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Obama Demands a Timetable For Israeli Withdrawal

Feeble minded one,

Zionism is a crime against humanity, I just listened to Turkey's leader say that. And I completely agree with him.

The same turkeys complicit in the deaths of 2 million Armenians. The US Congress passed a resolution condeming turkey for denying the situation.

Martin Luther King, Jr...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvr2Cxuh2Wk]Martin Luther King Jr: "Israel... is one of the great outpost of democracy in the world" - YouTube[/ame]

Still basically deprives the Israelis of their most religious sites which is why Israel will never leave E. Jerusalem. Olmert proposed sharing E. Jerusalem while making it the Capital of Palestine which of course Abbas rejected. Now do you understand?


Zionism is but one more evil "ism" that people of conscience in this world shall oppose until we see it destroyed. It really is simple, there is no place in this world for a Zionist State!

There are 60 Islamic countries. There are 50 Christian countries. No room for one Jewish country? You're psychotic.

Martin Luther King, Jr...
When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking anti-Semitism.

I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy.

Israel's right to exist as a state in security is uncontestable. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.

I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews -- because bigotry in any form is an affront to us all.
"I have a dream" for peace in the Middle East / King's special bond with Israel - SFGate

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvr2Cxuh2Wk]Martin Luther King Jr: "Israel... is one of the great outpost of democracy in the world" - YouTube[/ame]
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Maryland, In Post 20 you bring up events from the past which have nothing to do with this thread. MLK did not live to see the evils of the Zionist Occupation of the past 65 years. But last Fall, people who stood beside him seeking equal rights visited the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh and they stood on the roof of a house and wept watching the Zionist Occupier of Palestine attack a weekly protest and children with tear gas canisters and rubber bullets and they told the villagers that was exactly like what they experienced in the Civil Rights Movement. There is no way in this world MLK would support the human rights abuses Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine. He would oppose the Occupation as vehemently as he opposed Segregation in America. And about segregation, I just read an announcement of what is coming to Palestine, segregated buses in Palestine.
Maryland, In Post 20 you bring up events from the past which have nothing to do with this thread. MLK did not live to see the evils of the Zionist Occupation of the past 65 years. But last Fall, people who stood beside him seeking equal rights visited the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh and they stood on the roof of a house and wept watching the Zionist Occupier of Palestine attack a weekly protest and children with tear gas canisters and rubber bullets and they told the villagers that was exactly like what they experienced in the Civil Rights Movement. There is no eay in this world MLK would support the human rights abuses Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine. He would oppose the Occupation as vehemently as he opposed Segregation in America. And about segregation, I judt read an announcement of what is coming to Palestine, segregated buses in Palestine.

US President Barack Obama...
The bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable. It encompasses our national security interests, our strategic interests, but most importantly, the bond of two democracies who share a common set of values."
Remarks by President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Former United States Senator Daniel Inouye, Former President Pro Tempore of the US Senate, Awarded Medal of Honor, Purple Heart, Distinguished Service Cross, Bronze Star...
If one looks at most of this world, especially the Middle East, one country stands out as a foundation of stability and as a pillar of democracy. And at a time like this, when you have revolution in Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan, thank God we have Israel.

Jesus Christ was a Zionist...
John 12:13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! “Blessed is the king of Israel!”
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Feeble minded one,

Zionism is a crime against humanity, I just listened to Turkey's leader say that. And I completely agree with him.

The same turkeys complicit in the deaths of 2 million Armenians. The US Congress passed a resolution condeming turkey for denying the situation.

Martin Luther King, Jr...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvr2Cxuh2Wk]Martin Luther King Jr: "Israel... is one of the great outpost of democracy in the world" - YouTube[/ame]

Still basically deprives the Israelis of their most religious sites which is why Israel will never leave E. Jerusalem. Olmert proposed sharing E. Jerusalem while making it the Capital of Palestine which of course Abbas rejected. Now do you understand?


Zionism is but one more evil "ism" that people of conscience in this world shall oppose until we see it destroyed. It really is simple, there is no place in this world for a Zionist State!
Is this what you hear at your mosque each Friday at the sermons, Fatima? Meanwhile, it doesn't seem to bother you at all at how Christians are being persecuted by your friends. People of conscience are certainly disgusted over this. I guess you are not a person with a conscience.
Answering Muslims: Copts Tortured, Burned with Acid by Muslims in Libya
Maryland, In Post 20 you bring up events from the past which have nothing to do with this thread. MLK did not live to see the evils of the Zionist Occupation of the past 65 years. But last Fall, people who stood beside him seeking equal rights visited the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh and they stood on the roof of a house and wept watching the Zionist Occupier of Palestine attack a weekly protest and children with tear gas canisters and rubber bullets and they told the villagers that was exactly like what they experienced in the Civil Rights Movement. There is no way in this world MLK would support the human rights abuses Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine. He would oppose the Occupation as vehemently as he opposed Segregation in America. And about segregation, I just read an announcement of what is coming to Palestine, segregated buses in Palestine.

You're severely uneducated in the law. Israel is occupying Israel? How absurd. Occupation is defined under international law as one state controlling another state. Israel is controlling no state.

Read and learn...

Eugene V. Rostow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eugene Rostow, Legal Scholar, Former Dean of the Yale Law School, Under Secretary of State in the Johnson administration, US State Dept Legal Advisor, Drafter of UN Res. 242 pertaining to Israeli land in the West Bank...
The British Mandate recognized the right of the Jewish people to "close settlement" in the whole of the Mandated territory [Palestine]. The Jewish right of settlement in Palestine west of the Jordan river, that is, in Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was made unassailable. That right has never been terminated and cannot be terminated except by a recognized peace between Israel and its neighbors. And perhaps not even then, in view of Article 80 of the U.N. Charter, "the Palestine article," which provides that "nothing in the Charter shall be construed ... to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments...."

The mandate implicitly denies Arab claims to national political rights in the area in favor of the Jews; the mandated territory was in effect reserved to the Jewish people for their self-determination and political development, in acknowledgment of the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land. Lord Curzon, who was then the British Foreign Minister, made this reading of the mandate explicit. There remains simply the theory that the Arab inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have an inherent 'natural law' claim to the area. Neither customary international law nor the United Nations Charter acknowledges that every group of people claiming to be a nation has the right to a state of its own."
Power and Policy in Quest of the Law : Essays in Honor of Eugene Victor Rostow: Eugene V. Rostow: 9789024729111: Amazon.com: Books
Maryland, In Post 20 you bring up events from the past which have nothing to do with this thread. MLK did not live to see the evils of the Zionist Occupation of the past 65 years. But last Fall, people who stood beside him seeking equal rights visited the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh and they stood on the roof of a house and wept watching the Zionist Occupier of Palestine attack a weekly protest and children with tear gas canisters and rubber bullets and they told the villagers that was exactly like what they experienced in the Civil Rights Movement. There is no way in this world MLK would support the human rights abuses Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine. He would oppose the Occupation as vehemently as he opposed Segregation in America. And about segregation, I just read an announcement of what is coming to Palestine, segregated buses in Palestine.

You're severely uneducated in the law. Israel is occupying Israel? How absurd. Occupation is defined under international law as one state controlling another state. Israel is controlling no state.

Read and learn...

Eugene V. Rostow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eugene Rostow, Legal Scholar, Former Dean of the Yale Law School, Under Secretary of State in the Johnson administration, US State Dept Legal Advisor, Drafter of UN Res. 242 pertaining to Israeli land in the West Bank...
The British Mandate recognized the right of the Jewish people to "close settlement" in the whole of the Mandated territory [Palestine]. The Jewish right of settlement in Palestine west of the Jordan river, that is, in Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was made unassailable. That right has never been terminated and cannot be terminated except by a recognized peace between Israel and its neighbors. And perhaps not even then, in view of Article 80 of the U.N. Charter, "the Palestine article," which provides that "nothing in the Charter shall be construed ... to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments...."

The mandate implicitly denies Arab claims to national political rights in the area in favor of the Jews; the mandated territory was in effect reserved to the Jewish people for their self-determination and political development, in acknowledgment of the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land. Lord Curzon, who was then the British Foreign Minister, made this reading of the mandate explicit. There remains simply the theory that the Arab inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have an inherent 'natural law' claim to the area. Neither customary international law nor the United Nations Charter acknowledges that every group of people claiming to be a nation has the right to a state of its own."
Power and Policy in Quest of the Law : Essays in Honor of Eugene Victor Rostow: Eugene V. Rostow: 9789024729111: Amazon.com: Books

You're severely uneducated in the law. Israel is occupying Israel? How absurd. Occupation is defined under international law as one state controlling another state. Israel is controlling no state.

Post 69 http://www.usmessageboard.com/6895358-post69.html
Post 73 http://www.usmessageboard.com/6895381-post73.html
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Post 76 http://www.usmessageboard.com/6895430-post76.html
Post 77 http://www.usmessageboard.com/6895479-post77.html
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Post 80 http://www.usmessageboard.com/6895501-post80.html
Post 81 http://www.usmessageboard.com/6895515-post81.html

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P F Tinmore, Maryland, irosie91, patrickcaturday, SherriMunnerlyn, Roudy, Jos, et al;

I support the right tof Israel to exist as a sovereign nation, in its own right.

I do not support the right of exemption for the Palestinians to conduct the various criminal acts they have committed beginning with the 1948/49 war.


For a person like me, it is exceptionally hard to hold the two positions. There is a "Rule of Law" for which both sides have to comply. Now no one expects the Palestinians to comply. But the Israelis are now going to be held to the standard. They are expected to comply, if for no other reason, then to demonstrate that they have the higher moral ground.


The issue today is "Occupation." Specifically, the West Bank, and Israeli withdrawal. There is no question that the Israelis have not been good landlords in terms of the protections that an Occupation Force is suppose to extend to the inhabitance of the Occupied Territory. It would take me all day to list and discuss those issues, and the decisions the Israelis made.

It is probably too late for the Israelis to change the face on the monster they helped create. It is time for them to withdraw and dismantle settlements that are beyond the scope of the mandate behind the Occupation Authority. They have known that they were in violation of the principles outlined in the Rome Statues [Article 8, Para 2b(viii)] and the Geneva Convention (Article 49) when they transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. Everyone understood that this would reach a head at some point if the Israel were not the model for all occupation forces to hold as a standard.

While everyone expects (after a withdrawal) the Arab Palestinian to take advantage of an Israel withdraw, exploit the absence of security forces, and begin a new round of terrorist assaults against Israel, it is an unfortunate outcome that Israel will have to face because they did not act in the best interest of the Palestinians. It will be an inadvertent outcome of the international demand to treat the Palestinians as a civilized nation.

Most Respectfully,

I support the right tof Israel to exist as a sovereign nation, in its own right.

I am curious as to where you got this opinion.

Did you ever study this to prove it to be true?

Or, do you believe it because it is the only thing you have heard your whole life?
P F Tinmore, Maryland, irosie91, patrickcaturday, SherriMunnerlyn, Roudy, Jos, et al;

I support the right tof Israel to exist as a sovereign nation, in its own right.

I do not support the right of exemption for the Palestinians to conduct the various criminal acts they have committed beginning with the 1948/49 war.


For a person like me, it is exceptionally hard to hold the two positions. There is a "Rule of Law" for which both sides have to comply. Now no one expects the Palestinians to comply. But the Israelis are now going to be held to the standard. They are expected to comply, if for no other reason, then to demonstrate that they have the higher moral ground.


The issue today is "Occupation." Specifically, the West Bank, and Israeli withdrawal. There is no question that the Israelis have not been good landlords in terms of the protections that an Occupation Force is suppose to extend to the inhabitance of the Occupied Territory. It
would take me all day to list and discuss those issues, and the decisions the Israelis made.

It is probably too late for the Israelis to change the face on the monster they helped create. It is time for them to withdraw and dismantle settlements that are beyond the scope of the
mandate behind the Occupation Authority. They have known that they were in violation of the principles outlined in the Rome Statues [Article 8, Para 2b(viii)] and the Geneva Convention (Article 49) when they transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. Everyone understood that this would reach a head at some point if the Israel were
not the model for all occupation forces to hold as a standard.

While everyone expects (after a withdrawal) the Arab Palestinian to take advantage of an Israel withdraw, exploit the absence of security forces, and begin a new round of terrorist assaults against Israel, it is an unfortunate outcome that Israel will have to face because they did not act in the best interest of the
Palestinians. It will be an inadvertent outcome of the international demand to treat the Palestinians as a civilized nation.

Most Respectfully,

I support the right tof Israel to exist as a sovereign nation, in its own right.

I am curious as to where you got this opinion.

Did you ever study this to prove it to be true?

Or, do you believe it because it is the only thing you have heard your whole life?

tinnie poses an interesting question-----in fact it is the same dilemma
faced by Thomas Jefferson as he wrote the "DECLARATION OF
INDEPENDENCE" -----which was legally a crime against KING GEORGE.

He attempted to solve the legal dilemma with the assertion >>>

"we hold these truths to be self-evident----that all men are created

in fact the right of jews who have been documented residents in the
middle east---since -the dawn of civilization----to exist---has been
LEGALLY contested several times in the course of history by
persons of tinnie's ilk
P F Tinmore, Maryland, irosie91, patrickcaturday, SherriMunnerlyn, Roudy, Jos, et al;

I support the right tof Israel to exist as a sovereign nation, in its own right.

I do not support the right of exemption for the Palestinians to conduct the various criminal acts they have committed beginning with the 1948/49 war.


For a person like me, it is exceptionally hard to hold the two positions. There is a "Rule of Law" for which both sides have to comply. Now no one expects the Palestinians to comply. But the Israelis are now going to be held to the standard. They are expected to comply, if for no other reason, then to demonstrate that they have the higher moral ground.


The issue today is "Occupation." Specifically, the West Bank, and Israeli withdrawal. There is no question that the Israelis have not been good landlords in terms of the protections that an Occupation Force is suppose to extend to the inhabitance of the Occupied Territory. It
would take me all day to list and discuss those issues, and the decisions the Israelis made.

It is probably too late for the Israelis to change the face on the monster they helped create. It is time for them to withdraw and dismantle settlements that are beyond the scope of the
mandate behind the Occupation Authority. They have known that they were in violation of the principles outlined in the Rome Statues [Article 8, Para 2b(viii)] and the Geneva Convention (Article 49) when they transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. Everyone understood that this would reach a head at some point if the Israel were
not the model for all occupation forces to hold as a standard.

While everyone expects (after a withdrawal) the Arab Palestinian to take advantage of an Israel withdraw, exploit the absence of security forces, and begin a new round of terrorist assaults against Israel, it is an unfortunate outcome that Israel will have to face because they did not act in the best interest of the
Palestinians. It will be an inadvertent outcome of the international demand to treat the Palestinians as a civilized nation.

Most Respectfully,

I support the right tof Israel to exist as a sovereign nation, in its own right.

I am curious as to where you got this opinion.

Did you ever study this to prove it to be true?

Or, do you believe it because it is the only thing you have heard your whole life?

tinnie poses an interesting question-----in fact it is the same dilemma
faced by Thomas Jefferson as he wrote the "DECLARATION OF
INDEPENDENCE" -----which was legally a crime against KING GEORGE.

He attempted to solve the legal dilemma with the assertion >>>

"we hold these truths to be self-evident----that all men are created

in fact the right of jews who have been documented residents in the
middle east---since -the dawn of civilization----to exist---has been
LEGALLY contested several times in the course of history by
persons of tinnie's ilk

On the contrary, I believe that Palestine is the homeland of the Jews.
I am curious as to where you got this opinion.

Did you ever study this to prove it to be true?

Or, do you believe it because it is the only thing you have heard your whole life?

tinnie poses an interesting question-----in fact it is the same dilemma
faced by Thomas Jefferson as he wrote the "DECLARATION OF
INDEPENDENCE" -----which was legally a crime against KING GEORGE.

He attempted to solve the legal dilemma with the assertion >>>

"we hold these truths to be self-evident----that all men are created

in fact the right of jews who have been documented residents in the
middle east---since -the dawn of civilization----to exist---has been
LEGALLY contested several times in the course of history by
persons of tinnie's ilk

On the contrary, I believe that Palestine is the homeland of the Jews.

I know what you are, tinnie My recent family roots are in the REICHS---
My husband was born in THE CALIPHATE You are a reich/caliphate
person --------you can shove that idea where the sun don't shine
I am curious as to where you got this opinion.

Did you ever study this to prove it to be true?

Or, do you believe it because it is the only thing you have heard your whole life?

tinnie poses an interesting question-----in fact it is the same dilemma
faced by Thomas Jefferson as he wrote the "DECLARATION OF
INDEPENDENCE" -----which was legally a crime against KING GEORGE.

He attempted to solve the legal dilemma with the assertion >>>

"we hold these truths to be self-evident----that all men are created

in fact the right of jews who have been documented residents in the
middle east---since -the dawn of civilization----to exist---has been
LEGALLY contested several times in the course of history by
persons of tinnie's ilk

On the contrary, I believe that Palestine is the homeland of the Jews.

Except, palestine is the fake, invented European name for Israel.

John 12:13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

Eminent Middle East Historian Bernard Lewis...
The adjective Palestinian is comparatively new. This, I need hardly remind you, is a region of ancient civilizations and of deep-rooted and often complex identities. But Palestine was not one of them. People might identify themselves for various purposes, by religion, by descent, or by allegiance to a particular state or ruler, or sometimes locality. But, when they did it locally it was generally either the city and immediate district or the larger province, so they would have been Jerusalemites or Jaffaites or the like, or Syrians, identifying with the larger province of Syria.

The constitution or the formation of a political entity called Palestine which eventually gave rise to a nationality called Palestinian and the reconstitution of Jerusalem is the capital were, it seems to me, very important, and as it turns out, lasting innovations of the British Mandate [1918-1948].
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tinnie poses an interesting question-----in fact it is the same dilemma
faced by Thomas Jefferson as he wrote the "DECLARATION OF
INDEPENDENCE" -----which was legally a crime against KING GEORGE.

He attempted to solve the legal dilemma with the assertion >>>

"we hold these truths to be self-evident----that all men are created

in fact the right of jews who have been documented residents in the
middle east---since -the dawn of civilization----to exist---has been
LEGALLY contested several times in the course of history by
persons of tinnie's ilk

On the contrary, I believe that Palestine is the homeland of the Jews.

Except, palestine is the fake, invented European name for Israel.

John 12:13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

Eminent Middle East Historian Bernard Lewis...
The adjective Palestinian is comparatively new. This, I need hardly remind you, is a region of ancient civilizations and of deep-rooted and often complex identities. But Palestine was not one of them. People might identify themselves for various purposes, by religion, by descent, or by allegiance to a particular state or ruler, or sometimes locality. But, when they did it locally it was generally either the city and immediate district or the larger province, so they would have been Jerusalemites or Jaffaites or the like, or Syrians, identifying with the larger province of Syria.

The constitution or the formation of a political entity called Palestine which eventually gave rise to a nationality called Palestinian and the reconstitution of Jerusalem is the capital were, it seems to me, very important, and as it turns out, lasting innovations of the British Mandate [1918-1948].
Political Words & Ideas in Islam: Bernard Lewis : 9781558764736: Amazon.com: Books

Except, palestine is the fake, invented European name for Israel.

It seems to me that the word "PALESTINE" was used ---certainly by the brits---for MANY CENTURIES -----it did show up as such on maps-----BUT---never as a 'country' It was a place that had once been.......and was supposed to
someday be "rediscovered" and 'BECOME' Jews used the term for something like the past two centuries-----maybe on influence of the brits
???? It does not show up in the writings of Maimonides as far as I recall

I am still curious as to when muslims first used it. If Muslims
were using it a thousand years ago----Maimonides would have used it--
or Rashi
On the contrary, I believe that Palestine is the homeland of the Jews.

Except, palestine is the fake, invented European name for Israel.

John 12:13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! “Blessed is the king of Israel!”

Eminent Middle East Historian Bernard Lewis...

Except, palestine is the fake, invented European name for Israel.


Matthew 10:23 When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. I tell you the truth, you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes
Matthew 10:23 NIV - When you are persecuted in one place, - Bible Gateway
Feeble minded one,

Zionism is a crime against humanity, I just listened to Turkey's leader say that. And I completely agree with him.

The same turkeys complicit in the deaths of 2 million Armenians. The US Congress passed a resolution condeming turkey for denying the situation.

Martin Luther King, Jr...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvr2Cxuh2Wk]Martin Luther King Jr: "Israel... is one of the great outpost of democracy in the world" - YouTube[/ame]

Still basically deprives the Israelis of their most religious sites which is why Israel will never leave E. Jerusalem. Olmert proposed sharing E. Jerusalem while making it the Capital of Palestine which of course Abbas rejected. Now do you understand?


Zionism is but one more evil "ism" that people of conscience in this world shall oppose until we see it destroyed. It really is simple, there is no place in this world for a Zionist State!

There are approx. 54 Muslim/ Arab States many of them with a NJA Policy yet you object to one Country that has Arabs with a Jewish Majority? That part of being a " Good Christian" is something that is learned. Too bad you don't have that hatred towards Christians in the Sudan who being enslaved and killed by Muslims or those who Convert to Christianity who are killed and tortured. Typical Pro- Palestinian Hypocrite :cuckoo:

The story in the OP is being discussed by other news media. I was just reading an article in Al Manar News entitled Obama To Ask Bibi Timetable For Pullout From WB. One point that stood out from the article for me is the discussion about Congress approval of 3.1 billion in military aid for 2013 to Israel in January. I read Congress, in connection with approving this aid, stressed that they supported the establishment of a Palestinian State as a US Priority. It seems to me Obama demanding a timetable for withdrawal of Israel from the WB is carrying through with Congress making the establishment of a Palestinian State a US Priority. Sherri
The same turkeys complicit in the deaths of 2 million Armenians. The US Congress passed a resolution condeming turkey for denying the situation.

Martin Luther King, Jr...

Martin Luther King Jr: "Israel... is one of the great outpost of democracy in the world" - YouTube

Zionism is but one more evil "ism" that people of conscience in this world shall oppose until we see it destroyed. It really is simple, there is no place in this world for a Zionist State!

There are approx. 54 Muslim/ Arab States many of them with a NJA Policy yet you object to one Country that has Arabs with a Jewish Majority? That part of being a " Good Christian" is something that is learned. Too bad you don't have that hatred towards Christians in the Sudan who being enslaved and killed by Muslims or those who Convert to Christianity who are killed and tortured. Typical Pro- Palestinian Hypocrite :cuckoo:


Good post. There are about 50 countries with Christian crosses featured on their flags. The flag of the UK has multiple crosses, based on its state religion of Church of England.

Italy is highly influenced by the Vatican.

The Saudi Arabian flag even features a sword acknowledging the so-called prophet muhammad saying that paradise is in the shadow of the sword.

But, there are those mentally ill individuals who lose their shit over one state that Jews call their own.
There are approx. 54 Muslim/ Arab States many of them with a NJA Policy yet you object to one Country that has Arabs with a Jewish Majority? That part of being a " Good Christian" is something that is learned. Too bad you don't have that hatred towards Christians in the Sudan who being enslaved and killed by Muslims or those who Convert to Christianity who are killed and tortured. Typical Pro- Palestinian Hypocrite :cuckoo:


Good post. There are about 50 countries with Christian crosses featured on their flags. The flag of the UK has multiple crosses, based on its state religion of Church of England.

Italy is highly influenced by the Vatican.

The Saudi Arabian flag even features a sword acknowledging the so-called prophet muhammad saying that paradise is in the shadow of the sword.

But, there are those mentally ill individuals who lose their shit over one state that Jews call their own.

Of course that is not the point.
Maryland, In Post 20 you bring up events from the past which have nothing to do with this thread. MLK did not live to see the evils of the Zionist Occupation of the past 65 years. But last Fall, people who stood beside him seeking equal rights visited the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh and they stood on the roof of a house and wept watching the Zionist Occupier of Palestine attack a weekly protest and children with tear gas canisters and rubber bullets and they told the villagers that was exactly like what they experienced in the Civil Rights Movement. There is no way in this world MLK would support the human rights abuses Israel carries out in her Occupation of Palestine. He would oppose the Occupation as vehemently as he opposed Segregation in America. And about segregation, I just read an announcement of what is coming to Palestine, segregated buses in Palestine.
What are you blabbering now Sherri?

MLK made those comments in 1968, AFTER Israel had fought all it's major wars against Muslim savages, and AFTER Israel captured Judeah and Samaria of ancient Israel.

None of your assertions are based on facts or logic, loony tunes.

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