obama cuts diplomatic ties with Russia

1. Obama took over six months to make the decision to take bin Laden out.

Which was seven years less than Bush took. And Bush failed.

2. Trump was against the Iraq war.

You know what right wingers were calling people against the Iraq war during that period? Traitors.

Why are you pseudocons working so hard to prove Trump was a traitor?

You know what else Trump was against? The surge. He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq. THE VERY SAME THINKING HE NOW BLAMES FOR THE RISE OF ISIS!

Trump was a registered Democrat before and all during that war. And he couldn't say enough good things about the Clintons.

A goddam cut and run liberal traitor is now the GOP nominee, and he brought all you fucking traitors with him.
Imo, the basic question the neocons, the less than neocons (Hillary) and the anti-neocons (Obama) never really answered was "Was there ever any real alternative to Assad that was a. morally better b. able to stabilize Syria while not doing Putin's bidding in destabilizing W. Europe with refugees?"
The thin skin of Obama has been front and center his whole term in office. He and Hillary wanted a reset with Russia, when that failed and Putin made Obama look bad he started his campaign against Putin. Everyone talks about Trumps thin skin but it's Obama that has no patience for people that slight him in any way. If he had another few years in office he would have us well into WW111. Thanl God his days in office are numbered.
I see all of the pootin bootlickers are showing up for their hero. Disgusting un-American scum.

he's more American than this raghead coon you call a president

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
So why did you vote for Obama after he told Putin to wait till after the election so he would be able to work with him better? Your true colors?

I have no idea what your post has to do with my post observing that the poster was

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
You are saying we support Putin. Which is a lie, we admire seeing a leader..

This is the post I was responding to- do you agree with the poster- or do you find it as racist and offensive and as Pro-Putin as I do?

he's more American than this raghead coon you call a president

If you are going to respond to a post of mine- don't be a troll- respond to my post- not something else.

So do you agree with the poster that President Obama is a 'raghead coon'?
Do you think that Putin is more American than President Obama?
1. Obama took over six months to make the decision to take bin Laden out.

Which was seven years less than Bush took. And Bush failed.

2. Trump was against the Iraq war.

You know what right wingers were calling people against the Iraq war during that period? Traitors.

Why are you pseudocons working so hard to prove Trump was a traitor?

You know what else Trump was against? The surge. He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq. THE VERY SAME THINKING HE NOW BLAMES FOR THE RISE OF ISIS!

Trump was a registered Democrat before and all during that war. And he couldn't say enough good things about the Clintons.

A goddam cut and run liberal traitor is now the GOP nominee, and he brought all you fucking traitors with him.
1. Obama couldn't of gotten bin Laden without the Intel that was got through water boarding. So if it was up to Obama, bin Laden would still be alive.
2. While I supported the Iraq war I never called anyone a traitor for being against it. I started calling you liberal dumbasses traitors when you started gleefully counting the deaths of our great soldiers daily. For political purpose.
Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.
Kerry needs to get ahold of Hillary's reset button.

Putin laughs at Kerry and Obungles. He knows they are all bark and no bite
Stop sucking Putin's cock. Seriously.

I have not seen such anti-American assholes like you since the 70s. I'm going to give you the same advice we gave to them. If you fellow travelers of the KGB thug love Russia so much, you should move there.
The problem is that Obamadrangementsyndrome leads even somewhat logical people to view this as "who has bigger balls." Obama chose to take on the military of a nuclear power to kill bin laden ... so arguing who has bigger balls is not just distracting but it's stupid. Obama opposed Iraq, unlike Trump or Clinton, and he went where Bushes were afraid to go.

The criticism of Obama is that he's failed to define what outcome in Syria is minimally acceptable to us, and what we're willing to do to get it.

What Syria reveals about the new world order - BBC News

We had a line in the sand over chemical weapons and then having Assad go was out bottom line. However, when an ambassador was killed in a weapons deal gone bad, and when Iran's cooperation in a nuclear deal was necessary, we abandoned removing Assad. And, imo, Obama's willingness to regime change, and chance what might replace Assad, has always been a question. And that may say something about our first internationally, multi-cultural potus who saw Indonesia play out with Sukarno and Suharto. He may just not have the stomach for dipping his hands in a civil war.

It may be like the article says all the players may see that peace is not necessarily the best outcome. And that's a morally damning thing.
1. Obama took over six months to make the decision to take bin Laden out.
Thanks for recognizing that President Obama was responsible for taking bin Ladin out.
he's more American than this raghead coon you call a president

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
So why did you vote for Obama after he told Putin to wait till after the election so he would be able to work with him better? Your true colors?

I have no idea what your post has to do with my post observing that the poster was

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
You are saying we support Putin. Which is a lie, we admire seeing a leader..

This is the post I was responding to- do you agree with the poster- or do you find it as racist and offensive and as Pro-Putin as I do?

he's more American than this raghead coon you call a president

If you are going to respond to a post of mine- don't be a troll- respond to my post- not something else.

So do you agree with the poster that President Obama is a 'raghead coon'?
Do you think that Putin is more American than President Obama?
No, Obama is a dumbass that needs to go away after the election.
1. Obama took over six months to make the decision to take bin Laden out.

Which was seven years less than Bush took. And Bush failed.

2. Trump was against the Iraq war.

You know what right wingers were calling people against the Iraq war during that period? Traitors.

Why are you pseudocons working so hard to prove Trump was a traitor?

You know what else Trump was against? The surge. He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq. THE VERY SAME THINKING HE NOW BLAMES FOR THE RISE OF ISIS!

Trump was a registered Democrat before and all during that war. And he couldn't say enough good things about the Clintons.

A goddam cut and run liberal traitor is now the GOP nominee, and he brought all you fucking traitors with him.
1. Obama couldn't of gotten bin Laden without the Intel that was got through water boarding. So if it was up to Obama, bin Laden would still be alive.
2. While I supported the Iraq war I never called anyone a traitor for being against it. I started calling you liberal dumbasses traitors when you started gleefully counting the deaths of our great soldiers daily. For political purpose.

You started calling anyone who disagreed with you names in junior high. You just haven't stopped.
1. Obama took over six months to make the decision to take bin Laden out.
2. Trump was against the Iraq war.

WOW, why not go for THREE lies in a row....???
What lies? What I said is the truth. Now Clinton supported and voted for the Iraq war.

FACTS: The only report that found Trump speaking about the Iraq war before it happened was by Buzzfeed News, which reported that in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Trump was directly asked if he would support the invasion of Iraq, which didn't begin until March 2003. "Yeah, I guess so," Trump responded. "I wish the first time it was done correctly."

VERDICT: False. Trump admitted to supporting the Iraq war in 2002 before the war began though he did progressively change his decision publicly within the next year.

It bears mentioning that Trump vice presidential pick Mike Pence strongly supported the Iraq War — he co-sponsored and voted in favor of the bill authorizing the Iraq War when he was a House representative from Indiana, and opposed measures to set a timeline to withdraw troops.

Fact-checking Trump on his support for the Iraq War
Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.

That is entirely misleading.

We did NOT cut diplomatic ties with Russia or anything close to it.

We broke of negotiations on dealing with Allepo, nothing more.
ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
So why did you vote for Obama after he told Putin to wait till after the election so he would be able to work with him better? Your true colors?

I have no idea what your post has to do with my post observing that the poster was

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
You are saying we support Putin. Which is a lie, we admire seeing a leader..

This is the post I was responding to- do you agree with the poster- or do you find it as racist and offensive and as Pro-Putin as I do?

he's more American than this raghead coon you call a president

If you are going to respond to a post of mine- don't be a troll- respond to my post- not something else.

So do you agree with the poster that President Obama is a 'raghead coon'?
Do you think that Putin is more American than President Obama?
No, Obama is a dumbass that needs to go away after the election.

This is the post I was responding to- do you agree with the poster- or do you find it as racist and offensive and as Pro-Putin as I do?

he's more American than this raghead coon you call a president

If you are going to respond to a post of mine- don't be a troll- respond to my post- not something else.

So do you agree with the poster that President Obama is a 'raghead coon'?
Do you think that Putin is more American than President Obama?

No to which- do you think that President Obama is a 'raghead coon'?
Or do you think that Putin is more American than President Obama?

Just want to point out- you have had no objection in this thread to the racist comments made about President Obama.
1. Obama took over six months to make the decision to take bin Laden out.

Which was seven years less than Bush took. And Bush failed.

2. Trump was against the Iraq war.

You know what right wingers were calling people against the Iraq war during that period? Traitors.

Why are you pseudocons working so hard to prove Trump was a traitor?

You know what else Trump was against? The surge. He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq. THE VERY SAME THINKING HE NOW BLAMES FOR THE RISE OF ISIS!

Trump was a registered Democrat before and all during that war. And he couldn't say enough good things about the Clintons.

A goddam cut and run liberal traitor is now the GOP nominee, and he brought all you fucking traitors with him.
1. Obama couldn't of gotten bin Laden without the Intel that was got through water boarding. So if it was up to Obama, bin Laden would still be alive.
2. While I supported the Iraq war I never called anyone a traitor for being against it. I started calling you liberal dumbasses traitors when you started gleefully counting the deaths of our great soldiers daily. For political purpose.

You started calling anyone who disagreed with you names in junior high. You just haven't stopped.
So you support using our soldiers deaths for political gains? Got it.
Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.

Just the Syrian talks.
The thin skin of Obama has been front and center his whole term in office. He and Hillary wanted a reset with Russia, when that failed and Putin made Obama look bad he started his campaign against Putin. Everyone talks about Trumps thin skin but it's Obama that has no patience for people that slight him in any way. If he had another few years in office he would have us well into WW111. Thanl God his days in office are numbered.
W wanted a Russian reset, and Putin may well own Trump financially. Russia is a distraction (unless Putin owns you) to the real issue of a multi-generational ideological warfare we are in with individual human rights v. totalitarianism in it's new radical Islamic garb. Both W and Obama wanted Putin appeased and off the table so they could go after bigger game. Putin does not want to be appeased. His goals of a new Russian Empire are well beyond his means ... unless we choose to go with Trump.
The thin skin of Obama has been front and center his whole term in office. He and Hillary wanted a reset with Russia, when that failed and Putin made Obama look bad he started his campaign against Putin. Everyone talks about Trumps thin skin but it's Obama that has no patience for people that slight him in any way. If he had another few years in office he would have us well into WW111. Thanl God his days in office are numbered.

President Obama is somewhat thin skinned- and that has really hurt him.

Trump has vastly thinner skin- and takes offense at everything and anything. And this is the man you want to be President.

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