Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

We used to be proud of going to the Moon. Now we are proud of men buttfucking men and women wearing pants and standing up at the urinal.
Hells yeah... decades of discrimination, oppression and bigotry finally seeing some light and gaining equal rights... Women's suffrage and civil rights were huge steps for our country and the recent progress for the LBGT community deserves its recognition and praise.
Every individual American is equal already. Gaining a holiday for liking the same gender or getting a sex change isn't equal rights. You have no idea what equality is.
Haha... Ok. Thanks for the education

If certain type of people get a holiday for their sexual orientation, then equality would be for the opposite sexual orientation to also get a holiday. Likewise, if there is a law that prevents you from discriminating against someone of said sexual orientation, then equality for the opposite sexual orientation to have a similar law. The fact that this isn't the case shows favoritism towards people of that particular orientation. This, by definition, is not 'equality'.

Bovine excrement! The definition of equality, in the context of human rights is about how people are treated. It is not about everyone being the same. To use the definition of “equal” vs. "equality" is a dishonest, desperate and sleazy attempt at deception. http://www.amnestyusa.org/our-work/issues/lgbt-rights/marriage-equality

And get off the holiday crap. First of all, LGBT people do not have a holiday. Secondly there are many holidays and recognition events for all sorts of groups for a variety of reasons. Your reference to the “opposite orientation” is the clearest indication yet of your pathetic ignorance of the entire issue since sexual orientation exists along a continuum from heterosexual to varying degrees of bisexuality to homosexuality. Lastly, when we talk about equal treatment, we’re talking about actions or inactions by the government that results in, or fails to prevent discrimination. Gay pride month is not about discrimination, it's about .....PRIDE So, if you want a “straight pride month” go for it. No one is stopping you from trying to get one, so you are not being discriminated against. I’ll try to keep a straight face.

As far as laws against discrimination goes, to claim that heterosexuals need such protections because of their orientation is another desperate logical fallacy in the form of a false analogy and a non sequitur. In other words, it makes no sense because straight people are not discriminated against because of sexual orientation. However, the fact is that they are protected. These laws prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, all orientations, not just homosexuality. Therefor, your rants fails on many levels.

I’ll be looking forward to your next idiotic post
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Bovine excrement! The definition of equality, in the context of human rights is about how people are treated. It is not about everyone being the same. To use the definition of “equal” vs. "equality" is a dishonest, desperate and sleazy attempt at deception. http://www.amnestyusa.org/our-work/issues/lgbt-rights/marriage-equality
Okay, if you're going to bend the definition, I'll work with it. Even if it was about being treated equally by the citizens of America, then it's not something to be legislated, that just further discriminates them, because there are now laws specifically for people of that type. You cannot force people to show respect to people who haven't earned it, or force people to treat them a certain way. It's against freedom of speech.
Your reference to the “opposite orientation” is the clearest indication yet of your pathetic ignorance of the entire issue since sexual orientation exists along a continuum from heterosexual to varying degrees of bisexuality to homosexuality.
I wasn't sure how else to refer to being straight. Your nitpicking is amusing, though.

Lastly, when we talk about equal treatment, we’re talking about actions or inactions by the government that results in, or fails to prevent discrimination. Gay pride month is not about discrimination, it's about .....PRIDE So, if you want a “straight pride month” go for it. No one is stopping you from trying to get one, so you are not being discriminated against. I’ll try to keep a straight face.
It's not the government's job to make sure citizens treat other citizens with respect. It's the government's job to punish people for assaulting you, or murdering you. Asking for them to stifle freedom of speech is downright ignorant. I'd also like to point out that Gay Pride Month is a presidential declaration.

As far as laws against discrimination goes, to claim that heterosexuals should have such protections because of their orientation is another desperate logical fallacy in the form of a false analogy and a non sequitur. In other words, it makes no sense because straight people are not discriminated against because of sexual orientation.

I’ll be looking forward to your next idiotic post
I'm not claiming Heterosexuals should have protection because of their orientation, I'm saying that legislating protection for specific types of citizens is a silly notion for a multitude of reasons, some of those reasons being the ones I pointed out.It shows favoritism, stifles the rights of other citizens, and further separates them from said other citizens.
If you're really for personal freedom and radical individualism. Why be against ones right to be who they're? It flies in the face of such beliefs.
I'm not, I support homosexual marriage, and ACTUAL equal rights, not this favoritism that Democrats are striving for.
When did people need to fight against oppression and discrimination for their right to be straight?
It amazes me how clueless some people are

Right to be straight? WTF are you babbling about? What about my right to be the Emperor of the Western Hemisphere? Who are you to question my choices?
Exactly what the LBGT community has been screaming to your kind for decades and why they now celebrate the progress they've made. Who are you to question their choices? Not let them marry, adopt, rent apartments, get jobs, and have hospital rights, etc etc etc. get the point?
No, because you don't have a point. They can already do all of that, they have every right that anyone else has, as people. The only thing they couldn't do was marry, and they can do that now.
Yes they can do that now after years and years of fighting for these basic things. So they celebrate, rightfully so. Why do you even care? Women and blacks do the same thing for their progress and accomplishments. And rightfully so... Get over it
Unlike homosexuals, black people were treated as property for many years, and did NOT have basic human rights. Unlike women, homosexuals, unless they were female, could always vote in elections. By pretending that homosexuals were ever as oppressed as either one, you're diminishing THEIR accomplishments. Unlike homosexuals, black people and women actually lacked rights that everyone else had.
To each their own... It's not a competition, I don't see why you need to add to the negativity.
Well I'm sorry to hear that you are being disturbed... What would you like done about it?

Shall similar action be required for you regarding things that you may do in your life that disturbs other people?
I would like people to stop propagating the LIE that homosexuality is normal, stop validating it, and replace that with the truth that if you're a homosexual (of any type) you're a sex pervert, a loon, and you need psychological help.
And I don't do anything in my life that disturbs other people. I'm careful about that. Anything else, Mr Question Mark ?
To each their own... It's not a competition, I don't see why you need to add to the negativity.
Maybe because some homosexuals pretend that they are oppressed like blacks and women WERE (in the days before affirmative action)
Well I'm sorry to hear that you are being disturbed... What would you like done about it?

Shall similar action be required for you regarding things that you may do in your life that disturbs other people?
I would like people to stop propagating the LIE that homosexuality is normal, stop validating it, and replace that with the truth that if you're a homosexual (of any type) you're a sex pervert, a loon, and you need psychological help.
And I don't do anything in my life that disturbs other people. I'm careful about that. Anything else, Mr Question Mark ?
Your normal is not everybody's normal. We all live our own reality. You can respect that or try and force your values on others. I don't imagine you would appreciate let's say a Muslim imposing sharia law into you. Would ya?
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I get the feeling that you have never read the constitution. It equality is most certainly is something to be legislated. Are you familiar with the concepts of equal protection under the law, due process, and the rule of law? I think not. You’re trying to twist this to say that laws against discrimination are in themselves discriminatory even after I pointed out to you that laws against discrimination- on the basis of sexual orientation or identity- do not actually name any orientation or identity but simply say that no one may discriminate on the basis of ANY orientation or identity. No you cannot force people to show respect and they can indeed exercise their right to free speech by spewing whatever nonsensical, bigoted crap they want, but you can force people and institutions to afford people who belong to a minority group the same rights that other enjoy.

I meant in terms of how they're treated by other civilians. For example, legislating that you can't call a homosexual a bundle of sticks, or assault them. The first is limiting freedom of speech, the second is already covered by the law. Another example is forcing a business to provide them with service. The business shouldn't be forced, because that's treating the unequally from anyone else, because before then the business could refuse anyone(Though, they'd still be able to refuse them service on other grounds).

Nitpicking? It was a display of ignorance and I called you on it. You dumbed it down to an “either or” thing and now you’re trying to squirm out of it. Again, people of all orientations have the same protections. However, are those who are other than heterosexual, who need those protections.
You're nitpicking, because the wording I used had nothing to do with the conversation.

It most certainly is the government's job to prevent discrimination. Read the constitution for Christ's sake. You can be disrespectful and spew hate speech all you want, but you have to treat people equally.

You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.

The only thing that you pointed out was your ignorance of our system of constitutional law.
No, I pointed out a multitude of things, you just don't understand.

I'm sorry that self righteous, judgmental pieces of shit like yourself feel like your civil rights are being violated because those that don't share your faith or lifestyle want to be treated equally and fairly and fight against oppression.

I'll see if we can rally up some support for you all in case you need some shoulders to cry on.
Homosexuals should NOT be treated equally. They are NOT EQUAL. They are abnormal, insane, sex perverts, who have been deluded into thinking they are normal.
Your normal is not everybody's normal. We all love our own reality. You can respect that or try and force your values on others. I don't imagine you would appreciate let's say a Muslim imposing sharia law into you. Would ya?
This is exactly the typical, warped perception that homosexuals have been deluded into thinking. Sorry to disillusion you, but homosexuality is not a SUBjective thing. It is entirely OBjective, based on nature, which homosexuality is in complete contradiction of. Simple as that.

And NO, I would NOT appreciate a Muslim imposing sharia law on me. So please don't try to impose an acceptance of homosexuality on me either. OK ?
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I'm sorry that self righteous, judgmental pieces of shit like yourself feel like your civil rights are being violated because those that don't share your faith or lifestyle want to be treated equally and fairly and fight against oppression.

I'll see if we can rally up some support for you all in case you need some shoulders to cry on.
Homosexuals should NOT be treated equally. They are NOT EQUAL. They are abnormal, insane, sex perverts, who have been deluded into thinking they are normal.
You see Pumpkin, it's dipshits like this that the LGBT have been fighting against for years. While this douche bag has the right to say whatever he wants, it's also equally ok for LBGT to speak up for themselves, hold rally's, parades, and spread awareness to try and crush the ugly hate that people like this pollute our society with
Your normal is not everybody's normal. We all love our own reality. You can respect that or try and force your values on others. I don't imagine you would appreciate let's say a Muslim imposing sharia law into you. Would ya?
This is exactly the typical, warped perception that homosexuals have been deluded into thinking. Sorry to disillusion you, but homosexuality is not a SUBjective thing. It is entirely OBjective, based on nature, which homosexuality is in complete contradiction of. Simple as that.

And NO, I would NOT appreciate a Muslim imposing sharia law on me. So please don't try to impose an acceptance of homosexuality on me either. OK ?
Great, take your own advice and don't try to impose your anti homo blabber on anybody else then
Bovine excrement! The definition of equality, in the context of human rights is about how people are treated. It is not about everyone being the same. To use the definition of “equal” vs. "equality" is a dishonest, desperate and sleazy attempt at deception. http://www.amnestyusa.org/our-work/issues/lgbt-rights/marriage-equality

Okay, if you're going to bend the definition, I'll work with it. Even if it was about being treated equally by the citizens of America, then it's not something to be legislated, that just further discriminates them, because there are now laws specifically for people of that type. You cannot force people to show respect to people who haven't earned it, or force people to treat them a certain way. It's against freedom of speech.

Your reference to the “opposite orientation” is the clearest indication yet of your pathetic ignorance of the entire issue since sexual orientation exists along a continuum from heterosexual to varying degrees of bisexuality to homosexuality.
I wasn't sure how else to refer to being straight. Your nitpicking is amusing, though.

Lastly, when we talk about equal treatment, we’re talking about actions or inactions by the government that results in, or fails to prevent discrimination. Gay pride month is not about discrimination, it's about .....PRIDE So, if you want a “straight pride month” go for it. No one is stopping you from trying to get one, so you are not being discriminated against. I’ll try to keep a straight face.
It's not the government's job to make sure citizens treat other citizens with respect. It's the government's job to punish people for assaulting you, or murdering you. Asking for them to stifle freedom of speech is downright ignorant. I'd also like to point out that Gay Pride Month is a presidential declaration.

As far as laws against discrimination goes, to claim that heterosexuals should have such protections because of their orientation is another desperate logical fallacy in the form of a false analogy and a non sequitur. In other words, it makes no sense because straight people are not discriminated against because of sexual orientation.

I’ll be looking forward to your next idiotic post
I'm not claiming Heterosexuals should have protection because of their orientation, I'm saying that legislating protection for specific types of citizens is a silly notion for a multitude of reasons, some of those reasons being the ones I pointed out.It shows favoritism, stifles the rights of other citizens, and further separates them from said other citizens.

Okay, if you're going to bend the definition, I'll work with it. Even if it was about being treated equally by the citizens of America, then it's not something to be legislated, that just further discriminates them, because there are now laws specifically for people of that type. You cannot force people to show respect to people who haven't earned it, or force people to treat them a certain way. It's against freedom of speech.

I get the feeling that you have never read the constitution. Equality is most certainly is something to be legislated. Are you familiar with the concepts of equal protection under the law, due process, and the rule of law? I think not. You’re trying to twist this to say that laws against discrimination are in themselves discriminatory even after I pointed out to you that laws against discrimination- on the basis of sexual orientation or identity- do not actually name any orientation or identity but simply say that no one may discriminate on the basis of ANY orientation or identity. No you cannot force people to show respect and they can indeed exercise their right to free speech by spewing whatever nonsensical, bigoted crap they want, but they can force people and institutions to afford people who belong to a minority group the same rights that other enjoy.

I wasn't sure how else to refer to being straight. Your nitpicking is amusing, though..

Nitpicking? It was a display of ignorance and I called you on it. You dumbed it down to an “either or” thing and now you’re trying to squirm out of it. Again, people of all orientations have the same protections. However, are those who are other than heterosexual, who need those protections.

It's not the government's job to make sure citizens treat other citizens with respect. It's the government's job to punish people for assaulting you, or murdering you. Asking for them to stifle freedom of speech is downright ignorant. I'd also like to point out that Gay Pride Month is a presidential declaration..

It is the governments job to protect the most vulnerable citizens against abuse and discrimination. Again, you really should read the Constitution before you continue to embarrass yourself by blathering about that which you know nothing about. You are free to disrespect others and (ab)use your right to free speech by bad mouthing them, but you cannot discriminate against them. You cannot deny them the same rights that you enjoy.

I'm not claiming Heterosexuals should have protection because of their orientation, I'm saying that legislating protection for specific types of citizens is a silly notion for a multitude of reasons, some of those reasons being the ones I pointed out..

The only thing that you pointed out was your ignorance of our system of constitutional law. [/quote]
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Bovine excrement! The definition of equality, in the context of human rights is about how people are treated. It is not about everyone being the same. To use the definition of “equal” vs. "equality" is a dishonest, desperate and sleazy attempt at deception. http://www.amnestyusa.org/our-work/issues/lgbt-rights/marriage-equality

Okay, if you're going to bend the definition, I'll work with it. Even if it was about being treated equally by the citizens of America, then it's not something to be legislated, that just further discriminates them, because there are now laws specifically for people of that type. You cannot force people to show respect to people who haven't earned it, or force people to treat them a certain way. It's against freedom of speech.

Your reference to the “opposite orientation” is the clearest indication yet of your pathetic ignorance of the entire issue since sexual orientation exists along a continuum from heterosexual to varying degrees of bisexuality to homosexuality.
I wasn't sure how else to refer to being straight. Your nitpicking is amusing, though.

Lastly, when we talk about equal treatment, we’re talking about actions or inactions by the government that results in, or fails to prevent discrimination. Gay pride month is not about discrimination, it's about .....PRIDE So, if you want a “straight pride month” go for it. No one is stopping you from trying to get one, so you are not being discriminated against. I’ll try to keep a straight face.
It's not the government's job to make sure citizens treat other citizens with respect. It's the government's job to punish people for assaulting you, or murdering you. Asking for them to stifle freedom of speech is downright ignorant. I'd also like to point out that Gay Pride Month is a presidential declaration.

As far as laws against discrimination goes, to claim that heterosexuals should have such protections because of their orientation is another desperate logical fallacy in the form of a false analogy and a non sequitur. In other words, it makes no sense because straight people are not discriminated against because of sexual orientation.

I’ll be looking forward to your next idiotic post
I'm not claiming Heterosexuals should have protection because of their orientation, I'm saying that legislating protection for specific types of citizens is a silly notion for a multitude of reasons, some of those reasons being the ones I pointed out.It shows favoritism, stifles the rights of other citizens, and further separates them from said other citizens.

Okay, if you're going to bend the definition, I'll work with it. Even if it was about being treated equally by the citizens of America, then it's not something to be legislated, that just further discriminates them, because there are now laws specifically for people of that type. You cannot force people to show respect to people who haven't earned it, or force people to treat them a certain way. It's against freedom of speech.
I get the feeling that you have never read the constitution. Equality is most certainly is something to be legislated. Are you familiar with the concepts of equal protection under the law, due process, and the rule of law? I think not. You’re trying to twist this to say that laws against discrimination are in themselves discriminatory even after I pointed out to you that laws against discrimination- on the basis of sexual orientation or identity- do not actually name any orientation or identity but simply say that no one may discriminate on the basis of ANY orientation or identity. No you cannot force people to show respect and they can indeed exercise their right to free speech by spewing whatever nonsensical, bigoted crap they want, but they can force people and institutions to afford people who belong to a minority group the same rights that other enjoy.

I wasn't sure how else to refer to being straight. Your nitpicking is amusing, though..

Nitpicking? It was a display of ignorance and I called you on it. You dumbed it down to an “either or” thing and now you’re trying to squirm out of it. Again, people of all orientations have the same protections. However, are those who are other than heterosexual, who need those protections.

It's not the government's job to make sure citizens treat other citizens with respect. It's the government's job to punish people for assaulting you, or murdering you. Asking for them to stifle freedom of speech is downright ignorant. I'd also like to point out that Gay Pride Month is a presidential declaration..

It is the governments job to protect the most vulnerable citizens against abuse and discrimination. Again, you really should read the Constitution before you continue to embarrass yourself by blathering about that which you know nothing about. You are free to disrespect others and (ab)use your right to free speech by bad mouthing them, but you cannot discriminate against them. You cannot deny them the same rights that you enjoy.

I'm not claiming Heterosexuals should have protection because of their orientation, I'm saying that legislating protection for specific types of citizens is a silly notion for a multitude of reasons, some of those reasons being the ones I pointed out..

The only thing that you pointed out was your ignorance of our system of constitutional law.
Wow, you broke this post so hard, I can't even tell what's being said.
I get the feeling that you have never read the constitution. It equality is most certainly is something to be legislated. Are you familiar with the concepts of equal protection under the law, due process, and the rule of law? I think not. You’re trying to twist this to say that laws against discrimination are in themselves discriminatory even after I pointed out to you that laws against discrimination- on the basis of sexual orientation or identity- do not actually name any orientation or identity but simply say that no one may discriminate on the basis of ANY orientation or identity. No you cannot force people to show respect and they can indeed exercise their right to free speech by spewing whatever nonsensical, bigoted crap they want, but you can force people and institutions to afford people who belong to a minority group the same rights that other enjoy.
I meant in terms of how they're treated by other civilians. For example, legislating that you can't call a homosexual a bundle of sticks, or assault them. The first is limiting freedom of speech, the second is already covered by the law. Another example is forcing a business to provide them with service. The business shouldn't be forced, because that's treating the unequally from anyone else, because before then the business could refuse anyone(Though, they'd still be able to refuse them service on other grounds).
Nitpicking? It was a display of ignorance and I called you on it. You dumbed it down to an “either or” thing and now you’re trying to squirm out of it. Again, people of all orientations have the same protections. However, are those who are other than heterosexual, who need those protections.
You're nitpicking, because the wording I used had nothing to do with the conversation.

It most certainly is the government's job to prevent discrimination. Read the constitution for Christ's sake. You can be disrespectful and spew hate speech all you want, but you have to treat people equally.
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.

The only thing that you pointed out was your ignorance of our system of constitutional law.
No, I pointed out a multitude of things, you just don't understand.
Either you are playing dumb or you are really that obtuse. Your free speech is not being infringed upon. You can say as much stupid shit as you want as evidenced by what is going on here. You just can't discriminate in areas such as housing, employment and public accommodation. Your religious freedom is secure. You can practice and express your faith freely, you just can't use it as a weapon against others. vI'm quite sure that I have not misunderstood you at all.
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I get the feeling that you have never read the constitution. It equality is most certainly is something to be legislated. Are you familiar with the concepts of equal protection under the law, due process, and the rule of law? I think not. You’re trying to twist this to say that laws against discrimination are in themselves discriminatory even after I pointed out to you that laws against discrimination- on the basis of sexual orientation or identity- do not actually name any orientation or identity but simply say that no one may discriminate on the basis of ANY orientation or identity. No you cannot force people to show respect and they can indeed exercise their right to free speech by spewing whatever nonsensical, bigoted crap they want, but you can force people and institutions to afford people who belong to a minority group the same rights that other enjoy.
I meant in terms of how they're treated by other civilians. For example, legislating that you can't call a homosexual a bundle of sticks, or assault them. The first is limiting freedom of speech, the second is already covered by the law. Another example is forcing a business to provide them with service. The business shouldn't be forced, because that's treating the unequally from anyone else, because before then the business could refuse anyone(Though, they'd still be able to refuse them service on other grounds).
Nitpicking? It was a display of ignorance and I called you on it. You dumbed it down to an “either or” thing and now you’re trying to squirm out of it. Again, people of all orientations have the same protections. However, are those who are other than heterosexual, who need those protections.
You're nitpicking, because the wording I used had nothing to do with the conversation.

It most certainly is the government's job to prevent discrimination. Read the constitution for Christ's sake. You can be disrespectful and spew hate speech all you want, but you have to treat people equally.
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.

The only thing that you pointed out was your ignorance of our system of constitutional law.
No, I pointed out a multitude of things, you just don't understand.
Either you are playing dumb or you are really that obtuse. Your free speech is not being infringed upon. You can say as much stupid shit as you want as evidenced by what is going on here
No, really, you mixed up all the quotes, and made it one big quote with lots of small ones inside. I can't make heads or tails of that post.

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