Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

Why do you care?
Because I care what kind of society I live in. And although I'm not a terrorist, and I would never kill someone who wasn't trying to kill me, but like Omar Mateen, it disturbs me to see 2 guys kissing. It is disturbing.
Why do you care?
Because I care what kind of society I live in. And although I'm not a terrorist, and I would never kill someone who wasn't trying to kill me, but like Omar Mateen, it disturbs me to see 2 guys kissing. It is disturbing.
Well I'm sorry to hear that you are being disturbed... What would you like done about it?

Shall similar action be required for you regarding things that you may do in your life that disturbs other people?
Because I care what kind of society I live in. And although I'm not a terrorist, and I would never kill someone who wasn't trying to kill me, but like Omar Mateen, it disturbs me to see 2 guys kissing. It is disturbing.

It is gross, but I can look away.

We've been the tolerant party here. Queers run amok in our culture, as well as many others. They can be flamboyant and look like tyranny clowns. They can even be obnoxious little pukes who want to dress up and "identify" as a woman, SOMETHING THEY CAN NEVER BE.

Yet that insipid issue is allowed to distract attention from all the other consequences of democrook governmental mismanagement and the debt that doubled under the moonbat messiah. We get distracted by their fruitcake cultural bullshit because enough people who wouldn't otherwise pay attention are gradually getting less tolerant over having their faces rubbed in it.

I "indentify" as Emperor of the Western Hemisphere. Which is something I could become if enough lawyers, guns, money and positive media attention were used to get me there.

When do I get straight middle aged housewife and grandmother pride month?

Anytime that you want to try to drum up support for and organize it. However, if you want to be taken seriously, you might want to drop the "straight" part and maybe the pride part too and stick to the "middle aged housewife and grandmother month" part.
But I am straight and middle-aged, I'm not as old as the ladies in the pic but who cares, why can't I get a month too. I am also proud of being who I am. You wouldn't believe how much I get put down for taking the traditional role over a career. I'm 53,married for 32 years, have three kids and two grandchildren one of which I live with and baby sit everyday while cooking and cleaning. It's not easy keeping tabs on a one year old boy who climbs on everything. Phone rang he climbed up and grabbed it before I could get up and ran all over the damn house with the phone with me chasing him. Damn he's quick! Anyhow Ladies like me are under-appreciated and deserve a month.
You got it... It's called March... Plus Mother's Day... Feel better?
Women's History Month 2016
That's not the same!:eusa_snooty:
Not specific enough.
That explains a lot. Get help.

"People"... like you... (chuckle...)

Who don't have the cognitive capacity to understand right from wrong, belong in mental hospitals. Most people want to be left alone. They don't care what sick fucks like you do to each other in private. They know they're right to feel that way.

What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

It's not my fault you fail to understand what is and is not perverse and deviant. People like you really should be in a mental hospital before you commit a crime against nature.

The queer issue has absolutely nothing to do with any civil right cause. It is a wedge issue to strip the civil rights of religious people who don't want to be involved with these ridiculous pseudo "wedding" trend. When it's NAMBLA's turn to be fought for and promoted by the left I'm sure you'll defend that agenda as well.

I'm sorry that self righteous, judgmental pieces of shit like yourself feel like your civil rights are being violated because those that don't share your faith or lifestyle want to be treated equally and fairly and fight against oppression.

I'll see if we can rally up some support for you all in case you need some shoulders to cry on.

You're the one that says all they want is equality then support special treatment for them.
I jy
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

It's not my fault you fail to understand what is and is not perverse and deviant. People like you really should be in a mental hospital before you commit a crime against nature.

The queer issue has absolutely nothing to do with any civil right cause. It is a wedge issue to strip the civil rights of religious people who don't want to be involved with these ridiculous pseudo "wedding" trend. When it's NAMBLA's turn to be fought for and promoted by the left I'm sure you'll defend that agenda as well.

I'm sorry that self righteous, judgmental pieces of shit like yourself feel like your civil rights are being violated because those that don't share your faith or lifestyle want to be treated equally and fairly and fight against oppression.

I'll see if we can rally up some support for you all in case you need some shoulders to cry on.

You're the one that says all they want is equality then support special treatment for them.
This question has been asked many times and never once have I gotten an answer that makes any sense what so ever: WHAT SPECIAL TREATMENT?!
Anytime that you want to try to drum up support for and organize it. However, if you want to be taken seriously, you might want to drop the "straight" part and maybe the pride part too and stick to the "middle aged housewife and grandmother month" part.
But I am straight and middle-aged, I'm not as old as the ladies in the pic but who cares, why can't I get a month too. I am also proud of being who I am. You wouldn't believe how much I get put down for taking the traditional role over a career. I'm 53,married for 32 years, have three kids and two grandchildren one of which I live with and baby sit everyday while cooking and cleaning. It's not easy keeping tabs on a one year old boy who climbs on everything. Phone rang he climbed up and grabbed it before I could get up and ran all over the damn house with the phone with me chasing him. Damn he's quick! Anyhow Ladies like me are under-appreciated and deserve a month.
You got it... It's called March... Plus Mother's Day... Feel better?
Women's History Month 2016
That's not the same!:eusa_snooty:
Not specific enough.
you're on a dead end road with his one
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

It's not my fault you fail to understand what is and is not perverse and deviant. People like you really should be in a mental hospital before you commit a crime against nature.

The queer issue has absolutely nothing to do with any civil right cause. It is a wedge issue to strip the civil rights of religious people who don't want to be involved with these ridiculous pseudo "wedding" trend. When it's NAMBLA's turn to be fought for and promoted by the left I'm sure you'll defend that agenda as well.

I'm sorry that self righteous, judgmental pieces of shit like yourself feel like your civil rights are being violated because those that don't share your faith or lifestyle want to be treated equally and fairly and fight against oppression.

I'll see if we can rally up some support for you all in case you need some shoulders to cry on.

You're the one that says all they want is equality then support special treatment for them.
We've gone done this road with your "equality" arguement. I made you look stupid. Do you really want to open that can again?. Move on to the next point.
We've gone done this road with your "equality" arguement. I made you look stupid. Do you really want to open that can again?. Move on to the next point.

Considering the fact you promote deviance and cultural rot, as well as political whores who destroy everything they touch, and can knowingly piss away any claim of integrity by defending the meat puppet faggot and hoping he is replaced by a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag, it would be mathematically impossible for you to make a lab rat look less intelligent.

I just saw this article and thought that it would be appropriate to post during gay pride month on a thread on that subject. The reason is that I want the foul mouthed bigots and ignorant ass homophobes to understand that there are many straight people like me who stand with the LGBTQ community as friends and allies. When you belittle, marginalize and tell ties about LGBT people, you offend and anger many more people than you care to believe. You are part of a shrinking minority and will soon be extinct. The day is not far off when those who demean, and discriminate against LGBTQ people will be regarded by everyone with the same scorn and contempt that all decent people direct at racial bigots already are. :

An Open Letter To Straight People On The Pulse Massacre An Open Letter To Straight People On The Pulse Massacre

selected Excerpts

Less than one year ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage legal across the country, finalizing a trend that began eleven years earlier in Massachusetts. Less than three days ago, over 50 people were murdered at Pulse, a gay night club in Orlando, in what is now the biggest mass shooting to occur in the United States in our lifetime. And it happened during our LGBT Pride Month.

Some of you may think that the LGBTQ+ battle is over, that it ended with the triumphant legalization of same-sex marriage. Some of you may even think that the LGBTQ+ community has been greedy and overreaching by “infringing” upon the “rights of the majority” — rights LGBTQ+ folks continue to be denied. And to an extent, I can understand why you think these things.

You can say that the LGBTQ+ battle is over, but I say that is far from true. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I cannot forget the struggles and injustices that have shaped and continue to shape our community. I cannot forget that our own president, Ronald Reagan, refused to acknowledge the AIDS crisis until almost one million people died from it. I cannot forget that Matthew Shepard, a college student, was beaten, tortured and ultimately died because of his sexual orientation, or that Brandon Teena was raped and murdered for being a transgender man.

I cannot forget all of the LGBTQ+ youth who took their own lives because of bullying, harassment, and rejection. I cannot forget that over 20 transgender women — many of them transgender women of color — were murdered in 2015 alone. And I will not forget that 52 percent of LGBTQ+ population lives in states that do not prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and that people continue to be denied basic rights like bathroom access.

The reality is that LGBTQ+ people are still discriminated against and victimized on a daily basis. Same-sex marriage does not change that and you cannot expect us to conveniently forget the past as some sort of payment for the rite of marriage. This mass shooting was not an isolated event, or remnants of antiquated homophobia, or just religious extremism. It stemmed from the very real homophobic culture that exists in our country — the culture many of us contribute to whether we’d like to admit it or not.

If you are a person who believes “tolerance” is enough, you are contributing to the problem.

And if you are intolerant and bigoted, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM
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We used to be proud of going to the Moon. Now we are proud of men buttfucking men and women wearing pants and standing up at the urinal.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.
Every individual American is equal already. Gaining a holiday for liking the same gender or getting a sex change isn't equal rights. You have no idea what equality is.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

It's not my fault you fail to understand what is and is not perverse and deviant. People like you really should be in a mental hospital before you commit a crime against nature.

The queer issue has absolutely nothing to do with any civil right cause. It is a wedge issue to strip the civil rights of religious people who don't want to be involved with these ridiculous pseudo "wedding" trend. When it's NAMBLA's turn to be fought for and promoted by the left I'm sure you'll defend that agenda as well.

I'm sorry that self righteous, judgmental pieces of shit like yourself feel like your civil rights are being violated because those that don't share your faith or lifestyle want to be treated equally and fairly and fight against oppression.

I'll see if we can rally up some support for you all in case you need some shoulders to cry on.

You're the one that says all they want is equality then support special treatment for them.
We've gone done this road with your "equality" arguement. I made you look stupid. Do you really want to open that can again?. Move on to the next point.
I don't see how you'd make him look 'stupid' when you're the one who's wrong. You stated earlier that getting a holiday for your sexual orientation is somehow equality, if that's the case, where is 'Straight Day'? That would be equality.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

It's not my fault you fail to understand what is and is not perverse and deviant. People like you really should be in a mental hospital before you commit a crime against nature.

The queer issue has absolutely nothing to do with any civil right cause. It is a wedge issue to strip the civil rights of religious people who don't want to be involved with these ridiculous pseudo "wedding" trend. When it's NAMBLA's turn to be fought for and promoted by the left I'm sure you'll defend that agenda as well.

I'm sorry that self righteous, judgmental pieces of shit like yourself feel like your civil rights are being violated because those that don't share your faith or lifestyle want to be treated equally and fairly and fight against oppression.

I'll see if we can rally up some support for you all in case you need some shoulders to cry on.

You're the one that says all they want is equality then support special treatment for them.
Yes we've been through this, you don't get it. It's ok, not all of us are fit for higher education.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

It's not my fault you fail to understand what is and is not perverse and deviant. People like you really should be in a mental hospital before you commit a crime against nature.

The queer issue has absolutely nothing to do with any civil right cause. It is a wedge issue to strip the civil rights of religious people who don't want to be involved with these ridiculous pseudo "wedding" trend. When it's NAMBLA's turn to be fought for and promoted by the left I'm sure you'll defend that agenda as well.

I'm sorry that self righteous, judgmental pieces of shit like yourself feel like your civil rights are being violated because those that don't share your faith or lifestyle want to be treated equally and fairly and fight against oppression.

I'll see if we can rally up some support for you all in case you need some shoulders to cry on.

You're the one that says all they want is equality then support special treatment for them.
Yes we've been through this, you don't get it. It's ok, not all of us are fit for higher education.
Says the guy who doesn't know the definition of the word 'Equal'.
We've gone done this road with your "equality" arguement. I made you look stupid. Do you really want to open that can again?. Move on to the next point.

Considering the fact you promote deviance and cultural rot, as well as political whores who destroy everything they touch, and can knowingly piss away any claim of integrity by defending the meat puppet faggot and hoping he is replaced by a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag, it would be mathematically impossible for you to make a lab rat look less intelligent.

The hypocrisy of your statement is laughable
We used to be proud of going to the Moon. Now we are proud of men buttfucking men and women wearing pants and standing up at the urinal.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.
Every individual American is equal already. Gaining a holiday for liking the same gender or getting a sex change isn't equal rights. You have no idea what equality is.
Haha... Ok. Thanks for the education
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

It's not my fault you fail to understand what is and is not perverse and deviant. People like you really should be in a mental hospital before you commit a crime against nature.

The queer issue has absolutely nothing to do with any civil right cause. It is a wedge issue to strip the civil rights of religious people who don't want to be involved with these ridiculous pseudo "wedding" trend. When it's NAMBLA's turn to be fought for and promoted by the left I'm sure you'll defend that agenda as well.

I'm sorry that self righteous, judgmental pieces of shit like yourself feel like your civil rights are being violated because those that don't share your faith or lifestyle want to be treated equally and fairly and fight against oppression.

I'll see if we can rally up some support for you all in case you need some shoulders to cry on.

You're the one that says all they want is equality then support special treatment for them.
We've gone done this road with your "equality" arguement. I made you look stupid. Do you really want to open that can again?. Move on to the next point.
I don't see how you'd make him look 'stupid' when you're the one who's wrong. You stated earlier that getting a holiday for your sexual orientation is somehow equality, if that's the case, where is 'Straight Day'? That would be equality.
When did people need to fight against oppression and discrimination for their right to be straight?
It amazes me how clueless some people are

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