Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

Facts are the shooter was a faggot
What's your Theory? He was gay, in denial of being gay, conflicted that his religion told him death to gays so he went out in a blaze of glory taking as many with him as he could? It's actually a possibility...

Stop using term faggot unless you are want to sound like a flaming asshole.
Doesn't sound like he was in denial of being gay, he was on gay dating apps and hung out at this fag club a dozen times or so. And yeah...he was a self hating gay that took these people with him is my best guess with the info we have.

Dude, I'm not going to call them "gay", I refuse to let these freaks continue to steal and control the language I use.

So I call them anything but " gay ". If that makes me look like an asshole, oh well.
Then you can call them Homosexual if you can't say gay... Of course you can choose to call them whatever you want, it just depends on how you want others to react to it. Faggot is equivalent to calling a black guy a Niggr... Again, you can say what you want but most people are going to consider you a bigoted asshole if you go the offensive route. If thats what you are going for then fine. If you want your ideas taken seriously and actually have a reasonable debate about these topics then you'll have to be wiser with your words.

I'll call them whatever I damn well want to call them and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it but whine. So what if you react and whine like a pussy. Who cares?
Jesus Christ can you read? I just stayed twice that you can call them whatever you want and then you cry back saying "i can call them whatever I want!" Stomp stomp pout pout. What are you a 5th grader?

If you truly believed that, you wouldn't have a negative reaction when someone does. You say you don't care then you whine like a little spoiled brat when someone says something in a manner you don't like.

Above you said "stop using the term faggot" then placed a condition on it if someone didn't. Which one is it? If you don't care, don't complain if someone says something you don't like. If you're going to complain when someone does, don't claim someone can say whatever they want. No one believe you, liar.
Stop getting all puffy cowboy, your not as tough as you pretend to be... my guess is you are compensating from insecurities about either being a small man or having a small winkie dinkie... don't bother with the counter argument I won't believe you. I've seen your kind before. People hold their breath and wait for interactions with your kind to be over. You add nothing positive to peoples lives... At the end, what do you look back and be proud of? My guess is you'll be hanging your head in regret for all the pointless hate you spread... It's really pretty sad.

I add positive things to people's lives that deserve positives things to be added. You're not one of them. That you think you are is the sad part.

You're the one telling me what I should do and where I should go. Guess that was all talk since you're a gutless coward unwilling and definitely unable to back it up.

How about holding your breath. In fact, to help you do so, find a plastic bag and roll of duct tape.
Why don't LBGT people deserve it? What did they ever do to you?

And why don't I deserve it? Because I support people being who they are and object to hateful bigoted talk or actions? Do you even know why you hate people so much or are you just naturally an angry person?

I decide to whom I provide positive things. I have yet to determine they and you don't.

Don't like my decision, tough shit. Go whine some more about how you think I should do and say things the way you want.
Spoken like a true narcissistic asshole. Well done

Your response is that of a typical whiner that thinks how, what, and the manner in which someone says or does something has to suit you.

Hate to break it to you but I wasn't put on Earth to please you or do things to suit the way you want them done. What that means is if you don't like what I do or how I do them, that's OK. Your approval never has been, isn't currently, and never will be a determining factor in what I choose to do or how I choose to do it. The sooner you realize that because you want something done a certain way doesn't mean it has to be done that way, the better off you'll be. Like I said, if you don't like how I do it or what I do, tough shit. It has nothing to do with narcissism but the FACT that it's simply none of your business.
You should take your own advice... This whole thread is based on those like you bitching and complaining about the presidents support of the LGBT. Why do you give a shit about what they do and what they say. I've stated multiple times that you are entitled to say and do what you want. I'm just telling you how it makes you look. When you judge other people, put them down for nothing more than them just being who they are, spread hate and discrimination... Then yes, you are a self centered narcissistic asshole in every sense of the definition. As you stated, that is your choice. Why don't you then own it!
I add positive things to people's lives that deserve positives things to be added. You're not one of them. That you think you are is the sad part.

You're the one telling me what I should do and where I should go. Guess that was all talk since you're a gutless coward unwilling and definitely unable to back it up.

How about holding your breath. In fact, to help you do so, find a plastic bag and roll of duct tape.
Why don't LBGT people deserve it? What did they ever do to you?

And why don't I deserve it? Because I support people being who they are and object to hateful bigoted talk or actions? Do you even know why you hate people so much or are you just naturally an angry person?

I decide to whom I provide positive things. I have yet to determine they and you don't.

Don't like my decision, tough shit. Go whine some more about how you think I should do and say things the way you want.
Spoken like a true narcissistic asshole. Well done

Your response is that of a typical whiner that thinks how, what, and the manner in which someone says or does something has to suit you.

Hate to break it to you but I wasn't put on Earth to please you or do things to suit the way you want them done. What that means is if you don't like what I do or how I do them, that's OK. Your approval never has been, isn't currently, and never will be a determining factor in what I choose to do or how I choose to do it. The sooner you realize that because you want something done a certain way doesn't mean it has to be done that way, the better off you'll be. Like I said, if you don't like how I do it or what I do, tough shit. It has nothing to do with narcissism but the FACT that it's simply none of your business.
You should take your own advice... This whole thread is based on those like you bitching and complaining about the presidents support of the LGBT. Why do you give a shit about what they do and what they say. I've stated multiple times that you are entitled to say and do what you want. I'm just telling you how it makes you look. When you judge other people, put them down for nothing more than them just being who they are, spread hate and discrimination... Then yes, you are a self centered narcissistic asshole in every sense of the definition. As you stated, that is your choice. Why don't you then own it!
Shut up guy.
I add positive things to people's lives that deserve positives things to be added. You're not one of them. That you think you are is the sad part.

You're the one telling me what I should do and where I should go. Guess that was all talk since you're a gutless coward unwilling and definitely unable to back it up.

How about holding your breath. In fact, to help you do so, find a plastic bag and roll of duct tape.
Why don't LBGT people deserve it? What did they ever do to you?

And why don't I deserve it? Because I support people being who they are and object to hateful bigoted talk or actions? Do you even know why you hate people so much or are you just naturally an angry person?

I decide to whom I provide positive things. I have yet to determine they and you don't.

Don't like my decision, tough shit. Go whine some more about how you think I should do and say things the way you want.
Spoken like a true narcissistic asshole. Well done

Your response is that of a typical whiner that thinks how, what, and the manner in which someone says or does something has to suit you.

Hate to break it to you but I wasn't put on Earth to please you or do things to suit the way you want them done. What that means is if you don't like what I do or how I do them, that's OK. Your approval never has been, isn't currently, and never will be a determining factor in what I choose to do or how I choose to do it. The sooner you realize that because you want something done a certain way doesn't mean it has to be done that way, the better off you'll be. Like I said, if you don't like how I do it or what I do, tough shit. It has nothing to do with narcissism but the FACT that it's simply none of your business.
You should take your own advice... This whole thread is based on those like you bitching and complaining about the presidents support of the LGBT. Why do you give a shit about what they do and what they say. I've stated multiple times that you are entitled to say and do what you want. I'm just telling you how it makes you look. When you judge other people, put them down for nothing more than them just being who they are, spread hate and discrimination... Then yes, you are a self centered narcissistic asshole in every sense of the definition. As you stated, that is your choice. Why don't you then own it!

As you state in your choice, you're nothing more than a faggot and freak loving asshole. You put the well being of some deviant above your own family. What kind of person would do that? Oh, that's right a faggot and freak loving asshole.
I got $5.00 on that Soddie Muslim at the top right with the rainbow scarf being the next to go ballistic on the homers. Any takers?
What's your Theory? He was gay, in denial of being gay, conflicted that his religion told him death to gays so he went out in a blaze of glory taking as many with him as he could? It's actually a possibility...

Stop using term faggot unless you are want to sound like a flaming asshole.
Doesn't sound like he was in denial of being gay, he was on gay dating apps and hung out at this fag club a dozen times or so. And yeah...he was a self hating gay that took these people with him is my best guess with the info we have.

Dude, I'm not going to call them "gay", I refuse to let these freaks continue to steal and control the language I use.

So I call them anything but " gay ". If that makes me look like an asshole, oh well.
Then you can call them Homosexual if you can't say gay... Of course you can choose to call them whatever you want, it just depends on how you want others to react to it. Faggot is equivalent to calling a black guy a Niggr... Again, you can say what you want but most people are going to consider you a bigoted asshole if you go the offensive route. If thats what you are going for then fine. If you want your ideas taken seriously and actually have a reasonable debate about these topics then you'll have to be wiser with your words.

I'll call them whatever I damn well want to call them and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it but whine. So what if you react and whine like a pussy. Who cares?
Jesus Christ can you read? I just stayed twice that you can call them whatever you want and then you cry back saying "i can call them whatever I want!" Stomp stomp pout pout. What are you a 5th grader?

If you truly believed that, you wouldn't have a negative reaction when someone does. You say you don't care then you whine like a little spoiled brat when someone says something in a manner you don't like.

Above you said "stop using the term faggot" then placed a condition on it if someone didn't. Which one is it? If you don't care, don't complain if someone says something you don't like. If you're going to complain when someone does, don't claim someone can say whatever they want. No one believe you, liar.
I express my opinion and objections... You spout back by calling me a whiney baby. Whats the problem, you can't handle opposition? Of course i'm gonna react negatively to bigots and assholes and I'm going to tell you thats how you sound. Thats not whining, thats not telling you to shut up... You gotta look in the mirror man... Total hypocrite.
Doesn't sound like he was in denial of being gay, he was on gay dating apps and hung out at this fag club a dozen times or so. And yeah...he was a self hating gay that took these people with him is my best guess with the info we have.

Dude, I'm not going to call them "gay", I refuse to let these freaks continue to steal and control the language I use.

So I call them anything but " gay ". If that makes me look like an asshole, oh well.
Then you can call them Homosexual if you can't say gay... Of course you can choose to call them whatever you want, it just depends on how you want others to react to it. Faggot is equivalent to calling a black guy a Niggr... Again, you can say what you want but most people are going to consider you a bigoted asshole if you go the offensive route. If thats what you are going for then fine. If you want your ideas taken seriously and actually have a reasonable debate about these topics then you'll have to be wiser with your words.

I'll call them whatever I damn well want to call them and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it but whine. So what if you react and whine like a pussy. Who cares?
Jesus Christ can you read? I just stayed twice that you can call them whatever you want and then you cry back saying "i can call them whatever I want!" Stomp stomp pout pout. What are you a 5th grader?

If you truly believed that, you wouldn't have a negative reaction when someone does. You say you don't care then you whine like a little spoiled brat when someone says something in a manner you don't like.

Above you said "stop using the term faggot" then placed a condition on it if someone didn't. Which one is it? If you don't care, don't complain if someone says something you don't like. If you're going to complain when someone does, don't claim someone can say whatever they want. No one believe you, liar.
I express my opinion and objections... You spout back by calling me a whiney baby. Whats the problem, you can't handle opposition? Of course i'm gonna react negatively to bigots and assholes and I'm going to tell you thats how you sound. Thats not whining, thats not telling you to shut up... You gotta look in the mirror man... Total hypocrite.

You express your objections by whining about it. That's why you're called a whiney baby.

I don't have a problem with opposition when it's coming from a worthwhile individual. You have yet to reach that level. You sound like the kind that when you were growing up whatever you said was acknowledged as worthwhile. While those raising you may have had to treat you that way, the rest of us have to deal with the shitty results of it having been done.
Why don't LBGT people deserve it? What did they ever do to you?

And why don't I deserve it? Because I support people being who they are and object to hateful bigoted talk or actions? Do you even know why you hate people so much or are you just naturally an angry person?

I decide to whom I provide positive things. I have yet to determine they and you don't.

Don't like my decision, tough shit. Go whine some more about how you think I should do and say things the way you want.
Spoken like a true narcissistic asshole. Well done

Your response is that of a typical whiner that thinks how, what, and the manner in which someone says or does something has to suit you.

Hate to break it to you but I wasn't put on Earth to please you or do things to suit the way you want them done. What that means is if you don't like what I do or how I do them, that's OK. Your approval never has been, isn't currently, and never will be a determining factor in what I choose to do or how I choose to do it. The sooner you realize that because you want something done a certain way doesn't mean it has to be done that way, the better off you'll be. Like I said, if you don't like how I do it or what I do, tough shit. It has nothing to do with narcissism but the FACT that it's simply none of your business.
You should take your own advice... This whole thread is based on those like you bitching and complaining about the presidents support of the LGBT. Why do you give a shit about what they do and what they say. I've stated multiple times that you are entitled to say and do what you want. I'm just telling you how it makes you look. When you judge other people, put them down for nothing more than them just being who they are, spread hate and discrimination... Then yes, you are a self centered narcissistic asshole in every sense of the definition. As you stated, that is your choice. Why don't you then own it!

As you state in your choice, you're nothing more than a faggot and freak loving asshole. You put the well being of some deviant above your own family. What kind of person would do that? Oh, that's right a faggot and freak loving asshole.
Only in your warped little world are those two related
Why don't LBGT people deserve it? What did they ever do to you?

And why don't I deserve it? Because I support people being who they are and object to hateful bigoted talk or actions? Do you even know why you hate people so much or are you just naturally an angry person?

I decide to whom I provide positive things. I have yet to determine they and you don't.

Don't like my decision, tough shit. Go whine some more about how you think I should do and say things the way you want.
Spoken like a true narcissistic asshole. Well done

Your response is that of a typical whiner that thinks how, what, and the manner in which someone says or does something has to suit you.

Hate to break it to you but I wasn't put on Earth to please you or do things to suit the way you want them done. What that means is if you don't like what I do or how I do them, that's OK. Your approval never has been, isn't currently, and never will be a determining factor in what I choose to do or how I choose to do it. The sooner you realize that because you want something done a certain way doesn't mean it has to be done that way, the better off you'll be. Like I said, if you don't like how I do it or what I do, tough shit. It has nothing to do with narcissism but the FACT that it's simply none of your business.
You should take your own advice... This whole thread is based on those like you bitching and complaining about the presidents support of the LGBT. Why do you give a shit about what they do and what they say. I've stated multiple times that you are entitled to say and do what you want. I'm just telling you how it makes you look. When you judge other people, put them down for nothing more than them just being who they are, spread hate and discrimination... Then yes, you are a self centered narcissistic asshole in every sense of the definition. As you stated, that is your choice. Why don't you then own it!
Shut up guy.
I'm curious... Do douchebags like yourselves see what happened in Orlando and rejoice that the world is rid of 50 pervert freak gays and a Muslim or is there any sense that something very wrong happened?
I decide to whom I provide positive things. I have yet to determine they and you don't.

Don't like my decision, tough shit. Go whine some more about how you think I should do and say things the way you want.
Spoken like a true narcissistic asshole. Well done

Your response is that of a typical whiner that thinks how, what, and the manner in which someone says or does something has to suit you.

Hate to break it to you but I wasn't put on Earth to please you or do things to suit the way you want them done. What that means is if you don't like what I do or how I do them, that's OK. Your approval never has been, isn't currently, and never will be a determining factor in what I choose to do or how I choose to do it. The sooner you realize that because you want something done a certain way doesn't mean it has to be done that way, the better off you'll be. Like I said, if you don't like how I do it or what I do, tough shit. It has nothing to do with narcissism but the FACT that it's simply none of your business.
You should take your own advice... This whole thread is based on those like you bitching and complaining about the presidents support of the LGBT. Why do you give a shit about what they do and what they say. I've stated multiple times that you are entitled to say and do what you want. I'm just telling you how it makes you look. When you judge other people, put them down for nothing more than them just being who they are, spread hate and discrimination... Then yes, you are a self centered narcissistic asshole in every sense of the definition. As you stated, that is your choice. Why don't you then own it!
Shut up guy.
I'm curious... Do douchebags like yourselves see what happened in Orlando and rejoice that the world is rid of 50 pervert freak gays and a Muslim or is there any sense that something very wrong happened?
I don't know about rejoicing over it, but I sure as hell am not shearing a tear for 50 dead homos and a dead Muslim.

Something wrong happened here, yes...the guy was known to the feds and they let him slide.
So when does Pedophile Pride get their own month? Salon.com has already started posting articles calling for the "acceptance" of pedophiles.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?
Gays aren't born that way, there's no conclusive evidence of that, it's a lifestyle choice. Since when are one's "plumbing preferences" something to be proud of?
Spoken like a true narcissistic asshole. Well done

Your response is that of a typical whiner that thinks how, what, and the manner in which someone says or does something has to suit you.

Hate to break it to you but I wasn't put on Earth to please you or do things to suit the way you want them done. What that means is if you don't like what I do or how I do them, that's OK. Your approval never has been, isn't currently, and never will be a determining factor in what I choose to do or how I choose to do it. The sooner you realize that because you want something done a certain way doesn't mean it has to be done that way, the better off you'll be. Like I said, if you don't like how I do it or what I do, tough shit. It has nothing to do with narcissism but the FACT that it's simply none of your business.
You should take your own advice... This whole thread is based on those like you bitching and complaining about the presidents support of the LGBT. Why do you give a shit about what they do and what they say. I've stated multiple times that you are entitled to say and do what you want. I'm just telling you how it makes you look. When you judge other people, put them down for nothing more than them just being who they are, spread hate and discrimination... Then yes, you are a self centered narcissistic asshole in every sense of the definition. As you stated, that is your choice. Why don't you then own it!
Shut up guy.
I'm curious... Do douchebags like yourselves see what happened in Orlando and rejoice that the world is rid of 50 pervert freak gays and a Muslim or is there any sense that something very wrong happened?
I don't know about rejoicing over it, but I sure as hell am not shearing a tear for 50 dead homos and a dead Muslim.

Something wrong happened here, yes...the guy was known to the feds and they let him slide.
Wow, you're a monster. I'm done with you
So when does Pedophile Pride get their own month? Salon.com has already started posting articles calling for the "acceptance" of pedophiles.
What's funny is the same case these perv lovers made for faggot marriage and "rights" could be made for legalizing pedophilia. If it's all about loooooooove.
So when does Pedophile Pride get their own month? Salon.com has already started posting articles calling for the "acceptance" of pedophiles.
Since when is LGBT a crime? Stupid comparison
It was a crime at one time...not that long ago actually. And most of the original colonies had the death penalty for sodomy.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?
Gays aren't born that way, there's no conclusive evidence of that, it's a lifestyle choice. Since when are one's "plumbing preferences" something to be proud of?
Another idiotic statement. You are clueless man. How about you go "choose" to be gay for one night. Just see what it's like so you can be objective in conversations. Come on it's an easy choice, just try it out...
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?
Gays aren't born that way, there's no conclusive evidence of that, it's a lifestyle choice. Since when are one's "plumbing preferences" something to be proud of?
Another idiotic statement. You are clueless man. How about you go "choose" to be gay for one night. Just see what it's like so you can be objective in conversations. Come on it's an easy choice, just try it out...
Just because he's normal and is attracted to women like a healthy male should be and can't choose to be a poop dick...does not mean another individual couldn't. That argument is weak as a faggot's limp wrist.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?
Gays aren't born that way, there's no conclusive evidence of that, it's a lifestyle choice. Since when are one's "plumbing preferences" something to be proud of?
Another idiotic statement. You are clueless man. How about you go "choose" to be gay for one night. Just see what it's like so you can be objective in conversations. Come on it's an easy choice, just try it out...
Men in prisons engage in gay sex despite identifying as "straight". ieve it's
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?
Gays aren't born that way, there's no conclusive evidence of that, it's a lifestyle choice. Since when are one's "plumbing preferences" something to be proud of?
Another idiotic statement. You are clueless man. How about you go "choose" to be gay for one night. Just see what it's like so you can be objective in conversations. Come on it's an easy choice, just try it out...
So how do men in prison "turn gay" despite having gone into prison as straight?
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?
Gays aren't born that way, there's no conclusive evidence of that, it's a lifestyle choice. Since when are one's "plumbing preferences" something to be proud of?
Another idiotic statement. You are clueless man. How about you go "choose" to be gay for one night. Just see what it's like so you can be objective in conversations. Come on it's an easy choice, just try it out...
Men in prisons engage in gay sex despite identifying as "straight". ieve it's
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.

Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?
Gays aren't born that way, there's no conclusive evidence of that, it's a lifestyle choice. Since when are one's "plumbing preferences" something to be proud of?
Another idiotic statement. You are clueless man. How about you go "choose" to be gay for one night. Just see what it's like so you can be objective in conversations. Come on it's an easy choice, just try it out...
So how do men in prison "turn gay" despite having gone into prison as straight?
You are correct... My gay cousin is a prison guard and ive spoken at length with her about it. There are definite sociological and environmental influences like we see in prisons, and there are natural occurances as well, like with my cousin. She grew up In a very religious family, tried dating boys, even had a child, but came out in her 20s after being too scared to do so under her parents roof. She knew she was gay since she was a child.

The bigger point is... Why do you even care if it is a choice or if it is natural? It shouldn't make any difference to you. Don't we live in the land of the free?

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