Obama directly responsible for Oregon shooting

There are some pretty alarming claims made in that article. Our government changed the killers profile after the killings???
in his myspace account he had two friends

this is one of them

Mahmoud Ali Ehsani Photos on Myspace

Darn that Obama.

He should have personally arrested 87 thousand people AND their friends - You know, just in case.

Well Putin told him to do it, so he would have done it to look strong...
There are some pretty alarming claims made in that article. Our government changed the killers profile after the killings???
in his myspace account he had two friends

this is one of them

Mahmoud Ali Ehsani Photos on Myspace

Darn that Obama.

He should have personally arrested 87 thousand people AND their friends - You know, just in case.

No one, repeat no one, has called for that. But, if the administration had been doing its job the boston bombers could have been stopped and the idiot in Oregon could have been stopped.

Ignoring warnings about potential terrorists is the height of incompetence.

Lie on Boston Bombers

Boston Marathon bombs: Russia 'withheld' information on Tsarnaev - BBC News

You go boy... :dig:
Goddam, you are one credulous retard. If you believe that article, I have a bridge I would like to sell you.

I already own a bridge, but I will sell it to you.

If you think the article is bunk, prove it. or STFU and accept the reality that obama is an incompetent clown.

I don't think you get it... We have proven this source lies continuously... We showed the owners to be NeoNazis...

You are the one taking NeoNazis word and asking us to dis prove them... Are you joking

Then prove that what they said is untrue. For you to simply say so means absolutely zero.

Prove its true.

You're quoting an unsourced WordPress blog owned by a White Supremecist Skinhead.....that has also offered us absolute bullshit stories about alien ships attacking the earth, US civil wars, and mass killings of American 'rebels'. In 2011

Its not our responsibility to disprove any accusation a blogger may post on the internet. Its your obligation to prove the your OP is accurate. And the point is most definitely in dispute.

The only place you'll find your accusations.....is on the Skinhead website. Or quoting the Skinhead website.

you don't expect him to use legitimate sources, do you?

it's their continued effort to make this board into stormfront
Mother black, father white?

he and Obama could have been brothers

Guy was Republican.......black sheep of the family

No wonder he went bad

I've seen him reported as republican, and an independent.

I'd be surprised if he was involved with politics at all.

I think any political alignment is peripheral - he's a nutcase, and that is what drove his actions not political ideology or ridiculous Islamic conspiracy theory connections.
There are some pretty alarming claims made in that article. Our government changed the killers profile after the killings???

Do you doubt it? Propaganda is the major product of the current administration.
I am a bit skeptical yes. I think any rational person would have a degree of skepticism. I need more proof.

How many dead americans would constitute proof for you?

So what should be done with the white feral savages?

Same thing we do with feral pigs? Hunt them down and have a grand old barbecue? :dunno:

Then prove that what they said is untrue. For you to simply say so means absolutely zero.

Prove its true.

You're quoting an unsourced WordPress blog owned by a White Supremecist Skinhead.....that has also offered us absolute bullshit stories about alien ships attacking the earth, US civil wars, and mass killings of American 'rebels'. In 2011

Its not our responsibility to disprove any accusation a blogger may post on the internet. Its your obligation to prove the your OP is accurate. And the point is most definitely in dispute.

The only place you'll find your accusations.....is on the Skinhead website. Or quoting the Skinhead website.

Its not my obligation to prove it true. You fools questioned its accuracy, the burden of proof is on the accuser.
Personality A:
Got it, attack the source rather than try to refute the article. I fully understand how you libs operate.

Personality B:
Huffington------------nuff said. posting bullshit does not increase what little credibility you have.

A positively hypocritical schizophrenic!

If Huffington Post were the only outlet posting a story, it would be highly suspect. If other liberal blogs picked it up - based on only one source - it would be highly suspect.

That's what gullible fools like Redifish don't understand.
The point is, he said, "I understand how you libs operate" by attacking the source.

Since he attacked a source (HuffPo), I guess that makes him a lib by his own standards!

Or a raging hypocrite.

Definitely a rube.

Huffpuff has been proven to be a mouthpiece for the liberal wing of the dem party. If you have proof that the source of the OP is lying, lets see it.

You will need to prove
1. that the oregon shooter was not on a list of potential terrorists that we received from russia
2. that he was fully investigated by the NSA and appropriate action was taken to prevent him from murdering americans.-----------this one will be difficult since he has already acted.
Personality A:
Got it, attack the source rather than try to refute the article. I fully understand how you libs operate.

Personality B:
Huffington------------nuff said. posting bullshit does not increase what little credibility you have.

A positively hypocritical schizophrenic!

If Huffington Post were the only outlet posting a story, it would be highly suspect. If other liberal blogs picked it up - based on only one source - it would be highly suspect.

That's what gullible fools like Redifish don't understand.
The point is, he said, "I understand how you libs operate" by attacking the source.

Since he attacked a source (HuffPo), I guess that makes him a lib by his own standards!

Or a raging hypocrite.

Definitely a rube.

Huffpuff has been proven to be a mouthpiece for the liberal wing of the dem party. If you have proof that the source of the OP is lying, lets see it.

There are none so blind as those who will not see. I provided a link which shows the source of your piss is a known nutjob site. Factors of ten nuttier than HuffPo.

Sucks to be busted as a hypocrite, don't it?

You will need to prove
1. that the oregon shooter was not on a list of potential terrorists that we received from russia
2. that he was fully investigated by the NSA and appropriate action was taken to prevent him from murdering americans.-----------this one will be difficult since he has already acted.

I don't have to do any of that since your claims are all built on false premises poured into your piss cup by crackpots.

It's very telling how desperately you cling to them. Downright weird.

A normal person would be mea culpa-ing all over the place.
Goddam that shit is funny. Seriously funny. "Da Orgon shooter wuz on terror list!"


I mean, we're looking at seven pounds of brain damage to buy that.
Look libs and obamabots. I personally believe that obama has put this nation in grave danger from terrorism, apparently you don't. Time will tell who is right.

The idiot in oregon had connections to radical islam, if you don't think that was behind his actions then you are very naive.

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