Obama Declared Iraq Stable & Withdrew Our Troops

More Obama addressing the troops.

"Fort Bragg, we’re here to mark a historic moment in the life of our country and our military. For nearly nine years, our nation has been at war in Iraq. And you -- the incredible men and women of Fort Bragg -- have been there every step of the way, serving with honor, sacrificing greatly, from the first waves of the invasion to some of the last troops to come home. So, as your Commander-in-Chief, and on behalf of a grateful nation, I’m proud to finally say these two words, and I know your families agree: Welcome home! (Applause.) Welcome home. Welcome home. (Applause.) Welcome home."

Welcome home is one helluva lot better than declaring 'Mission Accomplished' and then admitting the mission to find WMD in Iraq was actually a failure. There were none.
More Obama addressing the troops at Fort Bragg:

"As your Commander-in-Chief, I can tell you that it will indeed be a part of history. Those last American troops will move south on desert sands, and then they will cross the border out of Iraq with their heads held high. One of the most extraordinary chapters in the history of the American military will come to an end. Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over."


Iraq was more stable than it was in 2006 and for much of the time those troops had served there. What was Obama supposed to tell them. That they left behind a fucked up quagmire?
More Obama addressing the troops.

"Fort Bragg, we’re here to mark a historic moment in the life of our country and our military. For nearly nine years, our nation has been at war in Iraq. And you -- the incredible men and women of Fort Bragg -- have been there every step of the way, serving with honor, sacrificing greatly, from the first waves of the invasion to some of the last troops to come home. So, as your Commander-in-Chief, and on behalf of a grateful nation, I’m proud to finally say these two words, and I know your families agree: Welcome home! (Applause.) Welcome home. Welcome home. (Applause.) Welcome home."

Welcome home is one helluva lot better than declaring 'Mission Accomplished' and then admitting the mission to find WMD in Iraq was actually a failure. There were none.
Who declared "Mission Accomplished"? Hint: It wasn't Bush.
Hossfly 13563582
Who declared "Mission Accomplished"? Hint: It wasn't Bush.

He stood in front of a banner that read 'Mission Accomplished' and declared, "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed."

The banner was a graphic expression of what that entire stunt was all about.

More full text of the Mission Accomplished speech in the context that we all know that we live in a very graphic oriented world:

"Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country.

In this battle, we have fought for the cause of liberty, and for the peace of the world. Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment — yet it is you, the members of the United States military, who achieved it. Your courage — your willingness to face danger for your country and for each other — made this day possible. Because of you, our nation is more secure. Because of you, the tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is free."

He used the phrase 'this accomplishment' in the text of the speech as you can see, and you are demanding that 'this accomplishment' was not referring to what was graphically displayed on the huge banner mounted on an aircraft carrier coming home from the 'mission' in Iraq.

Yet you have the gall to participate in a thread that chops up President Obama's kind words to the troops at at Ft Bragg when after nine more years, and after 4484 dead of our own, they were being praised and welcomed home actually finally seeing Bush's surrender agreement from December 2008 reach the full withdrawal stage of U.S. Combat troops from being killed and wounded in Iraq.

You did not complain that the title of this thread distorts what Obama actually said, " all of it has led to this moment of success. Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people."

The liars hear left out the word "but" from a quote they cherry picked by Obama.

At that moment of 'success' in December 2011 Iraq was stable and governed enough that they would not allow US troops to stay one day longer than the end date of Bush's surrender agreement which was entrenched into Iraqi law in December of 2008 before Obama became Presudent.
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Weatherman 13563433
. Dumber than a bag of hammers. Not only Iraq, but Obama handed them all of Libyas oils fields.

"All of Libya's oil wells." As of today, that is a lie:

. ISIS has yet to take control of operational oil infrastructure in Libya.

ISIS’s Campaign in Libya: January 4-February 19, 2016

You wrote that Obama handed them all of Libyas oil fields.

ISIS has captured on coastal city and gas begun attacks on some of them, but ISIS has not been handed any of them. That is a lie.

Why do you spread propaganda for this terrorist organization trying to make them more powerful than they are.

Some demented scum reads a lie like that on a website and joins the terrorists that you help
ti appearto in control of all of Libya's oil wells. Are you driving up their stock or what? What is wrong with you?
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Weatherman 13563433
. Dumber than a bag of hammers. Not only Iraq, but Obama handed them all of Libyas oils fields.

You wrote, "not only in Iraq..." Do you believe ISIS has taken over all of Iraq's oil fields. Clue for the Clueless. The Iraqi government and Kurds control their entire oil infrastructure except for maybe a well or a few insignificant wells located only in Sunni areas that are still under ISIS control. ISIS has lost 40% of its territory gained in 2014 to government and Kurdush forces on the ground.

Your dream team is losing in Iraq the most, Syria second, and will within months be driven backwards in Libya.

We killed forty of those bastards in Libya yesterday including top leadership.
When President Barack Obama removed the last U.S. forces from Iraq in December 2011, he announced that—as he had planned—the U.S. was leaving behind a “sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government.”
It was a "moment of success," he said.

[FONT=Minion Pro, Times, sans-serif]FLASHBACK—Obama: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq’[/FONT]

Do you have the integrity to post the entire statement. Or will I have to.
Ya, you go ahead. Tell us what Obama said.
I'm sure he is to busy wacking off in front of his Obama poster to read.
More Obama addressing the troops at Fort Bragg:

"As your Commander-in-Chief, I can tell you that it will indeed be a part of history. Those last American troops will move south on desert sands, and then they will cross the border out of Iraq with their heads held high. One of the most extraordinary chapters in the history of the American military will come to an end. Iraq’s future will be in the hands of its people. America’s war in Iraq will be over."


Iraq was more stable than it was in 2006 and for much of the time those troops had served there. What was Obama supposed to tell them. That they left behind a fucked up quagmire?
Too bad all the soldiers died in vain, because Obama cut and ran early.
Weatherman 13563433
. Dumber than a bag of hammers. Not only Iraq, but Obama handed them all of Libyas oils fields.

You wrote, "not only in Iraq..." Do you believe ISIS has taken over all of Iraq's oil fields. Clue for the Clueless. The Iraqi government and Kurds control their entire oil infrastructure except for maybe a well or a few insignificant wells located only in Sunni areas that are still under ISIS control. ISIS has lost 40% of its territory gained in 2014 to government and Kurdush forces on the ground.

Your dream team is losing in Iraq the most, Syria second, and will within months be driven backwards in Libya.

We killed forty of those bastards in Libya yesterday including top leadership.
Clue for the Clueless. Cute. ISIS controls Iraqs largest oil refinery as well as several major oil fields. And is freely shipping and selling the oil to fund their terrorism. So who is the clueless one?

Inside Islamic State’s oil empire: how captured oilfields fuel Isis insurgency
jknowgood 13564568.
Too bad all the soldiers died in vain, because Obama cut and ran early.

Soldiers would have died in vain because Bush sent them in and they left on the very last day that Bush agreed to pull them all out.

You write as if ISIL has actually taken over Iraq. They haven't. They are being defeated there more than any other area that they have attacked.

So, although U.S. Combat forces were wrongly and dishonestly sent in, those who were killed did not and will not die in vain because Iraqis themselves are now defeating ISIL on their ground with our help at their request for air strikes and surveillance and advisers only. Our troops are not in a combat role there today because in part those patriot warriors who were killed wounded and survived fighting in Bush's dumb war have actually created an Iraqi State that is fighting these terrorists themselves on their own sovereign terms.

Your ignorance-based narrative on Iraq is crumbling more and more each and every day we get closer to the election in November. We know you loved the moment that ISIS attacked Iraq because you transformed Iraq's suffering into your political vendetta against our president. But the terrorists timing was bad, because now they are steadily losing. And Obama can show that they are being defeated without US military casualties anywhere near the casualties our troops suffered when Bush ran the war to find WMD that were not there. Unfortunately there has been one tragic fatality in the war against ISIL.

The war to find WMD is over. That war was lost the moment it was started.

The GOP front runner knows that.
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Too bad all the soldiers died in vain, because Obama cut and ran early.

Soldiers would have died in vain because Bush sent them in and they left on the very last day that Bush agreed to pull them all out.

You write as if ISIL taken over Iraq. They haven't. They are being defeated there more than any other area that they have attacked.

So, although U.S. Combat forces were wrongly and dishonestly sent in, they did not die in vain because Iraqis themselves are now defeating ISIL on their ground with our requested help for air strikes and surveillance. Our troops are not in combat there today because in part what those patriots who were killed wounded and survived had to end up doing in Bush's dumb war.

Your ignorance based narrative on Iraq is crumbling more and more each and every day we get closer to the election in November. We know you loved the moment that ISIS attacked Iraq because you transformed Iraq's suffering into your political vendetta against our Presudent. But the terrorists timing was bad, they are losing. And Obama can show that they are being defeated without US military casualties anywhere near the casualties our troops suffered when Bush ran the war to find WMD that were not there.
You still believe issis is the jv team the way Obama told you? He lied to you again. Just like he did when he told you he ended the Iraq war successfully. You're an idiot.
You still believe issis is the jv team the way Obama told you? He lied to you again. Just like he did when he told you he ended the Iraq war successfully..

Obama did not say he ended the war successfully. You are a liar.

I don't believe ISIL a JV team now. But when Obama said it they were a JV team proportionally compared to all Qaeda.

They have not accomplished under Obama anything near what Al Qaeada accomplished on US soil under Bush. So in that respect the U.S. Itself and 3000 of its people have suffered more at the hands of Al Qaeada than from ISIL.
Weatherman 13563433
. Dumber than a bag of hammers. Not only Iraq, but Obama handed them all of Libyas oils fields.

You wrote, "not only in Iraq..." Do you believe ISIS has taken over all of Iraq's oil fields. Clue for the Clueless. The Iraqi government and Kurds control their entire oil infrastructure except for maybe a well or a few insignificant wells located only in Sunni areas that are still under ISIS control. ISIS has lost 40% of its territory gained in 2014 to government and Kurdush forces on the ground.

Your dream team is losing in Iraq the most, Syria second, and will within months be driven backwards in Libya.

We killed forty of those bastards in Libya yesterday including top leadership.
Clue for the Clueless. Cute. ISIS controls Iraqs largest oil refinery as well as several major oil fields. And is freely shipping and selling the oil to fund their terrorism. So who is the clueless one?

Inside Islamic State’s oil empire: how captured oilfields fuel Isis insurgency

Your link is dated 2014. This is 2016. Have you been asleep for over a year.

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