Obama directly responsible for Oregon shooting

Not kidding. That's how the rubes actually think. Every story they hear about Obama is true, no matter how whacked it is.
Wow. I wish I were shocked by this, but it's So Typical of Obama.
If Obama had a son, he'd look like Chris Mercer.

Just sayin'.
Not kidding. That's how the rubes actually think. Every story they hear about Obama is true.

there you go with that CONFIRMATION BIAS again


lol what a moron
"I don't think that word means what you think it means."

It's funny. I talk about how these rubes suffer from confirmation bias the other day, and now one of them attempts to use the same argument, but in a way similar to a five year old putting on their dad's shoes.

How cute!
Not kidding. That's how the rubes actually think. Every story they hear about Obama is true.

there you go with that CONFIRMATION BIAS again


lol what a moron
"I don't think that word means what you think it means."

It's funny. I talk about how these rubes suffer from confirmation bias the other day, and now one of them attempts to use the same argument, but in a way similar to a five year old putting on their dad's shoes.

How cute!

not only do i know what it means i showed every body on the board how you're guilty of exactly what you are accusing othes of.................and i'm going to do it again ok????
Obama's 40 alarming quotes about Islam and Christianity ...
Apr 21, 2014 - Next Story → Weinstein continues assault on Christian faith in military ..... That's the hypocrite Obama and his [p]sycophants. ellowe13.
Yes, we get it.

You think this means every story made up about Obama must be true. We get it. We totally get it.

Someone makes up a story that Russia tried to warn Obama about Mercer, and you bleev it. It must be true!

Because Obama.
Obama passed ObamaCare and hates guns. Therefore, if I claim Obama shits on copies of the Bible every night, it must be true!

No fact checking necessary. No critical thinking necessary. Any wild-assed source is okay as long as it besmirches Obama.

This is how the rubes actually think!
Observe how the sheep manufacture conspiracy theories out of whole cloth!

While you morons put out the LA Times and DailyKOS, I offered a valid source. It said nothing about the Russian list, but it does appear that Mercer either was a Muslim or had ties to Islamic movements.

Facts that refute your agenda are not "conspiracy," Jake.

IF we want to talk about manufactured bullshit, let's look at the doctored photo that CNN put out, making Mercer look white.
Obama's 40 alarming quotes about Islam and Christianity ...
Apr 21, 2014 - Next Story → Weinstein continues assault on Christian faith in military ..... That's the hypocrite Obama and his [p]sycophants. ellowe13.
Yes, we get it.

You think this means every story made up about Obama must be true. We get it. We totally get it.

Someone makes up a story that Russia tried to warn Obama about Mercer, and you bleev it. It must be true!

Because Obama.

maybe you should start with the TITLE, idiot. it says alarming quotes. but they ARE quotes

you too much of a coward to let people reading them decide for themselves buddy/??????
now i'm going to show this whole message board how nutcase g5000 is guilty of the confirmation bias he accuses others of

stand by...............................
Obama's 40 alarming quotes about Islam and Christianity ...
Apr 21, 2014 - Next Story → Weinstein continues assault on Christian faith in military ..... That's the hypocrite Obama and his [p]sycophants. ellowe13.

You didn't fact check those, did you. You just bleeved them.


Thanks for proving my point, rube!

i'm offering them for others to read and decide for themselves

dont be a pussy

what you afraid of/????
Obama passed ObamaCare and hates guns. Therefore, if I claim Obama shits on copies of the Bible every night, it must be true!

No fact checking necessary. No critical thinking necessary. Any wild-assed source is okay as long as it besmirches Obama.

This is how the rubes actually think!

Jake, you're a moron, and a democrat

But I repeat myself.

Jake, what is your take on;

Spencer Stone, one of three Americans who helped foil a terror attack on a French train in August, was stabbed after a fight in Sacramento on Wednesday night, police said.

Airman First Class Stone, 23, was in stable condition on Thursday, an Air Force spokesperson said. Police said he was stabbed more than once and was being treated for "non life-threatening but very significant injuries."

Stone was out with four friends — a male and three females — when he became involved in an argument with at least two men around 12:45 a.m. PT. in downtown Sacramento.}

French Train Attack Hero Spencer Stone Stabbed

That's two in a week, Jake.

Look, you're a hack, party above all - I get it. Still, of three men who foiled an ISIS attack, two have very nearly been murdered in a week.

Call that a conspiracy, motherfucker.
Observe how the sheep manufacture conspiracy theories out of whole cloth!

While you morons put out the LA Times and DailyKOS, I offered a valid source. It said nothing about the Russian list, but it does appear that Mercer either was a Muslim or had ties to Islamic movements.

Facts that refute your agenda are not "conspiracy," Jake.

IF we want to talk about manufactured bullshit, let's look at the doctored photo that CNN put out, making Mercer look white.

We landed on the moon. Get over it.

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