Obama Conspirators Begin To Turn On Each Other...

All common sense-thinking Americans need to do, is look to the fact only Trump and his associates are being investigated. No Democrats are being investigated. That, despite knowing Obama and Clinton colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. Folks just need to look to the Ohr-Steele connection. It connects the Obama Administration to the Collusion.

It was all a well-coordinated attack. Only Trump being investigated, tells the tale. Something's very wrong. And i think most Americans know that. When the Democrat Witch Hunt is over, it'll be time to go after Obama and Clinton.
All common sense-thinking Americans need to do, is look to the fact only Trump and his associates are being investigated. No Democrats are being investigated. That, despite knowing Obama and Clinton colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. Folks just need to look to the Ohr-Steele connection. It connects the Obama Administration to the Collusion.

It was all a well-coordinated attack. Only Trump being investigated, tells the tale. Something's very wrong. And i think most Americans know that. When the Democrat Witch Hunt is over, it'll be time to go after Obama and Clinton.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the suck Koch are behind this.
All common sense-thinking Americans need to do, is look to the fact only Trump and his associates are being investigated. No Democrats are being investigated. That, despite knowing Obama and Clinton colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. Folks just need to look to the Ohr-Steele connection. It connects the Obama Administration to the Collusion.

It was all a well-coordinated attack. Only Trump being investigated, tells the tale. Something's very wrong. And i think most Americans know that. When the Democrat Witch Hunt is over, it'll be time to go after Obama and Clinton.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the suck Koch are behind this.

Yeah, the Koch's are old Bush cronies. They'll never forgive Trump for kicking Jebby Bush's ass. He made him look like a whimpering fool. So, you have the most powerful NWO Globalist powers in the Koch brothers and Soros, aligned against Trump. Makes you think he can't possibly survive. But i guess we'll see. I'm prayin for the dude.
Last edited:
I thought your synopsis of why we haven't heard anything on it and why they are waiting to prosecute is funny because you don't even know if there is anything, any thing at all that they have that can even be prosecuted.... Huber has not even drawn a grand jury, as far as I've seen or heard about.... and that would be the first step he would take if there were crimes to be prosecuted.... so, was laughing at the gymnastics you took to reach that kind of opinion!!

It's not a very exhausting gynastic exercise at all. Just great analysis of the realities that exist.

1) For the same reason that CONGRESS could not pry the fundamental documents out of FBI/DOJ on the FISA applications and the initial spying on the Trump campaign --- no other prosecutor can step on the toes of an EXISTING investigation. So the Huber team has to honor the "ongoing investigation" of the Mueller team before activating the offense.

2) The INTERNAL investigation of the FBI/DOJ Inspector General is only 1/3 through the process that THEY started. And the IG is a respected Agency that produces the BEST investigative services in the ENTIRETY of the Fed Govt. They released the "hillary clinton" report. But there is are TWO MORE REPORTS imminent. One on the FISA abuse and the political spying that transpired, and the other is on FBI abuses on their role in marketing and BUYING INTO the phony as shit dossier and related matters. The latter includes a review of all the firing, demotions, transfers and sanctions that have affected about 24 high ranking FBI officials.

3) The IG reports are not subject to "sequestering" information about on-going investigations, because the IG (as you said) has NO subpoena or prosecutorial abilities.

I didn't wing it. It's obvious connecting of the dots. Don't doubt me. I'm a better dot-connector than 85% of the "talking heads" on cable news and don't expect ANY of the biased "investigative" fake newspapers to do this for you...

It's GONNA HAPPEN. Don't doubt that. But Mueller has to wave the white flag before it does. And Mueller is staring at absolute humiliation because PapaDop and Flynn and Page may withdraw any guilty pleas to "process crimes" because of all the evidence their attorneys were deprived of at trial. And if they in whole or in part decide on a FULL TRIAL --- All that garbage about inserting professional "instigators" into the Repub campaign to "dirty up" these folks will go front and center in all THREE of the trials.

Not only that -- but the Russian internet trolls he indicted have asked for discovery and are considering a trial also. Mueller does not WANT a trial on ANY of those cases. Because all the dirty deeds would be revealed in Public... THAT was totally unexpected. But Russian Trolls are smart and devious and know that the BIGGER DAMAGE to the US political system is to FORCE Mueller to confront all the dirt that occurred in the US Intel/FBI during these past 3 years.
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Brennan accused the President of being a traitor.

Clapper attacks Brennan.

Brennan apologizes, said the President did no such thing.

The Senate Intel Committee, whom Brennan illegally spied upon once, rebuked Brennan for going to the public with claims he has evidence against Trump instead of going on record and under oath before the Committee with his evidence:

“If his statement is based on intelligence he has seen since leaving office, it constitutes an intelligence breach. If he has some other personal knowledge of or evidence of collusion, it should be disclosed to the special counsel, not The New York Times.”

More than 60 Intel Reps exposed Brennan's rantings as his own OPINION, not fact, by declaring, "We believe equally strongly that former government officials have the right to express their unclassified views on what they see as critical national security issues without fear of being punished for doing so."

1. No one is stopping Brennan or anyone else from sharing his opinions with anyone or any news agency. A Security Clearance is NOT needed to do that.

2. Where is the Intel Community attacking Brennan for stripping the Benghazi heroes of their security clearances fro coming forward and telling America what really happened?

Looked up the def of snowflake yet?
Slavery supporters?
Omg, Benghazi.
Never a mention of ronnies 250 dead marines.?
Hey what service has Brennan done, nowhere near as much as our old white fart poster I'll bet
I thought your synopsis of why we haven't heard anything on it and why they are waiting to prosecute is funny because you don't even know if there is anything, any thing at all that they have that can even be prosecuted.... Huber has not even drawn a grand jury, as far as I've seen or heard about.... and that would be the first step he would take if there were crimes to be prosecuted.... so, was laughing at the gymnastics you took to reach that kind of opinion!!

It's not a very exhausting gynastic exercise at all. Just great analysis of the realities that exist.

1) For the same reason that CONGRESS could not pry the fundamental documents out of FBI/DOJ on the FISA applications and the initial spying on the Trump campaign --- no other prosecutor can step on the toes of an EXISTING investigation. So the Huber team has to honor the "ongoing investigation" of the Mueller team before activating the offense.

2) The INTERNAL investigation of the FBI/DOJ Inspector General is only 1/3 through the process that THEY started. And the IG is a respected Agency that produces the BEST investigative services in the ENTIRETY of the Fed Govt. They released the "hillary clinton" report. But there is are TWO MORE REPORTS imminent. One on the FISA abuse and the political spying that transpired, and the other is on FBI abuses on their role in marketing and BUYING INTO the phony as shit dossier and related matters. The latter includes a review of all the firing, demotions, transfers and sanctions that have affected about 24 high ranking FBI officials.

3) The IG reports are not subject to "sequestering" information about on-going investigations, because the IG (as you said) has NO subpoena or prosecutorial abilities.

I didn't wing it. It's obvious connecting of the dots. Don't doubt me. I'm a better dot-connector than 85% of the "talking heads" on cable news and don't expect ANY of the biased "investigative" fake newspapers to do this for you...

It's GONNA HAPPEN. Don't doubt that. But Mueller has to wave the white flag before it does. And Mueller is staring at absolute humiliation because PapaDop and Flynn and Page may withdraw any guilty pleas to "process crimes" because of all the evidence their attorneys were deprived of at trial. And if they in whole or in part decide on a FULL TRIAL --- All that garbage about inserting professional "instigators" into the Repub campaign to "dirty up" these folks will go front and center in all THREE of the trials.

Not only that -- but the Russian internet trolls he indicted have asked for discovery and are considering a trial also. Mueller does not WANT a trial on ANY of those cases. Because all the dirty deeds would be revealed in Public... THAT was totally unexpected. But Russian Trolls are smart and devious and know that the BIGGER DAMAGE to the US political system is to FORCE Mueller to confront all the dirt that occurred in the US Intel/FBI during these past 3 years.
You must have a very empty life. Do you have to do CAPS?
Why don't you go to college and do something productive?
I thought your synopsis of why we haven't heard anything on it and why they are waiting to prosecute is funny because you don't even know if there is anything, any thing at all that they have that can even be prosecuted.... Huber has not even drawn a grand jury, as far as I've seen or heard about.... and that would be the first step he would take if there were crimes to be prosecuted.... so, was laughing at the gymnastics you took to reach that kind of opinion!!

It's not a very exhausting gynastic exercise at all. Just great analysis of the realities that exist.

1) For the same reason that CONGRESS could not pry the fundamental documents out of FBI/DOJ on the FISA applications and the initial spying on the Trump campaign --- no other prosecutor can step on the toes of an EXISTING investigation. So the Huber team has to honor the "ongoing investigation" of the Mueller team before activating the offense.

2) The INTERNAL investigation of the FBI/DOJ Inspector General is only 1/3 through the process that THEY started. And the IG is a respected Agency that produces the BEST investigative services in the ENTIRETY of the Fed Govt. They released the "hillary clinton" report. But there is are TWO MORE REPORTS imminent. One on the FISA abuse and the political spying that transpired, and the other is on FBI abuses on their role in marketing and BUYING INTO the phony as shit dossier and related matters. The latter includes a review of all the firing, demotions, transfers and sanctions that have affected about 24 high ranking FBI officials.

3) The IG reports are not subject to "sequestering" information about on-going investigations, because the IG (as you said) has NO subpoena or prosecutorial abilities.

I didn't wing it. It's obvious connecting of the dots. Don't doubt me. I'm a better dot-connector than 85% of the "talking heads" on cable news and don't expect ANY of the biased "investigative" fake newspapers to do this for you...

It's GONNA HAPPEN. Don't doubt that. But Mueller has to wave the white flag before it does. And Mueller is staring at absolute humiliation because PapaDop and Flynn and Page may withdraw any guilty pleas to "process crimes" because of all the evidence their attorneys were deprived of at trial. And if they in whole or in part decide on a FULL TRIAL --- All that garbage about inserting professional "instigators" into the Repub campaign to "dirty up" these folks will go front and center in all THREE of the trials.

Not only that -- but the Russian internet trolls he indicted have asked for discovery and are considering a trial also. Mueller does not WANT a trial on ANY of those cases. Because all the dirty deeds would be revealed in Public... THAT was totally unexpected. But Russian Trolls are smart and devious and know that the BIGGER DAMAGE to the US political system is to FORCE Mueller to confront all the dirt that occurred in the US Intel/FBI during these past 3 years.
You must have a very empty life. Do you have to do CAPS?
Why don't you go to college and do something productive?

have you seen colleges lately?
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.

Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The dossier was passed to Dingy Harry Reid by Brennan and Reid crafted a letter demanding Comey investigate Trump.

It's all coming out now and that's why Brennan is railing like a snowflake the night Trump was elected.

Liberal and snowflake. Wow, 2 words in the same sentence our uneducated white boy doesn't know the meaning of
No Latin in confederate land?
Easier to spew knees news?
Never a mention of our rapist liar who has told 3000 lies since his inception.?
And never a mention of why dons first year was the worst job creation in the last 6.?
All our don cult don't care, they are all sucking off their commie SS Medicare VA benefits
I thought your synopsis of why we haven't heard anything on it and why they are waiting to prosecute is funny because you don't even know if there is anything, any thing at all that they have that can even be prosecuted.... Huber has not even drawn a grand jury, as far as I've seen or heard about.... and that would be the first step he would take if there were crimes to be prosecuted.... so, was laughing at the gymnastics you took to reach that kind of opinion!!

It's not a very exhausting gynastic exercise at all. Just great analysis of the realities that exist.

1) For the same reason that CONGRESS could not pry the fundamental documents out of FBI/DOJ on the FISA applications and the initial spying on the Trump campaign --- no other prosecutor can step on the toes of an EXISTING investigation. So the Huber team has to honor the "ongoing investigation" of the Mueller team before activating the offense.

2) The INTERNAL investigation of the FBI/DOJ Inspector General is only 1/3 through the process that THEY started. And the IG is a respected Agency that produces the BEST investigative services in the ENTIRETY of the Fed Govt. They released the "hillary clinton" report. But there is are TWO MORE REPORTS imminent. One on the FISA abuse and the political spying that transpired, and the other is on FBI abuses on their role in marketing and BUYING INTO the phony as shit dossier and related matters. The latter includes a review of all the firing, demotions, transfers and sanctions that have affected about 24 high ranking FBI officials.

3) The IG reports are not subject to "sequestering" information about on-going investigations, because the IG (as you said) has NO subpoena or prosecutorial abilities.

I didn't wing it. It's obvious connecting of the dots. Don't doubt me. I'm a better dot-connector than 85% of the "talking heads" on cable news and don't expect ANY of the biased "investigative" fake newspapers to do this for you...

It's GONNA HAPPEN. Don't doubt that. But Mueller has to wave the white flag before it does. And Mueller is staring at absolute humiliation because PapaDop and Flynn and Page may withdraw any guilty pleas to "process crimes" because of all the evidence their attorneys were deprived of at trial. And if they in whole or in part decide on a FULL TRIAL --- All that garbage about inserting professional "instigators" into the Repub campaign to "dirty up" these folks will go front and center in all THREE of the trials.

Not only that -- but the Russian internet trolls he indicted have asked for discovery and are considering a trial also. Mueller does not WANT a trial on ANY of those cases. Because all the dirty deeds would be revealed in Public... THAT was totally unexpected. But Russian Trolls are smart and devious and know that the BIGGER DAMAGE to the US political system is to FORCE Mueller to confront all the dirt that occurred in the US Intel/FBI during these past 3 years.
You must have a very empty life. Do you have to do CAPS?
Why don't you go to college and do something productive?

Spent too much time in Academia already. In fields that got me VERY productive careers.

The "caps thing" is an effective way to have a convo over anything electronic. It's the way people use inflection and emphasis in ACTUAL conversation that separate GREAT speakers from ineffective ones. In the absence of ACTUAL conversation, it's been a very efficient way to be understood and get more productive replies.

Got any other gripes about it -- PM me...
All common sense-thinking Americans need to do, is look to the fact only Trump and his associates are being investigated. No Democrats are being investigated. That, despite knowing Obama and Clinton colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. Folks just need to look to the Ohr-Steele connection. It connects the Obama Administration to the Collusion.

It was all a well-coordinated attack. Only Trump being investigated, tells the tale. Something's very wrong. And i think most Americans know that. When the Democrat Witch Hunt is over, it'll be time to go after Obama and Clinton.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the suck Koch are behind this.

Yeah, the Koch's are old Bush cronies. They'll never forgive Trump for kicking Jebby Bush's ass. He made him look like a whimpering fool. So, you have the most powerful NWO Globalist powers in the Koch brothers and Soros, aligned against Trump. Makes you think he can't possibly survive. But i guess we'll see. I'm prayin for the dude.
bush begging people to clap on queue made bush look like a fool.
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.

Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The dossier was passed to Dingy Harry Reid by Brennan and Reid crafted a letter demanding Comey investigate Trump.

It's all coming out now and that's why Brennan is railing like a snowflake the night Trump was elected.

Liberal and snowflake. Wow, 2 words in the same sentence our uneducated white boy doesn't know the meaning of
No Latin in confederate land?
Easier to spew knees news?
Never a mention of our rapist liar who has told 3000 lies since his inception.?
And never a mention of why dons first year was the worst job creation in the last 6.?
All our don cult don't care, they are all sucking off their commie SS Medicare VA benefits
3000 lies since his inception?

hell hillary knocked that shit out by lunch on any given day.
I thought your synopsis of why we haven't heard anything on it and why they are waiting to prosecute is funny because you don't even know if there is anything, any thing at all that they have that can even be prosecuted.... Huber has not even drawn a grand jury, as far as I've seen or heard about.... and that would be the first step he would take if there were crimes to be prosecuted.... so, was laughing at the gymnastics you took to reach that kind of opinion!!

It's not a very exhausting gynastic exercise at all. Just great analysis of the realities that exist.

1) For the same reason that CONGRESS could not pry the fundamental documents out of FBI/DOJ on the FISA applications and the initial spying on the Trump campaign --- no other prosecutor can step on the toes of an EXISTING investigation. So the Huber team has to honor the "ongoing investigation" of the Mueller team before activating the offense.

2) The INTERNAL investigation of the FBI/DOJ Inspector General is only 1/3 through the process that THEY started. And the IG is a respected Agency that produces the BEST investigative services in the ENTIRETY of the Fed Govt. They released the "hillary clinton" report. But there is are TWO MORE REPORTS imminent. One on the FISA abuse and the political spying that transpired, and the other is on FBI abuses on their role in marketing and BUYING INTO the phony as shit dossier and related matters. The latter includes a review of all the firing, demotions, transfers and sanctions that have affected about 24 high ranking FBI officials.

3) The IG reports are not subject to "sequestering" information about on-going investigations, because the IG (as you said) has NO subpoena or prosecutorial abilities.

I didn't wing it. It's obvious connecting of the dots. Don't doubt me. I'm a better dot-connector than 85% of the "talking heads" on cable news and don't expect ANY of the biased "investigative" fake newspapers to do this for you...

It's GONNA HAPPEN. Don't doubt that. But Mueller has to wave the white flag before it does. And Mueller is staring at absolute humiliation because PapaDop and Flynn and Page may withdraw any guilty pleas to "process crimes" because of all the evidence their attorneys were deprived of at trial. And if they in whole or in part decide on a FULL TRIAL --- All that garbage about inserting professional "instigators" into the Repub campaign to "dirty up" these folks will go front and center in all THREE of the trials.

Not only that -- but the Russian internet trolls he indicted have asked for discovery and are considering a trial also. Mueller does not WANT a trial on ANY of those cases. Because all the dirty deeds would be revealed in Public... THAT was totally unexpected. But Russian Trolls are smart and devious and know that the BIGGER DAMAGE to the US political system is to FORCE Mueller to confront all the dirt that occurred in the US Intel/FBI during these past 3 years.
You must have a very empty life. Do you have to do CAPS?
Why don't you go to college and do something productive?

Spent too much time in Academia already. In fields that got me VERY productive careers.

The "caps thing" is an effective way to have a convo over anything electronic. It's the way people use inflection and emphasis in ACTUAL conversation that separate GREAT speakers from ineffective ones. In the absence of ACTUAL conversation, it's been a very efficient way to be understood and get more productive replies.

Got any other gripes about it -- PM me...

Modest fellow I see.
Enjoy your commie benefits
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.

Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The dossier was passed to Dingy Harry Reid by Brennan and Reid crafted a letter demanding Comey investigate Trump.

It's all coming out now and that's why Brennan is railing like a snowflake the night Trump was elected.

Liberal and snowflake. Wow, 2 words in the same sentence our uneducated white boy doesn't know the meaning of
No Latin in confederate land?
Easier to spew knees news?
Never a mention of our rapist liar who has told 3000 lies since his inception.?
And never a mention of why dons first year was the worst job creation in the last 6.?
All our don cult don't care, they are all sucking off their commie SS Medicare VA benefits
3000 lies since his inception?

hell hillary knocked that shit out by lunch on any given day.
Does she have a website devoted to her lies ?
Please let me know.
I guess you believe "who cares"
Spewed by knees news way out of context but I guess you swallowed it.
Any more? "The video caused it?"
Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.

Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The dossier was passed to Dingy Harry Reid by Brennan and Reid crafted a letter demanding Comey investigate Trump.

It's all coming out now and that's why Brennan is railing like a snowflake the night Trump was elected.

Liberal and snowflake. Wow, 2 words in the same sentence our uneducated white boy doesn't know the meaning of
No Latin in confederate land?
Easier to spew knees news?
Never a mention of our rapist liar who has told 3000 lies since his inception.?
And never a mention of why dons first year was the worst job creation in the last 6.?
All our don cult don't care, they are all sucking off their commie SS Medicare VA benefits
3000 lies since his inception?

hell hillary knocked that shit out by lunch on any given day.
Does she have a website devoted to her lies ?
Please let me know.
I guess you believe "who cares"
Spewed by knees news way out of context but I guess you swallowed it.
Any more? "The video caused it?"
hillary clinton lies at DuckDuckGo
several to be honest. and some youtube videos of lie after lie after lie.

you seem to swallow the same trump stuff but you call it honesty.

in regard to the topic at hand, i now see hogg is bitching about waters and trying to get rid of her. now THATS a pay per view i'd watch.
Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.

Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The dossier was passed to Dingy Harry Reid by Brennan and Reid crafted a letter demanding Comey investigate Trump.

It's all coming out now and that's why Brennan is railing like a snowflake the night Trump was elected.

Liberal and snowflake. Wow, 2 words in the same sentence our uneducated white boy doesn't know the meaning of
No Latin in confederate land?
Easier to spew knees news?
Never a mention of our rapist liar who has told 3000 lies since his inception.?
And never a mention of why dons first year was the worst job creation in the last 6.?
All our don cult don't care, they are all sucking off their commie SS Medicare VA benefits
3000 lies since his inception?

hell hillary knocked that shit out by lunch on any given day.
Does she have a website devoted to her lies ?
Please let me know.
I guess you believe "who cares"
Spewed by knees news way out of context but I guess you swallowed it.
Any more? "The video caused it?"
No conservatives have lives and more important things. Our entire life is not defined by politics like the lefties are.
Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The dossier was passed to Dingy Harry Reid by Brennan and Reid crafted a letter demanding Comey investigate Trump.

It's all coming out now and that's why Brennan is railing like a snowflake the night Trump was elected.

Liberal and snowflake. Wow, 2 words in the same sentence our uneducated white boy doesn't know the meaning of
No Latin in confederate land?
Easier to spew knees news?
Never a mention of our rapist liar who has told 3000 lies since his inception.?
And never a mention of why dons first year was the worst job creation in the last 6.?
All our don cult don't care, they are all sucking off their commie SS Medicare VA benefits
3000 lies since his inception?

hell hillary knocked that shit out by lunch on any given day.
Does she have a website devoted to her lies ?
Please let me know.
I guess you believe "who cares"
Spewed by knees news way out of context but I guess you swallowed it.
Any more? "The video caused it?"
hillary clinton lies at DuckDuckGo
several to be honest. and some youtube videos of lie after lie after lie.

you seem to swallow the same trump stuff but you call it honesty.

in regard to the topic at hand, i now see hogg is bitching about waters and trying to get rid of her. now THATS a pay per view i'd watch.
DuckDuckGo go, now there's a reasonable site

Try this for Don the con
Every false claim Donald Trump has made as president
Might only be 2600 lies.
This is the guy who said his Vietnam sacrifice was not to get a STD .
How any vet can support this guy is beyond me
The one who is in really deep shit and could sing the loudest
is Bruce Ohr.

The #4 man at the DOJ was being paid by someone for the
info he was providing. Well, he and his wife were getting money
on the side.

That's as big a no-no as it gets.

The guy is the weakest link into the entire chain of conspirators.
He could start a domino effect that gets a bunch of people some
real time.

We just have to get rid of Sessions and Rosenstein and have a real
AG go to work

Ohr is a rube, told by his wife what to do. He'll cave. His messages are disastrous and Congress is going to bring him down. Strzok claimed Ohr didn't pass the information to him so if he wasn't lying Ohr was passing it to Yates. So you know damn well Lynch knew about it. They overplayed their hand and it's going to come out. Grassley will see to it.

Going to be fun watching these losers fall.

Strzok claimed Ohr didn't give him the info, but he did say the FBI allowed
Strzok to tell the committee that Ohr did give the info to the FBI.

The problem with that is someone took it at the FBI AFTER, the FBI had
refused to pay Steele for the info, when they fired him. That establishes
Ohr as the back-door channel to the FBI from Steele.

The FBI will have to explain that away. The money that Ohr took is gonna
be what forces him to cave. He's going to have to out somebody to protect
himself from prison.

The dossier was passed to Dingy Harry Reid by Brennan and Reid crafted a letter demanding Comey investigate Trump.

It's all coming out now and that's why Brennan is railing like a snowflake the night Trump was elected.

Liberal and snowflake. Wow, 2 words in the same sentence our uneducated white boy doesn't know the meaning of
No Latin in confederate land?
Easier to spew knees news?
Never a mention of our rapist liar who has told 3000 lies since his inception.?
And never a mention of why dons first year was the worst job creation in the last 6.?
All our don cult don't care, they are all sucking off their commie SS Medicare VA benefits
3000 lies since his inception?

hell hillary knocked that shit out by lunch on any given day.
I missed what you did for 911 families.
The dossier was passed to Dingy Harry Reid by Brennan and Reid crafted a letter demanding Comey investigate Trump.

It's all coming out now and that's why Brennan is railing like a snowflake the night Trump was elected.

Liberal and snowflake. Wow, 2 words in the same sentence our uneducated white boy doesn't know the meaning of
No Latin in confederate land?
Easier to spew knees news?
Never a mention of our rapist liar who has told 3000 lies since his inception.?
And never a mention of why dons first year was the worst job creation in the last 6.?
All our don cult don't care, they are all sucking off their commie SS Medicare VA benefits
3000 lies since his inception?

hell hillary knocked that shit out by lunch on any given day.
Does she have a website devoted to her lies ?
Please let me know.
I guess you believe "who cares"
Spewed by knees news way out of context but I guess you swallowed it.
Any more? "The video caused it?"
hillary clinton lies at DuckDuckGo
several to be honest. and some youtube videos of lie after lie after lie.

you seem to swallow the same trump stuff but you call it honesty.

in regard to the topic at hand, i now see hogg is bitching about waters and trying to get rid of her. now THATS a pay per view i'd watch.
DuckDuckGo go, now there's a reasonable site

Try this for Don the con
Every false claim Donald Trump has made as president
Might only be 2600 lies.
This is the guy who said his Vietnam sacrifice was not to get a STD .
How any vet can support this guy is beyond me
um...it's not a site per se, it's a search engine.

there should be a base comprehension test for people before being allowed on the internet.

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