obama cuts diplomatic ties with Russia

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia! Goodbye Latvia! Goodbye Lithuania! Goodbye Estonia!
Like I have said before. If Trump wins, goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Latvia! Goodbye Estonia! Goodbye Lithuania!

Trump has already signaled to Putin that NATO can't count on the United States.

And that is all Putin needs to hear.
Russia's economy has been in recession for 18 months

Six quarters now. Russia has been in a deep recession for six quarters.

The KGB thug is a MUCH better leader than Obama! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Our anti-American traitors are in love with a war criminal and a leader who has utterly failed his people.

I say some serious fracking in Eastern Europe for a few years could crucify Putin... We can do that... Even reducing the gas needed in winter by 50% would cut Russia's Government income by 40%... Putin will try and extend a ME war as it pushes up energy prices but OPEC are wise to him... I think OPEC want Putin gone...

As for the RW jokes here... They are a disgrace... They are willing to support a war criminal enemy of the US over there own President, they are a complete embarrassment...
Sassy actually cited Putin's propaganda arm (Sputnik News) as a source yesterday! I kid you not.

The traitors' masks are completely off now.
Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.
Kerry needs to get ahold of Hillary's reset button.

Putin laughs at Kerry and Obungles. He knows they are all bark and no bite
Stop sucking Putin's cock. Seriously.

I have not seen such anti-American assholes like you since the 70s. I'm going to give you the same advice we gave to them. If you fellow travelers of the KGB thug love Russia so much, you should move there.
The problem is that Obamadrangementsyndrome leads even somewhat logical people to view this as "who has bigger balls." Obama chose to take on the military of a nuclear power to kill bin laden ... so arguing who has bigger balls is not just distracting but it's stupid. Obama opposed Iraq, unlike Trump or Clinton, and he went where Bushes were afraid to go.

The criticism of Obama is that he's failed to define what outcome in Syria is minimally acceptable to us, and what we're willing to do to get it.

What Syria reveals about the new world order - BBC News

We had a line in the sand over chemical weapons and then having Assad go was out bottom line. However, when an ambassador was killed in a weapons deal gone bad, and when Iran's cooperation in a nuclear deal was necessary, we abandoned removing Assad. And, imo, Obama's willingness to regime change, and chance what might replace Assad, has always been a question. And that may say something about our first internationally, multi-cultural potus who saw Indonesia play out with Sukarno and Suharto. He may just not have the stomach for dipping his hands in a civil war.

It may be like the article says all the players may see that peace is not necessarily the best outcome. And that's a morally damning thing.
Putin is weak. His economy is in shambles, thanks to US efforts to keep the price of oil down. He's hurting. Bad.

Putin's role in the war on terror in Syria is minuscule. He can't even muster up more than a handful of tanks and planes.

The US fucked up by blowing up the Russian shadow to be much bigger than it really is. This fed right into Putin's desire to be seen as a power player.

And of course, the America-haters loved this image of Putin the burly strongmen, too, as can be seen right here in this topic.

Putin is weak. Now he is being cut down to his right size with this latest move.

Good. But probably too little too late from Obama.
You are clueless if you don't think Russia is up to date militarily.
I see all of the pootin bootlickers are showing up for their hero. Disgusting un-American scum.

he's more American than this raghead coon you call a president

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
So why did you vote for Obama after he told Putin to wait till after the election so he would be able to work with him better? Your true colors?

I have no idea what your post has to do with my post observing that the poster was

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
You are saying we support Putin. Which is a lie, we admire seeing a leader. Which we have been lacking for almost eight years. We are now a laughing stock. So why did you support Putin when you thought Obama would work with him. Since Putin told him to pound sand you hate Putin and support a weak Obama. Even Hillary tried to work with him and failed. Now that Trump can work with him we are anti-American, you're an idiot. Russia is a better ally than enemy. That is another reason Hillary cannot be president. Hope that helped.
Putin is weak. His economy is in shambles, thanks to US efforts to keep the price of oil down. He's hurting. Bad.

Putin's role in the war on terror in Syria is minuscule. He can't even muster up more than a handful of tanks and planes.

The US fucked up by blowing up the Russian shadow to be much bigger than it really is. This fed right into Putin's desire to be seen as a power player.

And of course, the America-haters loved this image of Putin the burly strongmen, too, as can be seen right here in this topic.

Putin is weak. Now he is being cut down to his right size with this latest move.

Good. But probably too little too late from Obama.
You are clueless if you don't think Russia is up to date militarily.
It costs a lot of money to act aggressively. Putin's well is dry.

I think he had all of 8 tanks in Syria.
I see all of the pootin bootlickers are showing up for their hero. Disgusting un-American scum.

he's more American than this raghead coon you call a president

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
So why did you vote for Obama after he told Putin to wait till after the election so he would be able to work with him better? Your true colors?

I have no idea what your post has to do with my post observing that the poster was

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
You are saying we support Putin. Which is a lie, we admire seeing a leader.

You are admiring a war criminal whose economy has been in recession for the past six quarters. So what the ever loving fuck do you admire about that, traitor?

No, what you "admire" is your fallacious perception that Putin is beating the pants off America.

You are a fucking asshole traitor chortling with glee over imaginary losses by America. You are down on your knees fellating a war criminal because...who the fuck knows. You are just a sick fuck drawn to murderous strong men. It's a thing with people like you.
Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.
Kerry needs to get ahold of Hillary's reset button.

Putin laughs at Kerry and Obungles. He knows they are all bark and no bite
Stop sucking Putin's cock. Seriously.

I have not seen such anti-American assholes like you since the 70s. I'm going to give you the same advice we gave to them. If you fellow travelers of the KGB thug love Russia so much, you should move there.
The problem is that Obamadrangementsyndrome leads even somewhat logical people to view this as "who has bigger balls." Obama chose to take on the military of a nuclear power to kill bin laden ... so arguing who has bigger balls is not just distracting but it's stupid. Obama opposed Iraq, unlike Trump or Clinton, and he went where Bushes were afraid to go.

The criticism of Obama is that he's failed to define what outcome in Syria is minimally acceptable to us, and what we're willing to do to get it.

What Syria reveals about the new world order - BBC News

We had a line in the sand over chemical weapons and then having Assad go was out bottom line. However, when an ambassador was killed in a weapons deal gone bad, and when Iran's cooperation in a nuclear deal was necessary, we abandoned removing Assad. And, imo, Obama's willingness to regime change, and chance what might replace Assad, has always been a question. And that may say something about our first internationally, multi-cultural potus who saw Indonesia play out with Sukarno and Suharto. He may just not have the stomach for dipping his hands in a civil war.

It may be like the article says all the players may see that peace is not necessarily the best outcome. And that's a morally damning thing.
1. Obama took over six months to make the decision to take bin Laden out.
2. Trump was against the Iraq war.
Putin is weak. His economy is in shambles, thanks to US efforts to keep the price of oil down. He's hurting. Bad.

Putin's role in the war on terror in Syria is minuscule. He can't even muster up more than a handful of tanks and planes.

The US fucked up by blowing up the Russian shadow to be much bigger than it really is. This fed right into Putin's desire to be seen as a power player.

And of course, the America-haters loved this image of Putin the burly strongmen, too, as can be seen right here in this topic.

Putin is weak. Now he is being cut down to his right size with this latest move.

Good. But probably too little too late from Obama.
You are clueless if you don't think Russia is up to date militarily.
It costs a lot of money to act aggressively. Putin's well is dry.

I think he had all of 8 tanks in Syria.
Well, it's pretty cheap for him to buck up a proxy who is fighting rebels without any sponsor. And that's not to argue for boots on the ground. I will wonder whether there was a deal to be had with a no fly zone, a partition and refugee safe havens.
Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.
Kerry needs to get ahold of Hillary's reset button.

Putin laughs at Kerry and Obungles. He knows they are all bark and no bite
Stop sucking Putin's cock. Seriously.

I have not seen such anti-American assholes like you since the 70s. I'm going to give you the same advice we gave to them. If you fellow travelers of the KGB thug love Russia so much, you should move there.
The problem is that Obamadrangementsyndrome leads even somewhat logical people to view this as "who has bigger balls." Obama chose to take on the military of a nuclear power to kill bin laden ... so arguing who has bigger balls is not just distracting but it's stupid. Obama opposed Iraq, unlike Trump or Clinton, and he went where Bushes were afraid to go.

The criticism of Obama is that he's failed to define what outcome in Syria is minimally acceptable to us, and what we're willing to do to get it.

What Syria reveals about the new world order - BBC News

We had a line in the sand over chemical weapons and then having Assad go was out bottom line. However, when an ambassador was killed in a weapons deal gone bad, and when Iran's cooperation in a nuclear deal was necessary, we abandoned removing Assad. And, imo, Obama's willingness to regime change, and chance what might replace Assad, has always been a question. And that may say something about our first internationally, multi-cultural potus who saw Indonesia play out with Sukarno and Suharto. He may just not have the stomach for dipping his hands in a civil war.

It may be like the article says all the players may see that peace is not necessarily the best outcome. And that's a morally damning thing.
1. Obama took over six months to make the decision to take bin Laden out.
2. Trump was against the Iraq war.

No Donnie Two Tone was all in until it went bad.
he's more American than this raghead coon you call a president

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
So why did you vote for Obama after he told Putin to wait till after the election so he would be able to work with him better? Your true colors?

I have no idea what your post has to do with my post observing that the poster was

ah I do love it when the Trump voters show their true colors.

  1. racist- check
  2. pro-Putin- check
  3. pro-Russian- check
You are saying we support Putin. Which is a lie, we admire seeing a leader.

You are admiring a war criminal whose economy has been in recession for the past six quarters. So what the ever loving fuck do you admire about that, traitor?

No, what you "admire" is your fallacious perception that Putin is beating the pants off America.

You are a fucking asshole traitor chortling with glee over your imaginary losses by America. You are down on your knees fellating a war criminal because...who the fuck knows. You are just a sick fuck.
No Putin is proud of his country, while Obama is ashamed of our country. You sir, are a sick fuck. Do you also apologize for America every where you go?
Kerry needs to get ahold of Hillary's reset button.

Putin laughs at Kerry and Obungles. He knows they are all bark and no bite
Stop sucking Putin's cock. Seriously.

I have not seen such anti-American assholes like you since the 70s. I'm going to give you the same advice we gave to them. If you fellow travelers of the KGB thug love Russia so much, you should move there.
The problem is that Obamadrangementsyndrome leads even somewhat logical people to view this as "who has bigger balls." Obama chose to take on the military of a nuclear power to kill bin laden ... so arguing who has bigger balls is not just distracting but it's stupid. Obama opposed Iraq, unlike Trump or Clinton, and he went where Bushes were afraid to go.

The criticism of Obama is that he's failed to define what outcome in Syria is minimally acceptable to us, and what we're willing to do to get it.

What Syria reveals about the new world order - BBC News

We had a line in the sand over chemical weapons and then having Assad go was out bottom line. However, when an ambassador was killed in a weapons deal gone bad, and when Iran's cooperation in a nuclear deal was necessary, we abandoned removing Assad. And, imo, Obama's willingness to regime change, and chance what might replace Assad, has always been a question. And that may say something about our first internationally, multi-cultural potus who saw Indonesia play out with Sukarno and Suharto. He may just not have the stomach for dipping his hands in a civil war.

It may be like the article says all the players may see that peace is not necessarily the best outcome. And that's a morally damning thing.
1. Obama took over six months to make the decision to take bin Laden out.
2. Trump was against the Iraq war.

No Donnie Two Tone was all in until it went bad.
Obama Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Russia

Not sure how accurate the title of the article it is. it's unclear whether its all ties with Russia, which seems unlikely, or just the ties in regard to Syria peace talks.

Meanwhile Russia is currently running a civil defense practice run to prepare for foreign attacks.

Sounds like Russia is preparing for war.

And we have two corrupt buffoons as frontrunners.
Kerry needs to get ahold of Hillary's reset button.

Putin laughs at Kerry and Obungles. He knows they are all bark and no bite
Stop sucking Putin's cock. Seriously.

I have not seen such anti-American assholes like you since the 70s. I'm going to give you the same advice we gave to them. If you fellow travelers of the KGB thug love Russia so much, you should move there.

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