Obama Declared Iraq Stable & Withdrew Our Troops

You still believe issis is the jv team the way Obama told you? He lied to you again. Just like he did when he told you he ended the Iraq war successfully..

Obama did not say he ended the war successfully. You are a liar.

I don't believe ISIL a JV team now. But when Obama said it they were a JV team proportionally compared to all Qaeda.

They have not accomplished under Obama anything near what Al Qaeada accomplished on US soil under Bush. So in that respect the U.S. Itself and 3000 of its people have suffered more at the hands of Al Qaeada than from ISIL.
You will believe what Obama tells you to believe, and Obama bragged about successfully ending the Iraq war before he screwed it up.
Weatherman 13563433
. Dumber than a bag of hammers. Not only Iraq, but Obama handed them all of Libyas oils fields.

You wrote, "not only in Iraq..." Do you believe ISIS has taken over all of Iraq's oil fields. Clue for the Clueless. The Iraqi government and Kurds control their entire oil infrastructure except for maybe a well or a few insignificant wells located only in Sunni areas that are still under ISIS control. ISIS has lost 40% of its territory gained in 2014 to government and Kurdush forces on the ground.

Your dream team is losing in Iraq the most, Syria second, and will within months be driven backwards in Libya.

We killed forty of those bastards in Libya yesterday including top leadership.
Clue for the Clueless. Cute. ISIS controls Iraqs largest oil refinery as well as several major oil fields. And is freely shipping and selling the oil to fund their terrorism. So who is the clueless one?

Inside Islamic State’s oil empire: how captured oilfields fuel Isis insurgency

Your link is dated 2014. This is 2016. Have you been asleep for over a year.
Yes, ISIS controls even more oil fields today. You didn't even know they controlled all of those oil field, CLUELESS.
You're just an ignorant stooge who swallows whatever Obama feeds you.
As long as it`s not you or your kids getting their legs blown off who cares? Nobody likes occupation forces in their country and they`ll send the body bags back to America for 100 years if that`s what it takes. Who wouldn`t?
Another Leftard pretending he cares about the military.
If YOU really cared about the military you would be demanding hearings as to why 4,500 died looking for wmds. Only the 4 dead in Benghazi seem to matter to rightards.
As long as it`s not you or your kids getting their legs blown off who cares? Nobody likes occupation forces in their country and they`ll send the body bags back to America for 100 years if that`s what it takes. Who wouldn`t?
Another Leftard pretending he cares about the military.
If YOU really cared about the military you would be demanding hearings as to why 4,500 died looking for wmds. Only the 4 dead in Benghazi seem to matter to rightards.
What an ignoramous liar. You need to invent BS so you can justify handing Islamofascist terrorists half the worlds oil.

Go talk to Clinton, he said Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Or is he part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy too, moron?
As long as it`s not you or your kids getting their legs blown off who cares? Nobody likes occupation forces in their country and they`ll send the body bags back to America for 100 years if that`s what it takes. Who wouldn`t?
Another Leftard pretending he cares about the military.
If YOU really cared about the military you would be demanding hearings as to why 4,500 died looking for wmds. Only the 4 dead in Benghazi seem to matter to rightards.
What an ignoramous liar. You need to invent BS so you can justify handing Islamofascist terrorists half the worlds oil.

Go talk to Clinton, he said Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Or is he part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy too, moron?
When the UN weapons inspectors failed to find wmds it was Gomer Bush who ordered the invasion. I`ll assume you were on another planet when this happened. You think Clinton invaded Iraq and you call someone else a moron. Good one! :)
As long as it`s not you or your kids getting their legs blown off who cares? Nobody likes occupation forces in their country and they`ll send the body bags back to America for 100 years if that`s what it takes. Who wouldn`t?
Another Leftard pretending he cares about the military.
If YOU really cared about the military you would be demanding hearings as to why 4,500 died looking for wmds. Only the 4 dead in Benghazi seem to matter to rightards.
What an ignoramous liar. You need to invent BS so you can justify handing Islamofascist terrorists half the worlds oil.

Go talk to Clinton, he said Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.
Or is he part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy too, moron?
When the UN weapons inspectors failed to find wmds it was Gomer Bush who ordered the invasion. I`ll assume you were on another planet when this happened. You think Clinton invaded Iraq and you call someone else a moron. Good one! :)
All you can do is lie lie lie. Anything you can do to support your terrorist buddies.
Weatherman 13564944
Yes, ISIS controls even more oil fields today. You didn't even know they controlled all of those oil field, CLUELESS.
You're just an ignorant stooge who swallows whatever Obama feeds you.

That is a lie, an I am calling you on it. Show us a current 2016 map showing oil fields in Iraq that ISIL controls.

Provide a current link or we can accept that you have no idea or accountability for what you write.

If what you say is true why is ISIS cutting everyone's salary in half top to bottom. It's because their oil revenue sources, mostly in Syria, are being blown to smithereens.
Hossfly 13563582
Who declared "Mission Accomplished"? Hint: It wasn't Bush.

He stood in front of a banner that read 'Mission Accomplished' and declared, "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed."

The banner was a graphic expression of what that entire stunt was all about.

More full text of the Mission Accomplished speech in the context that we all know that we live in a very graphic oriented world:

"Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country.

In this battle, we have fought for the cause of liberty, and for the peace of the world. Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment — yet it is you, the members of the United States military, who achieved it. Your courage — your willingness to face danger for your country and for each other — made this day possible. Because of you, our nation is more secure. Because of you, the tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is free."

He used the phrase 'this accomplishment' in the text of the speech as you can see, and you are demanding that 'this accomplishment' was not referring to what was graphically displayed on the huge banner mounted on an aircraft carrier coming home from the 'mission' in Iraq.

Yet you have the gall to participate in a thread that chops up President Obama's kind words to the troops at at Ft Bragg when after nine more years, and after 4484 dead of our own, they were being praised and welcomed home actually finally seeing Bush's surrender agreement from December 2008 reach the full withdrawal stage of U.S. Combat troops from being killed and wounded in Iraq.

You did not complain that the title of this thread distorts what Obama actually said, " all of it has led to this moment of success. Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people."

The liars hear left out the word "but" from a quote they cherry picked by Obama.

At that moment of 'success' in December 2011 Iraq was stable and governed enough that they would not allow US troops to stay one day longer than the end date of Bush's surrender agreement which was entrenched into Iraqi law in December of 2008 before Obama became Presudent.
However you want to give meaning to what was not said and what was actually done is all right by me. Reading comprehension is not required by liberal pukes. It's the interpretation.
Everyone remembers how determined Obama was to end the Iraq war. He was so enamored with how cool it would be for his legacy, he ignored the advice of his military command to maintain a presence there. His decisions in the Middle East have been 100% wrong. He is the worst Foreign Policy President in American history. No one even comes close.
Everyone remembers how determined Obama was to end the Iraq war. He was so enamored with how cool it would be for his legacy, he ignored the advice of his military command to maintain a presence there. His decisions in the Middle East have been 100% wrong. He is the worst Foreign Policy President in American history. No one even comes close.
this is not the truth
Everyone remembers how determined Obama was to end the Iraq war. He was so enamored with how cool it would be for his legacy, he ignored the advice of his military command to maintain a presence there. His decisions in the Middle East have been 100% wrong. He is the worst Foreign Policy President in American history. No one even comes close.
this is not the truth

So the guy who started the Iraq war is less to blame than the guy who ended it?

Um, wow. Just....wow.
The reason that the iraq war was a massive mistake is the reality that we were never going to stabilize the damn thing. Why shouldn't we get the fuck out?
So Obama lied to the world so his Islamofascist terrorist pals could take over one of the worlds top oil regions.

Got it.
Don't be such an idiot. Bush negotiated when we would leave. Get it through that tarded head.
Hossfly 13566567
However you want to give meaning to what was not said and what was actually done is all right by me. Reading comprehension is not required by liberal pukes. It's the interpretation.

Read and comprehend this:

("Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.")

Summarized In two words it is "mission accomplished.

If you have a problem with that comprehension try this.

("Major combat operations in Iraq have ended.")

Something has 'ended'. What did
Bush very explicitly declare 'ended' in
May of 2003? Major combat operations in Iraq had 'ended'.

Were major combat operations in Iraq over in May, 2003 Hossfly? Is that your interpretation of what Bush was saying under a banner that read "Mission Accomplished" Hossfly?

Now look back thirteen years. When did major combat operations in Iraq come to an end Hossfly.

What meaning do you give to what Bush said on the USS Abraham Lincoln in May 2003? Was he just kidding? Pulling your finger Hossfly?
Hossfly 13566567
However you want to give meaning to what was not said and what was actually done is all right by me. Reading comprehension is not required by liberal pukes. It's the interpretation.

Read and comprehend this:

("Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.")

Summarized In two words it is "mission accomplished.

If you have a problem with that comprehension try this.

("Major combat operations in Iraq have ended.")

Something has 'ended'. What did
Bush very explicitly declare 'ended' in
May of 2003? Major combat operations in Iraq had 'ended'.

Were major combat operations in Iraq over in May, 2003 Hossfly? Is that your interpretation of what Bush was saying under a banner that read "Mission Accomplished" Hossfly?

Now look back thirteen years. When did major combat operations in Iraq come to an end Hossfly.

What meaning do you give to what Bush said on the USS Abraham Lincoln in May 2003? Was he just kidding? Pulling your finger Hossfly?
The general conception is that Bush said "Mission accomplished". He said no such thing in those words. The crew had gone to Iraq on a deployment and when they returned to port, hoisted a banner that said "Mission accomplished". They were referring to their deployment and didn't imply the war was "over". For years liberal pukes have attributed the sentiment to Bush.They be wrong.
MarathonMike 13566996
He was so enamored with how cool it would be for his legacy, he ignored the advice of his military command to maintain a presence there.

There is not one single member of the U.S. Military command that advised their Commander-in-Chief to maintain a presence in Iraq after the deadline set by Bush was reached at the end if 2011.

Perhaps MarathonMike does not know that Iraq would not grant or extend immunity to US troops serving in an extended presence on Iraq's sovereign territory. No U.S. Military officer or any civilian adviser told Obama to keep troops in Iraq without immunity once Iraq decided immunity was not on the negotiating table and could not be approve in Iraq's Parliament.
Weatherman 13565085
Go talk to Clinton, he said Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office.

Sure he did - there were no UN inspectors in Iraq for two years. But idiot Bush did not listen to either Clinton in March 2003 on the best way to disarm Iraq of WMD if he actually had them. During the first half of March 2003, when there were UN inspectors in Iraq. Both Clintons told Bush in public to avoid war and give the inspectors more time.

So if you want to cite a Clinton, cite them also when they advised Bush to avoid war because inspection was a better way to resolve the WMD issue.
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Hossfly 13571128
The general conception is that Bush said "Mission accomplished". He said no such thing in those words.

Bush clearly defined the Mission of the Battle of Iraq and referred to it as an accomplishment.

(In this battle, we have fought for the cause of liberty, and for the peace of the world. Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment )

I'm reading Bush's words Hossfly and can't believe you actually believe Bush was speaking to the nation about one ship's deployment being the mission that was accomplished.

Definition of accomplishment:

  1. something that has been achieved successfully.

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