Obama Declares Victory And Leaves In Defeat

Let me get this straight: Bush/Cheney started an unprovoked war with Iraq that has resulted in the deaths of over 4500 US service members and probably tens-of-thousands (probably more) of innocent Iraqi civilians, and caused Iraq to be over-run with AQ terrorists (none of which existed before in Iraq). After 8 years of that mess, Obama decides it's time to bring the troops home; but only after he ordered the mission that took down Bin Laden and got the US involved in the NATO mission that lead to the downfall of Ghadaffi. And you want me to believe that not only is this a defeat for Obama, but that he's also an incompetent CIC?


Hitting the bottle a little early today, or are you just filled with so much hatred for Obama and jealousy of his accomplishments that you're incapable of coming up with a sane argument against him?

His accomplishments?


Obama's main accomplishment seems to have been getting JosefK to suck him off every five minutes.
Unless I misunderstood this isn't nor should it be a partisan issue. We were told to get out. It is their country and if they demand we leave we have no choice unless we want to make a semi unstable country worse.

I'm quite sure Obama will try to use this for partisan gains but I won't and you all shouldn't either. We all know the truth.

"They" didn't demand we leave; they refused to grant immunity to our troops as Obama required, so Obama said Ta Ta. Kind of refreshing, a CIC who actually put those in harms way first. Bet it pisses off the American oil companies and Dick Cheney.
Mission Accomplished for Obama .......eight years after Bush thought he was done

Well, that's another Bush mess cleaned up by Obama

My press is reporting that Turkey has pretty well been targeting the Kurds on a day to day basis and have effectively engaged war with northern Iraq.

Has your media reported anything? or are you still under PRAVDA?

You only listen to your masters at the alphabet networks?

Now I have not one problem with withdrawal. Should have happend eons ago. But look what happens when you leave a vacuum.

Turkey is now going to take over Northern Iraq!!!!

too fucking funny.

My press is reporting that Turkey has pretty well been targeting the Kurds on a day to day basis and have effectively engaged war with northern Iraq.

Has your media reported anything? or are you still under PRAVDA?

You only listen to your masters at the alphabet networks?

Now I have not one problem with withdrawal. Should have happend eons ago. But look what happens when you leave a vacuum.

Turkey is now going to take over Northern Iraq!!!!

too fucking funny.

Well India is taking over Afghanistan. So the next time your computer is on the fritz you will be talking to Mohammed.
Let me get this straight: Bush/Cheney started an unprovoked war with Iraq that has resulted in the deaths of over 4500 US service members and probably tens-of-thousands (probably more) of innocent Iraqi civilians, and caused Iraq to be over-run with AQ terrorists (none of which existed before in Iraq). After 8 years of that mess, Obama decides it's time to bring the troops home; but only after he ordered the mission that took down Bin Laden and got the US involved in the NATO mission that lead to the downfall of Ghadaffi. And you want me to believe that not only is this a defeat for Obama, but that he's also an incompetent CIC?


Hitting the bottle a little early today, or are you just filled with so much hatred for Obama and jealousy of his accomplishments that you're incapable of coming up with a sane argument against him?


And now, a song that makes about as much sense as the OP.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbgv8PkO9eo]Harry Nilsson - Coconut (1971) - YouTube[/ame]
Unless I misunderstood this isn't nor should it be a partisan issue. We were told to get out. It is their country and if they demand we leave we have no choice unless we want to make a semi unstable country worse.

I'm quite sure Obama will try to use this for partisan gains but I won't and you all shouldn't either. We all know the truth.

"They" didn't demand we leave; they refused to grant immunity to our troops as Obama required, so Obama said Ta Ta. Kind of refreshing, a CIC who actually put those in harms way first. Bet it pisses off the American oil companies and Dick Cheney.

Yes, they did... as far back as 2008.
Iraq Demands US Troops Leave by 2011
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has notified George Bush that the Iraq government will seek to renegiotiate the standing military pact between the two nations. Per CNN, this agreement mandates that all American troops be withdrawn from Iraqi cities and villages by July 30, 2009, and leave the country entirely by December 31, 2011.
let me get this straight: Bush/cheney started an unprovoked war with iraq that has resulted in the deaths of over 4500 us service members and probably tens-of-thousands (probably more) of innocent iraqi civilians, and caused iraq to be over-run with aq terrorists (none of which existed before in iraq). After 8 years of that mess, obama decides it's time to bring the troops home; but only after he ordered the mission that took down bin laden and got the us involved in the nato mission that lead to the downfall of ghadaffi. And you want me to believe that not only is this a defeat for obama, but that he's also an incompetent cic?


Hitting the bottle a little early today, or are you just filled with so much hatred for obama and jealousy of his accomplishments that you're incapable of coming up with a sane argument against him?


And now, a song that makes about as much sense as the op.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbgv8pko9eo]harry nilsson - coconut (1971) - youtube[/ame]

Mission Accomplished for Obama .......eight years after Bush thought he was done

Well, that's another Bush mess cleaned up by Obama

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Mr. Nobel Peace Prize running around the planet claiming credit for the assassination of Ghadafi.

Oh and make no mistake about it. This is a war crime.

Le Hague is coming. The man (and I detest him) was walking and begging for his life and he was assassinated.

Make no mistake about it. The man the despicable pig that he was was assassinated in front of all our eyes.

Obama wants to take credit? I have no problem with petioning Le Hague.

You know Americans? The court you wanted Bush to be dragged before for waterboarding.

Frankly, I have never seen the likes of libs cheering on the death of a man. In a frenzy.

It's been a most interesting time.
um.....we have been planning to leave since Bush, Obama used Bushes timetable.

all i see here is more whining.


Prove it's Bush's timetable.

Bush said before he left that it would depend on military commander's recommendations, not political expediency. No set timetable was ever made.

Apparently Obama has gone around the recommendations of his commanders.

He couldn't exert any influence on the ongoing negotiations for us to remain, so he's throwing up his hands and walking out.....putting a positive spin on the situation.

see post 14, and this has been know for years that Obama was using Bushes timetable plan.


We get it, no matter what Obama did you would whine like a little child.

See post #14.
You owe me. :)
Mission Accomplished for Obama .......eight years after Bush thought he was done

Well, that's another Bush mess cleaned up by Obama

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Mr. Nobel Peace Prize running around the planet claiming credit for the assassination of Ghadafi.

Oh and make no mistake about it. This is a war crime.

Le Hague is coming. The man (and I detest him) was walking and begging for his life and he was assassinated.

Make no mistake about it. The man the despicable pig that he was was assassinated in front of all our eyes.

Obama wants to take credit? I have no problem with petioning Le Hague.

You know Americans? The court you wanted Bush to be dragged before for waterboarding.

Frankly, I have never seen the likes of libs cheering on the death of a man. In a frenzy.

It's been a most interesting time.
Do us all a favor, crawl back in your hole and.....

Can't see a big problem here.

We want to get out.

The Iraqis want us to leave.

Frankly, I'd prefer that to something like Korea, where we are keeping a whole division on standby to defend the third richest country in Asia from the poorest country in Asia from a war that ended 60 years ago.

On a larger note, perhaps it is time for us to stop trying to be the world's policeman. We have troops in over 100 countries, and we are broke! The world doesn't seem to appreciate our efforts all that much. You get the lazy socialist states of Europe who spend less than 1% of GDP defending their own countries while we spend 6% of GDP protecting the whole world.

At the very least, we should actually charge for the service.

Everything you said spells defeat.

If everything he said spells 'defeat'...

and he said we want out...

and you also wanted us out...

doesn't that mean you wanted us defeated?

Victory in Iraq under this President is not possible....so getting out is the only logical solution.

It's not like it would be my first choice. It's simply the only reasonable outcome. Obama has no intention on doing what is necessary because he's still protesting the Iraq war in his mind. It was never going to be turned into a positive situation. What he likes he works at. What he hates he neglects.
Close, However Obama moved it up. At least that is what was reported in our local news.

yeah two months...WOW...look out

Yes that 16 months was impressive. Two months you say WOW!!

It's a war crime. All democrats cheering this on and all involved can and should be punished.

I heard Hillary was cheering his death on. Wonder what he had on her?

Oh and by the way, all the people I know at human rights are saying the morons at NATO didn't clear out his shit.

So everyone in the HR's know who tortued who. Sounds like a bad ac/dc tune but for true.
Everything you said spells defeat.

If everything he said spells 'defeat'...

and he said we want out...

and you also wanted us out...

doesn't that mean you wanted us defeated?

Victory in Iraq under this President is not possible....so getting out is the only logical solution.

It's not like it would be my first choice. It's simply the only reasonable outcome. Obama has no intention on doing what is necessary because he's still protesting the Iraq war in his mind. It was never going to be turned into a positive situation. What he likes he works at. What he hates he neglects.

I'm sorry but as far as I'm concerned we succeeded long ago. Only Iraq can snatch victory from themselves now. We did the right thing going in, now its up to them to make their own future victorious.
Mission Accomplished for Obama .......eight years after Bush thought he was done

Well, that's another Bush mess cleaned up by Obama

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Mr. Nobel Peace Prize running around the planet claiming credit for the assassination of Ghadafi.

Oh and make no mistake about it. This is a war crime.

Le Hague is coming. The man (and I detest him) was walking and begging for his life and he was assassinated.

Make no mistake about it. The man the despicable pig that he was was assassinated in front of all our eyes.

Obama wants to take credit? I have no problem with petioning Le Hague.

You know Americans? The court you wanted Bush to be dragged before for waterboarding.

Frankly, I have never seen the likes of libs cheering on the death of a man. In a frenzy.

It's been a most interesting time.
Do us all a favor, crawl back in your hole and.....



Because I can rejoice that that sick bastard is dead and nail Obama at the same time?

Pray tell why should I shut the fuck up?

All the years I had to eat shit off of so called mother trucking pacifists who didn't understand what we were doing or why even after 9/11?

All the years I had to deal with everyone telling me that Bush and Cheney were war criminals and should be brought to Le Hague over freaking water boarding?

Pray tell, now, I am watching all good Democrats watch a man beg for his life cheering on his death after they courted him for years upon years and I am to shut up?

With all due respect, fuck you back, I intend to run with this.I now have mr. peace prize winner over a barrel if he wants to claim he ordered this assassination.
Oh yeah, I forgot.

Mr. Nobel Peace Prize running around the planet claiming credit for the assassination of Ghadafi.

Oh and make no mistake about it. This is a war crime.

Le Hague is coming. The man (and I detest him) was walking and begging for his life and he was assassinated.

Make no mistake about it. The man the despicable pig that he was was assassinated in front of all our eyes.

Obama wants to take credit? I have no problem with petioning Le Hague.

You know Americans? The court you wanted Bush to be dragged before for waterboarding.

Frankly, I have never seen the likes of libs cheering on the death of a man. In a frenzy.

It's been a most interesting time.
Do us all a favor, crawl back in your hole and.....



Because I can rejoice that that sick bastard is dead and nail Obama at the same time?

Pray tell why should I shut the fuck up?

All the years I had to eat shit off of so called mother trucking pacifists who didn't understand what we were doing or why even after 9/11?

All the years I had to deal with everyone telling me that Bush and Cheney were war criminals and should be brought to Le Hague over freaking water boarding?

Pray tell, now, I am watching all good Democrats watch a man beg for his life cheering on his death after they courted him for years upon years and I am to shut up?

With all due respect, fuck you back, I intend to run with this.I now have mr. peace prize winner over a barrel if he wants to claim he ordered this assassination.

why should you shut up?

Because Obama is no more a war criminal than Bush was. You condemn those that made such ludicrous claims of Bush then you do the same damn thing. Your as stupid as they were and shutting up would make you appear less stupid.

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