected American intelligence and believed Putin because the communist dictator was forceful. "My people came to me, Dan Coats [DNI] came to me, some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial."

Despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, illegal annexation of Crimea, supporting a murderous dictator in Syria, being allied with Iran, and interfering in our 2016 Presidential election, Trump blamed his own country for the poor relations with Russia. "Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!"

Do Trump's statements qualify as “high crimes & misdemeanors?” Sure they do. How else would you assess his comments? He rejected American intelligence and accepted the word of a communist dictator. Despite Russia's sins, Trump blames his own country for the strained relations between the two countries.

Brennan was just being frank with Americans. For that Fox blames Brennan for saying unkind words about Trump.
Trump has gotten all of his funding for all of his business ventures from Russians since at least 1985.... since US Banks stopped funding him after his 6th Bankruptcy... of course he is going to side with Putin instead of Americans and America...!!!

Would you say Trump has been given MORE or LESS than $120 Million from the Russians, which is still a little less than Hillary received from the KGB Bank....?
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

The work is already being done. "Good for Nothing" Sessions appointed a very competent prosecutor (john huber) and gave him a staff of 20 people in Utah to collate all of the Congressional hearing and DOJ Inspector General information to look at the bigger picture and potential indictments.

Sessions Names Prosecutor To Investigate FBI Misconduct Claims

Huber has been quietly working for 6 months now. And NOTHING can happen until Mueller wraps up the witch-hunt. Because if they started to show their hand and issue indictments NOW -- Mueller would never put his circus back on the train out of town..
Thank you for the news / update.
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?

Trump's fans provide distractions from the truth just as Chris Wallace did on Sunday. Here is the truth.

I watched Chris Wallace Sunday on Fox News as I do every Sunday. It is becoming more and more apparent that Wallace is using subtlety and omission to promote his network's support of Trump.

Often times Wallace and his guests mentioned Brennan's statements concerning Trump. They discussed how critical Brennan comments were.

They failed to discuss one essential element to all this. Why did Brennan say what he said?

For example, Brennan made this statement. "Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???"

Wow! Powerful stuff. Wallace never touched on why Brennan made such an inflammatory accusation. He leaves his listeners, who are largely Trump fans, with the impression that Brennan is just a loose cannon who deserves losing his security clearance.

Brennan is no loose cannon. He is a dedicated intelligence operative who spent 25 years with CIA working his way up to CIA director. This is why Brennan said what he said.

At Helsinki, Trump rejected American intelligence and believed Putin because the communist dictator was forceful. "My people came to me, Dan Coats [DNI] came to me, some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial."

Despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, illegal annexation of Crimea, supporting a murderous dictator in Syria, being allied with Iran, and interfering in our 2016 Presidential election, Trump blamed his own country for the poor relations with Russia. "Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!"

Do Trump's statements qualify as “high crimes & misdemeanors?” Sure they do. How else would you assess his comments? He rejected American intelligence and accepted the word of a communist dictator. Despite Russia's sins, Trump blames his own country for the strained relations between the two countries.

Brennan was just being frank with Americans. For that Fox blames Brennan for saying unkind words about Trump.
Trump has gotten all of his funding for all of his business ventures from Russians since at least 1985.... since US Banks stopped funding him after his 6th Bankruptcy... of course he is going to side with Putin instead of Americans and America...!!!

Would you say Trump has been given MORE or LESS than $120 Million from the Russians, which is still a little less than Hillary received from the KGB Bank....?
HE'S probably laundered near a billion dollars through his real estate sales for the Russian oligarchs and Russian Mafia...

here is a book you all need to read...


House of Trump, House of Putin
offers the first comprehensive investigation into the decades-long relationship among Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and the Russian Mafia that ultimately helped win Trump the White House.

It is a chilling story that begins in the 1970s, when Trump made his first splash in the booming, money-drenched world of New York real estate, and ends with Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States. That moment was the culmination of Vladimir Putin’s long mission to undermine Western democracy, a mission that he and his hand-selected group of oligarchs and Mafia kingpins had ensnared Trump in, starting more than twenty years ago with the massive bailout of a string of sensational Trump hotel and casino failures in Atlantic City. This book confirms the most incredible American paranoias about Russian malevolence.

To most, it will be a hair-raising revelation that the Cold War did not end in 1991—that it merely evolved, with Trump’s apartments offering the perfect vehicle for billions of dollars to leave the collapsing Soviet Union. In House of Trump, House of Putin, Craig Unger methodically traces the deep-rooted alliance between the highest echelons of American political operatives and the biggest players in the frightening underworld of the Russian Mafia. He traces Donald Trump’s sordid ascent from foundering real estate tycoon to leader of the free world. He traces Russia’s phoenixlike rise from the ashes of the post–Cold War Soviet Union as well as its ceaseless covert efforts to retaliate against the West and reclaim its status as a global superpower.

Without Trump, Russia would have lacked a key component in its attempts to return to imperial greatness. Without Russia, Trump would not be president. This essential book is crucial to understanding the real powers at play in the shadows of today’s world.
You even KNOW THE NAME John Huber? Or the fact he's tasked with looking at criminal violations arising out the FBI internal investigations and the information from Congress? Or are you just pissing into wind and funnying the post because you'd be worried if this were true.

It's true. Everything I said Care4all And NONE of it is really funny at all.. As you will gradually be finding out.

Sorry youre in for a bigger crush than that last November election night.
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

all of them had no idea

this would cracked wide open

for all of their conspiracies to defraud the United States

they had not planned for what if hillary loses

Huber has been quietly working for 6 months now. And NOTHING can happen until Mueller wraps up the witch-hunt. Because if they started to show their hand and issue indictments NOW -- Mueller would never put his circus back on the train out of town..

It's this part that I thought was funny... I agree with everything else you said, Huber was appointed months ago and has been working on it with the inspector general, Horowitz...

Also, Huber has subpoena power for anything Horowitz wants, Horowitz does not have subpoena power over people outside of the government, but Huber does.

I thought your synopsis of why we haven't heard anything on it and why they are waiting to prosecute is funny because you don't even know if there is anything, any thing at all that they have that can even be prosecuted.... Huber has not even drawn a grand jury, as far as I've seen or heard about.... and that would be the first step he would take if there were crimes to be prosecuted.... so, was laughing at the gymnastics you took to reach that kind of opinion!!! :D

Oh, and I also think Sessions is a piece of crapola, but for different reasons.... I don't like his plan to steal these refugee's children and deporting them without their children for just one thing, I don't like that he lied under oath regarding his Russian contacts during the campaign, etc etc....

but I do think he had absolutely no choice but to recuse himself from the investigation in to the Trump Campaign, since he was a part of it.... there was no way around that....it was by the book procedural requirement. He's the attorney general of the United States, not Trump's pawn.
aiding and abetting the enemy is treasonous.... not Treason itself, but still treasonous.... and the majority of Americans felt this about trump's disastrous press conference with putin in helsinky

Brennan has not used classified information in his opinion, simply what we've all seen and read in the news and press.

Besides, if Brennan is voicing his opinion from classified information that he knows and has seen himself....

then you all are saying that Trump is guilty as hell.... that there are classified facts that support Brennan's opinion. WOW!

Trump is simply being vindictive and abusing his power with punishment towards people who differ with him and with all the people who have viewed this classified information on Trump and the Russian investigation, trying to discredit them.
Why do you defend and support a traitor who helped cover up the abandoning of Americans in Benghazi?

Why do support and defend the traitor who stripped the heroes of Benghazi if THEIR security clearances but who birches and whines about his own being revoked?
Why do support and defend the traitor who has been caught TWICE now perjuring himself before Congress.

Only your butt-hurt hatred can explain why you prefer a traitor like Brennan and a proven felon like Hillary over the President considering that going on 3 years now Mueller and democrats have ZERO evidence to support their claims.

What a good loyal Trumpkin snowflake you are.

Always so ready to carry Trump's water to protect him.
What a child you are.

The facts and actual evidence that exists have proven there is nothing to the Trump Witch hunt while exposing actual Democrat crimes.

What a loyal Trumpkin snowfake you are.

The facts and actual evidence shows that the FBI had every reason to investigate both the Russians actual attempts to interfere in the 2016 election to negatively impact Hillary Clinton, and to investigate possible collusion between Russia and members of the Trump campaign.

The facts and actual evidence shows that Republicans are being prosecuted for their crimes- while Don the Con keeps lying- and his loyal Trumpkin echo chamber just echos his lies- blaming everyone and anything for his lies.

Don the Con and you Trumpkins blame the Democrats because you both are very, very worried about what Muehler is finding- and want to prejudice Trump's gullible voters- so if Muehler does expose Trump's crimes- Trump can call it all 'Fake News'.
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?

the snakes are turning on each other?


that's what snakes do.
Huber has been quietly working for 6 months now. And NOTHING can happen until Mueller wraps up the witch-hunt. Because if they started to show their hand and issue indictments NOW -- Mueller would never put his circus back on the train out of town..

It's this part that I thought was funny... I agree with everything else you said, Huber was appointed months ago and has been working on it with the inspector general, Horowitz...

Also, Huber has subpoena power for anything Horowitz wants, Horowitz does not have subpoena power over people outside of the government, but Huber does.

I thought your synopsis of why we haven't heard anything on it and why they are waiting to prosecute is funny because you don't even know if there is anything, any thing at all that they have that can even be prosecuted.... Huber has not even drawn a grand jury, as far as I've seen or heard about.... and that would be the first step he would take if there were crimes to be prosecuted.... so, was laughing at the gymnastics you took to reach that kind of opinion!!! :D

Oh, and I also think Sessions is a piece of crapola, but for different reasons.... I don't like his plan to steal these refugee's children and deporting them without their children for just one thing, I don't like that he lied under oath regarding his Russian contacts during the campaign, etc etc....

but I do think he had absolutely no choice but to recuse himself from the investigation in to the Trump Campaign, since he was a part of it.... there was no way around that....it was by the book procedural requirement. He's the attorney general of the United States, not Trump's pawn.

Yeah- this is the weird thing about Sessions, Trump and the Trumpkins.

Sessions has actually been doing the hard work of attacking immigrants and immigration that Trump hoped he would do- and that Trump doesn't have the attention span to get done himself. I don't like Sessions or what he is doing- but he is doing exactly what Trump said he wanted his AG to do.

So of course Trump and his loyal band of Trumpkins attack Sessions like he is the next Fidel Castro- because he is not seen as protecting Trump enough from a lawful investigation.

I despise Sessions- but he has been one of the only Trump's appointees who has been effective at doing what Trump said he would do. But Trump is such a petty little tyrant that his ego demands that he attack Sessions because of the Russia investigation.
Let the snakes turn on each other

get ready for the show

grab your pop corn
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

all of them had no idea

this would cracked wide open

for all of their conspiracies to defraud the United States

they had not planned for what if hillary loses


You know...they may have planned for Hillary losing. What they were
caught off guard by, was Trump being mentally tougher than they

None of them ever thought Trump would fight back like he has. Not only
fight back but accomplish things along the way and maintain and add to
his base.

Trump hasn't allowed the media to paint him into a corner, rather he has
driven the media crazy with his attacks.
You even KNOW THE NAME John Huber? Or the fact he's tasked with looking at criminal violations arising out the FBI internal investigations and the information from Congress? Or are you just pissing into wind and funnying the post because you'd be worried if this were true.

It's true. Everything I said Care4all And NONE of it is really funny at all.. As you will gradually be finding out.

Sorry youre in for a bigger crush than that last November election night.

You mean like Muehler was tasked for looking at criminal violations arising out of the Trump campaign and Russia?

I am fine with any non-partisan investigation of the FBI- Huber is not Trump's sock puppet Nunes- he seems every bit as credible as Muehler is- and hopefully he will bring the same objectivity to his investigation.

Unlike the Republicans- I am not afraid of the Department of Justice or the FBI investigating our officials.
aiding and abetting the enemy is treasonous.... not Treason itself, but still treasonous.... and the majority of Americans felt this about trump's disastrous press conference with putin in helsinky

Brennan has not used classified information in his opinion, simply what we've all seen and read in the news and press.

Besides, if Brennan is voicing his opinion from classified information that he knows and has seen himself....

then you all are saying that Trump is guilty as hell.... that there are classified facts that support Brennan's opinion. WOW!

Trump is simply being vindictive and abusing his power with punishment towards people who differ with him and with all the people who have viewed this classified information on Trump and the Russian investigation, trying to discredit them.
Why do you defend and support a traitor who helped cover up the abandoning of Americans in Benghazi?

Why do support and defend the traitor who stripped the heroes of Benghazi if THEIR security clearances but who birches and whines about his own being revoked?
Why do support and defend the traitor who has been caught TWICE now perjuring himself before Congress.

Only your butt-hurt hatred can explain why you prefer a traitor like Brennan and a proven felon like Hillary over the President considering that going on 3 years now Mueller and democrats have ZERO evidence to support their claims.
your republicans in the majority investigated Benghazi for 4 years plus with 9 separate investigations all lead by them....

your LIES don't cut it, Pinocchio!

There is procedure to remove security clearances, and a due process.... If Brennan released classified information on Trump and this is why he believes he is treasonous and also colluded with the Russians to interfere in our election and possibly conspired with them to defraud the United States as Brennan made some claims to such, then the process, would have determined such.... and he should be stripped of his clearance....


NOT this bull crap from this King with no clothes.... But Trump can't do that.... because he KNOWS Brennan did not release any classified info, and Trump knows he is doing this simply for HIMSELF..... which is an abuse of power.
1. The Benghazi investigations were not CRIMINAL investigations, dumbass.

You were the one who labelled Brennan a 'traitor' because of Benghazi.

Despite not a single law enforcement agency- or any of the dozen or so Benghazi Congressional investigations coming to that conclusion.

As a loyal Trumpkin- you just are compelled to attack anyone that Trump tweets is the enemy.
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

all of them had no idea

this would cracked wide open

for all of their conspiracies to defraud the United States

they had not planned for what if hillary loses


You know...they may have planned for Hillary losing. What they were
caught off guard by, was Trump being mentally tougher than they

None of them ever thought Trump would fight back like he has. Not only
fight back but accomplish things along the way and maintain and add to
his base.

Trump hasn't allowed the media to paint him into a corner, rather he has
driven the media crazy with his attacks.

The deep state snakes never thought she could lose...

Now they go to GITMO....

That's what traitors do!

Q (< just saying lol I love Q):smiliehug:
Last edited:
aiding and abetting the enemy is treasonous.... not Treason itself, but still treasonous.... and the majority of Americans felt this about trump's disastrous press conference with putin in helsinky

Brennan has not used classified information in his opinion, simply what we've all seen and read in the news and press.

Besides, if Brennan is voicing his opinion from classified information that he knows and has seen himself....

then you all are saying that Trump is guilty as hell.... that there are classified facts that support Brennan's opinion. WOW!

Trump is simply being vindictive and abusing his power with punishment towards people who differ with him and with all the people who have viewed this classified information on Trump and the Russian investigation, trying to discredit them.
Why do you defend and support a traitor who helped cover up the abandoning of Americans in Benghazi?

Why do support and defend the traitor who stripped the heroes of Benghazi if THEIR security clearances but who birches and whines about his own being revoked?
Why do support and defend the traitor who has been caught TWICE now perjuring himself before Congress.

Only your butt-hurt hatred can explain why you prefer a traitor like Brennan and a proven felon like Hillary over the President considering that going on 3 years now Mueller and democrats have ZERO evidence to support their claims.
your republicans in the majority investigated Benghazi for 4 years plus with 9 separate investigations all lead by them....

your LIES don't cut it, Pinocchio!

There is procedure to remove security clearances, and a due process.... If Brennan released classified information on Trump and this is why he believes he is treasonous and also colluded with the Russians to interfere in our election and possibly conspired with them to defraud the United States as Brennan made some claims to such, then the process, would have determined such.... and he should be stripped of his clearance....


NOT this bull crap from this King with no clothes.... But Trump can't do that.... because he KNOWS Brennan did not release any classified info, and Trump knows he is doing this simply for HIMSELF..... which is an abuse of power.
1. The Benghazi investigations were not CRIMINAL investigations, dumbass.

You were the one who labelled Brennan a 'traitor' because of Benghazi.

Despite not a single law enforcement agency- or any of the dozen or so Benghazi Congressional investigations coming to that conclusion.

As a loyal Trumpkin- you just are compelled to attack anyone that Trump tweets is the enemy.
'Tonto', who was there on the ground in Benghazi - whose security clearance was stripped by Brennan because he stepped up and told the truth - is actually the one to call Brennan a liar and a traitor over Benghazi.

You are a 'truth denier' regarding Benghazi., even about the simplest undeniable details.

You are one of Hillary's / Brennan's 'kool-aid drinkers' he spoke of.

aiding and abetting the enemy is treasonous.... not Treason itself, but still treasonous.... and the majority of Americans felt this about trump's disastrous press conference with putin in helsinky

Brennan has not used classified information in his opinion, simply what we've all seen and read in the news and press.

Besides, if Brennan is voicing his opinion from classified information that he knows and has seen himself....

then you all are saying that Trump is guilty as hell.... that there are classified facts that support Brennan's opinion. WOW!

Trump is simply being vindictive and abusing his power with punishment towards people who differ with him and with all the people who have viewed this classified information on Trump and the Russian investigation, trying to discredit them.
Why do you defend and support a traitor who helped cover up the abandoning of Americans in Benghazi?

Why do support and defend the traitor who stripped the heroes of Benghazi if THEIR security clearances but who birches and whines about his own being revoked?
Why do support and defend the traitor who has been caught TWICE now perjuring himself before Congress.

Only your butt-hurt hatred can explain why you prefer a traitor like Brennan and a proven felon like Hillary over the President considering that going on 3 years now Mueller and democrats have ZERO evidence to support their claims.
your republicans in the majority investigated Benghazi for 4 years plus with 9 separate investigations all lead by them....

your LIES don't cut it, Pinocchio!

There is procedure to remove security clearances, and a due process.... If Brennan released classified information on Trump and this is why he believes he is treasonous and also colluded with the Russians to interfere in our election and possibly conspired with them to defraud the United States as Brennan made some claims to such, then the process, would have determined such.... and he should be stripped of his clearance....


NOT this bull crap from this King with no clothes.... But Trump can't do that.... because he KNOWS Brennan did not release any classified info, and Trump knows he is doing this simply for HIMSELF..... which is an abuse of power.
1. The Benghazi investigations were not CRIMINAL investigations, dumbass.

You were the one who labelled Brennan a 'traitor' because of Benghazi.

Despite not a single law enforcement agency- or any of the dozen or so Benghazi Congressional investigations coming to that conclusion.

As a loyal Trumpkin- you just are compelled to attack anyone that Trump tweets is the enemy.
'Tonto', who was there on the ground in Benghazi -l

Tonto? Racist much? You want to tell us how CBP agents with Mexican ancestry can speak perfect English too?

Name any law enforcement agency- or Congressional investigation that has accused Brennan of any crime?

If you can't- then I will point out that Brennan has as much reason to call Don the Con a traitor as you have to call Brennan a traitor.

The only difference is that you attack Brennan only because he is attacking your Don the Con- and as a loyal Trumpkin that is what you do.
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?

Trump's fans provide distractions from the truth just as Chris Wallace did on Sunday. Here is the truth.

I watched Chris Wallace Sunday on Fox News as I do every Sunday. It is becoming more and more apparent that Wallace is using subtlety and omission to promote his network's support of Trump.

Often times Wallace and his guests mentioned Brennan's statements concerning Trump. They discussed how critical Brennan comments were.

They failed to discuss one essential element to all this. Why did Brennan say what he said?

For example, Brennan made this statement. "Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???"

Wow! Powerful stuff. Wallace never touched on why Brennan made such an inflammatory accusation. He leaves his listeners, who are largely Trump fans, with the impression that Brennan is just a loose cannon who deserves losing his security clearance.

Brennan is no loose cannon. He is a dedicated intelligence operative who spent 25 years with CIA working his way up to CIA director. This is why Brennan said what he said.

At Helsinki, Trump rejected American intelligence and believed Putin because the communist dictator was forceful. "My people came to me, Dan Coats [DNI] came to me, some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial."

Despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, illegal annexation of Crimea, supporting a murderous dictator in Syria, being allied with Iran, and interfering in our 2016 Presidential election, Trump blamed his own country for the poor relations with Russia. "Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!"

Do Trump's statements qualify as “high crimes & misdemeanors?” Sure they do. How else would you assess his comments? He rejected American intelligence and accepted the word of a communist dictator. Despite Russia's sins, Trump blames his own country for the strained relations between the two countries.

Brennan was just being frank with Americans. For that Fox blames Brennan for saying unkind words about Trump.
Trump has gotten all of his funding for all of his business ventures from Russians since at least 1985.... since US Banks stopped funding him after his 6th Bankruptcy... of course he is going to side with Putin instead of Americans and America...!!!

Would you say Trump has been given MORE or LESS than $120 Million from the Russians, which is still a little less than Hillary received from the KGB Bank....?
HE'S probably laundered near a billion dollars through his real estate sales for the Russian oligarchs and Russian Mafia...

here is a book you all need to read...


House of Trump, House of Putin
offers the first comprehensive investigation into the decades-long relationship among Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and the Russian Mafia that ultimately helped win Trump the White House.

It is a chilling story that begins in the 1970s, when Trump made his first splash in the booming, money-drenched world of New York real estate, and ends with Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States. That moment was the culmination of Vladimir Putin’s long mission to undermine Western democracy, a mission that he and his hand-selected group of oligarchs and Mafia kingpins had ensnared Trump in, starting more than twenty years ago with the massive bailout of a string of sensational Trump hotel and casino failures in Atlantic City. This book confirms the most incredible American paranoias about Russian malevolence.

To most, it will be a hair-raising revelation that the Cold War did not end in 1991—that it merely evolved, with Trump’s apartments offering the perfect vehicle for billions of dollars to leave the collapsing Soviet Union. In House of Trump, House of Putin, Craig Unger methodically traces the deep-rooted alliance between the highest echelons of American political operatives and the biggest players in the frightening underworld of the Russian Mafia. He traces Donald Trump’s sordid ascent from foundering real estate tycoon to leader of the free world. He traces Russia’s phoenixlike rise from the ashes of the post–Cold War Soviet Union as well as its ceaseless covert efforts to retaliate against the West and reclaim its status as a global superpower.

Without Trump, Russia would have lacked a key component in its attempts to return to imperial greatness. Without Russia, Trump would not be president. This essential book is crucial to understanding the real powers at play in the shadows of today’s world.
so mueller can't find shit to put on trial for the RUSSIA investigation, his only trial so far with manafort is heading to a hung jury and yet this book is to be taken as fact.


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