Obama directly responsible for Oregon shooting

There are some pretty alarming claims made in that article. Our government changed the killers profile after the killings???

cnn changed his skin color


How come there is no evidence of that?


already been posted in another thread.


Last I saw, Stooopid Stuff couldn't past proof of her assertion and now, neither can you.

Not saying its not true but I'm not an idiot like you RWs who believe every wild eyed story that comes a long.

here ya go, dipshit

CNN Turns Mixed Race Oregon Shooter into a White Man


All the RW blogs are passing this story around and that's what you've posted - and that blog is the least likely to post facts.

Again, not one of you gullible nutters has been able to post a legit source.

There are some pretty alarming claims made in that article. Our government changed the killers profile after the killings???
in his myspace account he had two friends

this is one of them

Mahmoud Ali Ehsani Photos on Myspace

Darn that Obama.

He should have personally arrested 87 thousand people AND their friends - You know, just in case.

No one, repeat no one, has called for that. But, if the administration had been doing its job the boston bombers could have been stopped and the idiot in Oregon could have been stopped.

Ignoring warnings about potential terrorists is the height of incompetence.

Out of those 87K people, how would YOU decide which one is going to shoot up a school?

A recent mass shooter was shown to have been a poster here. Is it the fault of USMess for not turning him in before he cracked? Should USMess turn in all the rabid RWs here in case one of them is a future mass killer? Do you understand that YOU would be on that list?

WTF do you think NSA is already doing? WTF do you think they are gathering all that data for?

The idea, dingleberry, is to identify and neutralize potential terrorists before they kill americans.
The shooter was not a terrorist. He was a loser asshole with some guns. That's it.

Deal with it.
cnn changed his skin color


How come there is no evidence of that?


already been posted in another thread.


Last I saw, Stooopid Stuff couldn't past proof of her assertion and now, neither can you.

Not saying its not true but I'm not an idiot like you RWs who believe every wild eyed story that comes a long.

here ya go, dipshit

CNN Turns Mixed Race Oregon Shooter into a White Man


All the RW blogs are passing this story around and that's what you've posted - and that blog is the least likely to post facts.

Again, not one of you gullible nutters has been able to post a legit source.


Do your own google, there are dozens of cites making the same claim, pick one that you like.

But you won't do that will you? Because you might just find out that your entire ideology is bullshit.
Goddam, you are one credulous retard. If you believe that article, I have a bridge I would like to sell you.

I already own a bridge

I'm sure someone beat me to it, and I'm sure you think you own it.

No, you don't understand. YOU think that I own it, and you will pay me for it because you are a gullible libtardian who believes whatever your kenyan messiah pumps into your empty head.
There are some pretty alarming claims made in that article. Our government changed the killers profile after the killings???
in his myspace account he had two friends

this is one of them

Mahmoud Ali Ehsani Photos on Myspace

Darn that Obama.

He should have personally arrested 87 thousand people AND their friends - You know, just in case.

No one, repeat no one, has called for that. But, if the administration had been doing its job the boston bombers could have been stopped and the idiot in Oregon could have been stopped.

Ignoring warnings about potential terrorists is the height of incompetence.

Out of those 87K people, how would YOU decide which one is going to shoot up a school?

A recent mass shooter was shown to have been a poster here. Is it the fault of USMess for not turning him in before he cracked? Should USMess turn in all the rabid RWs here in case one of them is a future mass killer? Do you understand that YOU would be on that list?

WTF do you think NSA is already doing? WTF do you think they are gathering all that data for?

The idea, dingleberry, is to identify and neutralize potential terrorists before they kill americans.

Why did McConnell blog Obama's attempts to curb NSA's power?

In the US, we don't arrest people for their thoughts and that is what you're saying you want.

How come there is no evidence of that?


already been posted in another thread.


Last I saw, Stooopid Stuff couldn't past proof of her assertion and now, neither can you.

Not saying its not true but I'm not an idiot like you RWs who believe every wild eyed story that comes a long.

here ya go, dipshit

CNN Turns Mixed Race Oregon Shooter into a White Man


All the RW blogs are passing this story around and that's what you've posted - and that blog is the least likely to post facts.

Again, not one of you gullible nutters has been able to post a legit source.


Do your own google, there are dozens of cites making the same claim, pick one that you like.

But you won't do that will you? Because you might just find out that your entire ideology is bullshit.

IOW, you know its a made up story with no basis in fact.


If you think the article is bunk, prove it.

Already did, retard: Sorcha Faal - RationalWiki

Got it, attack the source rather than try to refute the article. I fully understand how you libs operate.
If the source is a site that manufactures hoaxes, like yours is, then yes, the source is impeached, rube.

Sorcha Faal is the alleged author of an ongoing series of "reports" published at WhatDoesItMean.com, whose work is of such quality that even otherconspiracy nutters don't think much of it. There is a high chance that "Sorcha Faal" is actually David Booth, the owner/operator of the website, or someone collaborating with him.

You fell for a site which even some of the crazier wingnuts don't fall for. How's that make you feel?


Yep. You got hoaxed.

Gotta go down with the ship, eh? :badgrin:
in his myspace account he had two friends

this is one of them

Mahmoud Ali Ehsani Photos on Myspace

Darn that Obama.

He should have personally arrested 87 thousand people AND their friends - You know, just in case.

No one, repeat no one, has called for that. But, if the administration had been doing its job the boston bombers could have been stopped and the idiot in Oregon could have been stopped.

Ignoring warnings about potential terrorists is the height of incompetence.

Out of those 87K people, how would YOU decide which one is going to shoot up a school?

A recent mass shooter was shown to have been a poster here. Is it the fault of USMess for not turning him in before he cracked? Should USMess turn in all the rabid RWs here in case one of them is a future mass killer? Do you understand that YOU would be on that list?

WTF do you think NSA is already doing? WTF do you think they are gathering all that data for?

The idea, dingleberry, is to identify and neutralize potential terrorists before they kill americans.

Why did McConnell blog Obama's attempts to curb NSA's power?

In the US, we don't arrest people for their thoughts and that is what you're saying you want.

Right, unless those thoughts happen to be based on Christian principles of right and wrong. Those thoughts are to be punished by big brother government.

What you dumb fuck libs don't get is that the next big brother might be a conservative and then YOUR thoughts will be punished based on the precedent set by obozo.
already been posted in another thread.


Last I saw, Stooopid Stuff couldn't past proof of her assertion and now, neither can you.

Not saying its not true but I'm not an idiot like you RWs who believe every wild eyed story that comes a long.

here ya go, dipshit

CNN Turns Mixed Race Oregon Shooter into a White Man


All the RW blogs are passing this story around and that's what you've posted - and that blog is the least likely to post facts.

Again, not one of you gullible nutters has been able to post a legit source.


Do your own google, there are dozens of cites making the same claim, pick one that you like.

But you won't do that will you? Because you might just find out that your entire ideology is bullshit.

IOW, you know its a made up story with no basis in fact.



its not my article. have you been mixing vodka with your paxil?
This topic is just another variation of rubes fellating Putin.
You got hoaxed, Redfish.

Too bad. You rubes never learn. You just go to the back of piss cup refill line.

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