Obama directly responsible for Oregon shooting

If a killer has a Nazi flag on his bedroom wall, Redfish would be saying, "The killer had connections to Hitler!"
Goddam that shit is funny. Seriously funny. "Da Orgon shooter wuz on terror list!"


I mean, we're looking at seven pounds of brain damage to buy that.

still waiting for you to prove that he wasn't on the list. You can hurl all the insults you want, I don't give a shit what some asshole who spends his entire life on a stupid message board says about me. I know who and what I am and I am pretty sure I know who and what you are.

So GFY, and continue your worship at your obama shrine.
If a killer has a Nazi flag on his bedroom wall, Redfish would be saying, "The killer had connections to Hitler!"

no, but he might have connections to a skinhead group or some other far right asshole group.

WTF is wrong with you anyway? Did you miss a dose of your meds?
"Still waiting for you to prove Obama wasn't born in Kenya."

That's the level of stupidity we are looking at here.
What kind of sick fucking piece of shit are you?

So you want Feds to arrest 87,000 people because the Russians told you so...

This is not like Bush being told guys are learning how to fly and not land, how about you answer that first...

But he was a self admitted conservative and republican... Maybe Obama should just arrest them, that's a list too...

A few boys in germany in 1930s had a list too...

I think he might prefer a dictatorship where brownshirts come and arrest everyone on a list, origins of which are dubious.

Poor Blowfish doesn't realize that in a free country having bad thoughts or expressing opinions doesn't get you arrested. If this kid had tried to get a passport and made travel plans to Syria he may well have then popped up on the radar. But as it stands the kid had no criminal record, no arrests, nothing.

Poor stupid fucking RedFish really doesn't understand how a free society works.
The idiot in oregon had connections to radical islam
No he didn't. You have not shown that. You have just parroted some bullshit you heard, piss drinker.

All the major networks have reported that, you need to come out from under your rock once in a while

Wrong. Do a google search and give us the top 10 links using: Oregon shooter radical Islam
Go ahead, toots. I dare ya'.
Breitbart is not a "major network" you stupid twit.

Edited: 5:17PM EST Still waiting for RedTwit's google list of the major networks reporting the Oregon shooter's ties to radical Islam. Oh, and no blogs, honey. Major network new bureaus.

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Then prove that what they said is untrue. For you to simply say so means absolutely zero.

Prove its true.

You're quoting an unsourced WordPress blog owned by a White Supremecist Skinhead.....that has also offered us absolute bullshit stories about alien ships attacking the earth, US civil wars, and mass killings of American 'rebels'. In 2011

Its not our responsibility to disprove any accusation a blogger may post on the internet. Its your obligation to prove the your OP is accurate. And the point is most definitely in dispute.

The only place you'll find your accusations.....is on the Skinhead website. Or quoting the Skinhead website.

Its not my obligation to prove it true. You fools questioned its accuracy, the burden of proof is on the accuser.

Oh, yes it is. If you make a claim that in dispute, you prove it. And you can't. You've got jack shit to back up your claim.

You're argument has degenerated to 'disprove any batshit I post'. How's that working out for you?
eventually his manifesto will be released

then we will get a glimpse into the mind of a crazy one
If you think the article is bunk, prove it.

Already did, retard: Sorcha Faal - RationalWiki

Got it, attack the source rather than try to refute the article. I fully understand how you libs operate.

The article does not contain any actual evidence.

neither does 99% of the crap posted on this forum, whats your point?

Okay, now that you've acknowledged your thread is crap..

...what's next?
Look libs and obamabots. I personally believe that obama has put this nation in grave danger from terrorism, apparently you don't. Time will tell who is right.

The idiot in oregon had connections to radical islam, if you don't think that was behind his actions then you are very naive.

Okay, for sake of argument, let's say you did determine that this guy had 'connections' to radical Islam,

what's the next step in preventing him from doing what he did?
Who is European Union Times, a reasonable person might ask (excludes you)?

About Us

European Union Times is an international newspaper based in Europe with operational branches in America and Canada....

.... hmm ... and yet ... looking up their website we find .... they're actually based in Panama and they've hidden their name with whoisguard so they can't be identified.

Admin Organization: WHOISGUARD, INC.
Admin Street: P.O. BOX 0823-03411
Admin City: PANAMA
Admin State/Province: PANAMA
Admin Postal Code: 00000
Admin Country: PA
Admin Phone: +507.8365503​

Whois eutimes.net

... they did list their phone number though ... guess where country code 507 routes to?


Rightards will swallow any load that's anti-Obama, no matter how distasteful the source is.

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