Obama directly responsible for Oregon shooting

If a killer has a Nazi flag on his bedroom wall, Redfish would be saying, "The killer had connections to Hitler!"

no, but he might have connections to a skinhead group or some other far right asshole group.

WTF is wrong with you anyway? Did you miss a dose of your meds?

"... he might ... "

There you have it.

Too bad Redfish didn't post this 200 posts ago.

It's true about the list.
Does that make Obama an 'accomplice'? No
If anything it only continues to prove that Obama is an inept failure that is great at making speeches and politicizing tragedies that occur after he fails to stop them.

He was warned about the pending attacks on 9/11/12; yet 20 US Embassies were simultaneously attacked, 4 overrun. He was warned about the call for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens in retaliation of the death of an Al Qaeida leader who had been killed in a drone strike months earlier....and he failed to prevent Stevens' death. He was warned about the Tsarnaev brothers, did nothing, and allowed the Boston Marathon Bombing to happen. His administration had this list, did nothing, and 9 people died.

Then he holds a press conference and says HE'S tired of all this violence. HE'S tired of it?! Hey Barry, the American people are WAY PAST being tired of it and are wondering when you are going to get your feces co-located and start protecting American lives by stopping some of this Shi'ite! So far you have been an incompetent failure with a horrific track record for protecting American lives. MEANWHILE at least a dozen more were shot in Chicago AGAIN this weekend....crickets at the podium....
of course he is; but not just Obama, all Progressives who spend their time making asinine moral equivalency arguments demonizing Christians and putting them on the same moral plane as barbarous Muslim butchers are guilty of making it seem fashionable to bash Christians, and HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS
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There are some pretty alarming claims made in that article. Our government changed the killers profile after the killings???

cnn changed his skin color
Prove it. Post a link to a CNN page (even one that's cached) showing the photo was altered...
cnn has long gone fucktard
Translation: "Its not my obligation to prove it true." - OP

prove it false
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste....
and this from Holder: "I will not prosecute my people"

'MY people'... Great reminder of the evidence of the extreme RACISM within this administration! Refusal to do one's job as Attorney General of the DOJ due to one's racist bias was / should be an 'impeachable' offense....but hell, Holder perpetrated 4 Felony Counts of Perjury and Obama and the DOJ refused to hold him accountable. Proof positive that there ARE '2 Americas'!
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste....

and this from Holder: "I will not prosecute my people"

Aug 20, 2014 , Ferguson Mo.·
Holder: I'm Attorney General, 'But I Am Also a Black Man'


".....those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for MY PEOPLE," said Holder

Racial solidarity and racial revenge politics by negroes on white people trump justice and fairness in the negro mind....
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste....

and this from Holder: "I will not prosecute my people"

Aug 20, 2014 , Ferguson Mo.·
Holder: I'm Attorney General, 'But I Am Also a Black Man'


".....those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for MY PEOPLE," said Holder

Racial solidarity and racial revenge politics by negroes on white people trump justice and fairness in the negro mind....

no that isnt true of the "negro mind", whatever that is. YOu have to understand most black people dont think this way, the way of the angry Black Progressive rabidly loyal to failed Democrat Party race-based politics. Many Black people support the Democrats because they have never been fully informed of just what they represent.
There are some pretty alarming claims made in that article. Our government changed the killers profile after the killings???

cnn changed his skin color
Prove it. Post a link to a CNN page (even one that's cached) showing the photo was altered...
cnn has long gone fucktard
Translation: "Its not my obligation to prove it true." - OP

prove it false
Why would I waste my time proving you nuts wrong when you're incapable of proving yourself right??


You brain-dead cons are a hoot!

But no worries. It's obviously not true since you can't prove it. :thup:
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste....

and this from Holder: "I will not prosecute my people"

Aug 20, 2014 , Ferguson Mo.·
Holder: I'm Attorney General, 'But I Am Also a Black Man'


".....those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for MY PEOPLE," said Holder

Racial solidarity and racial revenge politics by negroes on white people trump justice and fairness in the negro mind....

no that isnt true of the "negro mind", whatever that is. YOu have to understand most black people dont think this way, the way of the angry Black Progressive rabidly loyal to failed Democrat Party race-based politics. Many Black people support the Democrats because they have never been fully informed of just what they represent.

I tend to disagree...maybe I went too far in using the general term "the negro mind".

..but racial solidarity and racial revenge politics against white people will supersede justice and fairness..

..look at holder's quotes, for example...THAT is a good window into how millions of them think...and he was the A.G...and supposedly highly intelligent...and even HE couldn't resist the pull of race when it comes to "his people".

Imagine a white AG saying all those racist things? How would THAT go over?
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste....

and this from Holder: "I will not prosecute my people"

Aug 20, 2014 , Ferguson Mo.·
Holder: I'm Attorney General, 'But I Am Also a Black Man'


".....those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for MY PEOPLE," said Holder

Racial solidarity and racial revenge politics by negroes on white people trump justice and fairness in the negro mind....

no that isnt true of the "negro mind", whatever that is. YOu have to understand most black people dont think this way, the way of the angry Black Progressive rabidly loyal to failed Democrat Party race-based politics. Many Black people support the Democrats because they have never been fully informed of just what they represent.

I tend to disagree...maybe I went too far in using the general term "the negro mind".

..but racial solidarity and racial revenge politics against white people will supersede justice and fairness..

..look at holder's quotes, for example...THAT is a good window into how millions of them think...and he was the A.G...and supposedly highly intelligent...and even HE couldn't resist the pull of race when it comes to "his people".

Imagine a white AG saying all those racist things? How would THAT go over?

Holder is a Black racist douche, and it is true there is a double standard. Unfortunately just as many White Progressive idiots are likely to overlook Black racism as Black people are
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste....

and this from Holder: "I will not prosecute my people"

Aug 20, 2014 , Ferguson Mo.·
Holder: I'm Attorney General, 'But I Am Also a Black Man'


".....those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for MY PEOPLE," said Holder

Racial solidarity and racial revenge politics by negroes on white people trump justice and fairness in the negro mind....

no that isnt true of the "negro mind", whatever that is. YOu have to understand most black people dont think this way, the way of the angry Black Progressive rabidly loyal to failed Democrat Party race-based politics. Many Black people support the Democrats because they have never been fully informed of just what they represent.

I tend to disagree...maybe I went too far in using the general term "the negro mind".

..but racial solidarity and racial revenge politics against white people will supersede justice and fairness..

..look at holder's quotes, for example...THAT is a good window into how millions of them think...and he was the A.G...and supposedly highly intelligent...and even HE couldn't resist the pull of race when it comes to "his people".

Imagine a white AG saying all those racist things? How would THAT go over?

Holder is a Black racist douche, and it is true there is a double standard. Unfortunately just as many White Progressive idiots are likely to overlook Black racism as Black people are

I agree with that..EVERYone is an "activist" now and needs a "cause" so they can get noticed....it's fashionable for them to be "anti racist" and whites are an easy target....50 years of anti white media propaganda has had an effect on the weak minded....

but there's hope..people are waking up.
You brain-dead cons are a hoot!

Faun, name one law that would have prevented the shooting in Oregon....

Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the US; yet, they are setting a new record for gun violence, death...while Obama completely ignores it because it doesn't support his agenda.

While you struggle to come up with an answer, let me save you the trouble: NONE! There are NO LAWS that could have prevented it. There are no laws that CAN be passed that will prevent the next shooting.

In fact, as I pointed out, what would have made a bigger difference is not more useless gun laws that criminals and insane people will ignore but having armed security guards and/or allowing select, screened teachers have concealed carry permits and weapons.

There is a reason the school where Obama's kids go is protected by armed guards. There is a reason why the WH is guarded by heavily armed Secret Service. It's not because they are afraid law abiding citizens will attack - they are afraid that CRIMINALS who pay no attention to the law will attack.
So has anybody actually disproved the claim?

nope, but like typical libtards they attack the messenger and the source. Its what they do. Facts and truth are of no interest to radical progressive liberals. The destruction of US culture, history, and success is their goal.

But finally most of the country is waking up to the political corruption known as the current democrat party and its far left ideology.

Kennedy and Truman are turning over in their graves at what their party has become.
What's scary here is that RWs want the United States government to arrest 87 thousand people in case one of them might commit a crime.

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