obama cuts diplomatic ties with Russia

Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.
Kerry needs to get ahold of Hillary's reset button.

Putin laughs at Kerry and Obungles. He knows they are all bark and no bite
Stop sucking Putin's cock. Seriously.

I have not seen such anti-American assholes like you since the 70s. I'm going to give you the same advice we gave to them. If you fellow travelers of the KGB thug love Russia so much, you should move there.

Does Putin do what he wants?

Nope. He's weak. He's nothing. He failed at invading and taking over the Ukraine.

And he's a war criminal. Stop idolizing him, traitor.

Last time I checked, Putin was still in the Ukraine controlling Crimea.

He may be weak but so are we. That doesn't mean he isn't going to start something
How cons fawn over Putin, lordy they need someone who will tell them what to do and when to do it.

Russia isn't going to war with anyone, they are about as strong as Greece.
the question is why they fawn. I certainly find faults with Obama's views on when and where we commit to using our forces directly, but that's hardly putting rose water on Putin.

They need a daddy figure who will tell them how it's going to be. The same appeal as Trump. "My way or the highway". They need this. Even though it is tyrannic, it is the certainty of the tyrant they crave.
Russia's economy has been in recession for 18 months

Six quarters now. Russia has been in a deep recession for six quarters.

The KGB thug is a MUCH better leader than Obama! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Our anti-American traitors are in love with a war criminal and a leader who has utterly failed his people.

It gets better.

Putin has orchestrated invasions of 2 neighboring countries- Ukraine and Georgia.
Encouraged the religious discrimination against religions other than the Orthodox Church- AND
has allowed sharia law to be implemented within Russia
As Ioffe writes, “Christian warrior Vladimir Putin” has allowed for the Chechen government to enforce Islamic religious law within its boundaries. Putin’s decision to allow Chechnya to become “a small Islamic state within the borders of the Russian Federation” has paved the way for the legalization of polygamy

Putin is everything that the right wing has accused Obama of being.

A Marxist totalitarian.
And someone "clinton" who can't treat the people who would give their life for theirs with respect. They sure as he'll doesn't

You're getting incoherent....even more than usual which is not an easy task for you....LOL (try a strong laxative.)u
Putin should do us all a favor and demand regime change. Give obungle 24 hours to get out of town.
And someone "clinton" who can't treat the people who would give their life for theirs with respect. They sure as he'll doesn't

You're getting incoherent....even more than usual which is not an easy task for you....LOL (try a strong laxative.)u
There has been several books written by security detail of the horrors having to deal with her. She is a bitch.
Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.

Just the Syrian talks.

Which is why I said that it was likely just the talks in the op.

Growing tensions with Russia should be an issue. But both candidates would be bad on this issue so its not. Clinton is responsible for the current relationship with Russia since her reset. Trump is in bed with Putin.

Americans are going to be blindsided when Putin makes his next move whether before or after the election
Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.

Just the Syrian talks.

Which is why I said that it was likely just the talks in the op.

Growing tensions with Russia should be an issue. But both candidates would be bad on this issue so its not. Clinton is responsible for the current relationship with Russia since her reset. Trump is in bed with Putin.

Americans are going to be blindsided when Putin makes his next move whether before or after the election
Your OP was over the top. Putin does not want a war with the US. The Russia issue is more a festering grievance. When the Soviets gave up their satellites, Putin would see that as a strategic retreat. The West saw it as winning the cold war. The Baltics, Poland, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria all joined Nato because they and Nato realized that Russia planned to re-expand. Belarus went with Russia. The Ukraine had internal differences as to where its future lay.

That's a itsy teensy tinesy issue compared to a world conflict between Western humanism (encompassing the ideology of JPII and Thatcher) and totalitarianism justified on the notion of a God who views individuals as irrelevant.
Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.

Just the Syrian talks.

Which is why I said that it was likely just the talks in the op.

Growing tensions with Russia should be an issue. But both candidates would be bad on this issue so its not. Clinton is responsible for the current relationship with Russia since her reset. Trump is in bed with Putin.

Americans are going to be blindsided when Putin makes his next move whether before or after the election
Your OP was over the top. Putin does not want a war with the US. The Russia issue is more a festering grievance. When the Soviets gave up their satellites, Putin would see that as a strategic retreat. The West saw it as winning the cold war. The Baltics, Poland, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria all joined Nato because they and Nato realized that Russia planned to re-expand. Belarus went with Russia. The Ukraine had internal differences as to where its future lay.

That's a itsy teensy tinesy issue compared to a world conflict between Western humanism (encompassing the ideology of JPII and Thatcher) and totalitarianism justified on the notion of a God who views individuals as irrelevant.

Putin already is at war with us. Who do you think is behind the cyber attacks recently?

Why do you think he is rebuilding his military capabilities and nuclear arsenal? Why is he running civil defense drills with millions of his citizens?

The man is preparing for war. And I sure as heck dont think he is planning to nuke syria

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