Obama/Dems Total Fail in N.Korea..

There’s nothing better than watching the mainstream media and the Democrats meltdown as our President and America continues to win!

Not one of these men voted for President Trump. But more importantly, not one of these men came close to peace across the Korean Peninsula. They had 40 years between them to do so. President Trump has gotten closer in just 18 months! Brutalist
We don't have 'peace' with North Korea. We don't know if we can trust anyting either Kim or Trump says or does or agrees to. Good grief. Can't you people see reality? Don't you wonder about a president who gets along with a violent dictator and fights with our closest ally?

We are no closer to peace than we were before Trump had this meeting. Trump is going to get credit for a historic meeting and all the conservatives will run to the shiny object blind to the fact this meting produced nothing. But Trump will brag about this and how he made peace in Korea how he made them de-nuke and these guys will believe it no matter how untrue.

North Korea is never going to denuclearize. The only reason they are doing this now is because they believe that being a nuclear power has put them on a level playing field with the West, with us. Kim would never have sat down with Trump unless he was in possession of full nuclear power. He is never going to give up his nukes. Never.

The whole 'historic agreement' is a sham orchestrated by Kim. Trump is just a tool. He is played by Kim and Putin because he is a complete fool.

It's a joke. It's just a fucking joke.
Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures

But as it ends up Trump accomplished nothing. We are in no better position now than we were before.
Exactly! Exactly! As far as N. Korea is concerned.

However, we are in big trouble worldwide as far as not getting along with our closest and strongest allies, people we can trust and rely on, not a nutcase dictator.

If they were great allies they wouldn't be screwing over the American middle class with their outrageous tariffs. Y'all should wait and see how the negotiations go before y'all wimp out and have to eat crow in the future. America first, it's worth a try.
Trump says US sanctions will come off NK "when we are sure the nukes are no longer effective." Says he "actually looks forward to taking them off."
We don't have 'peace' with North Korea. We don't know if we can trust anyting either Kim or Trump says or does or agrees to. Good grief. Can't you people see reality? Don't you wonder about a president who gets along with a violent dictator and fights with our closest ally?

We are no closer to peace than we were before Trump had this meeting. Trump is going to get credit for a historic meeting and all the conservatives will run to the shiny object blind to the fact this meting produced nothing. But Trump will brag about this and how he made peace in Korea how he made them de-nuke and these guys will believe it no matter how untrue.

North Korea is never going to denuclearize. The only reason they are doing this now is because they believe that being a nuclear power has put them on a level playing field with the West, with us. Kim would never have sat down with Trump unless he was in possession of full nuclear power. He is never going to give up his nukes. Never.

The whole 'historic agreement' is a sham orchestrated by Kim. Trump is just a tool. He is played by Kim and Putin because he is a complete fool.

It's a joke. It's just a fucking joke.

Cheer up Esmeralda, learn the secret of healthy optimism.

Optimism and your health - Harvard Health
"All I can say is, they want to make a deal. That's what I do. Obama couldn't do that" - President Trump
Sanctions were a start. The summit was an important 2nd step. Now both countries need to build on this and get a verification process in place. Things weren't solved today but then Rome wasn't built in a day.
"I had an uncle who was a great professor for, I believe, 40 years at MIT and I used to discuss nuclear with him all the time." - President Trump

“I have one of the greatest memories of all time” Trump says about what was discussed privately with Kim
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Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures
5 years ago Obama wanted to do this and Republicans said he was a crazy communist LOL

download (5).jpg

I prefer the Trump response...

CNOLiptUAAAHFPN.jpg .. even if left wing hate, propaganda and sedition is at epic levels
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Tremendous victory for The Donald and the USA.
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Can't win the argument on one thread so you Dems created another. WTF did you think they were going to accomplish with ONE FUCKING MEETING?

They waited 65 years, why shouldn't it be completed in less than a day under the Trump Presidency., totally Democrat reasonable...:lol:
Imagine the intense butthurt Obama and all his creepy associates are feeling now. :p
We don't have 'peace' with North Korea. We don't know if we can trust anyting either Kim or Trump says or does or agrees to. Good grief. Can't you people see reality? Don't you wonder about a president who gets along with a violent dictator and fights with our closest ally?

We are no closer to peace than we were before Trump had this meeting. Trump is going to get credit for a historic meeting and all the conservatives will run to the shiny object blind to the fact this meting produced nothing. But Trump will brag about this and how he made peace in Korea how he made them de-nuke and these guys will believe it no matter how untrue.

North Korea is never going to denuclearize. The only reason they are doing this now is because they believe that being a nuclear power has put them on a level playing field with the West, with us. Kim would never have sat down with Trump unless he was in possession of full nuclear power. He is never going to give up his nukes. Never.

The whole 'historic agreement' is a sham orchestrated by Kim. Trump is just a tool. He is played by Kim and Putin because he is a complete fool.

It's a joke. It's just a fucking joke.

Cheer up Esmeralda, learn the secret of healthy optimism.

Optimism and your health - Harvard Health
How about using the secret of thinking logically? If anyone looks at the circumstances of this situation with intelligence, logic and reason, he will see that it's just a BS sham between two nutcases. It's the kind of thing dictators do: Kim is a dictator and Trump is a wanna be dictator. He thinks he can fool everyone because he is too stupid to realize other people are actually smarter than he is.
I do love watching partisans trying to put a sad face on something positive.

If this were Obama instead of Trump, the behaviors here would be reversed, precisely.

We don't have 'peace' with North Korea. We don't know if we can trust anyting either Kim or Trump says or does or agrees to. Good grief. Can't you people see reality? Don't you wonder about a president who gets along with a violent dictator and fights with our closest ally?

We are no closer to peace than we were before Trump had this meeting. Trump is going to get credit for a historic meeting and all the conservatives will run to the shiny object blind to the fact this meting produced nothing. But Trump will brag about this and how he made peace in Korea how he made them de-nuke and these guys will believe it no matter how untrue.

North Korea is never going to denuclearize. The only reason they are doing this now is because they believe that being a nuclear power has put them on a level playing field with the West, with us. Kim would never have sat down with Trump unless he was in possession of full nuclear power. He is never going to give up his nukes. Never.

The whole 'historic agreement' is a sham orchestrated by Kim. Trump is just a tool. He is played by Kim and Putin because he is a complete fool.

It's a joke. It's just a fucking joke.

Cheer up Esmeralda, learn the secret of healthy optimism.

Optimism and your health - Harvard Health
How about using the secret of thinking logically? If anyone looks at the circumstances of this situation with intelligence, logic and reason, he will see that it's just a BS sham between two nutcases. It's the kind of thing dictators do: Kim is a dictator and Trump is a wanna be dictator. He thinks he can fool everyone because he is too stupid to realize other people are actually smarter than he is.

I like you Esmerelda but today you need a spanking, a cold shower and a hug..:smiliehug:
I do love watching partisans trying to put a sad face on something positive.

If this were Obama instead of Trump, the behaviors here would be reversed, precisely.

Yes, cons would vilify Obama. They did vilify him for suggesting he might meet with NK president.
I do love watching partisans trying to put a sad face on something positive. If this were Obama instead of Trump, the behaviors here would be reversed, precisely.
Yes, cons would vilify Obama. They did vilify him for suggesting he might meet with NK president.
Hilarious how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be in their behaviors.


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